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本文从观念、体制、馆藏、管理与服务等方面阐述了世纪之交高校期刊工作的新变化,指出期刊管理与服务要加快数据库和网络化建设的步伐,走共建、共知、共享的整体发展道路.  相似文献   

The intent of the MAClinical Workstation Project is to develop computer workstations for medical students of the sort they will use in future medical practice. The idea is to instill information query habits in the daily clinical activities of these young physicians-in-training. The Georgetown University Medical Center Library spearheads the project in conjunction with the School of Medicine. The library handles technical support, including software development, user training, equipment maintenance, and network installations. The project began in 1988 with nine Macintosh computers; today thirty machines are distributed throughout the Georgetown University Hospital conference rooms, faculty and resident offices, and at four affliated hospitals. The Macintosh computers are connected to the medical center's local area network (LAN) with access to the Integrated Academic Information Management System (IAIMS) and Library Information System (LIS) databases. The MAClinical workstations serve multiple educational purposes in the clinical setting. Primarily, students gain experience in medical informatics by using a variety of software systems installed at the stations: the H&P Writer, a history and physical system written in the C programming language, can be used by students to prepare the admission record on patients they examine; also, students can keep patient records, check findings against a diagnostic system, look up drugs and treatment protocols, develop medical sketches, and find additional information when needed in the medical literature.  相似文献   

全国文化信息资源共享工程是由文化部、财政部共同组织实施的一项社会主义文化建设标志性工程。是新形势下构建公共文化服务体系,惠及千家万户的一项重要文化基础工程。通过文化信息资源共享工程在基层的建设实践,提出在实践中遇到的实际困难和问题,并提出部分解决思路。  相似文献   

档案鉴定工作在档案界来说 ,可谓是老生常谈 ,然而此项工作的开展却不尽如人意。据笔者近期对全区各类档案室的调查摸底 ,大多数基层档案室档案未鉴定整理数量之多 ,使库房“档”满为患。比如 ,某镇的一个村级档案室 ,领导们认为档案工作搞得还比较好 ,对近几年的档案也进行分类、整理 ,但过去 5 0年代形成的财务档案至今还在柜子里堆放着 ,既没整理过 ,也没有进行鉴定 ,我们调查时该村的档案员反映这些档案无处存放 ,但也不敢销毁。如果现在对这些档案进行规范整理 ,村里则拿不起这笔费用。又如 ,某局在 2 0 0 1年区直机构改革中 ,由 5个部…  相似文献   

Over the past nine years, the Name Authority Co-op Project (NACO) has grown to become an important source of both authority and bibliographic records in the LC database. With the implementation of the Linked Systems Project in late 1985, the enriched LC authorities database is being made available on a more timely basis to a wider library public. This article describes the origin and growth of NACO, its operations, and prospects for future cooperation.  相似文献   


This article describes the investigation, pilot test, and results of implementing electronic document delivery in a paperless processing environment at The Ohio State University. The Prior Health Sciences Library Document Delivery Unit conducted a twelve-month pilot test from September 1999 to August 2000 to determine the best method for desktop document delivery and the paperless processing of requests. Participants completed a survey and provided insightful feedback on the request form and overall process. Special programming was required to implement desktop delivery and manage client requests. The result of desktop delivery was successful. The results of paperless processing were mixed. Future possibilities to complete the “paperless” environment are suggested.  相似文献   

近年来,伴随教育改革,科学中心作为非正式教育的重要场所,逐渐将科学探究作为科学学习的核心。在改革浪潮之下,一些传统的展品理念已无法满足观众从“被动操作工”到“自主探究者”角色转变的需求,同时场馆也需要在展品创作上获得更多自由。本文选取探索馆的一个展品研究项目作为案例,借助对具体展品的观众研究和设计特征分析,详述以转变观众角色为目标的展品设计要点和策略,希望为国内科技馆建设及展品设计研究提供启示与参考。  相似文献   

Museums, memorials, and other historic places are key sites in the construction of collective memory and national identity. The Plains Indian Museum in Cody, Wyoming is one such space of memory where the (pre)history of “America” and its native peoples is told. Based on the view of texts as experiential landscapes, it is argued that this museum works to absolve Anglo-visitors of the social guilt regarding Western conquest through a rhetoric of reverence. This rhetorical mode invites visitors to adopt a respectful, but distanced observational gaze. A concluding section assesses the social and political consequences of memorializing in this mode.  相似文献   

图书馆在信息与传播科技飞速发展的环境下,要从传统的馆员服务为主的模式转型至自助服务、网上服务、高附加价值信息服务为主的多渠道相结合的服务模式.香港城市大学图书馆从总分馆空间战略规划、电子资源配置、空间布局、组织变革、新服务开展等方面构建图书馆服务转型蓝图.RFID技术可以显著提升服务品质,是服务转型的重要内容.目前图书馆已进行了超高频RFID与高频RFID两个试验性子项目.在导入RFID过程中除技术因素外,图书馆在时间因素、空间资源、经费资源、人力资源、组织变革等方面均作了相应的配置,从而保证RFID项目获取最大的投资效益.表4.参考文献26.  相似文献   

The present study empirically operationalizes the health-related talk of married individuals (N?=?349) and reports on the factor structure of these health-related talk expectations and the reliability and convergent validity of the two-factor solution. Both factors were significantly correlated with participants’ self reports of marital satisfaction. Implications for the relationships between health-related talk and marriage are discussed.  相似文献   

Specific stereotype portrayals of African American women were hypothesized to produce stereotype-consistent judgments made of a different African American woman. Participants (N?=?76) observed a mammy, jezebel or welfare queen video-segment. Then they observed an African American woman in a mock job interview and rated the interviewee. Participants who observed a specific stereotype associated the interviewee more quickly with stereotype-consistent adjectives than with stereotype-inconsistent adjectives for all three stereotypes. For measures of how suitable the woman was for jobs that were related to the stereotypes, only the welfare queen prime produced significant effects.  相似文献   

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