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自主学习中情感教育的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在探讨自主情感因素对外语自主学习的影响和作用。近二十年来,学习者自主学习一直是外语教学界的热门话题,它强调学习过程中学习者自我观念和情感体验的重要性,因此把情感放在首位是自主学习的首要特征。本文主要讨论了情感因素对自主语言学习的影响及作用,并提出了一些培养学生情感策略的建议来促进自主学习。  相似文献   

自主学习是一种学习者本人进行的自我设计、自我评价和自我分析的学习。关于如何促进成人学习者自主学习,该文针对它的教授过程,提供了一个三阶段模型:向学习者说明强化学习的思维、感知及反思方式;向学习者讲述自主思维、感知及反思的过程;安排让学习者参与自主学习的活动。  相似文献   

《英语课程标准》(实验稿)明确提出要“发展学生的自主学习能力”。这是新课程改革提倡学习方式转变的体现。自主学习就是自己主宰自己的学习活动.它是一种学生在教师的科学指导下.通过自身能动的、富有创造性的学习.实现自主性发展的教育实践活动.它应具有如下几个明显特征:一是学习者能参与或自主确定学习目标.制定学习进度。二是学习者积极发展各种思考策略和学习策略.在解决问题中学习。三是学习者在学习过程中对认知活动能够进行自我监控.并作出相应的调整.对学习结果能够进行自我检查、自我总结和自我补救。四是学习者在学习过程中有情感的投入.有内在动力的支持.能从学习中获得积极的情感体验,  相似文献   

所谓"自主学习"就是"自我导向、自我激励、自我控制"的学习,它具有以下特征:学习者积极运用思考、学习等各种策略,在解决问题中学习;学习者在学习过程中投人情感,在内动力的支持下,从学习中获得积极的情感体验;学习者在学习过程中对认知活动进行自我监控,并做出相应的调适,在新课程改革的实施过程中,我进行了以下尝试: 一、创设和谐平等的课堂气氛 建立平等、民主、合作的师生关系,创造和谐的课堂气氛是发展学生个性、培养学生自主学习的前提条件.  相似文献   

李锣  冯文全 《成才之路》2011,(26):12-13
摘要:自我拓展是学习者在已有的“视界”基础上,自主地向新的“视界”融合渗透的学习活动,是自主学习整个过程的延展环节,自我拓展本身就是一种高度自觉的自主学习。自我拓展具有自主性、延伸性、相关性、正迁移性、建构性等特征。以拓展内容作为自我拓展的切入点,自我拓展的策略可以分为知识性自我拓展策略、方法技能性自我拓展策略和情感态度价值观的自我拓展策略。  相似文献   

张敏 《考试》2007,(10)
一、自主学习根据国内外学者的研究成果,自主学习概括地说,就是"自我导向、自我激励、自我监控"的学习。具体地说,它具有以下几个方面的特征:学习者参与确定对自己有意义的学习目标,自己制定学习进度,参与设计评价指标;学习者积极发展各种思考策略和学习策略,在解决问题中学习;学习者在学习过程中有情感的投入,学习过程有内在动力的支持,能从学习中获得积极的情  相似文献   

近20年来,国内外专家对大学英语教学模式的改革日益关注,其关注的焦点之一就是如何培养学习者自主学习能力。自主学习概括地说就是学习者把握自己的学习,即在自我激励、自我监控的学习过程中的一种能力。制约学习者自主学习的因素主要有学习动机、学习态度、学习策略等。在教学过程中,教师要转变教学观念,加强学生自主学习意识的培养,让学习者了解自己是学习的主体,改善学习者的社会学习环境,真正提高学习者自主学习的能力,以达到理想的教学目标。  相似文献   

在中国,学生在英语学习过程中表现出来的被动性、依赖性问题仍旧存在。文章通过对影响学习者自主学习因素的分析,提出了以元认知策略培训为主,以优化学习者自我效能感、归因、动机等因素的组合,培养学习者积极、乐观的情感为辅的教学模式,以提高学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

“自主学习”是指学习主体有明确的学习目标,对学习内容和学习过程具有自觉的意识和反映的学习方式。也就是“自我导向、自我激励、自我监控的学习”。它有以下几个方面的特征:学习者积极发展各种思考策略和学习策略,在解决问题中学习;学习者在学习过程中有情感的投入,学习过程有内在的动力的支持,能从学习中获得积极的情感体验;学习者在学习过程中对认知活动能够进行自我监控,并作出相应的调整。“自主学习”是“合作和探究”学习的基础和前提。下面我就如何在语文教学中构建和运用“自主的学习方式”,促进学生主动发展,谈一些粗浅的认识。  相似文献   

在中国,学生在英语学习过程中表现出来的被动性、依赖性问题仍旧存在。文章通过对影响学习者自主学习因素的分析,提出了以元认知策略培训为主,以优化学习者自我效能感、归因、动机等因素的组合,培养学习者积极、乐观的情感为辅的教学模式,以提高学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

The role of learner autonomy and self‐regulated learning in distance education has received much attention. The application of these concepts impacts course design and, potentially, learner achievement. In the case of distance language learning, course designers must consider not only how to help learners gain communicative competence but also language learner strategies that support success. Although the concepts of autonomy and self‐regulated learning share some similarities, they have been variously defined and applied to distance education. Current research and discussion has not synthesized the ways in which these factors can be more fully utilized to improve distance education. Based on a critical review and synthesis of the literature on autonomy and self‐regulation, this article contributes a new model for distance language learning. The model provides guidance for course designers and assists instructors in supporting their students.  相似文献   

Educational psychologists have found that metacognitive calibration predicts learning outcomes in self‐regulated learning. In this research the authors apply theories of metacognition from educational psychology and postulate that metacognitive calibration influences learning time and performance in online learning. Data gathered from 230 college students who completed online self‐regulated assignments in an introductory information systems course confirms that higher calibration accuracy leads to better performance on assignments, which contributes to higher exam grades. In addition, higher calibration accuracy also reduces the amount of time students spent on the online assignments. However, time spent on the assignments is not a mediator of the effect of calibration on learning performance. This research presents pioneering work in examining a holistic model that assesses the impact of metacognition in online learning on both assignment and exam level learning outcomes using field data collected through a natural learning setting. The findings highlight the need to include metacognitive calibration as one of the learner characteristics in research models addressing student performance in online learning.  相似文献   

从历史发展的角度出发,对国外自主学习研究的基本发展历程进行了梳理.然后在此基础上论述了这一理论对我国自主学习研究与实践的影响。同时分析了自主学习过程中的自控和他控问题,指出了有待进一步研究和解决的自主学习的重要理论问题。  相似文献   

There is a growing awareness of the value of using pupils’ voices in educational research. At primary and second level, the principle of pupil voice has gained in profile over the last decade. However, in higher education, the use of voice in research collaborations remains under‐theorised and under‐utilised. This paper reports on an inclusive phenomenographic study undertaken with college students with intellectual disabilities (ID). It outlines how pupil voice can be used to gain a deeper understanding of the teaching and learning process. The strategies that promoted learner engagement and autonomy include establishing a supportive learning climate or environment, and promoting self‐regulated learning strategies. These findings suggest that the use of pupil voice is fundamental to changing the way teachers think about students with ID and their learning.  相似文献   

学习策略是为了提高学习效率,解决学习过程中所遇到的问题而作出的种种选择和采取的措施,它包括学习者的心理过程,也包括其具体行动。良好的学习策略是学生学好英语的关键,因而,英语教学应将对学生学习策略方法的研究与指导,纳入日常教学工作之中。  相似文献   

Although research has indicated that augmented reality (AR)–facilitated instruction improves learning performance, further investigation of the usefulness of AR from a psychological perspective has been recommended. Researchers consider presence a major psychological effect when users are immersed in virtual reality environments. However, most research on learner presence has focused on measuring it rather than the factors influencing it. This study explored the relationship between learner perception and presence in an AR-facilitated learning environment. A game-type AR learning process was developed and an experiment was implemented employing a one-group pretest–posttest method. Three sets of research instruments were developed, comprising a learning achievement test, a learner's presence inventory, and a questionnaire on learners’ perception of the AR-mediated environment. A total of 60 validated data samples were collected and statistically analysed. The researchers determined that learner presence closely relates to learning achievement and AR learning perception. These results indicate that a more satisfactory AR perception leads to a higher level of learner presence in the AR environment, thereby resulting in more beneficial learning outcomes.  相似文献   

学习反思是学习者对自己的学习过程和结果的反向思考。反思能力是一种涉及批判性思维、选择决策和自我管理等多方面的综合性的能力,是学习者自我调节和元认知能力的表现。采用试验研究,结合会话分析编码方法分析网络学习者反思语料中反思数量、质量和分布和男女反思的差异。结果发现,学习者反恩性思维及其层次在班级、性别上都存在一定差异。  相似文献   

成人学员的特征是开展成人高等教学的基础。成人学员具有较强的学习能力、独立的人格、丰富的经验和突出的问题意识等特征。成人高等教学必须注重师生主体间性、教学内容针对性、启发式教学和学员自我导向学习。  相似文献   

语言学习是一种自主的习得过程,同时也是一种复杂的心理过程,必然受到各种因素的影响。非智力因素是影响学习者自主学习最主要、最直接的因素。文章对影响学员口语学习的非智力因素进行了探讨,以期促进学员口语自主学习能力的提高。  相似文献   

网络自主学习既是以元认知引导和调节的认知过程,又是不断学习和发展元认知的过程。因此。网络学习环境需要为学习者的自主学习活动提供有效的元认知支持。本文以网络自主学习过程的三个阶段为切入点,分别在学习、导航、监管、交互等方面进行了基于元认知的外部支持设计,为学习者构建了一个能够不断发展和提高其自主学习能力和元认知能力的网络学习平台。  相似文献   

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