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一、看图补全对话,每空填一词。1.A:W hats the w eather to-day?B:Its snowing.W hat a heavy!A:Shall we m ake a?B:G ood idea!2.A:W hat a fine day today!B:W illyou go w ith m e?A:O K.Its sunny,notveryhot.B:Lets go!3.A:Look at the clouds!Its go-ing to.B:Ithink so.W e llstay athom e.A:Its better to do som e readingon days.4.A:H ow s the w eather outside?B:Its m uch today thanyesterday.A:Y ou d betterw earwarmwhen you go out.二、根据下面两幅图画进行问答。1.A:W hat are they doing?B:2.A:IsL…  相似文献   

上一期说到两只蝴蝶在春光明媚的日子里翩翩起舞,是为什么呢?犤犦会话茶屋人物简介:●Bambi—小鹿●Owl—(学识渊博的)猫头鹰●Thumper—兔子(Bambi的朋友)●Flower—鼬鼠(Bambi的朋友)(BforBambi,OforOwl,TforThumper,FforFlower)B:W ell,w hat’s the m atter w ith them?T:W hy are they acting that w ay?O:W hy?D on’t you know?They’re tw at-pated.B&T&F:T w at-pated?Q:Y es,nearly everybody get tw at-pated in the spring tim e.For exam ple.Y ou w alk alone,m inding your ow n business,you look neither to t…  相似文献   

根据图画完成下列对话,每空填一词。1.A:W hatare they?B:They are playing basketball.A:W hatare you to do?B:Im going to playing football.2.A:W hats the w eathertoday?B:Its very cold.A:W ill it be a littletom orrow?B:N o,itw illbe m uch colder.3.A:W here are you going?B:W e re going to the.A:W hatare you going to do?B:G o.4.A:Excuse m e,wheres the near-esthospital?B:W alk this street,andtake the second turning onthe.A:Thank you.5.A:were you not here yes-terday?B:Because m y m other was …  相似文献   

用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空:1.H e w illbe a doctor when he(grow)up.2.W hen I saw her,she(wait)for the bus.3.It(rain)hard when he gothom e.4.W hen I w ent to the room,he(not,be)in.5.Please w rite to m e when you(reach)the school.6.(can)she sw im w hen she was five years old?7.It(be)5:30when schoolis over every day.8.W hen the lights are red,the traffic m ust(stop).9.H e asked m e another question before I could(answ er)the firsone.10.W ould you please call m e up if they(fly)to B eijing?…  相似文献   

根据图画内容补全下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:W hats under the bed?B:There are.A:are they?B:They are m ine.2.A:W here is the bag?B:Its the.A:Is it?B:N o,itisn tm ine.Its his.3.A :W hats he doing? B :H e is . 4.A :H ow m any cats are there in her hands? B : . 5.A :W hich are LiH ua and Y iLa in? B :They are in Class O ne. A :W hich row are they in? B :They re in . 6.A :W hat are they doing? B :They re watching . A :A re they the sam e row? B : , .7.A :W here is the book? B :Its t…  相似文献   

Speak(说话)Jim:W hy don’tfish speak?Tom:Because they can’t.Jim:Butw hy?Tom:W ell,putyour m outh into the w ater,can you speak?注释:speak[spi蘼k]v.说话Im p ro v e m e n t(进步)Peter:H ow are your Englishlessons?Tom:Fine.I couldn’tunderstand(明白)English  相似文献   

根据图画所示完成下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:you like som e bottlesofm ilk,please?B:O K.A:w ould you like?B:Five,please.2.A:H ow m anyin Picture Two?B:Four.A:A re they in the?B:No.Three ofthem are in C lassO ne.The otherone is in ClassTwo.3.A:you m end the bike?B:N o,I can t.A:W hat is he doing?B:H e s his.4.A:W hat are they doing?B:They re their.A:W here are they going?B:They re going to.5.A:C an I borrow your eraser?B:C ertainly,are.A:Thank you very m uch!B:Y ou re.6.A:you an…  相似文献   

A W hy,you m ay wonder,should spiders (蜘蛛)be our friends?Because they destroy so m any insects, including som e of the greatest enem ies of the hum an race.Insects would m ake it im possible for us to live in the world;they w ould devour(吞食)all our crops and kill our cattle,if it were not for the protection w e get from insect-eating anim als. W e ow e a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects,but all of them put together kill only a very sm all am ount of the num ber destroyed by spid…  相似文献   

It had been snow ing for hours w henan announcem ent cam e over the intercom :“W ill the students w ho parked onU niversity D rive please m ove their carsso that w e m ay plow the snow ?” Twentym inutes later there was another announce-m ent“:W ill the nine hundred studentswho w ent to m ove the fourteen cars returnto class?”Would You Please Move Your Cars?…  相似文献   

每年的2月14日,人们向他们所爱的人寄送鲜花、糖果及问候卡来庆祝情人节。我们这样做是为了纪念圣·瓦伦丁。你也许会问:“谁是圣·瓦伦丁?”O n February14th each year,people celebrate V alentine s D ay bygiving flowers,candy,and cards to those they love.W e do this in honorofSaintV alentine.Y ou m ay be wondering,“W ho is St.V alentine?”It w as said that V alentine w as a priest who served during the thirdcentury R om e.There w as an em peror at that tim e by the nam e ofClaudius II.Em peror Cla…  相似文献   

教学内容等略(编者注)教学过程( Teaching procedures)Step O ne(第一步)1. Greetings(.师生问候)2. Show the students a video about Snow W hite andtheseven dwarfs.Then ask the students:W ho are they?Are they friends? Are they happy? And say:W hen wehave friends,we are always happy. Then get students tothink:But if your friend is in trouble,will you be happy?W hat will you do?(给学生观看一段关于七个小矮人与白雪公主开心开对派的 VCD ,引起学生对“朋友”这一话题的关注。开心时朋友们能一起欢度,在朋友…  相似文献   

Jokes and Humor     
晚餐“昨天的晚餐怎么样?”“要是汤能像白酒那么热,白酒能像鸡肉那么老,鸡肉能像女老板那么肥,我们会吃上一顿好饭。”上吊的绳子伟大的剧作家肖伯纳个子很高,可瘦得像苇杆。切斯特顿长得既高大又壮实。当他们两人站在一起的时候,对比非常强烈。有一天肖伯纳想拿切斯特顿开个玩笑,便对他说:“我要是像你这么胖,我就会去上吊。”切斯特顿对肖伯纳嘲笑他,“要是我想去上吊,一定用你当上吊的绳子。”Supper“H ow w as the dinner yesterday?”“If the soup w as as hot as the w ine,the w ine asold as the chicken,the chicken as fat as the hostess,w e w ould have had a good dinner.”The rope for hangingBernard Shaw,the great playw right,w as tall but thin like a reed.C hestertonw as both tall and sturdy.W hen they w erestandin...  相似文献   

One afternoon, when Jim was on his way to school, he saw a littlegirl standing near a tree,crying.The girl looked sad.“W hats wrong withher?”Jim said to him self.H e went to her.The little girl told him that shewent the wrong w ay and she did not know how to go back hom e. Jimthought thather parents m ust be w orried now. So he decided to help thegirlgo hom e.H e took the girl to the nearest police station. Just then, the littlegirls parents cam e to the police station,too.W hen they saw …  相似文献   

根据图画所示,完成下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:Doyou know happened?B:Yes.I an accidenthap-pen when I was pastthe postoffice.2.A:W hatwas the worker doingyesterday?B:H is bike was.H e washis bike.3.A:Is English difficult?B:Yes,itis.A:W illyou wantm e to help youyour English Imfree?B:Thanks.Itsvery kind ofyou.4.A:W hatwere they doing afterschoolyesterday?B:They som e clean-ing.A:Oh,they did good deeds forourschool.B:W e should learn them,shouldn twe?A:Yes,we should.5.A:W hatwere they ye…  相似文献   

根据图画所示补全对话,每空填一词。1.A :Y ou re from A ustralia,?B :Y es,I am .A :W hats the w eather of A us-tralia like w hen w e are insum m er?B :Itis season.2.A :W hich do you likebest?B :I I like spring best.A : ?B :B ecause we can see allkindsof flowers everywhere.3.A : are the oranges?B :They re in the fridge.A : oranges are therein it?B :There are eight.4.A :W ould you to com e tom y party?B :Is today your ?A :D on tyou know ?A :Sorry. birthday!5.A :C an I to B ill,please?…  相似文献   

"Who's calling?"was the answer to the telephone.“Watt.” “What is your name,please?” “Watt’s m y nam e.” “That’s w hat I asked you.W hat’s your nam e?” A long pause, and then, from W att, “Is this Jam es B row n?” “N o,this is K nott.” “Please tell m e your nam e.” “W ill K nott.” Then they both hung up and got puzzled.N otes: 1.W ho’s calling?你 是谁?(打电 话用 语) 2.W att’s m y nam e.我叫 瓦特。 对方 理解 为:W hat’s m y nam e? 3.a long pause 停了很 长时 间 4.N o,…  相似文献   

Fill in appropriate question-tags for the questions below. The first one has been done for you. 1. The photographs are very well taken, aren't they? 2. You like to visit them, ?1.The photographs are very welltaken,aren’tthey? 2.Y ou like to visitthem , ? 3.Zack thinks they’ve com e hom e, ? 4.Y atiand X ian have sold their furniture, ? 5.W endy w ouldn’thave been able to attend, ? 6. You don’talw ays buy this brand, ? 7.The m em bers didn’tagree on the proposal,…  相似文献   

H ello!I’m C lever M ouse.Today w e’lltalk aboutw eather.Let’s listen to the w eath-erm an.让我们听听气象先生怎么说吧!W eatherm an:W hat w illthe w eather be like tom orrow?I'lltellyou.In London,itw illbe rainy and w indy tom orrow m orning,butin the a  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇(15分)A)根据所给的首字母,写出空白处所缺的单词。(5分)1.—W illitrain this afternoon?—P not.2.A ll difficulties are also p tigers.3.Itis often u to see an anom aly anim al.4.E they went,the distinguished guests were w arm ly w elcom ed.5.Could you t  相似文献   

[案例说明:本片段为单词教学新授环节。]Learn the words:eat,drink.1.(1)T:Look,boys and girls.W hat's this in English?S:It's a box.T:W hat's in the box?There're som e food.W hatare they?Guess,please.S:…(2)T:Let'sopen it.Oh,som e apples,som e oranges,som e br  相似文献   

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