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Mel Ainscow, tutor in special educational needs, Cambridge Institute of Education, suggests ways in which the curriculum can be made more responsive to the needs of individual pupils and to a whole-school approach.  相似文献   

走向行动研究的教育实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经典教育实验强调在实验前要有明确的理论假设、严密的实验计划;实验中要严格执行实验计划,严密控制实验情景;实验后要进行统计分析,得出普适性的结论。当代教育实验,强调实验过程的动态生成性和实验结论的情境性,具有行动研究的特征,称之为行动研究取向的教育实验。这两类实验各有其独特的价值,但实验的真正价值取决于思想而不是方法。  相似文献   


Three hundred forty-three students at a small urban northeastern college rated their needs for counseling assistance on fifty-three personal, learning and career issues. Strongest areas of concern included financial stresses, academic perfonriance, career development, relationship skills, bereavement and the fear of getting AIDS. Gender and racial groups are compared and implications for counseling center service delivery are discussed.  相似文献   

Children experience chronic stress in ways that can impair their brain functioning and overall development. This article articulates the unique needs of children experiencing chronic stress and discusses strategies that families and schools can use to support and strengthen children’s development across the social, emotional, and cognitive domains.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of refugee children are entering our public schools. In addition to carrying with them memories of untold trauma, they bring with them many special needs. This article explores these needs and ideas for assisting teachers in making our classrooms more responsive to our refugee children.  相似文献   

发展性学生工作是时代发展对高校学生工作提出的新要求,具有十分丰富的内涵。它是高校学生工作发展的一种理论构想,是高校学生工作创新的一种工作理念,是高校学生工作探索的一种实践模式。  相似文献   

The psychological needs of college students lead to overwhelming demand on college counseling centers’ resources. In this article, we review models of case management in Higher Education including the administrative, behavioral intervention, and counseling center models. We also present a case study of the 3-year development of a counseling center case management service. Initial data suggest that expanding the role of a counseling center case manager to allow for frequent appointments/follow-up and standardizing counseling center case management procedures led to improved appointment attendance and increased communication with students following referral. A vignette and suggestions for other centers are also presented.  相似文献   

残疾人奥林匹克运动会(Paralympic Games),简称"残奥会",是由国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会主办的世界大型综合型运动会。2001年北京赢得了2008年奥运会及残奥会的主办权。认真分析不同类型残疾人运动员的身心特点及需求,是筹办、举办奥运会、残奥会的基石。本文对视力残疾人运动员、肢体残疾人运动员的身心发展特点进行了梳理,在此基础上对他们的需求进行了认真的分析,为奥运文化建设助力,为实现人文奥运奠基。  相似文献   

中国教育学会“十五”课题经验交流暨《中国教育学刊》工作会议于2003年9月12—13日在贵阳召开。会上,课题组汇报了“十五”课题进展情况,交流了经验,研究了今后进一步抓好课题研究与管理的工作思路;总结了本年度《学刊》工作,并就2004年的《学刊》工作进行了部署。  相似文献   

Students visiting college counseling centers experience a broad range of complex and sometimes severe concerns that are often not adequately addressed by existing clinical measures. In response, the Millon College Counseling Inventory (MCCI; T. Millon, S. N. Strack, C. Millon, & S. Grossman, 2006) was specifically designed for use with contemporary college populations. The authors introduce the MCCI, briefly explain its development, discuss its utility for everyday use in counseling centers, and offer a fictional case illustration.  相似文献   

学生评价在学校各种评价中处于核心地位,学生评价改革因此就成了建立新型教育评价体系的关键环节。发展性学生评价作为一种新的评价理念和实践,它顺应了时代潮流,符合当今社会对人才的需要和教育自身发展的需求。从理论基础、实践特点和评价方法三个主要方面对其进行审视和探索具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

关于构建小康社会教育指标体系的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育指标是衡量小康社会发展的一个不可或缺的重要指标。小康社会的教育指标要与教育现代化指标和国际标准相衔接,同时应具有阶段性、通用性和独特性。依据党的十六大提出的我国经济、社会“新三步走”的发展战略,小康社会的教育指标按2010年、2020年、2050年3个时限可分为初、中、高3级教育指标。从教育经费投入大小,可以体现国家对教育重视的程度;从毛入学率,可以呈现教育发展的水平;从人口素质,可以反映国家教育发展的实质;从教育信息化与国际化水平,可以凸现教育发展之趋势。  相似文献   


This survey was a result of the efforts of the New Jersey Consortium on the Community College to identify and articulate the faculty/staff development needs of the 17 community colleges of New Jersey.

In depth interviews were conducted with administrators, faculty and students at all the colleges. Follow up questionnaires were completed at each community college. A two day workshop was then conducted to identify and assign priorities to specific needs. The needs were ordered in one of three categories: Fulfilling the Goals of the Community College, Teaching/Learning Needs, and Managerial Needs.

The workshop that dealt with “Ways of Meeting Part-Time Faculty Needs” identified eight essential goal related needs while stressing the need for adjunct faculty to understand the philosophy and function of the community college. Within the teaching/learning category the workshop group amplified the need for adjunct faculty to understand how learning occurs. The primary managerial need identified was for each community college to develop strong teaching/learning support systems. The workshop participants viewed the establishment of a continuous program of adjunct supervision as essential for the support of effective instruction.  相似文献   

Response cards are designed to encourage active student engagement during instruction. In this article, the use of response cards is described, along with ways teachers can use the information to inform their work and considerations for implementation.  相似文献   

本文分析了美国NCAA对运动员文化学习的认识、运动员招生资格政策和在校的文化学习管理政策,比较分析了我国高校在运动员文化学习管理方面存在的问题,就我国高校运动员文化学习管理提出了要提升对运动员文化学习问题的认识、要加强运动员招生的管理、要严格运动员在校的文化学习管理等建议.  相似文献   

在大学生需要的生态化研究中,从关系入手,注重需要和环境的关系,从大学生自身、从其对家庭环境、学校环境、同伴环境和社会环境的依存入手分析是大学生需要研究的一种有益尝试和新的切入点。这种研究视角将有助于全面深入描绘大学生需要的特征和结构,并对社会转型期大学生需要的合理满足和教育引导提供切实可行的有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

Mathematics is a particular stumbling block for community college students in developmental course work. The present study empirically investigated student-level and teacher-level factors that influence the success of community college students enrolled in developmental mathematics courses. Specifically, numerous variables in one statistical model were examined, which included student self-efficacy (SE) beliefs in various aspects of academic engagement, previous course difficulties, full-time teaching status, and class attendance policies. Multiple regression results show that attendance was the largest predictor for higher course grades, followed by repeating a mathematics course and students’ sense of SE. In the hierarchical line modeling (HLM) model, teachers’ full-time status was a significant predictor in the model, but when teaching status was controlled for, the remaining student belief variables in the model were not statistically significant except SE in Cognitive Strategies, Self-Regulated Learning, and Motivational Strategies. The results provide empirical support for increased communication between full- and part-time faculty members, implementation of attendance policies, academic interventions prior to students’ failures, and the need to address students’ sense of SE.  相似文献   

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