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We measure the regional impact of the European Capital of Culture programme using a difference-in-differences approach. We compare the regions of cities that hosted the event with the regions of cities that tried to host it but did not succeed. GDP per capita in hosting regions is 4.5 % higher compared to non-hosting regions during the event, and the effect persists more than 5 years after it. This result suggests that the economic dimension of the event is important and supports claims that the event serves as catalyst for urban regeneration and development.  相似文献   

In recent years questions concerning the impact of public research funding have become the preeminent site at which struggles over the meanings and value of science are played out. In this paper we explore the ‘politics of impact’ in contemporary UK science and research policy and, in particular, detail the ways in which UK research councils have responded to and reframed recent calls for the quantitative measurement of research impacts. Operating as ‘boundary organisations’ research councils are embroiled in what might be characterised as the ‘politics of demarcation’ in which competing understandings of the cultural values of science are traded, exchanged and contested. In this paper we focus on the way the UK’s ‘Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’ (EPSRC) has responded to contemporary policy discourses concerning the impacts of public research expenditure. We argue that, in response to the shifting terms of contemporary science policy, the EPSRC has adopted three distinct strategies. Firstly, in collaboration with other research councils the EPSRC have emphasised the intellectual and metrological challenge presented by attempts to quantify the economic impact of public research expenditure, emphasising instead the cumulative impacts of a broad portfolio of ‘basic science’. Secondly, the EPSRC has sought to widen the discursive meaning of research impacts – specifically to include societal and policy impacts in addition to economic ones. Thirdly, the EPSRC has introduced a new framing into the ‘impact agenda’, preferring to talk about ‘pathways to impact’ rather than research impacts per se. In responding to government priority setting, we argue that the EPSRC has sought to exploit both the technical fragility of auditing techniques and the discursive ambiguity of notions of impact.  相似文献   

Lemay  Margaret A. 《Minerva》2020,58(2):235-260

This paper examines the promise of science and its role in shaping research policy. The promise of science is characterized by expectations of science, which are embedded in promissory discourses that envision futures made possible through advances in promising science. Through a single case study of the origins of Genome Canada, the research was guided by the question: How did expectations of genomics shape the creation of Genome Canada? A conceptualization of discursive power and expectations of genomics storylines provide the theoretical and analytical basis for an in-depth examination of the ideational effects and material impacts on research policy decisions over three years (1997–2000) that culminated in the creation of Genome Canada. Expectations of genomics storylines functioned in a complex interplay of discursive practices and dynamics among diverse policy actors within a genomics discourse-coalition to produce a range of ideational and material impacts. The expectations of genomics storylines produced powerful genomics subject-positions from which policy actors perceived their interests, identities and preferences and gained agency, which led to various material impacts, such as mobilizing support and funding, coordinating activities and transforming Canada’s research policy framework. With the increasing importance of research policy to a range of broader policy priorities underpinned by expectations that science will resolve societal challenges and contribute to socio-economic benefits, this paper sheds light on how complex research policy decisions are made; it further contributes to understanding the role of promissory discourses in shaping those decisions.


46年前,今天大名鼎鼎的昆曲“巾生魁首”汪世瑜正是以《西园记》的“张继华”一角,赢得盛名,汪老师自己也曾感慨,“就靠一部((西园记”,造就了一个汪世瑜”,可见得“张继华”角色的分量。46年后,汪世瑜亲自导演的时尚版《西园记》,让浙江昆剧团的三代演员好好地“PK”了一番:“50后”的陶铁斧已进入演员的鼎盛时期,“60后”的李公律风华正茂,“80后”的女小生毛文霞则青春逼人,俊秀可人,三位“张继华”一时间幻影流动,精彩绝伦。我对昆曲有点上瘾,恨不得三场大戏一场也不拉下。但我只得到陶铁斧的《西园记》的戏票。  相似文献   

开茶节的T型台搭到茶园里 “溪水清清溪水长,溪水两岸好呀么好风光。哥哥呀,你上畈下畈勤插秧,姐妹呀,东山西山采茶忙;插秧插得喜洋洋,采茶采得心花放……”  相似文献   

Conclusions This paper has demonstrated that visitors to professional theatre companies located in towns and villages of southern Ontario contribute to the economic well-being of the local economy. Furthermore, it has been documented that while all communities receive some monetary benefits, spatial variations are found to exist. These discrepancies are a function of differences in the average expenditures of non-local residents and the total number of visitors attending the theatre event. As expected, average expenditures appear to be highest in communities supporting a large commercial sector which are capable of sustaining a touris market. Moreover, the number of visitors attending a theatre event appears to be greatest in small communities supporting an established theratre company.  相似文献   

8月11日,孟京辉出席2013杭州国际戏剧节新闻发布会。"我真的特别高兴,在美丽的城市干一件美丽的事。"作为杭州国际戏剧节的发起人和艺术总监,他毫不掩饰对杭州和戏剧的挚爱。孟京辉说:"开幕演出很重要。"让人想不到的是开幕大戏选了浙江昆剧团演员杨崑和现代舞演员小珂合作的《游园·今梦》。这出戏居然放在西湖边的钱王祠上演,依托西湖园林的优美环境,凸显"游园"的戏剧情景。孟京辉为戏剧节带来了许多中外好  相似文献   

This study attempts to answer two questions. First, can a single cultural event impact the stock prices of a wide range of companies and sectors? Second, was the positive stock market response in the information technology (IT) sector as well as performing arts sector significant? To answer these questions, we examine whether a hit pop single, “Gangnam Style” by Park Jae-Sang in 2012, affected related sectors of the Korean stock market and whether market reactions went beyond the stock price of the singer’s agency to affect those of other firms. We use an event study approach. The results show two notable empirical findings. First, although the findings indicating abnormal returns and cumulative abnormal returns appear mixed, the overall results imply that the unprecedented worldwide hit single by the South Korean singer positively affected the Recreation & Culture and Digital Content sectors. In other words, the market interpreted the event as good news, with shareholders expecting positive effects on the related sectors. Second, a positive stock market response was observed in the IT sector as well.  相似文献   

Understanding the matter of insurability as a problem of governing uncertainty has led to thinking ‘the event’ as the object of insurance. How the event is understood and conceptualized determines to a great extent the ways in which its related uncertainty will be rendered. This, in turn, will determine how such uncertainty will be managed. Although this idea has been widely explored with important nuances by various scholars, what has not been discussed in great detail is the problematic idea of temporality and the role time plays in helping constitute the event object of insurance. Such a problem is of great relevance for pushing forward the debate on the limits of insurability. The empirical cases used in this article, Swiss Re's Vita and Kortis, launched and developed during the last decade, relate to hedging the exposure of life and health insurance portfolios to events that would generate excess mortality and excess vitality. The schemes, as explored here, are not simply actuarial, although actuarial practice still figures prominently in their crafting. They involve the strategic articulation of varied forms of knowledge that enshrine particular understandings of time and produce the truth-base of insurable events.  相似文献   

栗子 《文化交流》2014,(11):75-77
在经历了两个多月的比赛后,由浙江省文化厅、省音协和省舞协共同主办的浙江省第九届音乐舞蹈节近日在浙江杭州落幕。浙江省音乐舞蹈节是浙江省音乐舞蹈界的最高赛事,每3年举办一届。本届音乐舞蹈节分别在杭州、湖州、绍兴、舟山、义乌等地举行,共有近120件新作品、550多组(名)选手报名参加声乐、器乐、舞蹈3个大项的比赛,体现出"覆盖全省、带动基层"的办节理念。本届音乐舞蹈节涌现出许多创新作品,如歌曲《富春山居图》、器乐曲《涌动》、舞蹈《奋楫者》《凳之龙》等,这些作品具有浓郁的地域特色和鲜明的艺术风格,反映出近年来浙江音乐舞蹈创作的新趋势、新变化.  相似文献   

Economic impact studies based on short-run spending injections and multipliers lack conceptual ties to measures of economic surplus, fail to capture intangible benefits and generally fail to measure costs. In this case study of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) held in Israel in 1999, national benefits from the government-financed televising of the ESC are measured as producer surplus (approximated by private sector incremental profits), consumer surplus (measured as the incremental willingness to pay for an event staged at home) and government surplus (linked to national implicit benefits in the form of promotional advertising cost savings). The opportunity costs of diverting resources to this particular televised event are expressly included as an offset to these gross surplus benefits. Despite the conservative approach, the results show moderate social justification for public support of this high profile televised spectacle and suggest that a cost-benefit approach to cultural events can have wider applications.  相似文献   

Here we present the framework of a new approach to assessing the capacity of research programs to achieve social goals. Research evaluation has made great strides in addressing questions of scientific and economic impacts. It has largely avoided, however, a more important challenge: assessing (prospectively or retrospectively) the impacts of a given research endeavor on the non-scientific, non-economic goals—what we here term “public values”—that often are the core public rationale for the endeavor. Research programs are typically justified in terms of their capacity to achieve public values, and that articulation of public values is pervasive in science policy-making. We outline the elements of a case-based approach to “public value mapping” of science policy, with a particular focus on developing useful criteria and methods for assessing “public value failure,” with an intent to provide an alternative to “market failure” thinking that has been so powerful in science policy-making. So long as research evaluation avoids the problem of public values, science policy decision makers will have little help from social science in making choices among competing paths to desired social outcomes.  相似文献   

钟友 《文化交流》2013,(9):41-43
"一部戏剧史,半部在浙江。"目前,浙江省有56个剧种列入省级"非遗",24个剧种列入国家级"非遗",因而被称为"戏剧大省"。但据浙江省政协文卫体委员会和浙江省戏剧发展促进会调研,只有14个剧种可以登台表演,有11个剧种已经进入濒危状态。如在千岛湖畔的淳安县,古属睦州,睦剧全盛时有90多个剧团,300多名艺人。而现在县里只有一个睦剧团,戏称"天下第一团"。为此,浙江省文化厅专门制订  相似文献   

王聪  江海洋  牛冲槐 《职业圈》2008,(12):72-74
文章在论述了科技型人才聚集效应概念和特征的基础上,对中原文化的特点及其对科技型人才聚集效应的影响进行了分析,探讨了其作用机理,并提出了改良中原文化以促进科技型人才聚集效应产生和提升的对策。  相似文献   

The last few years have seen a remarkable increase in the number of cultural events and festivals. The increasing competitiveness among them and the need to safeguard their future viability make it necessary to identify factors that not only attract and satisfy new participants, but also retain previous attendees. Accordingly, this article examines the relations between motivation, satisfaction and loyalty in the case of a cinema event the Valdivia International Film Festival (Chile), distinguishing, in turn, between local attendees and visitors. To achieve this goal, a structural equation modelling is performed based on the data obtained through a survey conducted among festival attendees. The results show there are different motivations for attending a festival (leisure, professional motives and cinema) and that some directly affect satisfaction and loyalty. Similarly, satisfaction is presented as an unquestionable antecedent of loyalty, the latter being measured by means of different concepts. Finally, the research highlights some significant differences between residents and tourists and seems to point to the existence of a kind of cultural tourism focused on an interest in the cinema, which contributes to the festival’s continuity and sustainability. All of this allows us to extract some implications for the managers of this type of event and for those responsible for the destination’s cultural and tourist policy.  相似文献   

2012年3月20日到25日,一场在杭州揭晓的摄影大赛评选活动,为这座婉约之城添加了深沉而有力的元素——第八届国际新闻摄影比赛(简称"华赛")在这里揭晓,无数优秀摄影记者和摄影师,带着他们角度独特、内容犀利的作品,来到杭州接受世界各国评委们的审阅和终评。几天的时间里,"华赛"成了回荡在这座城市上空响亮的声音。  相似文献   

Cultural and Sport Economics: Conceptual Twins?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is there a role for sports economics in arts research? Despite references to similarities between the arts and sports (especially community impacts, demand interdependencies, and the presence of superstars), the two burgeoning literatures operate in near isolation from one another. This parochialism is not justified by legitimate distinctions; arts labor analysis, in particular, could benefit from sports research. This paper demonstrates this proposition with a focus on: team production functions and income dispersion; unions and rent distribution; managerial and director productivity; earnings functions and changing talent distributions related to competing superstar theories; and career development, screening and human capital theory.  相似文献   

这些年来,"盛世收藏"一词被人们越来越多地提及。在众多的收藏品中,铜镜却一直不多见。今年3月30日,在浙江省博物馆孤山馆区,一场名为"古镜今照——中国铜镜研究会成员藏品精粹展"忽然走进了我们的视野,集中展出大大小小300面铜镜,让人眼花缭乱。更可贵的是,这些铜镜都由民间藏家私家珍藏并征集而来,一场展出,见证了趋于多元化发展的中国民间收藏。  相似文献   


The Allied occupation of Istanbul is a little-known historical event outside of Turkey and the Middle East. European powers occupied Istanbul between 1918 and 1923 to enforce the partition of the Ottoman Empire after WWI in the construction of the Modern Middle East. Almost 100 Turkish novels that address occupied Istanbul have appeared over the last ninety years, beginning even before Allied armies left Istanbul in 1923. Turkey's present Middle Eastern re-emergence and post-Kemalist reassessment of secular modernity has also led writers and intellectuals back to the occupation of Istanbul. To examine why Turkish authors return repeatedly to the trope of occupied Istanbul, this essay surveys the first canonised novels about occupied Istanbul written during the Kemalist monoparty period (1923–50): Shirt of Flame by the exiled feminist and nationalist Halide Edib (1884–1964), Sodom and Gomorrah by the Kemalist ideologue Yakup Kadri Karaosmano?lu (1889–1974) and Outside the Scene by Turkey's first experimental, modernist author Ahmet Hamdi Tanp?nar (1902–62). As bilingual Istanbul intellectuals, all three made occupied Istanbul a central drama in their fictions. However, each represented it differently as a formative event in the construction and critique of the nation-state and of modern Turkish subject-formation.  相似文献   

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