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1.get round to抽出时间来做某事A:How is it going?B:I only got round to doing this a few days ago.  相似文献   

People often try to smuggle things through the customs.Thereare so many people going through the customs,especially at internationalairports,that the customs officers let most people go through without beingsearched.However,if a person looks suspicious,they often stop him.‘Fat’ people have been found wearing several coats under a top coat.A man with a large arm was once found with twenty watches round his  相似文献   

The wheels on the busgo round and round,round and round,round and round.The wheels on the bus  相似文献   

The wheels (车轮)on the bus go roung and round,Round and round,round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round,All day long.  相似文献   

正[英语原文]Powerful Evidence Geography teacher:Xiao Qiang,give me three reasons to prove the earth is round.Xiao Qiang:Mother says the earth is round.Father says the earth is round.And you say the earth is round.[汉语翻译]  相似文献   

正[英语原文]Powerful Evidence Geography teacher:Xiao Qiang,give me three reasons to prove the earth is round.Xiao Qiang:Mother says the earth is round.Father says the earth is round.And you say the earth is round.[汉语翻译]强有力的证据地理老师:小强,给我三条理由证明地球是圆的。  相似文献   

一、教学内容分析1.教学内容:Plans for the weekend It’s Friday afternoon.and all the students are talking about their plans for the weekend.Mary is going to the park.She is going to have apicnic with her family.Tom is going to ride his skateboard with his friends.Lucy is going to go swimming with her parents.Ken is going to play at an open-air concert.  相似文献   

①What is known to us is that the earth is round. ② That the earth is round is known to us. ③ It is known to us that the earth is round. ④ The earth is round, which/as is known to us. ⑤ As is known to us, the earth is round.这五句话几乎是废话嘛!无非就是说"地球是圆的",这地球人都知道!但是别小看它们哦,它们虽然意思相同,但是结构各异。我们来仔细看看它  相似文献   

请看习题: 1)——is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every.month.(NMET2001) 2)——is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.  相似文献   

晨月圆圆,金光灿烂,悬挂在雾霭蓝天上;高耸白杨独自摇晃,鸟鸣声声起伏不断,四月的第一天,朋友!在这愚人的四月,月亮闪着金光,如小巧温柔的太阳。The morning moon is round and goldUp in the misty milk-blue sky;The towering poplar sways alone;The birds are shouting one  相似文献   

一、解析六年级上册第三单元主要讲述的是一般将来时态,要求学生能够用"be going to"交流做事计划,如"What are you going to do this evening?I am going to the cinema"等;能够用where,when替换句型"What are you going to do?"中的疑问词what来提问,如"Where are you going?I am going to the bookstore.When are you going?I am going at 3o’clock"等;希望学生能够以小组讨论的方式完成购书、当小导游、采访等任务,能够询问并回答未来几天或周末的活动安排,  相似文献   

The moon changes its shape and brightness each night all the year round. On the night of August 15 in the lunar calendar, the moon is said to be the most round and the most bright. As the round moon indicates "reunion" according to the Chinese culture, we usually celebrate the harvest by eating mooncakes and fruits and enjoy the full moon in the evening. Generally, all the family members would get together and have a good time on this occasion. I love this festival very much, not only because I can eat delicious mooncakes in the day, but also because I like the feeling of being together with my relatives.  相似文献   

Radio Adverts     
1 Pre-listening
You are going to listen to three ads for trade fairs. Look at the titles below, What do you think they are going to talk about in the ads? What do you think you can find at the trade fairs? Who are the fairs for?  相似文献   

1.It's a good idea.But who's going to the plan? I think Tom and Greg will. A.set aside B.carry out C.take in D.get through 2.Happily for John's mother,he is working harder to his lost time. A.make up for B.keep up with C.catch up with D.make use of 3.If you had your test paper carefully be- fore handing it in,you would have made fewer mistakes. A.looked up B.thought about C.gone over D.gone round  相似文献   

The earth goes round the sun, spinning like a top in its axis with thenorth pole at one end and the south pole at the other. The Arctic is covered with ice and snow all the year round.There it isday for nearly half of the year and night for the other half.While it is day inthe Arctic,it is night in the Antarctic.  相似文献   

焦点一不定式充当宾补1. They would not allow him____across the enemy line.A. to risk going B. risking going C. for risk to go D. risk going  相似文献   

"Why are the Chinese so strange?" Greeting friends in the street with "Have you eaten?" or "Where are you going?"When the Chinese meet friends in the streets, they tend to ask "Have you eaten?" or "Where are you going?" in addition to the usual "How are you?" or  相似文献   

Story: It's a sunny day. Joe asks his mother to take him to the park. They are going to have a picnic there. On their way to the park, they see Kathy and her mother. "Where are you going?" asks Kathy. "I'm going to the park," Joe replies. Then Joe's mother invites them and says, "Join us?" Kathy wants to go with them, so  相似文献   

The Weather Report Sandy:it 1 Saturday tomorrow.What 2 ? Sue:let’s ask Mum. Mother:We’re going to the seaside.We 3 in the sea. Sue:Hooray(好哇)! Father:Let’s 4 the weather report first. 5 the television 6 ,Sue. Television: Here is the weather report 7 .It 8 in the north and it’s going to 9 in the south. Sandy:Oh! Sue:No. Mother:Never mind, 10 . Father:We can go to the cinema instead (代替). ( )1.A. can be B.is C.is going to be D.are ( )2.A.are you going to do B.do you do C.are…  相似文献   

It is a___Sunday morning.Mr andMrs Brown are going to the Great Wall with___daughter,Jo. They go___bus. On the bus there are many people,men and____,old and____.Some are English,some are American,___are Japanese.They are going to the Great Wall,____.  相似文献   

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