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文章大师韩愈在论及从内在修养入手培养写作能力时的精当比喻,用在诗歌鉴赏上也十分恰当:“养其根而俟其实。”这“根”就是学生的审美兴趣、审美习惯、审美能力;  相似文献   

郭春荣 《中学文科》2007,(12):138-139
一篇佳作的诞生,语言出新是关键。因为,语言不仅是思想的载体,而且还是情愫的外化。“言为心声”,这是古人对语言生成过程极为精辟的总结。唐代韩愈在《答李翊书》中说:“养其根而俟其实,加其膏而希其光。根之茂者其实遂,膏之沃者其光晔。”可见,生活的积累,思想的积淀,情感的奔突,知识的储备,乃是语言出新的沃土。[第一段]  相似文献   

一篇佳作的诞生,语言出新是关键。因为,语言不仅是思想的载体,而且还是情愫的外化。“言为心声”,这是古人对语言生成过程极为精妙的概括。唐代韩愈在《答李翊书》中说:“养其根而俟其实,加其膏而希其光。根之茂者其实遂,膏之沃者其光晔。”可见,生活的积累,思想的积淀.情感的奔突,知识的储备,乃是语言出新的沃土。  相似文献   

一、单项选择题每小题1分,共20分(在每小题的备选答案中选出一个正确答案)1、赵威后用“苟无民,何以有君”,来驳斥齐国使者君贵民轻的思想,这样驳论方………………………………法是○①驳斥论点②驳斥论据③驳斥论证④驳斥态度2、……………庄子《秋水》的主旨是○①阐发为政以德的道理②阐述以民为本的治国思想③阐述实行王道的措施④阐析人的认识有限的哲理3、韩愈用“养其根而俟其实,加其膏而希其光”来论证为文立言的道理,所采用……………………的修辞手法是○①比喻和拟物②比拟和对偶③比喻和对偶④比喻和排比4、王安石《答司马谏议…  相似文献   

唐德宗贞元十七年,在《答李翊书》中,韩愈有这样一段精彩的语言:“养其根而俟其实,加其膏而希其光。根之茂者其实遂,膏之沃者其光晔。”意思是说,只有把树木的根培育好了,才能得到它的果实。只有给灯加油,才能看到它发出的光。根长得旺盛,果实就能预期成熟。仔细品来,这段话充满哲理,  相似文献   

歇后语的语义结构及释义问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从注释学的观察角度审视汉语语汇中的歇后语,揭示歇后语的语面义和引申义,分析引申义的实现手段,强调歇后语的释义不能忽视其语面义,肯定语面义在歇后语表义中的特殊作用,讨论歇后语释义的语言学表述,探究“指”“形容”“比喻”等释义术语混用的根由,并提出解决这一问题的想法。  相似文献   

第一部分选择题一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。1.赵威后用“苟无民,何以有君”来驳斥齐使君贵民轻的思想,这种驳论方法是A.驳斥论点B.驳斥论据C.驳斥论证D.驳斥态度2.下列论证,属于运用类比论证法的是A.用“养其根而俟其实”来阐发为文立言之本B.用“仁义之人,其言蔼如”来强调思想修养重要C.用“有志乎古者希”来证实李翊值得褒扬D.用“无诱于势利”来论证做学问的态度3.《论毅力》一文中排比了五种人的五种结果,其目…  相似文献   

在证券交易范围,新造词“养基”频繁出现在报刊和网络上,成了现在的流行语。“养基”是仿拟“养鸡”而成的(谐音仿拟、比喻、拟物、移连、类推),它的出现与流行符合基民的需要,也是汉语语素构词反映语用需要的表现。  相似文献   

李聿 《语文知识》2004,(10):33-33
人教版高中《语》第一册《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》中有:“如其礼乐,以俟君子。”课注释:“意思是,至于礼乐教化,自己的能力是不够的.只好等待着修养更高的君子来推行了。这是冉有的谦词.如:至于。俟,等。”此注回避了一个难点.未给虚词“以”加注。译句中有“只好”一词,但“以”字是绝对没有“只好”义的。显然,“只好”是根据说话的口吻补出来的.“以”字并未得到落实。不少老师把这个“以”处理为表顺接的连词“而”,笔以为这个“以”当解作“则”。  相似文献   

课程改革的核心是学习方式的变革。新课程倡导的“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式渗透到语课程的方方面面,而体现得最为充分的就是综合性学习了,在《语课程标准》中,“综合性学习”和“识字与写字”、“阅读”、“写作”“口语交际”共同构成了语课程目标的五方面内容,且已纳入语教材体系。[第一段]  相似文献   

鲁迅的"杂文"不是政治判决,而是别一样的"文学",作为文学家的鲁迅的一生就是"杂文的一生",其杂文的历史"过程"性折射了鲁迅本人的思想成型与丰富。行走于"杂文人生"中的鲁迅,同时又通过对"杂文"的写作实践不断体悟"文学"的意义,逐步形成自己独特的文学观念。作为"杂文人生"的历史过程,鲁迅的文字从一般文明现象的批评发展而为整体制度的对抗,而在文字演变的背后,则是在现实社会各种阶层和群体中,不断寻求自我认同与差异甄别的思想过程。  相似文献   

Social cognitive learning theory has shown that observational learning positively influences essay writing development in high-school students, and that self-efficacy impacts on motivation. This study investigated the relative contribution of model observation, model evaluation, post-submission feedback, and factors relating to self-efficacy, as measured through academic confidence, in the essay writing development of 142 university students. The research compared students’ essay marks between two semesters in order to explore whether observational learning had an impact on the development of the complex skills involved. The results revealed that all students benefit from traditional feedback and higher levels of self-efficacy when developing their essay writing performance. Underperforming students particularly benefited from actual essay writing. However, contrary to the predictions drawn from the literature, students in this study did not appear to benefit from observational learning when developing their skills. Limits to social learning theory are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed analysis of the essay writing processes of three third year Bachelor of Education students. The case studies, which were drawn from a larger research project, indicate that students writing essays of differing levels of conceptual structure approach the essay writing task very differently at every stage of the process, and these differences appear to emerge from how students conceptualise the task—whether the intention is to reproduce an ordered sequence of information on the topic, or to construct an argument and develop a coherent thesis. The results suggest that attempts to improve students’ essay writing abilities need to shift from a focus on discrete skills to an emphasis on the relationship between students’ understanding of the content and their ability to write about it.  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2006,11(3):148-166
This study was conducted to gather evidence regarding effects of the mode of writing (handwritten vs. word-processed) on compositional quality in a sample of sixth grade students. Questionnaire data and essay scores were gathered to examine the effect of composition mode on essay scores of students of differing computer skill levels. The study was replicated across two writing prompts; essays were assessed on six elements of writing on which a Writing Process Model theoretical framework predicted differences across modes. Statistically significant effects for mode and computer skills were found for some essay elements, although no statistically significant effects were found for others. These results were inconsistent across writing prompts. With the surge in high-stakes testing in American schools and with increasingly more importance being placed on writing skills in many areas, it is critical that test developers ensure that the composition mode of these tests is not putting certain students at a disadvantage. Accordingly, this article concludes with implications for writing instruction and assessment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the approaches taken to essay writing by five Asian international students at an Australian university. Analysis of their in‐depth interviews reveals links between their perceptions of learning, their perceptions of essay writing, their motivation for completing the task, and their awareness of the structural conventions of the essay as a genre. These links are apparent, irrespective of whether the students were taking a deep or a surface approach to the task. In addition, analysis of the interviews shows that the students who were taking a deep approach to writing had developed high levels of cross‐cultural awareness, specifically in relation to the learning cultures, and the discursive structures of academic writing in Australia and their home country. Implications for the practice of teaching academic writing within the context of increasing cultural diversity in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

支架式教学是建构主义理论指导下的一种教学模式。将支架式教学运用于大学英语写作课堂,可以让学生树立对写作的兴趣和信心,有效地提高英语写作水平。主要介绍支架式教学的内涵和在英语写作课堂教学中应用的基本环节,以及该模式对大学英语写作教学的启示。  相似文献   

众多专家学者对朱自清的《绿》进行过分析和鉴赏,但皆不能摆脱思想性或写作技巧的解读模式;另辟蹊径探讨朱自清的艺术理想,发现朱自清总是以女性的美在极尽释译着梅雨潭的绿;梅雨潭的绿释译着他理想的“艺术的女人”。  相似文献   

在"新工科"视角下,通识课程和专业课程是理工科高等教育课程体系的两大要素。同时,在推动课程思政建设的背景下,写作类课程作为通识课程的重要组成部分,承担了提升学生写作能力、认知水平,涵养学生人文素养和家国情怀,提升学生伦理道德水平和塑造学生科学精神等多种功能。在"新工科"视角下,以"工程师"为主题的通识写作课探索了借助通识写作课实现隐性课程思政的方式,展现了基于建构主义教学模式设计面向理工类本科生的通识写作课教学方法与成效,并为未来相关课程的设计提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

散文笔法的营构其法不一,因意设定,因文而定。散文的“散”本质是自由,是无规矩,是不拘一格。但光“散”不成文,还得讲究“凝”的笔法。优秀的散文作品本身就是“散”与“凝”的辩证统一体。散文写作必须辩证地明了两点:其一,文无定法是散文写作铁的规律。散文写作的任何笔法,都不应当成为僵死的规范。其二,散文写作还是有一定的笔法路数可循的,因为散文写作并不就是一种来无影、去无踪的神秘做法。我们常说散文写作不仰仗技巧,但这并不等于说就不需要技巧。无法不成文。“法”是不可缺少的,“法”是作品的有机组成部分。本文主要探讨两种散文艺术表现的方法。  相似文献   

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