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In this essay, Quentin Wheeler‐Bell aims to reframe recent attempts to rethink the core principles of critical pedagogy. He argues that these attempts have been unsuccessful because they reproduce a deeper problem — specifically, an identity crisis — within critical pedagogy. The source of this problem, he contends, is that those working in this tradition have, over time, become more distant from and forgetful of its roots in critical theory; as a result, critical pedagogy is now in a state of dilution and fragmentation in which critical pedagogues are unable to bring the plurality of critical education approaches together theoretically around a set of shared principles. In order to address this problem and begin to reframe the core principles of critical pedagogy, Wheeler‐Bell first briefly sketches the debates around Max Horkheimer's classic essay “Critical Theory and Traditional Theory,” focusing on why critical theory grew into an interdisciplinary tradition situated between philosophy and social science. Then he explains why the recent attempts to rethink critical pedagogy rely upon a problematic, albeit dominant, narrative of the critical education tradition — a narrative that only tacitly recognizes a connection between critical education and critical theory. This dominant narrative contributes to the identity crisis within critical education because it supports a collective memory loss regarding the importance of both philosophy and social science to critical theory. Finally, Wheeler‐Bell attempts to develop a thin definition of critical education: one that connects critical education back to its roots in critical theory, while respecting the plurality of critical education approaches.  相似文献   

This paper explores language discrimination and discusses the possible critical pedagogy in language education against discrimination. The paper talks about language discrimination consisting of three stages. The first one is institutional discrimination. The second stage is group discrimination. And the last one is individual discrimination. Then it moves to the analysis of critical pedagogy in ESL education. In the end the paper tries to discuss the possibility of anti-language discrimination education.  相似文献   


This paper presents a collaborative self-study of three teacher educators and how they understood, practiced, and promoted democratic education in response to the divisive rhetoric of 2015–2016 at a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) in Southern California. The prevalence of neoliberal ideologies throughout the 2016 election season challenged our understandings of democratic education. Therefore, we explore how teacher educators promote democratic education and pedagogy during times of political uncertainty.  相似文献   

Infusing critical race theory, the authors discuss specific pedagogical strategies to enhance educational experiences of counselor trainees. The authors then provide an evaluative checklist to facilitate and evaluate curricular integration of critical race theory.  相似文献   

Posing an alternate view to high stakes educational models, the thoughts, opinions and practices of four poetry educators are used to provide critical insights as how to infuse creative outlets in the educational process. In gathering the motivations of these poetry educators, a goal of this project is to encapsulate their philosophies through researcher observation and participation. Engaging such work with social justice at the center creates a particular disposition. It can be subjective in the sense that an understanding of improvement requires an explicit commitment to the improvement of the lives of young people in education through a participatory process.David Stovall is an Assistant Professor of Policy Studies.  相似文献   

从20世纪60年代发展起来的批判教育学的主要精神在于把学生培养成为具有批判精神的独立的政治主体。后殖民理论研究由于揭露了帝国主义文化霸权的实质、重新论述边缘与中心的关系而为批判教育学的研究提供了理论框架。以此框架为基础,批判教育学发展出一系列的原则,如教育应当与政治相联系,理性与知识的概念需要重新解释,教育学需要通过打破学科界限来创造新的知识,差异与伦理在教育学中应得到特别关注,等等。这些原则的核心目标是培养学生的批判精神,使其能更好地服务于民主的社会。  相似文献   

教育理论中的民主理念首先源自法兰克福学派的批判理论,其次则是来自美国20世纪关于教育民主的理论、信仰、原则和实践等领域.这些激进的理念与教育流行观点相悖,并明确地指向了对当前资本主义制度影响的批判.教育民主的理念试图把现代主义的解放观念与后现代主义的反抗观念结合在一起,因此,教育民主理想就是这些激进的教育学家们的理论实践和梦想.所谓批判教育学的文本理论、教学或学习理论等则具体阐释了这种教育民主理想的实践观念.  相似文献   

批判教育研究作为北美教育领域一个"左"的理论思潮,有着广泛而复杂的学术渊源,其中,马克思主义和新马克思主义的现实批判精神构成其理论的基本旨趣。但因为对文化政治的独特偏好和话语的多样性,目前正出现"视角碎片化"趋势。因而,在美国社会"右转"的语境中,摆脱困境,走向理论与行动的整合是唯一之途。批判教育研究对于我国警惕教育功利化、市场化和庸俗化倾向,建构日常教育生活民主以致整个社会的公正和民主提供了富有实践意义的启示。  相似文献   

批判教育学从产生至今大致经历了三个发展阶段;它的基本认识是"教育应该是政治的",基本立场是站到弱势群体的一边,基本方法是阶级分析的方法.批判教育学把实践理解为在民主授权的合法性前提下规范的政治活动.以上特征使它与其他相关学派之间有着千丝万缕的关系.可以说,批判教育学的产生是必然的,存在是合理的,但发展的道路却不可能一帆风顺.  相似文献   

In order to research and improve her practice, a teacher educator examined her life history and its relation to the ethical and moral discourses of society using autobiography as a self-study methodology. This critical reflection provided the basis for contextualizing praxis-oriented teacher education in an urban school. Based on the transformative framework of critical pedagogy coupled with a self-study of teacher education practices, this article explores how a teacher educator engages in research relating to the self, professional practice, and the analysis of the tensions surrounding otherness and oppression. Critical pedagogy provided the means and the methods to facilitate reflection upon her own earned and unearned privilege in society and paved the way for an agency of change in her practice.  相似文献   

从批判教育学看媒介素养教育目标及其实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐述批判教育学的基本理念和回顾媒介素养教育的发展历史基础上,提出从批判教育学和媒介素养教育的共同点入手来培养当代学生批判性和主体性思维的重要性,借用批判教育学中的对话式教学方法,彻底转变师生在教育中的角色,以实现媒介素养的教育目标。  相似文献   

教育生活与教育学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自19世纪初起,教育学无论在理论上还是在实践中都日益趋向科学,成为“教育科学”,而具有实质内容的“教育学”逐渐消失。但是教育科学所导致的教育生活与人的失落,以及教育科学自身的三种危机:知识论的危机、分而不合的危机、意识形态的危机,却使教育学的出现成为必要。同时,无论是失落,还是危机,根本上都是忽视了本真的教育生活,所以,本真的教育学是以“教育生活”为中心的教育学。  相似文献   

Peter Roberts 《Interchange》1999,30(3):347-357
These three books, while differing somewhat in focus, style, and substance, have in common a concern to uphold critical approaches to the theory and practice of education. Addressing issues of pedagogy, research, and professional development, the texts pose a challenge to technocratic, neoliberal, and conservative discourses in the educational sphere. This essay reinforces the importance of critical work in the academy and the teaching profession, but draws attention to the problem of theoretical and personal "infighting" among left scholars. The importance of strategic alliances in the face of a (more) united, and overwhelmingly dominant, right is stressed.  相似文献   

从比较的视野分析德国批判教育学反对权威与解放的共同理论主张,探讨其对德国教育民主改革的促进作用。德国批判教育学之权威与解放的理论与实践对中国的教育民主化改革有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Pedagogy Without Humanism: Foucault and the Subject of Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Education is commonly understood as an interaction between subjects; an interaction between the educator, who already is a subject, and the child, who has to become a subject by means of the pedagogical activities of the educator. Postmodernism has seriously challenged the common (modern) understanding of human subjectivity. The question therefore is what his challenge entails for our understanding of the process of education.In this paper this question is taken up in the context of a distinction between two conceptions of education: education as manipulation and education as communication. It is argued that the manipulative conception is closely related to the modern understanding of human subjectivity, as is the critique leveled against the communicative conception. In order to find out whether the postmodern "deconstruction" of the modern understanding of human subjectivity opens up new possibilities for a communicative understanding of education, Foucault's analysis of the emergence and subversion of the modern conception of man is presented and discussed.Although Foucault's work points into the direction of the recognition of the primacy of the intersubjective - and in this sense supports a communicative understanding of education - his deconstruction also makes clear that intersubjectivity cannot be understood as a new deep truth about man. This means that pedagogy has to do without humanism. The paper concludes with some reflections on such a pedagogy without humanism.  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have brought about renewed spaces for the societies of today, full of possibility and transformation. Bordering on the infinite, these spaces have generated new activities and behaviors. This technological scenario is now commonplace, an everyday reality that has taken root in our lives with remarkable speed. Now would therefore be an appropriate time to open up a line of inquiry into how this is shaping educational practice and how it is affecting our cognitive structures. We have chosen to conduct a review of relevant literature that will enable us to adopt a critical analysis to our subject: education and, above all, the learner, seen from the perspective of neuroscience and social analysis. However, the principal aim of this paper is to lay bare the disparities between research findings and current educational practices that use ICT.  相似文献   

编者按:究竟如何理解英美的批判教育学思潮,尤其是近年来其阵营内部存在纷纷攘攘、似大有碎片化的趋势,本刊特约请当代批判教育学的代表人物之一,世界知名学者、教育思想家阿普尔教授,加州州立大学助理教授韦恩·欧,对批判教育学的历史、目前内部不同取向间的分歧以及在当代保守主义复兴语境中所面临的挑战和应对策略,予以全面的梳理和分析.批判教育学对于中国教育学界并不陌生,但是,对于它的历史缘起、理论全貌和时代境遇,我们少有系统和整体的关注.本文之于我们的价值不仅在于可略补此憾,更重要的是,它会启发我们反思,在中国时下教育改革的潮流中,我们的教育、政治、文化和经济内涵是什么?教育在社会的现实变革、社会的发展远景中,究竟应该扮演什么角色?因本文篇幅较长,故分上篇、下篇两次刊发,敬请读者谅解.  相似文献   

幸福是在自由而互不妨害的条件下,人们所追求的满意的生活。平等、宽容、自主、自由是民主守护的核心价值,民主为幸福提供了最有力的保障。有助于幸福生活获得的民主社会和民主的生活方式,最终只有通过民主教育才能形成。以培养民主精神为主要目的的民主教育有助于幸福的获得,在教育过程中采取对话、协商等民主的教育方式有助于幸福教育生活的获得。  相似文献   

师范教育中的特殊教育与特殊教育学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教育不等于教育学。师范院校的教育专业不等于教育学专业。对于特殊教育来说 ,特殊教育学专业同样也不能代替聋校语文、聋校数学、聋校外语、聋校体育等面向具体学科的专业。学科特点与教育学相通的特殊教育学只是应该设置的面向特殊教育的专业中的一个部分。师范院校设置的有关特殊教育的专业中 ,除了应该包括特殊教育学专业之外 ,还应该包括其他面向基层特殊学校特定课程的各种专业。  相似文献   

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