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搞新闻的,眼睛必须盯着新东西。新东西包括新事件、新人物、新现象、新提法等等,而新提法是其中的重点。因为,新提法里所蕴涵的新观点、新精神、新认识、新理念,是新事件、新人物、新现象的魂,没有前者,后者就索然寡味,价值有限。  相似文献   

搞新闻的。眼睛必须盯着新东西。 新东西包括新事件、新人物、新现象、新提法等等,而新提法是其中的重点。因为,新提法里所蕴涵的新观点、新精神、新认识、新理念,是新事件、新人物、新现象的魂,没有前者,后者就索然寡味,价值有限。  相似文献   

感受新新阅读时代的到来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁艳艳 《河北科技图苑》2006,19(4):74-76,25
介绍了传统阅读时代、新新阅读时代的阅读特点,指出多元化、多载体、多方位感官感受的新新阅读方式不断出现,多种阅读方式并存的个性化新新阅读时代即将来临.  相似文献   

孙克 《网络传播》2020,(3):30-31
新冠肺炎疫情中,数字经济仍保持快速增长,不少新动能、新行业、新机会加速走上前台当前,新冠肺炎疫情对经济增长的冲击短期内仍然存在,但我国经济长期向好的基本面没有改变。疫情期间,数字经济仍保持快速增长,一批新产业新模式新业态持续涌现,传统产业加快利用新技术实现转型发展,缓解逆全球化态势的曙光初现。我们既要承认短期阵痛,也要看清、重视疫情倒逼产生的新动能、新行业、新机会。  相似文献   

全球性的互联网2.0发展得如火如荼,新运用层出不穷,势头一浪高过一浪,但是与互联网新运用、新趋势、新特征相关的一系列新信息安全问题日益  相似文献   

就地方文献类新善本的概念、地方文献类新善本保护工作的现实意义、界定标准、黑龙江省图书馆新善本保护工作的实践等方面展开初步探讨,以期引起图书馆界对地方文献版本价值的关注。在实际工作中确立新善本意识,更加重视地方文献类新善本的普查,以便有针对性开展保护与研究利用工作,唤起社会对新善本的关注和重视,象珍视古籍一样珍视新善本。  相似文献   

近几年来,报摊上刮起了一股"新"风,目前市面上有<新周报>(湖北)、<新传奇>(湖北)、<新风采>(湖南<当代商报>)、<新看台>(四川<读者报>)、<新探索>(内蒙古)、(<新发现>(湖北<科技信息快报>)、<新天下>(武汉出版集团)、<新视点>、<新视野>、<新揭秘>等十几种文摘周刊.从外观上看,这些"新"字头周报通常采用4开铜版纸制作封面和封底.  相似文献   

以《海角七号》、《艋舺》为代表的"后新电影",是继"新电影"、"新新电影"之后形成的台湾电影新世代。台湾"后新电影"放弃了"新电影"的精英主义立场,致力于大众化、本土化的商业电影生产,并形成了以"台客影像"为主要标志的庶民美学风格。在塑造新的本土镜像的同时,"后新电影"也放大了所谓"台湾主体意识"中的后殖民内涵,表征了当下台湾在中国/西方双重凝视之下的身份困惑。  相似文献   

今年的全国"两会"立足新开局,启幕新征程,会期长,社会关注度高,报道任务重。山东广电各部门、频道精心组织策划,发挥各自优势,在报道中聚焦新议题、新热点、群众新盼望,力  相似文献   

信息化、网络化的发展催生了档案信息化。与档案信息化相伴相生的便是档案信息活动中出现的诸多挑战,针对这些挑战,探寻档案信息伦理与档案信息法律同构依据,以期找出应对挑战的新思维、新路径。以期找出应对挑战的新思维、新路径。以期找出应对挑战的新思维、新路径。  相似文献   

基于Web2.0技术的图书馆营销研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈丽冰 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(5):70-72,105
当图书馆被Web2.0技术深深影响,服务方式亦发生巨大变革时,图书馆营销也应顺势而为寻求创新与变革。Web2.0重视用户层面,有新的思维、策略、方法与视野,Web2.0的网络营销以及应用于图书馆有着广阔的发展空间,文章对Web2.0工具应用于图书馆提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

新媒体事件:话语权重构与公共治理的转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,新媒体事件不断成为社会关注的焦点,通过虚拟社群的民意诉求、新媒体的舆论引导与政府部门的权力介入,新媒体事件更具制度变迁和社会导向意义。  相似文献   

从"把关人"理论看科技期刊编辑应有的素质   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李明德  相宁 《编辑学报》2007,19(5):384-386
将"把关人"理论引入科技期刊编辑工作中,具有现实指导意义.从"把关人"概念出发,研究近年来科技期刊面临的新形势和新变化,认为:科技期刊编辑应以过硬的政治素质和业务素质促进和谐社会的建设;编辑应具备数字化理念,以适应信息时代新的工作方式;编辑应具备作者和读者意识、创新意识和竞争意识,以推动期刊走向市场,更快发展.  相似文献   

关于网络传播的一些理论思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
网络传播并不是人们所说的“第四媒介” ,而是人类传播和精神交往的第二世界。网络传播使人类传播活动出现了新的飞跃 ,赋予人类传播规律许多新的特点 ,并使传播规律本身有了新的延伸和发展。网络传播带来的理论挑战 ,主要还不在于大众传播理论的调整和更新 ,而在于传播理论总体性的开拓、提升和创新 ,并把广义传播学切实建立起来  相似文献   


Digital library services have become integral components of 21st century educational institutions. Librarians have been quick to adopt new technologies to serve their new remotely located patrons. This eagerness to adopt new technology, along with a willingness to adapt to new working environments and a continuing emphasis on the end users of our services have enabled success with regards to serving the distance education patron. This paper will review and discuss the evolution of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University's (ERAU) Extended Campus Library Services (ECLS), and how a conscious effort to focus on the end users of Embry-Riddle's ECLS has helped Embry-Rid-dle manage and respond to the explosive growth of its distance learning population over the last 30 years.  相似文献   

Computer systems for receiving serial issues have existed for over 50 years. Their functionality has gradually become more complex and predictive. A new generation of check-in systems is currently being developed, some of which have decided to include less-complex check-in systems. The presenters discuss the history of check-in systems, and give case studies of two new systems that have chosen a simpler design for serials receiving.  相似文献   

论述了3G时代图书馆咨询服务的新内涵,新时代下新的咨询系统的综合性、功能和特点,给出了新系统的设计框架和使用流程,对咨询人员岗位的要求以及新系统存在的不足之处。  相似文献   

This essay is about how libraries have changed and are changing in their intent and the services they provide as they respond to transformations in technology, work, and the purposes of education. Libraries have moved from emphasizing the importance of reading, which is still a given, to programming and offering services that help citizens find new work rules filled with creativity and collaboration. The Dokk1 library in Arhus, Denmark, and the author’s own Anythink Libraries are examples of institutions that have made huge strides in the development of the new public library that meets the needs of its citizens amid the complexities of new or substantially redefined terms for happiness and success.  相似文献   

While many libraries have built new high-density storage facilities, fewer academic libraries have repurposed and renovated an existing building for that new end. This article details Kansas State University Libraries' experience renovating an existing structure for high-density storage purposes and the improved collection management options that resulted.  相似文献   

In the field of scientific, technical, and business information a new legend has arisen. Grey literature (GL), thought by many to have become dormant, has witnessed a rebirth. Grey literature, like the phoenix of ancient legend, has been enkindled by its own resources. New producers and publishers of grey literature have provided us with new forms and types of grey literature. New methods and mediums of storing and distributing grey literature have created new uses for these resources, and in turn, new users of these resources are demonstrating its further capabilities. Government organizations, business and industry, as well as academic institutions have come to view themselves as publishers of grey literature. Their reports, working papers, and policy statements are no longer available only to a limited few in printed form, but are published electronically and are available in networked environments for unlimited retrieval. These new resources, stored in a host of electronic formats, have lured new user groups worldwide, and the exploitation of these resources have not only been made for economic gain, but have greatly contributed to the knowledge base in many fields and disciplines, to the decision making in local and (inter)national government agencies, and in information forecasts for businesses. The rise of this new grey phoenix has emerged over the past quarter of a century from an uncontrolled mass of information to new meta-information applicable for science and industry. phoenix n: A bird of ancient legend said to be the only one of its kind and to live more than 500 years, at the end of which it built for itself a funeral pile, lighted it with the fanning of its wings, and rose again from its ashes; hence, an emblem of immortality; a paragon. this article was adapted from a paper presented at the second U.S. Workshop on Grey Literature (GreyWorks’96) held at College Park, Maryland, USA on November 18, 1996.  相似文献   

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