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China' s Li Na plays a shot to Meilen Tu of the U.S. during their match at the Wimbledon tennis championships in London June 28, 2006.[Reuters] Li Na, China's first seeded singles player in a grand slam(大满贯) draw, swept into the third round at Wimbledon with an impressive 6-2 6-4 victory over American Meilen Tu on June 28. "I am happy with my performance," she told Reuters after a victory gained as the sun set on a memorable day for four Chinese women players who have their sights  相似文献   

It hasnt always been easy to know the time. A long time ago people looked at the sun. The sun was their clock. They could tell the time of day by the position of the sun in the sky: morning,noon,or afternoon.After many years people began to see something else about the sun.When the sun shone on something, it made a dark shadow behind it.This was the place that didn蒺t get sunlight. As the sun moved across the sky,the shadow moved too. People could tell time better by the shadows of things t…  相似文献   

The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on whichfathers are honored by their children. On the thirdSunday in June, fathers all across the United Statesare given presents, treated to dinner or otherwisemade to fe…  相似文献   

We all know that no matter how many clouds get in the way, the sun keeps on shining. No matter how many times its rays are blocked from our view, the sun will reappear on another day to shine more brilliantly than before. It takes determination to outlast those dark clouds that sometimes enter your life,  相似文献   

Sunsets can be beautiful to watch, but the pinks and purples of a fading Earth day might be boring compared with sunsets on planets outside our solar system. After all, we have only one sun in the sky. It now appears that some planets may have two.  相似文献   

1If we look at the sky on a perfectly fine summer’s day we shall find that the blue colour is the most pure and intense overhead,and when looking high up in a direction opposite to the sun.Near the horizon it is always less bright, while in the region immediately around the sun it is more or less yellow.  相似文献   

一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.February is the month of the year.( two)2 .Is there water in this bottle than in thatone?( much)3.“Do you want any more ,boy”,saidAunt Zhou.( potato)4.Few of them can answer the question .( easy)5.It is to play on the road.( danger)6.The park is full of on sundays.( visit)7.The ship left Shanghai on a day.( wind)8.Some children love summer because they like.( swim)9.If you want to be and healthier,youhave to eat less food.( thin)10 .The sun always shines a…  相似文献   

The Useful Moon     
Two kids are talking about the sun and them oon.One asks,“Whichone do you think is more useful?”The other answers,“The moon,of course.The moon always comesout in the evenings and gives light to us. While the sun always stays inthe sky in the day when it is already bright enough.”The Useful Moon!河北@邢新…  相似文献   

Is it morning already?I rub my eyes and get up to ready myself for just another day.It's just another day….I look out my window to see the sun beaming down,caressing(爱抚)the Earth with its golden rays.Above,white clouds float in the brilliant blue sky.I hear a cardinalsinging to his mate as he perches upon my back fence.And a bed of crocus open their purpleheads to the heavens in joyful thankfulness.  相似文献   

A 1)grasshopper spent the summer 2)hopping in the sun and singing to his heart's content.One day,an ant went hurrying by,looking very hot and 3)weary. "Why are you working on such a lovely day?" asked the grasshopper. "I'm collecting food for the winter,"said the ant,"and I suggest you do the same." And off she went,helping the other ants to carry food to their store.  相似文献   

The coupling of the sun‘s gravitational field with processes of diffusion and convection exerts a significant influence on the dynamical behavior of the core 3He nuclear reaction-diffusion system. Stability analyses of the system are made in this paper by using the theory of nonequilibrium dynamics. It is showed that, in the nuclear reaction regions extending from the center to about 0. 38 times of the radius of the sun, the gravitational field enables the core ^3He nuclear reaction-diffusion system to become unstable and, after the instability, new states to appear in the system have characteristic of time oscillation. This may change the production rates of both ^7Be and ^8B neutrinos.  相似文献   

Summer Vacation     
It's very hot in summer. Let's go swimming in the swimming pool! What will you do for your summer vacation (假期)?I will go to the swimming pool to play! What will you do for your summer vacation? I will go swimming every day! In the month of June and in July and August, Each day I will play in the swimming pool!  相似文献   

郑红 《海外英语》2003,(7):32-33
There is in the west of Ireland a flower called thelove daffodil.Most daffodils bloom in Springtime,a beautiful yellow that lifts its head to thespring sun and follows it until the sun sets in thewest.Then slowly closes its petals and droops its headtoward the ground until the Sun rises the next morning.The love daffodil pushes through the snow in Jan-uary and is buffeted by cold winds and shone downupon by an icy Sun.The colour of the love daffodil isred.Some say if you find it on a clear frosty night in afull moon,blood drips from its petals to the snow cov-ered ground.  相似文献   

李楠 《海外英语》2012,(9):179-180
In recent years,China is deepening reform and opening up to the outside world especially after China’s successful accession to the WTO.Sino-foreign communication in the field of law is on the rise day by day along with the rapid development of globalization.As can be seen from the previous legal translation studies both in the western world and in China,scholars or researchers have made much effort to conduct studies of legal translation.In this thesis,the basic features of Strategies in legal translation are introduced with some examples in the legal translation practices.And it is explained how to produce a successful legal translation.  相似文献   

What a fine day! The sun is shining and everything looks bright. Can you feel the heat when youstand in the sun? The sun gives the heat from very far away. It is hard to believe that the sun is aboutone hundred and fifty million kilometers away. The sun looks small because it is so far from us, butit't really very huge.  相似文献   

Going to the Sun Teacher:Today is the commemoration day( 纪念日 )of human going to the moon for the first time.Student:Why don't they go to the sun?Teacher:Because the sun is too hot.It can cremate( 烧成灰 )all the things.Student:They can go there at night. Circles Xiao Mao likes drawing circles in the exercise-books.When the Chinese teacher criticizes( 批评 )him,he says,"It is a period( 句号 )."When the maths teacher criticizes him,he says,"It is a zero.…  相似文献   

Fighting Sharks     
Doctor John Perry decided it was time to go home. It had been a perfect (完 美 的 ) day-a day alone, the first such day in many years. H e had filled his bag with all sorts of sea shells (贝 壳 ), enough to study for months. The island had been a goodplace to find shells. But now the sun was going down.H e m ust leave before it got dark. He picked up his bag of shells and walked towardthe edge of the island.H e came to the sand reef(暗 礁 ,沙 洲 )that led from the island to shore.He stopped…  相似文献   

The earth moves round the sun,and the moonmoves round the earth.When our past of the earth  1  away from the sun,it is night.When our pastof the earth runs to the sun,it is day.The sun is much  2  than the moon. Butsometimes the moon   3  bigger than the sun,because it is much  4  to the  5  .The sun is very bright.It  6  very stronglight.The moon looks quite bright.  7  .But it 8  give any light at all.The light from the mooncomes  9  the sun.The moon looks  10  bigger …  相似文献   

Diana had a cottage on a cliff above abig bay.Most of the summer she1her cottage and the colourful plants in the2very much.At weekends she couldsit out of doors in the sun,looking at thebeautiful view,3interesting ships andboats passing by,and she could very easily4down to the sea for a swim.Now,Diana and her husband hadplenty of friends and relations,who5came to visit them in winter,6itwas wet and cloudy,and the weather didnot make the7of the cottage on thecoast very nice,but in the summer lo…  相似文献   

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