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本文根据《统计年鉴》的近年数据,利用多元回归分析法,对北京市的国内生产总值与固定资产投资及消费进行回归分析利用SPSS 10.0计算并输出结果。利用统计检验,确定最佳模型,从而进行经济预测。  相似文献   

识别问题长期以来因其学术价值与实际意义同为理论界和实务界所关注。从实践形态来看,识别并非如传统理论所言仅存在于法律适用过程中,在管辖权确定以及判决的承认与执行中,同样也有其生存空间。发生在识别问题上的理论反对实践的现象,折射出理论研究滞后于实践发展的尴尬现实,不能不引起我们的反思。  相似文献   

讨论一类这截断型分布族参数的双侧经验Bayes检验问题,文中构造了参数的经验Bayes判决函数,证明了其具有渐近最优性,并获得了收敛速度。  相似文献   

目的:张力腿平台在海上服役时由于振动和系泊问题有漂浮姿态丧失的风险。平台漂浮姿态丧失后会影响作业稳定性和服役安全性。本文旨在对平台漂浮姿态丧失进行风险分析,评估总体的风险等级,识别最具威胁的风险因素,提前采取有效措施,并及时向设计、建造和运营提供反馈意见,保证平台运行安全。创新点:1.在模糊理论的基础上融合统计过程控制理论和层次分析法,形成模糊统计过程控制评估模型;2.建立适用于评估目标的风险评估指标体系,并作为参数输入该风险评估模型,最终获得风险置信区间。方法:1.识别影响漂浮姿态的风险因素并归纳分解,建立风险评估指标体系,并将其作为模糊统计过程控制评估模型的输入参数;2.将应用模糊理论和层次分析法得到的单一独立评价方案的风险结果视为风险的总体随机样本,并利用中心极限定理对风险评估结果进行置信度评价,以获得最终的风险置信区间。结论:1.三种方法的融合使得不确定性和主观性对风险评估的影响大幅减少,结果好于单独用其中任何一种评估方法。2.风险评价指标体系是柔性的,需要随着实际情况做出适当的调整。3.独立风险评价方案的数量依赖于项目的需求,高精度的评估结果需要大量的独立评价方案做底层支撑;独立评价方案的数量不能小于10。4.风险评价指标体系可以不同,但是风险评估方法具有普适性。  相似文献   

高科技企业风险管理是一项关系企业发展战略,贯穿企业成长全过程的战略性、动态管理活动。借鉴前人的研究成果,将价值链分析引入企业风险管理,在对价值链按照价值构面进行重画的基础上进行风险识别,运用模糊数学方法评价风险,创建了一种适合高科技企业,包含风险识别、风险评估和风险控制的风险管理模式。  相似文献   

主要介绍了假设检验中的各种参数信息,包括显著性水平α的最佳选择方法,Z检验统计量及相关参数,单总体t检验统计量参数和卡方检验的统计量参数,P值检验的参数.对每个参数的意义做了简要的讨论,对使用假设检验解决问题提供一定的理论指导.  相似文献   

目的:从风险管理角度统计安徽省药品批发企业新修订GSP认证现场检查的缺陷项目,分析并查找质量管理风险点,并根据风险严重程度提出可行性应对风险的预案。方法:汇总安徽省2013年以来GSP认证现场检查缺陷项目,通过相关性与率的卡方检验,识别出共性风险与差异性风险,进行风险评估并采取相应风险预案。结果:2015年8月前后,药品批发企业认证通过率有差异,且存在共性与差异性缺陷项。结论:风险管理的理念和方法已经融入GSP的认证检查,通过风险控制,可以进一步规范药品流通行为。  相似文献   

汪基德先生在《教育研究与实验》上发表的《对教育实验统计检验若干问题的探讨》(以下简称汪文)一文,对统计检验能否归因、统计检验的差异显著性是针对样本还是针对总体、统计检验的置信水平与实验效度和信度的关系、统计检验的显著性水平与实验系数的关系等问题做了探讨,有不少独到的见解,可以使读者对实验和统计检验中的一些  相似文献   

企业进行在职培训将面临工人跳槽的风险,通过博弈模型分析发现,工人的素质将影响到劳动生产率,进一步影响到工资水平.从统计上看,企业培训对于工人收入有显著的正效应,考虑到企业培训的内生性问题,采用工具变量法进行检验,发现企业进行在职培训对工人的工资收入有显著的正影响,其影响程度明显高于OLS估计的结果.  相似文献   

结合房地产项目的风险特点,对项目在前期决策阶段、建设实施阶段和项目营销阶段进行风险识别。针对各个阶段存在古白问题提出相应的风险应对措施,以增强企业抵御风险的能力。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the conditions under which generalisation from single case studies, in the sense of making inferences concerning a wider class of phenomena beyond a case, is reasonable. Two sets of conditions, in particular, provide the basis for our consideration of this issue. The first is an exploration of the impressive amount of empirical knowledge that is contained within the theories that are used to make observations, to classify phenomena, and to understand and interpret cases. The second is recognition of the role of a pattern of inference known as abduction, or inference to the best explanation, in drawing conclusions from case studies. It is argued that these two conditions, when applied to the procedures for conducting case studies, can be used to defend, as reasonable, the making of certain provisional generalisations from single cases. An epistemological procedure for testing and further justifying these generalisations, with a particular emphasis on dealing with the problem of confirmation bias, is then discussed and recommended.  相似文献   

A simple problem of the sort often faced by elementary statistics students forms the basis for a discussion of several important hypothesis testing issues. These issues are often overlooked when moving from simple tests of means to bivariate inference problems.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate constructive memory in fourth-grade low-SES black and middle-SES white children. The children were read nine short passages; each passage was composed of two premise statements and a filler sentence. The children were tested by a recognition procedure. Thirty-six test sentences were presented randomly. Four sentences were associated with each passage (true premise, false premise, true inference, and false inference). Subjects were asked to make yes/no recognition decisions based on whether the test sentence was identical to a sentence presented at study. Middle-SES white children made few errors, except to true inference test sentences. This pattern of performance is consistent with the constructive view of memory. Low-SES black children also had a high error rate to true inference items. However, this outcome may not reflect constructive memory because they also had a high error rate to some of the other types of test sentences.  相似文献   

Soumen Dey  Mohan Delampady 《Resonance》2013,18(12):1095-1109
Statistical methods involving high-dimensional testing, i.e., a large number of simultaneous tests, have become important in recent days. Applications include microarrays, fMRI images and signal processing. Information that can be obtained by treating them as connected tests leads to the concept of discovery rates as well as to the Bayesian approach to hypothesis tests. It gives us great pleasure to honour Herbert Robbins who introduced the Empirical Bayes technique in statistical inference, which connects the frequentist and the Bayesian approaches in this problem.  相似文献   

A rapidly expanding arena for item response theory (IRT) is in attitudinal and health‐outcomes survey applications, often with polytomous items. In particular, there is interest in computer adaptive testing (CAT). Meeting model assumptions is necessary to realize the benefits of IRT in this setting, however. Although initial investigations of local item dependence have been studied both for polytomous items in fixed‐form settings and for dichotomous items in CAT settings, there have been no publications applying local item dependence detection methodology to polytomous items in CAT despite its central importance to these applications. The current research uses a simulation study to investigate the extension of widely used pairwise statistics, Yen's Q3 Statistic and Pearson's Statistic X2, in this context. The simulation design and results are contextualized throughout with a real item bank of this type from the Patient‐Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS).  相似文献   

略论应收账款的管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应收账款一直以来就是企业存在的难以解决的问题.因此,应收账款的风险分析和如何控制应收账款是企业财务管理的重要问题.本文从应收账款居高不下原因的认识出发,通过对应收账款风险的分析,对应收账款的控制和管理作了进一步的探讨.  相似文献   

休谟问题引发了为归纳推理有效性的辩护。迄今为止,凡是站在先验哲学立场上为归纳推理和归纳法进行辩护,最终都归于失败;直到施泰默应用大量科学事实为归纳辩护的出现,才为归纳问题的解决开辟了一条阳光之道。本文认为,为归纳推理有效性进行辩护的基础并非静态的事实,而是从假设出发归于事实的动态过程;为归纳推理有效性进行辩护的基础也并非唯一,不同的辩护者有不同的辩护过程,对辩护的基础,他们也会有不同的要求,这些不同的要求将决定归纳推理的命运。  相似文献   

本文从质量经变规律的角度,说明归纳推理之所以可能从有限个前题即特殊过渡到一般,是因为没有质变点。  相似文献   

诺顿在古德曼和亨普尔等人的启发下,结合他的科学哲学研究背景,提出一种不同于他所定义的“形式归纳理论”的“实质归纳理论”,强调归纳的局部应用性,拒斥普遍的归纳推理模式。归纳推理的基础往往建立在具体领域的事实之上,因此所有的归纳推理都是局部的。诺顿认为归纳推理模式是由事实授权的,我们可以通过考察这些事实的可靠性来评估归纳风险。同时实质归纳理论不再区分归纳的事实部分和模式部分,所以不易受休谟问题的影响。但我们发现,诺顿的归纳辩护面临着亟待解决的问题,其理论也遭受多方面的批评。实质归纳理论是归纳逻辑领域的前沿性成果,引起了逻辑学界和科学哲学界的广泛关注,一定程度上体现了归纳逻辑的强劲生命力和广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

会话含意的推导和理解是Griee会话含意理论中的重点。人们对会话含意的理解并不只是以会话准则为依据,文化语境也是必须考虑的一个因素,因为人们在交谈时所遵循的准则可能因文化而异。不论是一般会话含意还是特殊会话含意的理解都离不开蕴藏在社会中的文化土壤。在交际过程中信息意义的获取离不开对整体文化意义的认知。文章从跨文化交际中的言语交际的角度分析和说明了东西方会话含意的理解和差异。希望为跨文化交际者在进行跨文化交际时提供一定的指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

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