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为了解青岛市3-6岁幼儿的体质状况,探讨幼儿体质发展变化的规律及完善国民体质监测网络,对青岛市七区和五市的805名幼儿进行了测试与分析。结果表明:青岛市3-6岁幼儿体质总体状况良好,身体形态方面,男幼儿好于女幼儿,城市幼儿好于农村幼儿,但身体素质发展不平衡,下肢力量和平衡能力有所提高,而上肢力量出现下降。对此,幼儿教师和家长应转变观念,树立"健康第一"和教育始于体育的思想,合理安排幼儿的体育活动。  相似文献   

为了解怀化市幼儿的体质状况,对怀化市1599名3~6岁幼儿的身体形态、身体机能、身体素质指标的测试与分析.结果表明:怀化市3~6岁幼儿体质各项指标随年龄的增长而增加,而身体素质的发展落后于身体形态、身体机能的发展;总体上城镇好于农村,与湖南省幼儿平均水平比较,怀化市幼儿身体形态、身体机能的发育好于湖南省平均水平,而身体素质的发展落后于湖南省平均水平.  相似文献   

为全面了解淮南市3~6岁幼儿的形态指标、身体素质现状,2010年淮南师范学院与淮南市市体育局共同组织了对淮南市3~6岁幼儿的调查与测试,把测得数据采用《国民体质测定标准手册》中幼儿部分的评定方法与标准进行统计处理,把数据进行城乡比较表明:总体水平淮南市略好于安徽省的均值,这说明,幼儿的教育理念、经济条件和地域环境对幼儿身体素质发展具有促进和限制作用。  相似文献   

依据《2005年国民体质监测工作手册》关于幼儿部分的测试指标和方法等相关要求,对鞍山市3-6岁幼儿体质整体状况进行了抽样调查研究,分析结果表明,幼儿体质随着年龄的增长均呈现提高的趋势;身体形态方面,城市幼儿优于乡村幼儿,男幼儿要优于女幼儿;身体素质方面柔韧素质和平衡素质女幼儿优于男幼儿。  相似文献   

为全面了解淮南市幼儿的身体素质现状,2010年对淮南市3~6岁幼儿采用《国民体质测定标准手册》中幼儿部分的评定方法与标准进行调查与测试,结果表明:淮南市3~6岁男女幼儿各项身体素质随年龄增加而稳定提高,淮南市3~6岁幼儿的各项身体素质随年龄增加而稳定提高,3~5岁是一个身体素质快速突增期.  相似文献   

为全面了解淮南市3~6岁幼儿的形态指标、身体素质现状,2010年淮南师范学院与淮南市体育局共同组织了对淮南市3~6岁幼儿的调查与测试,把测得数据采用《国民体质测定标准手册》中幼儿部分的评定方法与标准进行统计处理,结果表明:2010年淮南市3~6岁男女幼儿达标率为94.2%,高于全国均值。  相似文献   

研究对广州市天河区3-6岁幼儿身体形态、身体机能和身体素质各项指标的抽样测评结果进行分析,并与1998年广州市3-6岁幼儿体质测查的结果进行比较。研究发现,2012年天河区3-6岁幼儿下肢力量增强,身体柔韧性和双手协调能力提高;而幼儿的上肢力量、平衡素质和耐力有所下降。研究还结合对幼儿园和幼儿家长的问卷调查,探讨了3-6岁幼儿体质发展的影响因素。  相似文献   

幼儿是国家民族的未来,幼儿时期身体健康发育是增强国民体质的基础,幼儿时期体质监测、评定是国民体质研究的一项重要内容。本从幼儿身体形态、机能、素质三方面来以幼儿体质发育规律进行了分析研究。研究对象为沧州市3-6岁幼儿,每半周岁为一年龄段,分为城乡男、女四类样本,根据地理位置和经济发展状况建立了三个测试点,选取样本数共596人,将测试指标输入计算机进行统计。本数据分析显示了幼儿时期体质发育存在着不同于青少年和成人的特有规律。填补了国民体质监测中幼儿体质测试、分析这一空白,通过对幼儿体质的量化评定、分析,将对幼儿全面健康发育成长起到积极促进作用。  相似文献   

运用测试法和数理统计法,对怀化市市区和麻阳县、通道县3~6岁幼儿的身高、体重、坐高、胸围、皮褶厚度进行测试,并对城乡同龄幼儿的身体形态进行对比分析.结果表明:(1)2010年怀化市城乡3~6岁幼儿身体形态的生长发育,总体上符合3~6岁幼儿期生长发育的一般规律,身高、体重、坐高均随着年龄的增长呈上升趋势,其身高的增长主要以下肢为主;(2)2010年怀化市3~6岁男幼儿身高、体重、坐高的增长速度大于同龄女幼儿,男幼儿的骨骼发育、人体纵向高度的生长和胸围发育的水平比同龄女幼儿好;(3)2010年怀化市3~6岁乡村男幼儿的身高都大于城镇男幼儿,乡村幼儿的人体充实度和密度大于城镇幼儿,乡村女幼儿坐高增长速度优于城镇女幼儿,乡村女幼儿的皮褶至4岁时最大,而城镇女幼儿3岁时最大.  相似文献   

自1998年10月,《北京市3~6岁儿童体质测定标准》(以下简称《标准》)颁布以来,全市各级各类幼儿园每年对适龄儿童进行一次体质测定,并将其纳入园所卫生保健工作计划及考核工作中,其目的是使幼儿园教师,区、县、市乃至国家相关管理部门对儿童体质健康水平有所了解,并为更好地开展体质健康教育提供科学的依据。然而,由于本《标准》的测试方法(以下简称传统测试法)没有考虑到3~6岁幼儿的年龄特点,在此项工作开展的十多年间,体质测定工作中存在一个非常大的问题——幼儿参与测试的积极性不高,  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过调查了解家长对玩具的态度,以及在玩具使用过程中家长对幼儿进行教育和指导的状况,并在调查结果的基础上,针对存在的问题提出了一些建议和意见。  相似文献   

Booksharing is often considered one of the most important activities parents can do to promote young children's early literacy skills. However, there is relatively little research on the style and nature of booksharing in Latino homes. This study examined the relation between maternal booksharing styles and low-income Latino children's subsequent language and literacy development. Eighty Latino Head Start four-year-old children and their mothers were audiotaped while they shared a wordless children's picture book together in their home. Six months later, children's emergent literacy ability was assessed. Results of a cluster analysis identified three types of maternal booksharing styles which had differential predictive power over children's literacy longitudinally. Results are discussed in terms of improving culturally appropriate research, practice and policy for early childhood and family literacy programming designed to meet the needs of young Latino children and their parents.  相似文献   

农民工随迁子女的教育问题是我国城市化进程中需要高度关注的问题之一。文章通过对河南省X市的调研,发现农民工随迁子女普遍存在学业成绩不理想、适应环境困难、对城市的归属感差等问题。从社会生态系统论的视角来看,产生这些问题的原因是农民工随迁子女所处的学校环境和家庭环境不理想,从学校和家庭中得到的支持不足。对此,社会工作者需要从小组工作、社区工作和社会工作行政共同入手,为农民工随迁子女提供一个公平友好的社会环境,尽力帮助他们解决教育难题。  相似文献   

It is a commonly accepted belief that the violence depicted in television programs, particularly cartoons, has a negative impact on young children's behavior. However, young children may be less inclined to emulate violent actions seen on television than currently thought. Research indicates that preschoolers have limited comprehension of television content but relatively sophisticated moral reasoning. This research review critically examines the effects of cartoon violence on children's moral understanding and behavior for the purposes of enabling early childhood educators and parents to make informed decisions about what constitutes potentially harmful television viewing.  相似文献   

本研究聚焦国际儿童发展和脑功能研究的最新发现:儿童学习的脑功能交管系统,即脑执行功能理论,以及这一理论对学前儿童发展与教育的启示。综述大量来自国外权威研究机构的最新成果,本文集中讨论儿童学习与发展的脑功能交管系统的定义,解释早期发展经验如何促进儿童脑执行功能能力的发展,强调创建适合儿童脑执行功能发展的教育环境和预防毒性压力的重要性。在此基础上,研究者针对我国学前教育的现实状况,提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

Research on children's perspectives has traditionally been neglected, influenced by adults' assumptions of children's vulnerability and incompetence. These assumptions produce methodological and ethical concerns about research with children, such as the need to protect the child from unethical research, validity of the data, and unequal research power relations. This paper reviews these points, with particular consideration to children who are deaf1. The first section examines the assumptions about children in research. These assumptions, as shown in the second section, have further implications for children with disabilities. Section III examines the challenges and issues that need to be taken into account when researching deaf children. Section IV then describes the methodological issues encountered in a study that examined the perspectives of 23 young deaf children in the US and UK.  相似文献   

Past research has indicated that a significant relationship exists between young children's early home literacy environment and their reading-related skills. However, this relationship has rarely been investigated among older children with reading disabilities (RD). In the present study, the relationship between parent and child home literacy activities and children's academic functioning was investigated with a sample of 65 elementary-age children with RD. The results indicated that children's home literacy activities were not significantly related to any of their academic abilities, whereas parents' home literacy activities were significantly related to children's passage comprehension and spelling scores. However, relationships between home literacy environment and reading may be different for children with and without RD.  相似文献   

This study examined reactions of 1-year-olds and young 2-year-olds to being controlled by mothers. Mothers' supportive behavior predicted children's willing compliance. However, contrary to research with older children, defiance was also associated with variables linked to maternal competence, specifically, mothers' supportive behavior, autonomy-granting controls, and low depressive symptoms. At this age high-defiant children initiated positive interaction with mothers more than did low-defiant children. With age, children displayed more willing compliance and more active resistance (defiance, low passivity). However, developmental increases in active resistance were absent when mothers were high in depressive symptoms. Findings are consistent with the proposal that in early development active resistance to parents often reflects children's motivation to control events, not poor parenting or strained parent-child relationships.  相似文献   

Summary Concrete activities provide important support to children's computer experiences. While all quality environments for young children are full of materials and resources, research suggests that children gain most from computer experiences if they are reinforced with specific concrete activities. Teachers utilize one of two methods to ensure that children's learning is enriched by these “hands-on” experiences: Teachers select and/or design specific supplemental activities, or teachers integrate children's computer experiences into the overall curriculum.  相似文献   

以浙江省金华市婺城区城乡四所具有鲜明城乡特点学校的学生课外培训消费为研究对象,通过自编的问卷对这四所学校的学生家长进行抽样调查发现,义务教育阶段学生课外培训消费现象非常普遍,但是家庭所在地、家庭月收入、家庭子女数、父母亲学历、年级不同等,对学生的课外培训消费不同程度的影响。城镇学生和家庭月收入高的学生课外培训消费规模和支出明显高于农村学生。应从政府、教育部门、社会及家庭四个方面规范和引导义务教育阶段学生的课外培训消费。  相似文献   

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