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ABSTRACT:  Self-assessment allows learners to observe, analyze, and evaluate their own performances. Self-reflection allows the student to assess his or her communication skill level and progress against a standard. Additionally, the implementation of self-assessment through carefully prepared classroom experiences enables learners to manage their own learning and encourages the habit of lifelong learning. The objective of this study was to compare self-evaluation formats for assessment of an oral communication activity. Senior students in 2 sections of a 1-credit seminar course were videotaped while presenting 30-min oral presentations to the class. Students viewed their presentations and assessed their work using either a scoring rubric or a reflection assignment. Peer and instructor evaluations were also completed. Average scores by students and instructor were similar for rubric and reflection assessment methods. Oral evaluation scores by peer assessment were higher than by self- and instructor-assessment. Students were able to accurately describe the strengths and weaknesses of their presentations; however, comments from the reflection format were more thoughtful and provided more personal information in comparison to the scoring rubric. This study demonstrated the importance of reflective material such as student thoughts and feelings. Skills in reflective self-evaluation and documentation of their progress in oral communication will help students position themselves to develop their own academic and professional goals, provide feedback to instructors, and compile a record for future employers.  相似文献   

本文重点描述民族地区英语教师与学生沟通的口语艺术。教师的教与学生的学,在师生之间的沟通中进行的沟通是学校实现目标,满足教育要求,实现教育理想的重要手段。  相似文献   

Food science researchers have pronounced the Institute of Food Technologists Success Skills to be the most important competency mastered by graduates entering the work force. Much of the content and outcomes of the Success Skills pertains to oral communication skills of public speaking and interpersonal and group communication. This qualitative study reports the results of an examination of oral communication activities in the classes of 9 faculty in the food science program at Iowa State Univ. The findings revealed communication activities in the classes that support the Success Skills oral communication mandates; however, the food science faculty did not explicitly teach these skills. Faculty assumed the students would acquire proficiency in oral communication through participation in disciplinary activities that required them to practice the skills. A situated communication framework cautions communication researchers to honor the oral communication traditions in other disciplines. Still, the practice of preparing students to communicate in professional contexts without formal instruction raises 2 questions from the perspective of a communication researcher: first, are students aware of the communication skills they applied in classroom activities? Second, are students able to transfer communication skills to other classes and, more importantly to professional practice, when they graduate, as a result of this approach? The discussion suggests exercises that direct students’ attention to the specific skill sets inherent in the oral communication activities in the Success Skills while enabling faculty to maintain the communication traditions of food science as they prepare students for professional practice.  相似文献   

食品专业提高学生实践能力的回顾与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教育的培养目标是培养既有一定理论知识,又有一定实践知识和动手能力的应用性人才。制定有利于提高学生实践能力的教学计划;创建校内外实践基地;请专家和优秀毕业生举办讲座;改革毕业实习和设计的方法,等等,对提高学生实践能力,培养应用性人才都起到了良好的作用。  相似文献   

This study used The Competent Speaker, a rubric developed by the National Communication Association (S. P. Morreale, M. R. Moore, K. P. Taylor, D. Surges-Tatum, & R. Hulbert-Johnson, 1993), to evaluate student performance in general education public speaking courses as a case study of student skills and programmatic assessment. Results indicate that students taking the general education public speaking course are below satisfactory standards on five of the eight competencies defined by the National Communication Association and are above satisfactory standards on two of the eight competencies. Implications for this particular program, other communication departments, and communication across the curriculum in general education are discussed. We also offer suggestions for those in other disciplines or educational settings in the use of performance evaluation rubrics for assessing other student skills/knowledge and for training new teachers.
Norah E. DunbarEmail:

医患沟通是否成功很大程度上取决于医务人员的态度和沟通技巧。当今社会,医患关系紧张,良好的医患沟通是化解医患矛盾的有效方式。因此,医务人员沟通技巧的培养应从医学生抓起,并且贯穿整个医学教育的始终。  相似文献   

甘琳 《天津教育》2021,(5):58-59
高效的师生沟通将助力教师教学水平的提高,使学生逐步提高语文成绩。但目前,传统的语文教学模式根深蒂固,部分一线教师仍采取“一言堂,满堂灌”的教学形式,加上师生互动少,教学内容多局限于课本,因此授课乏味,学生学习语文的积极性不高。笔者认为,只有提高语文教学的沟通技巧,才能使语文课如一渠活水,灵动多姿。  相似文献   

Language is the tool of communication. One of the aims of teaching English in middle school is to develop the abilityof communicating with English. How do we improve the speaking skills of middle school students? This is an important prob-lem, facing every English teacher. In this article, I'd like to introduce some of my effective teaching techniques.  相似文献   

如何有效提高高职生的口语交际能力,以评价促发展,是一个有效的抓手。本文借鉴我国普通话水平测试,考察当今国际教育评价发展趋势,尝试构建一个由听话、说话和交流三部分组成的高职生口语交际能力评价体系。  相似文献   

大学生英语口语训练是其英语学习的一个重要方面.教师应鼓励学生练好听力,并创造良好的语境,采用鼓励的方式及适当的教学方法,来提高学生的英语口语表达能力.  相似文献   

Earlier studies [Mallow, J. V. (1994). Gender-related science anxiety: A first binational study. Journal of Science Education and Technology 3: 227–238; Udo, M. K., Ramsey, G. P., Reynolds-Alpert, S., and Mallow, J. V. (2001). Does physics teaching affect gender-based science anxiety? Journal of Science Education and Technology 10: 237–247] of science anxiety in various student cohorts suggested that nonscience majors were highly science anxious (SA), regardless of what science courses they were taking. In this study, we investigated science anxiety in a cohort consisting mostly of nonscience majors taking general education science courses. Regression analysis shows that the leading predictors of science anxiety are (i) nonscience anxiety and (ii) gender, as they were for different cohorts in the earlier studies. We confirm earlier findings that females are more SA than males. Chi-square analysis of acute science anxiety shows an amplification of these differences. We found statistically significant levels of science anxiety in humanities and social science students of both genders, and gender differences in science anxiety, despite the fact that the students were all enrolled in general education science courses specifically designed for nonscience majors. We found acute levels of anxiety in several groups, especially education, nursing, and business majors. We describe specific interventions to alleviate science anxiety.  相似文献   

探讨提高医学生临床语言表达能力和交流技巧的措施,将即将进入临床实习学生随机分为实际组和对照组,通过“由问题找答案、分组表演、观摩电教片”等多种形式的训练,结果显示实验组学生的交流能力明显高于对照组;说明通过现行的培训和练习方式能提高即将进入临床实习的交流能力,并增强了医学生的心理素质,有效的弥补了目前医学教育中的缺陷部分。  相似文献   

英语口语能力是中国英语学习者的薄弱环节。学生由于受到英语语境缺乏、母语干扰、语音知识薄弱导致的自信心不足等因素影响,致使"聋子英语"、"哑巴英语"现象普遍存在。大班授课、学生英语水平参差不齐,增加了开展课堂交际活动的难度。笔者拟从英语语音教学、英语语言文化知识导入和课堂活动的开展等三方面探讨如何激起学生学习兴趣从而提高大学生的口语能力。  相似文献   

与学生的沟通是辅导员日常工作的重要部分,只有通过沟通,辅导员才能发现学生中存在的问题并解决问题。辅导员只有掌握了与学生沟通的技巧,才能使沟通变得有效顺畅,有利于工作的开展。  相似文献   

基础课教学应以教学效果来评价,影响基础课教学效果的主要因素是学生的学习欲望、教材的可读性和教师的教学能力等.通过在基础课教学中引入专业案例以激发学生学习热情,选用浅入深出引人入胜的教材以利自学,改革教师工作绩效评价机制以激励教师主动提高教学工作能力等措施来提高理工科专业基础课教学效果.  相似文献   

中职学生口语表达能力培养探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无论是从社会需要的角度,还是从个人需要的角度来说,中等职业学校语文口语表达能力的教学都有着非常重要的意义。但目前,学生口语表达能力和教师口语表达能力教学尚存在着一些弊病和问题。针对尚存问题,可以通过提高语文教师的业务素质,营造口语训练语境,利用朗读训练等措施,进一步提高学生口语表达能力。  相似文献   

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