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教师信念被视为影响教学实践的重要因素之一,有关教师信念的研究也一直是教师教育领域关注的热点。本文主要依据国际科学教育文献对理科教师信念的相关研究进行梳理。文章首先探讨了理科教师信念的界定,然后对有关理科教师信念的6个研究主题进行介绍与评述,并提出我国理科教师教育需要关注的四个问题,最后呼吁我国学者应更多地从事理科教师信念方面的研究。  相似文献   

韩国的数学教师职前教育体制有如下特点:类型多样的教师职前培养机构、严格的公立学校数学教师聘任制度、定期的教师教育机构评估制度.小学数学教师教育课程具有综合性、多样化特点;中学数学教师教育课程更重视学科知识.韩国数学教师职前教育对中国的数学教师教育有如下启示:建立多元的办学体制,致力于专业化的数学教师培养;以教师聘任制度和教师教育机构评估制度促进数学教师培养质量的提高;在学科课程和教学法课程之间寻求恰当平衡.  相似文献   

教师专业化与教育学科课程改革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
教师专业化客观上要求教师教育专业化,而教师教育课程改革又是决定教师教育专业化的核心因素。在教师教育课程结构中,教育学科课程应定性于专业课程,这样就使教育学科课程有了新的身份并赋予其新的内涵。围绕教育学科课程性质的变化及其教师专业化的客观要求,教育学科课程设置的目标及其课程体系必须进行相应的改革,为推动这些改革,提供必要的制度保障又是必不可少的前提条件。  相似文献   

近二十年来美国教师教育的改革与发展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
近二十年来,关国对教师教育进行了持续的改革,有力地推动了教师教育的发展。在分将美国教师教育改革背景和描述改革历程的基础上,探讨了改革的成就与不足,并对其特点进行总结。  相似文献   

科学课教师培养的问题与对策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学课是第八次基础教育课程改革新增设一门广域综合课程。科学课教师的培养作为一种新的探索,存在着专业设置的无序性、目标定位的宽泛性、课程设计的杂乱性以及组织运行的低效性等问题。解决上述问题需要政府、学团和高校多方联合,通过法律规制、专家引领和管理创新等措施协同进行。  相似文献   

New Zealand is moving towards increased qualification requirements for early childhood educators. There is an underlying assumption that there is a correlation between quality early childhood education, teacher qualifications and quality practices in teaching and learning. Two fields of literature, early childhood pedagogy and science specific pedagogy, are reviewed briefly to provide a framework with which to consider why student teachers' attitudes, misunderstandings and misconceptions in science can limit their ability and willingness to create quality teaching and learning opportunities. The study reported in this paper highlights, in general, that early childhood student teachers' subject knowledge in science was poor. It also emerged that the student teachers were unaware of how little they knew and how this might affect their ability to provide appropriate science experiences for young children.  相似文献   

This paper reports a survey of research in mathematics teacher education from 1999 to 2003 done by an international team of five mathematics educators and researchers. The survey included published research in international mathematics education journals, international handbooks of mathematics education and international mathematics education conference proceedings. Some regional sources from various parts of the world were also included. We investigated who was writing, from and in what settings, with what theoretical frameworks, and with what sorts of study designs for what core questions. We also examined the range of findings and conclusions produced in these studies. Our analysis presented here focuses on four themes that stood out from our initial investigation of almost 300 published papers, and systematically elaborated through a focused study of a 160 papers across key journals and conference proceedings in the field. From this vantage point, the paper offers a reflection on the current state of the field of mathematics teacher education research. Our aim is to stimulate discussion that can support the development of the field, not make final pronouncements about its nature. The research presented in this paper was done by five mathematics education researchers, the authors listed above, and presented at ICME10 in Copenhagen in July 2004. This Survey Team (Survey Team 3) was nominated by the International Program Committee for the Congress and asked to survey “Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers” and present this in a plenary at the Congress. A copy of the presentation can be viewed at: http://www.wits.ac.za/jadler/presentations.html. An earlier version of this paper will also appear in the ICME10 proceedings.  相似文献   

一个国家教师的培养模式和质量水准在很大程度上制约着整个国家教育事业的发展,瑞典的教师队伍具有要求高、质量好的优势,政府为了保持高水准的教育水平,摆脱师资建设中的困境,提出了一系列卓有成效的教师教育措施,在教师的培养目标、训练和素质能力的提高方面都有其独到之处,促进了教师教育的健康发展,从中我们也得到一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

‘School Innovation in Science’ represents a model, developed through working with more than 200 Victorian schools, to improve science teaching and learning. SIS works at the level of the science team and the teacher, providing resources to challenge and support the change process. Its emphasis is on strategic planning supported by a framework for describing effective teaching, materials for auditing practice and planning initiatives, and a networked support structure. Experience and results from the project, concerning the nature and extent of change, will be used to provide insight into the multidimensional nature of the change process and to suggest a number of principles concerning support for change. Arising out of this, the major elements of a School Innovation Model are identified, that supports a transformative agenda for schools more generally.  相似文献   

教师教育体系的内涵已经从狭义向广义发展,即形成了教师教育政策、培养和培训机构、培养和培训模式、课程体系、教师制度等要素构成的系统。但目前教师教育体系的研究仍缺乏整体性、实证性、衔接性和创新性,今后的研究需要在这些方面深入探讨。  相似文献   

Research should play a central role in decision making. Practitioners as well as policy makers can illafford to ignore the importance of research, particularly those involving the local context, in informing practice. Contextual differences are often incurred when overseas research findings are imported. A very strong case can therefore be made for more local research studies for use within the local context. There is, however, a dearth of local studies in science education over the past two decades. This paper attempts to briefly survey the field to account for the impoverished state. It will then review some thirty-six research studies carried out in Singapore spanning the period from 1971 to 1990—these representing the studies where documentation were available—with the view of pooling together the findings of the studies and eliciting trends for the benefit of future research efforts as well as enlightening practice and policy.  相似文献   

This literature review examines curricular space allocated to activity based/movement content courses in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) pre-service programs, specifically focusing on how dance content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge are addressed within those programs. This review includes original empirical research conducted on PETE pre-service programs and graduates within the United States after 1990. The review defines “activity based/movement content knowledge course” as any course in which students learn the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to engage in or perform a particular sport, game, dance or other physical activity. Only one study within the review of nine total studies focuses solely on dance content within PETE pre-service programs. This review also analyzes the placement of dance content knowledge within the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) Grade Level Outcomes for K–12 Physical Education (PE). Suggestions are made for future research and methodological considerations for dance content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in PETE pre-service programs.  相似文献   

现代科学教育的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学教育指的是数学与自然科学教育以及在它们的基础上形成的各种交叉科学、综合科学和技术科学的教育。各级各类学校中进行的科学教育具有系统性、客观性、抽象性和继承性等特点  相似文献   

对教师教育有关概念的认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上世纪末,我国的教师教育步入了转型期。十多年来,学界对教师教育的研究掀起了热潮,高师院校的改革实践也方兴未艾。但在改革实践中人们对教师教育、教师教育转型、教师教育特色等几个基本概念的认识尚存在一定的模糊性。本文在已有研究成果的基础上,对上述几个基本概念进行了重新梳理和界定。  相似文献   

师范生实习支教,置换教师培训是通过组织高师院校师范生到农村中小学进行教育实习,在一定时期内顶替现职农村学校教师的岗位,被置换出的农村教师参加由高师院校组织的短期脱产培训。这是一种双赢的教学和培训模式,它有效提高了师范生的教学技能,切实解决农村教师队伍素质不高这一制约农村基础教育发展的根本问题。文章从当前教育实习和教师培训中存在的问题入手,讨论"实习支教,置换培训"的实践价值并对其有效实施提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

建构主义理论与我国基础科学教育改革的若干问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建构主义是人类的一种认知方式,因此它具有普适性.用建构主义的观点探讨我国基础科学教育改革中亟需解决的主要问题,如科学观问题、有效地科学学习的问题、教师与科学课程开发问题、发现式科学教学与建构式科学教学的联系与区别问题等等,能够为我们提供新的视角和思路.  相似文献   

我国教师教育课程中设置儿童学课程是重塑教师专业素养、顺应国际教师教育发展趋势和应对教师现实困境的必然要求。其设置需要超越学科体系的组织线索,以问题领域为核心组织课程模块;超越心理主义的课程内容,彰显课程建构的社会文化视角;超越对儿童发展普遍规律的依循,关照儿童个体差异。儿童学课程要设置如下课程模块:儿童身心发展、儿童发展与社会、儿童研究方法、儿童研习实践。  相似文献   

师范教育改革十余年来,师范教育中的科学人文素质教育仍然式微,人文精神与科学精神教育缺失。根深蒂固的专业知识技能培养的本体师范教育观、把科学人文素质教育等同于科学人文知识教育、片面强调教育教学技能提升训练是其主要原因。师范教育改革应树立以人文精神与科学精神培养为目标,知识能力、人文精神与科学精神三维一体的师范教育发展观;在课程定位与内容设计上,体现人文精神与科学精神培育的维度;在培育的途径上,构建起课程教学、团学活动、文化活动、社会实践活动一体的师范生人文精神与科学精神培育的平台;在课程教学方法上,要选择知识传授与情感激发、启发、引导一体的教学方法。  相似文献   

A compilation of results from three studies, conducted over a 5-year period, compare and contrast efficacy beliefs held by prospective and practicing teachers toward science and mathematics instruction. Particular attention is directed toward confidence and accountability factors. The theoretical background is derived from Bandura's model as well as the locus of control construct. Recommendations for teacher education programs are offered.  相似文献   

加强对教师教育的宏观监控,实施标准化和规范化的教师教育管理;建立开放的教师教育培养体系;保证职前培养、入职培训、职后进修的教师教育培养过程的一体化;立足国情,建立灵活的、多元化的教师教育结构;提高教师专业水平,促进教师专业成长;强调以中小学为基地,加强实践化和校本化的教师教育课程建设;建立法制化、制度化的教师教育办学保障,是我国教师教育应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

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