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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
1.—W illyou be able to finish the job this week? — ,butI m notskilled enough,you know. A.Ican tsay so B.Iexpectso C.I m sure to D.Idon tknow so 2.There is no in going to the park now as the sun is setting. A.reason B.cause C.need D.point 3.Ifa baby bird stays fortwo orthree weeks afterleaving the nest ithas a fairchance ofbecom ing an adult. A.living B.lively C.alive D.live 4.A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket fire t the hotel. A.m ade B.set C.caused D.caught 5.…  相似文献   

1. —Will you be able to finish the work this week ? — , but I5m not skilled enough, you know. A. I can5t say so B. I expect so C. I5m sure to D. I don5t know so 2. There is no in going to the park now as the sun is setting. A. reason B. cause C. need D. point 3. If a baby bird stays for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult. A. living B. lively C. alive D. live 4. A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket fire to the hotel. …  相似文献   

1.①Istillrem em berthe days Iworked with the farm ers.②Istillrem em berthe days Ispentwith the farm ers.A.which B.on which C.when D.what2.①W e were on the way itbegan to rain.②Idon蒺tlike the way you speak to yourparents.A.when B.that C.who D.which3.①The teacherdidn蒺tknow the reason she was absentyesterday.②The teacher couldn蒺tacceptthe reason she explained yester鄄day.A.how B.why C.that D.who4.①Is this school you evervisited?②Is this the school you everstudied?③Is this the …  相似文献   

Unit 5 Ⅰ. 单项选择 A. 课本知识 1. His bad health is a great for him to get a well-paid job. A. advantage B. error C. disadvantage D. fault 2. Listening to music has a calming on her. A. cause B. influence C. reason D. result 3. We are working hard to the lost time. A. make to B. make up for C. set up D. make into 4. Most children are excited about the of Children"s Day. A. come B. arrive C. appreciate D. approach 5. —I"m very with my own cooking. —It looks nice and smells delicious…  相似文献   

1.You——to the meeting yesterday,what was the reason for your absence?A.would have come B.should have come C.had come D.must have come2.一I had a very boring evening at home yesterday.一鼢Y did you stay at home?场U 幻the concert.A.must go B.couldn’t have gone C.could have gone D.must have l~one3.一ⅥlYdidthelibrarianfineyouten dollars yesterday? 一Wlell.I those books to the library two weeks before,but I forgot. A.ought tO retllm B.must have returned C.needn’t have returned D.ought t…  相似文献   

●缘reason,cause,sake,relationship,edge,fringe,climb●无缘无故地for no reason at all●世上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。There is absolutely ilo such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause.●不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。I can’t tell the true shape of Lushan because I myself am on the mountain.●花径不曾缘客扫。The garden path has never been  相似文献   

刘奉越 《中学文科》2003,(10):15-16
Compare the following sentences and choose the best answers:1.a)This is the reason you all know. b)I really don’t know the reason Pro-fessor Li didn’t attend the meeting.A.why B.which C.because D.that2.a)He asked us the question the film was worth seeing. b)He made the suggestion the meeting should be put off.A.when B.where C.that D.whether3.a) He is working hard, every one of us can see. b)He passed the exam,pleased every one of us.A.asB.itC.thatD.which4.a) studies …  相似文献   

根据图画内容补全下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:W hats under the bed?B:There are.A:are they?B:They are m ine.2.A:W here is the bag?B:Its the.A:Is it?B:N o,itisn tm ine.Its his.3.A :W hats he doing? B :H e is . 4.A :H ow m any cats are there in her hands? B : . 5.A :W hich are LiH ua and Y iLa in? B :They are in Class O ne. A :W hich row are they in? B :They re in . 6.A :W hat are they doing? B :They re watching . A :A re they the sam e row? B : , .7.A :W here is the book? B :Its t…  相似文献   

1.first thing首先,第一件事A:I want to do some exercise but never seem to find the time.B:Why don't you do it first thing in the morning?A:In the morning?I have to go to work on time!How can I?B:Get up a little earlier,then you can find time to do it.A:我想做些锻炼,可是总是找不到时间。B:早上起床后为什么不先锻炼呢?A:早上?我得按时上班去!哪有时间锻炼啊?B:早一点起床啊,这样你就可以找到时间锻炼了。  相似文献   

1.like anything 势头很猛A: I heard that the building at the corner of the street was on firelast night. B: Yes. By the time the fire engine arrived, the house was burninglike anything.A: Were there any casualties? B:Nope.A:听说街角那幢房子昨晚着火了。B:是的。消防车来的时候,那火着得非常猛。A:有人员伤亡吗?B:没有。  相似文献   

The Difference     
A:What!s the difference betweena monkeyand a flea?B:A monkey can have fleas,but a flea can!t have monkeys.译文:A:猴子和跳蚤有什么不同呢?B:猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。The Difference~~  相似文献   

1.hold out the olive branch愿意讲和A:I haven’t heard the quarrelling of them for a long time.B:Me too.What had happened?A:They have reconciled with each other.B:Who is the first that had such intention?A:Robert,I think.Because he has told me that he was tiredof the constant quarrelling.B:I see.So he finally extended the olive branch to his neighbor.A:好长时间都没听见他们吵架了。B:就是。有什么事发生吗?A:他们已和解了。B:谁先有这个意思的?A:我想是罗伯特吧。因为他曾对我说过他厌倦了无休止的…  相似文献   

根据图画完成下列对话,每空填一词。1.A:W hatare they?B:They are playing basketball.A:W hatare you to do?B:Im going to playing football.2.A:W hats the w eathertoday?B:Its very cold.A:W ill it be a littletom orrow?B:N o,itw illbe m uch colder.3.A:W here are you going?B:W e re going to the.A:W hatare you going to do?B:G o.4.A:Excuse m e,wheres the near-esthospital?B:W alk this street,andtake the second turning onthe.A:Thank you.5.A:were you not here yes-terday?B:Because m y m other was …  相似文献   

A.补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有一项多余。A: 1 B:The Paulas. A:What is Hamilton like? B:It is a very old town.A: 2 B:Grandpa Mark.A: 3 B:Football.A: 4 B:Peter.A: 5 B:His mother,Diana.A:Why does Ryan love her? A:Because she buys nice food for him.A.Who likes to go fishing in the fishing pond with Ryan? B.Where do they come from? C.Who's Ryan's favorite in the family?  相似文献   

根据图画所示补全对话,每空填一词。1.A :Y ou re from A ustralia,?B :Y es,I am .A :W hats the w eather of A us-tralia like w hen w e are insum m er?B :Itis season.2.A :W hich do you likebest?B :I I like spring best.A : ?B :B ecause we can see allkindsof flowers everywhere.3.A : are the oranges?B :They re in the fridge.A : oranges are therein it?B :There are eight.4.A :W ould you to com e tom y party?B :Is today your ?A :D on tyou know ?A :Sorry. birthday!5.A :C an I to B ill,please?…  相似文献   

2003年高考试题(上海卷)第36题:It is these poisonous products can cause thesymptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles.A. who B. that C. how D. what 该题考查强调句型的用法,还原题干后为:These poisonousproducts can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles.  相似文献   

3.“两者选一”观点的议论文模式。 模式 1:A 、B 两者优劣势分析,要么选 A , 要么选 B 。 Introduction 第 1段: Some people hold the opinion that (A )is superior to (B)in many ways.Oth- ers, however, argue that (B) is much better. Personally,I would prefer (A )because I think (A)has more advantages. Main body 第 2段: There are many reasons why I prefer (A ).The main reason is that ...A nother reason is that ...(赞同 A 的原因) 第 3段:Of course,choosing (B)also has advantages to some extent,(列出 1~2个 B 的优 势) Conclusion 第 4段:But if all these factors are taken ...  相似文献   

1 my fingers are all thumbs笨手笨脚A:Hi,Jenny can you come and lend me a hand? B:Sure.What is it? A:I can't tie up the ribbon round the parcel.You know my fingers are all thumbs. B:OK.Let me help you. A:喂,珍妮!你能过来帮我一下吗? B:当然可以。什么事? A:你知道我笨手笨脚的,怎么也不能把绸带绑在包裹上。  相似文献   

根据图画内容补全下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:W hats on the tree?B:.A:Can you see a boy in the pic-ture?B:Yes,Ican.2.A:?B:Itis a bike.A:?B:No.Its Jim s.3.A:?B:Its a bag.A:Is itnew?B:Yes,.4.A:?B:They are som e books.A:W hatbooks are they?B:.5.A:W hatis underthe bed?B:.A:?B:There are three.6.A:Is there a ship or a boatinthe picture?B:.A:H ow m any people are therein it?B:.-31-7.A:?B:Its LiM ing.A:Is he in bed?B:No,,.8.A:Is there a dog behind thedoor?B:No,.A:?B:Its a cat.K ey:1…  相似文献   

1.A.W hat蒺s the tim e?B:It蒺s .A:It蒺s tim e forus to go school.B:Ok.Let蒺s .2.A:W hat蒺s itin his hand?B:It蒺s apple.A:Do you like apples芽B:Yes,I like apples very.3.A :Can you play football?B:No熏I .Canyouhelpm e?A : .Play itlike this.B:Letm e have a try.4.A:Can he jum p high?B:Yes,he .A:W hataboutyou?B:Ican蒺t.It蒺s hard.5.A :H ow m any people are therein the river?B:Only .A :Can she swim ?B: 熏she can.6.A:W hat蒺re they in the tree?B:They蒺reabirdanda .A:W hatcolouris th…  相似文献   

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