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《Distance Education》2012,33(2):279-282
In this article, I reflect on the politics, practices and possibilities of the open educational resources (OER). OER raise important implications for current and potential students, for postsecondary education institutions, and for those currently teaching in higher education. The key questions raised by OER centre on the role of teaching in learning, the potential for a shift in societal conceptualizations of learners from didactic to autodidactic beings, and what roles teachers may play in a potentially radical broadening of access to postsecondary education.  相似文献   

The Logic of Mass Higher Education   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The distinguishing characteristic of postsecondary education in the past half century has been expansion -- the emergence of mass higher education worldwide. Now, many industrialised countries educate forty percent or more of youth in postsecondary education, and developing countries are rapidly expanding as well. Mass higher education brings with it certain inevitable changes in higher education. Among these are a diversification of academic institutions, less homogenous student populations, alterations in patterns of academic work and of the academic profession itself, an increase in managerial control of academic institutions, and, recently, a reliance on distance methods of delivering instruction. These changes are part of the logic of mass higher education, and will be increasingly apparent in the 21st century.  相似文献   

One of the most significant barriers facing postsecondary students with reading and written expression disorders who are eligible to receive specific accommodations is the lack of professional knowledge pertaining to issues surrounding accommodations. Though guided by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the process by which accommodation decisions are made varies considerably across institutions of higher education. Given the recent rise in litigation surrounding the practice of how accommodations are determined as well as the increasing number of postsecondary students with reading and writing disabilities who are requesting accommodations, it is imperative that accommodation decisions be defensible and supported by empirical research. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of current research on the effectiveness of accommodations for postsecondary students with language‐based learning disabilities, discuss important considerations in the accommodation selection process, and offer recommendations for future research.  相似文献   


The distinguishing characteristic of postsecondary education in the past half century has been expansion ‐ the emergence of mass higher education worldwide. Now, many industrialised countries educate forty percent or more of youth in postsecondary education, and developing countries are rapidly expanding as well. Mass higher education brings with it certain inevitable changes in higher education. Among these are a diversification of academic institutions, less homogenous student populations, alterations in patterns of academic work and of the academic profession itself, an increase in managerial control of academic institutions, and, recently, a reliance on distance methods of delivering instruction. These changes are part of the logic of mass higher education, and will be increasingly apparent in the 21st century.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify and discussthe inter-relationships between the phenomenon called articulation of curricula and transfer of credits and lifelong learning. Examples feature discussions contained in the recently published APEC-HURDIT book, Lifelong Learning: Policies, Practices and Programs. As described by a number of authors in that book, three futures are predictable for short-cycle higher education systems: institutions essentially non-universities now in planning or developing stages worldwide are likely to modify courses and strengthen distance learning and prior learning delivery techniques for growing numbers of adult re-entry students; industry will become increasingly involved in the delivery of postsecondary education; and technology will expedite non-traditional and non-sponsored education. (Kintzer 1997: 69). Responses to major questions and final comments deal primarily with the three futures in the order mentioned. Illustrative material and interpretations related to experiences in the United States on short-cycle (community) colleges are also interspersed throughout the text. The three predictable futures discussed with particular reference to Pacific Rim countries may also be transferrable in policy planning and action to other nations where a symbiotic relationship between articulation and transfer, and lifelong learning is emerging. Other investigations are therefore strongly recommended. For example, continuing studies of relationships between Universities and the developing Colleges of Further Education in the UK would be very appropriate. In addition, major questions under discussion throughout Europe are: Should the German fachhochschulen- the postsecondary technical institutions so abundant in the former West Germany- become a pattern for other countries in Central and Eastern Europe? How should such short-cycle institutions be related to national universities in credit transfer and lifelong learning opportunities? Similar questions are being asked in Kenya where the well-established ‘Harambee’ technical institutes are gaining momentum. Testing and evaluation of the three futures discussed in this article should be continuous processes worldwide.  相似文献   

This article examines how an orientation toward hope can guide institutions of higher education in achieving their ultimate purpose of providing education for the common good of society. In today's cultural context, colleges and universities must navigate a multitude of challenges and competing philosophies, many of which question the validity of their inherent value and purpose. As society continues to press questions of market relevance, sustainability, accessibility, quality, and the value of higher education, a basic question remains: How, amid all of these challenges, can today's postsecondary institutions contribute to the cultivation of a better society? In this regard, faith-based colleges and universities can offer guidance. By carrying out their distinctive mandate of infusing their educational mission with the holistic character formation of students, these institutions can promote the common good by coupling the Gospel message of personal hope in Jesus Christ with the call to cultural influence and transformation. To demonstrate this concept, a framework is offered that describes both a starting point—a biblical foundation for understanding humanity and hope—and a pathway through learning. The application of this framework—uncommon learning for the common good—invites implications for curricular design, the facilitation of learning, and institutional leadership that faculty and administrators from across the spectrum of higher education may find timely and relevant to their own learning contexts.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study conducted on stakeholders’ perception of who influences the decision‐making processes in Ontario’s public postsecondary education institutions. The study identified and interviewed representatives of those stakeholder groups that are frequently written about as the main forces behind decision making in colleges and universities. This is a qualitative research study in which four institutions were selected for case studies. The findings suggest that administrations are the most influential, and faculty unions/associations are the least influential in Ontario’s (Canada’s second largest and most populated province) public colleges and universities. It is concluded that those in central positions with access to information from all levels, and who are in close proximity to the gatekeepers of the institutions, will dominate the decision‐making processes in postsecondary education institutions. They will be the generators and harvesters of ideas and implementers of decisions.  相似文献   

发展中国家高等教育入学人数在可预见到的未来将持续快速增长。公立高等学校的面貌将改变。一些快速扩大的私立、营利性教育机构会更多地利用以技术为媒介的教育形式。远程教育的扩展会真正使学习变得更加开放。怎样确保更广泛地使用电子学习不会给学习者带来困难,以开放教育资源的利用活动来保证高质量、低成本的学习资料的供给,是开放大学在新世纪所要面临的问题。  相似文献   

Changes in the environment of postsecondary institutions in the Western World have necessitated the adoption of strategies that were once thought to be incompatible with academic pursuit. Among these, is the increasing application of marketing techniques to attract vital resources in postsecondary institutions. This study investigated administrators' perceptions of various aspects of postsecondary institutional marketing in Alberta. Also, perceived problems and benefits of marketing practices in postsecondary institutions were investigated. Data were collected form 96 administrators of higher education in Alberta using both structured and unstructured interview methods. The study concluded that administrators in the Province generally considered marketing to be activities used in attracting resources. Only a few institutions in Alberta engaged in marketing research or used a comprehensive marketing plan. Shortage of funds was considered to be the major constraint on institutional marketing initiatives. Respondents predicted that more institutions would adopt marketing techniques in the near future.  相似文献   

Among the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), much attention has been paid to the influences of math- and science-related learning contexts on students’ STEM major selection. However, the technology and engineering learning contexts that are linked to STEM major selection have been overlooked. In response, a nationally representative sample of young adults in the US was used to investigate the relationship between technology-based activities and students’ STEM major choices in 4-year postsecondary institutions. Multilevel structural equation modelling (ML-SEM) revealed that the frequent use of video or computer games was related strongly to students’ STEM major selections in 4-year postsecondary institutions, after taking into account demographic characteristics and math achievement scores. The results provide evidence that promoting technology-rich learning environments is a significant factor in motivating students to pursue STEM careers.  相似文献   

As increasing numbers of students with disabilities access postsecondary education, research studies and literature reviews have investigated the needs of these students who chose to pursue postsecondary education. These articles included studies that (a) asked students with disabilities to identify needs and (b) summarized needs in literature reviews about students with disabilities in postsecondary education. This article summarizes needs and recommendations from college students with disabilities and authors who reviewed related literature from 1995–2006. The summary includes needs in five areas: self-determination, social skills, academic preparation, accommodations, and assistive technology (AT). Each of these areas of need is described and recommendations for practice are discussed. The purpose of this article is to identify a set of evidence-based transition practices that will address these needs and increase the likelihood of success for students who enroll in postsecondary education institutions.  相似文献   

21世纪高等教育的扩展:开放学习的角色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在最近的将来,发展中国家高等教育的入学人数会继续飞速扩张,这将改变作为公立机构的高等教育的院校结构并导致牟取盈利的私立院校的数量激增,它们将更多地运用以技术为媒介的学习。远程学习是否真的会使学习更开放?如何能让开放大学保证更多地运用网络学习(eLearning)而不会造成参与的阻碍?开放教育资源(OERs:Open Educational Resources)运动能够在扩大学习材料共享的同时保证质量并降低成本吗?院校应如何革新自己的组织机构以适应这个新的世界?  相似文献   

The increasing prevalence of so-called cognitive-enhancing drugs is well documented in American higher education. There has been little historical analysis, however, specifically exploring the role of postsecondary institutions in this evolving drug narrative. This paper traces substance use and research trends in American higher education over the past half-century, divided into three eras defined by their disparate approaches to drug policy and public health. Contextualised by historic events, shifting policies and epidemiological data, this multidisciplinary analysis contends that functional, academically oriented drug use is likely to continue rising on US campuses, while recreational drug use will evolve and persist. As history provides a useful lens for understanding the involvement of academe in the first era of drug concern in America, ongoing innovations in medical and social science may be instructive to help ensure that institutions respond judiciously in the present era of new drug synthesis and drug policy recession.  相似文献   


Literature on American Indian student support in postsecondary education illustrates the importance of relationality in creating a positive college experience for Native students. That said, much of the literature examining ‘care relationships’ in Indian education focuses on student outcomes, with less attention given to the experiences of practitioners. Thus, the purpose of this paper is twofold. First, the author examines where and how American Indian higher education practitioners learned principles of communal care for supporting Indigenous students in non-Native postsecondary institutions. Second, she explores how these principles act as homesteads of mutuality to love, transform, resist, and enact refusal within the academy. She draws upon the literature on American Indian student support in postsecondary education, which illustrates the importance of relationality in creating a positive college experience for Native students.  相似文献   

Distance education as a field of educational endeavor is at a crucial juncture in its historical development. The notion of learning at a distance has gained wide acceptance across the developed world. Instructors, physically and temporally separated from learners using newly emerging information and communication technologies, are widespread. Most postsecondary institutions have employed, or plan to develop, forms of “distance‐like” educational activities for both campus‐based and remote students. Yet, as acceptance has increased for such learning activities, many distance educators feel that they are no longer recognized as leaders in the emerging field of technology‐enhanced, hybrid, flexible learning environments. This article asks a series of questions which will help to illuminate the challenges facing distance educators at the beginning of the 21st century.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that only 8% of postsecondary students in the United States who have a hearing loss have disclosed that hearing loss to their institutions. Consistent with this suggestion, two anonymous surveys of students enrolled in courses with the Open University in the United Kingdom suggested that there were roughly 9,000 students in the Open University itself and over 42,000 students in higher education across the United Kingdom as a whole who had a hearing loss that they had not disclosed to their institutions. These students tended to be older people with a relatively mild hearing loss that did not disrupt their communication with other students or their active engagement with learning activities. The impact of the students' hearing loss upon their approaches to studying seemed to be relatively slight, but it was associated with an increase in the students' perceived academic workload.  相似文献   

Higher education today is faced with a perplexing array of often conflicting demands and pressures. There is continuing debate over a range of important concepts including educational quality, academic freedom, accountability, equity, affirmative action, and accessibility. These concepts reflect fundamental principles which form the basis for policy directions by governments and postsecondary education institutions. Yet, are we clear on what these principles mean and on how they interact? This discussion examines the various facets of the concept of entrepreneurship and the implications of entrepreneurial activities for higher education institutions. It is argued that basic differences exist in culture and values between higher education and the private sector, and that more attention to a clear understanding of the concepts and activities involved in entrepreneurship will reap benefits for higher education in future policy development and strategic planning.  相似文献   

教育公平是一个充满争议性的问题,它具有历史性和相对性,并随着利益关联者地位的变化而出现矛盾和冲突。本文以高等教育入学机会的分配为切入点,审视了二次世界大战后美国政府在高等教育普及化和民主化方面所做出的努力和尝试,分析了美国高等教育入学机会分配政策的历史变迁及其面临的问题和困境,并在此基础上,进一步阐释教育公平问题。  相似文献   

Abstract The newly reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 contains several significant changes that will directly impact students with learning disabilities (LD) who are preparing for transition to postsecondary education. These modifications include transition planning, reevaluations, new criteria for the diagnosis of LD, and the summary of performance requirement. This article presents an overview of pertinent changes in each of these key areas, as well as discussion of how these modifications will impact students in transition. Recommendations are offered for secondary and postsecondary personnel regarding these changes.  相似文献   

Although there may be little expansion for conventional higher education on campus in the next decade, there is an unmet and growing need to provide home‐based continuing education. This will require an effective means of delivering learning materials to homes on a greater scale than can be handled by broadcasting alone, as well as the production of high quality software appropriate both to the means of delivery and the needs of students. There are several developments in technology which hold out promise for home use; these need to be developed as part of a wider learning system. Campus‐based institutions are well placed both to develop the hardware and to produce suitable learning materials, but this means that higher education institutions must show a much more flexible attitude to continuing education and to co‐operation with other organisations.  相似文献   

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