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新世纪以来,日本少子化现象加剧,对幼儿教育提出了挑战。文章陈述了日本少子化现象的概况,分析了少子化现象对日本幼儿教育的影响.并提出了对策。  相似文献   

李岩 《华章》2010,(36)
近年来,日本少子化问题日益突出,日本少年儿童占总人口比例为世界最低.日本的少子化问题对日本的教育、经济、社会、政治等诸多方面会产生广泛而深刻的影响,少子化将成为21世纪日本政府需要面对的重点课题.  相似文献   

“少子化”问题是日本社会各界高度关注的重大课题。为遏止“少子化”现象,有效提升婚育率,日本着眼于破解“少子化”现象发生的价值观基础,将儿童和青少年的价值观塑造作为一项重要突破口,力图通过价值观教育为下一代日本人树立积极的婚育观和健康的家庭观。为此,日本实施了一系列由政府主导,以中小学课程和实践教育活动为主要载体,由家庭和社会力量共同参与的价值观教育策略。主要包括:实施以“家庭规划支援”为重点的生涯教育策略,构建以“家庭科课程”为核心的课程教学策略,开展以“代际互动体验”为主题的校社协同策略等。从我国低生育率问题逐步凸显的时代课题出发,我国既需要夯实物质基础和制度框架,也需要注重价值构建,大力弘扬积极的家庭观、健康的婚育观和全面的人生观,倡导新型家庭人口文化,尤其应注重发挥价值观教育服务国家人口发展战略的重要职能。  相似文献   

日本是最早进入少子化社会的国家之一,面对少子化给高等教育带来的严峻挑战,日本教育部门和高校采取了一系列应对措施以保证其高等教育的发展和竞争力。我国高等教育可借鉴其经验和教训,在政府和高校的共同努力下,建立有效的少子化应对机制。  相似文献   

日本高等教育较早受少子化影响,积累了一定的经验教训,在应对措施上已形成较为完善的体系。本文分析了少子化对日本高等教育所造成的后果,阐述和总结了日本政府在少子化冲击下的应对措施。  相似文献   

日本高等教育较早受少子化影响,积累了一定的经验教训,在应对措施上已形成较为完善的体系。本文分析了少子化对日本高等教育所造成的后果,阐述和总结了日本政府在少子化冲击下的应对措施。  相似文献   

本文分析日本社会的少子化对日本高等教育所产生的的各种负面影响,如生源下降、学校倒闭、教育层次结构发生变化等,进一步阐述日本政府在缓解少子化对高等教育的冲击方面做出的应对措施之一积极实施留学生政策,以期对即将迎来少子化的中国在应对高等教育生源不足时有所启示。  相似文献   

自1980年代末期以降,日本开始遭受少子化问题困扰。因为少子化不单单是一个人口减少问题,它会衍生出很多其他社会问题。因此,如何在少子化背景下养育孩子、如何实施学前教育,便成为日本全社会不得不面对的紧迫课题。以至于学前教育政策竟然成了日本举国应对少子化战略的重要构成部分。近几十年来,我国人口的总和生育率、0-14岁青少年的比例都呈不断下降态势。迅猛发展的老龄化与日益严重的少子化叠加,带给我们的不仅仅是劳动力减少,其对国家可持续发展、对人口结构的负面影响必将日益显现。反观日本,其多年来努力遏止少子化趋势、想方设法克服少子化不良后果的经验教训,对于已经进入少子化、老龄化社会的中国似应具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

日本少子化的现状及成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
少子化是发达国家共有的社会现象,因少子化而引发的一系列社会问题已经受到了国际社会的普遍关注。我国由于计划生育政策的实施,人口出生率迅速下降,已经提前进入了低生育水平国家的行列?分析日本少子化的现状及成因,可以为我国少子化问题的研究提供必要的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

日本不仅人均寿命全球第一,出生率在国际上也是处于最低水平。日本已经成为全球少子化的先驱国家。人口少子化是日本政府面临的一个重大课题。现在日本政府十分重视少子化问题,如今日本政府正在考虑推动"带孩子上班"等相关政策来缓解少子化问题。少子化现象背后隐藏着很多因素,当然其中最重要的一点就是现代女性意识的转变。  相似文献   

学龄前儿童家庭音乐教育浅谈   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在学龄前儿童家庭中实施音乐教育必须具有科学性,即科学地认识学龄前儿童家庭中实施音乐教育的普遍意义,科学地了解并认识目前学龄前儿童家庭实施音乐教育中的问题所在,并科学地实施学龄前儿童家庭音乐教育。  相似文献   

雅戈尔小学提出“小留学”制,即以学生双方的家庭作为实践活动的基地,安排各种实践活动,改变独生子女的教养方式,帮助孩子形成健康的人格和良好的心理品德。“小留学”制,作为一种新的德育模式,具有制度化、生活化、社会化等特点。学校要重点在家长、学生方面采取有效措施,促进“小留学”制的形成及巩固。五年实践表明,“小留学”制取得了较好的成效。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,单亲家庭日益增多,单亲家庭儿童社会化问题凸现。单亲家庭教养方式的错位,学校教育的误区,社会关爱的不足,导致单亲家庭儿童社会化中健全人格缺失。对此,家庭、学校和社会应形成合力,共同促进单亲家庭儿童的身心健康发展。  相似文献   


The call by policymakers, education stakeholders, and families for children to enter school ‘ready’ has led to numerous empirical studies that seek to identify how children and their families are or are not prepared for school. In the United States, this empirical work tends to identify particular children and their families ‘at-risk’ for school success and often seeks out ways to intervene so that such risks are addressed. Absent from this work is an understanding of how families conceptualise school readiness, and how those understandings influence their conceptions of whether or not their own children are ready for school. Such work could assist educators and other school personnel in supporting families and their children as they enter their programmes. This article examines this issue by presenting findings from a qualitative metasynthesis of studies that investigated how families conceptualised school readiness. Analysing, synthesising, and interpreting their conceptions of school readiness offers the chance to consider how early childhood stakeholders can be ready for families as they enter their programmes as well as support their efforts in readying their children for school.  相似文献   

This study investigated the pre‐school education of children from low‐income families in six urban districts of Beijing, using questionnaires and in‐depth interviews with respondents from district educational committees, sub‐district and residents’ committees, nursery schools, and low‐income families. The results indicated that (1) the number of nursery schools in Beijing’s urban districts showed a decreasing trend by year and that these schools were not evenly distributed; and (2) nursery school fees for usage were high, especially for low‐income families. These fees acted as a barrier for many of the children from this socio‐economic background, leaving a number of such children with no opportunity to receive pre‐school education. There was no attempt by the local government and/or communities to provide adequate financial and educational support for low‐income families. Recommendations are made with regard to improving the current situation.  相似文献   

通常认为私立学校主要为中、上等收入家庭服务,然而最近的研究发现,发展中国家大量低收入家庭选择私立学校来获得教育服务.产生这种状况的原因在于公立学校教育质量不如人意,教育开支在私立学校和公立学校之间的差距并不大,以及公立学校的高限制性入学要求等.发展中国家应致力于改善低收入群体的受教育条件加大对低收入群体的教育补偿投资;优化教育投资分配比例;规范对私立学校的管理;提高公立学校的教育质量.  相似文献   

英国的拓展性学校是指学校在正规的教学时间之外提供系列服务和活动,以满足学生、家长和社区的需要。拓展性学校解决了儿童无人监管的问题和社区教育薄弱的问题,具备关心儿童当下生活,关注弱势群体,整合社会教育资源的特点,契合了终身教育的精髓,为各国的学校教育改革提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

王丹 《教育科学》2020,36(1):91-96
学前儿童语言教育是家庭教育的重要组成部分,也是幼小衔接的重要内容。在幼小衔接期间,语言教育关系儿童综合素养的培养,影响儿童入学准备的成效。因此,应构建学前儿童语言教育的家庭生态系统,发挥家庭在儿童语言教育方面的优势,承担起家庭在儿童语言教育中应有的责任。在家庭语言教育中,应着眼于:帮助儿童建立课题意识,在语言学习和探求知识的过程中培养其解决问题的能力;在语言学习中渗透科技信息,利用高科技手段辅助家庭语言教育;注重语言学习的引导和情景创设,帮助儿童形成创造性思维;不局限于家庭小课堂,深入到大自然中锻炼儿童感知能力。  相似文献   

The role of parenting as a protective process for school success was investigated among 59 African American children 6 to 11 years old from homeless families residing in a Minneapolis shelter. Reliable scores for three dimensions of parenting—parent-child closeness, parent involvement in education, and firm discipline—were derived from ratings based on interviews with parents while they were living at the shelter. After families had left the shelter, children's school success was assessed via three types of indicators: a) performance on a standardized achievement test; b) ratings of school records for the current school semester as well as cumulative school records; and c) teacher assessments of appropriate school behavior. Results suggested that good parenting may be protective for school success in these children. Close parent–child relationships and high parent involvement in the child's education were associated with school success in terms of school records of achievement and behavior in school. Parent's intellectual functioning, education level, psychological distress and firm disciplinary practices were unrelated to child academic success. Future research directions and implications for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of parenting as a protective process for school success was investigated among 59 African American children 6 to 11 years old from homeless families residing in a Minneapolis shelter. Reliable scores for three dimensions of parenting—parent-child closeness, parent involvement in education, and firm discipline—were derived from ratings based on interviews with parents while they were living at the shelter. After families had left the shelter, children's school success was assessed via three types of indicators: a) performance on a standardized achievement test; b) ratings of school records for the current school semester as well as cumulative school records; and c) teacher assessments of appropriate school behavior. Results suggested that good parenting may be protective for school success in these children. Close parent-child relationships and high parent involvement in the child's education were associated with school success in terms of school records of achievement and behavior in school. Parent's intellectual functioning, education level, psychological distress and firm disciplinary practices were unrelated to child academic success. Future research directions and implications for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

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