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国家教育行政学院依托教育部及自身综合优势创新中小学校长培训理念和模式,建成中国教育干部培训网中小学校长培训平台,在中小学校长远程网络在职培训方面形成了完整的教学模式、网络培训课程体系和运行机制,开创了中小学校长培训工作的新局面.  相似文献   

对西北农村中小学校长的主要描述性特征的调查,采取问卷调查与个别访谈等方式得出如下结论:(1)西北农村中小学校长以男性、汉族、中级职称、大专和本科学历为主;(2)大部分校长都有担任中层管理者或副校长的工作经历,校长主要是通过教育系统内竞聘后任命,几乎所有的校长都从事教学工作且工作负担沉重;(3)大部分校长都认为校长培训非常必要和有效,但是校长接受职前或在职培训的机会较少,时间较短,培训内容并没有面向校长面临的现实问题。文章针对西北农村中小学校长的主要描述性特征的调查结果,对未来西北农村校长问题的研究做出了展望。  相似文献   

中小学校长培训工作是提高校长素质、开发校长资源的重要手段,必须与时俱进,不断创新。本文从农村中小学校长培训工作的实际出发,将科研贯穿于校长培训工作的始终,以科研促干训,以特色求发展,不断构建符合时代精神的中小学校长培训模式,形成了校长培训模式的三大体系:建立科学的岗位目标体系;建立规范的培训运作体系;建立完善的培训保障体系。  相似文献   

校长培训对中小学校长队伍建设起着至关重要的作用。回眸新中国成立以来,中小学校长培训工作经历了由小到大、由重数量、规模到质量与规模并重的发展历程,在曲折中不断探索前进,经历了孕育产生期、渐进发展期、巩固完善期、质量提高期四个阶段,在培训管理、培训内容与培训方式等方面逐步完善,正在建成新时代中国特色中小学校长培训体系,实现中小学校长培训由"量"到"质"的跨越,多措并举促进乡村中小学校长培训稳步发展。展望新时代,要造就一支政治过硬、品德高尚、业务精湛、治校有方的校长队伍,我们需要深化培训管理体制机制改革,开放校长培训市场;坚持问题导向,服务教育发展重大需求;联动推进"校长工作坊",打造地区培训品牌;加强训后跟踪指导,构建新时代校长培训质量评价标准,培养新时代具有中国特色、世界水准的中小学校长队伍。  相似文献   

西方国家中小学校长培训经验的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“一个较校长就是一所好学校”,加强中小学校长队伍建设,通过培训提高他们的素质和能力,已成为世界各国教育界的共识,本文探讨了国 外中小学校长培训工作的基本做法和特点,并对我国中小学校长培训工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

培训是提高农村中小学校长队伍整体素质的有效途径,认真研究新时期农村中小学校长培训需求的特点是搞好校长培训工作的前提。本文通过对164名农村中小学校长的问卷调查和访谈,分别从培训内容需求、能力需求、师资需求、形式需求、层次需求、时间需求等方面了解了农村中小学校长的培训需求情况。教育行政部门和培训机构应针对中小学校长培训要求,提出切实可行的应对策略,提高农村中小学校长培训的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

当前中小学校长培训工作科学研究的主要课题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前中小学校长培训工作科学研究应着力总结中小学校长培训工作的经验,研究当前中小学校长培训工作的发展状况,帮助解决当前中小学校长培训工作中亟待解决的问题,预测中小学校长培训的未来趋势,进行国内外中小学校长培训的比较,推动中小学校长培训的理论建设等。具体来说,我们可选择以下一些课题进行研究。■行动研究的课题行动研究的课题是有待于解决的问题。基于目前中小学校长培训工作的特点和现状,行动研究的课题可分成4类,即中小学校长培训工作中的基本问题、中小学校长培训工作中急需解决的问题、中小学校长培训工作中的热点问题、中…  相似文献   

调查选取陕西省农村中小学校长培训现状进行研究,从管理机制、培训机构、校长自身三方面分析了陕西省农村中小学校长培训工作存在的主要问题,以此提出优化农村中小学校长培训的建议。  相似文献   

美国校长专业发展的研究与实践已经发展到相对成熟的阶段,中小学校长的在职培训通过政府立法的严格规范、专业标准的有效引领、多元机构的竞争运作、大学与学区的通力协作、各级财政的稳定资助,已经建立起一套比较完善的制度,对我国构建中小学校长在职培训制度,提升校长专业发展水平,提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

对中小学校长的角色、职权范围、领导风格及其在职培训的研究,是当前国外教育管理研究中的一个极其重要的课题。校长在学校教育发展和变革中的关键地位与作用,正被越来越多的人所认识。从某种意义上讲,校长的素质决定着一所学校的发展前景。而校长个人素质和领导水平的提高,校长在职培训的成功,首先取决于对校长角色、职权  相似文献   

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was used to examine relationships between teacher attitudes and behavior toward children with social, emotional and behavioral difficulties (SEBD). One hundred and eleven elementary school teachers completed questionnaires. Teacher perception of their school principals' expectations (subjective norm) predicted teacher behaviors. Teachers who had attended more in-service training (INSET) sessions held more positive feelings, but teachers with more experience were less willing to work with children with SEBD. Findings suggest that school principals have a central role in promoting an inclusive ethos within their schools. INSET could focus more on challenging beliefs.  相似文献   

Mainstreaming/inclusion is one of the more complex changes on the current educational scene. The goal of this research study was to examine the school principal as the leading figure in implementing inclusion and to characterize his/her role as a change agent. The variables explored were the principal's educational vision and the inclusive practices in school. A sample of 110 elementary school principals in Israel were studied. The Israeli Special Education Law of 1988 and the ongoing regulations issued by the Ministry of Education include provisions requiring mainstreaming. Several different instruments were used. The main findings were as follows: principals were found to perceive the expected social success of mainstreamed students higher than their expected educational success; the severity of the disability affected their perception and how they forecast success; a variety of inclusive educational placements were noted in the schools; several background variables, namely age, level of education and in-service training, were related to principals' views and practices regarding inclusion. The findings are meaningful to the understanding of the effects of inclusion and have implications for in-service training for principals.  相似文献   

从中小学校长在职的并持续整个校长职业生涯的角度出发,根据校长终身发展具有阶段性且存在着个性差异的特点,以及对培训的需求,从“主题”培训和课题研究入手,探讨实施中小学校长终身发展培训模式的方法。  相似文献   


Two major education system reforms were introduced by Israel’s government in collaboration with the teachers’ unions. These reforms redefine principals’ and teachers’ roles, increasing teachers’ work hours, and the scope of their work. School principals absent from the reform negotiations, are expected to apply the reform, although their work conditions were harmed. This research examines how principals cope with those reforms, and why they sometimes apply them in ways that seem to contradict their interests? Semi-structured interviews with 30 school principals, and 10 schoolteachers, indicated that the reforms have encumbered school principals’ complex tasks. They have little time or ability to thoroughly apply the reforms, responding to multiple stakeholders, political pressures, the exam regime, human resource management, etc. They often ignore policy directives, delegating authority to others, refrain from using certain resources provided by the reforms and allow internal forces to lead, while remaining uninvolved. Conclusions are presented.  相似文献   

Over the past decade U.S. policymakers, practitioners, and researchers have sought to examine if changing teacher evaluation policies and systems have resulted in changes in identifying quality teachers and/or increased student achievement. This research generally shows most states have experienced little change in how teachers are rated. Researchers are now exploring why, in many cases, teacher evaluation reforms have failed to produce the desired systematic changes of better identifying quality teachers and better distinguishing teacher performance. Embedded within this line of inquiry is how principals (and other evaluators) are trained to use new teacher evaluation systems. This comparative case study observed six principals (three charter school principals and three traditional public school principals) in the U.S. state of Michigan as they learned and enacted a new teacher evaluation system. Additionally, all principals were interviewed three times throughout the school year, in an effort to examine how their initial teacher evaluation training impacted their evaluation of teachers. The research questions that guided this work were: (1) how are principals initially trained when their school adopts a new teacher evaluation system?; (2) in what ways does the training received by charter school principals compare to that of traditional public school principals?; and (3) how does initial training impact how principals evaluate teachers? Results indicate principals are trained to navigate the logistics of new teacher evaluation systems, but are not trained to evaluate teacher performance. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

教师专业发展新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业发展需要在职培训遵循其阶段性与连续性规律、尊重教师在专业发展中的需要和兴趣这一外在条件的保障,更需要教师具有自我专业发展意识这一内部因素的促成,两是实现教师专业发展不可或缺的重要维度。  相似文献   

The field of school-leadership preparation has recently been making a concerted effort to embed social justice issues into the curriculum experiences of aspiring principals. Although much of this effort has focused on the academic achievement among students who are poor, nonnative speakers of English, or non-White, very little attention has been paid to students who identify or are perceived as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ). Informed by both their personal and professional perspectives, we expand the discussion on what it means to lead for social justice by focusing specifically on both changes that need to occur in the training (both preservice and in-service) of aspiring principals and specific strategies underlying the implementation of these changes, all of which are necessary if school leaders are to meet the needs of LGBTQ students.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of research on in-service teacher training in agricultural education in the Netherlands. Seven agricultural education centres (in Dutch: AOCs) and six institutes which are involved in in-service teacher training participated in this research. The data were collected by way of structured open interviews with persons (N = 16) responsible for the in-service policy of their organization. The Dutch government has changed the rules concerning in-service teacher training. The in-service budget has been transferred from in-service training institutes to schools. Accordingly, a new situation has arisen, for both schools and in-service training institutes. Schools will have to show a more active in-service policy than before; in-service training institutes can no longer offer schools in-service training activities which they deem necessary. More than in the past these institutes have to meet the in-service training needs of schools. In literature this is called a shift from a supplied to a demanded in-service training organization. This research has been carried out in order to gain insight into the way the institutes involved will organize their in-service policy in the near future, and, as a result, to give recommendations to help these institutes to make these policies. At this moment it appears that agricultural education in the Netherlands lacks certain fundamental conditions in order to achieve professional growth of teachers.  相似文献   

运用履历研究法对福建省Z县2011年至2021年的45位中学校长进行研究,在此基础上对县域中学校长的人口统计特征、学历专业特征、工作经历特征作实证分析.分析得出,男性在中学校长群体中占据绝对优势地位,其年龄结构相比过去有所增大;大部分校长的第一学历为专科,且缺乏在职提高学历的动机;多数中学校长长期在教育系统工作,但缺乏...  相似文献   

Teachers play an important part in school reform. They have practical knowledge and internalised views of good teaching and learning, which guide their work and their interaction with pupils and colleagues. The foundation for this knowledge and competence is laid in teacher education. Teachers' continuing professional development is supported by in-service training, which should be linked more closely with initial teacher education. Based on the findings of national and international evaluations, the article discusses the extent to which aims and reality meet in Finnish teacher education. The article notes that teacher research produces important information in support of teacher education. Teacher education should be anchored not only in research-based education, but also in the reality of teachers' work. More researched data are needed about the everyday reality and practical knowledge of teachers working in the field.  相似文献   

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