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苏霍姆林斯基的创造教育思想   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苏霍姆林斯基认为,学校进行创造教育的主要任务是培养多方面的天赋和才能,培养学生的创造品质。创造教育的基本内容有:创造意识教育、创造毅力教育、创造力培养、教会学生学习和世界观教育。上思维课、进行创造性劳动的、提供丰富多彩的精神生活以及发现和培养创造性教师,这是实施创造教育的主要途径和方法。  相似文献   

Faculty-student support groups have the potential to promote strategies for co-mentorship in places of learning. They can also function to facilitate alternative forms of pedagogical practice in the context of lifelong learning. The purpose of this paper is to describe ideas and practices in the innovative development of faculty-student support groups in higher education. The authors provide a context for introducing the model of a co-mentoring support group, for considering institutional dynamics in forming co-mentoring support groups, for illustrating a case study analysis of a university-based support group, for providing a collegial response to the mentoring literature, for considering the need to formalize mentoring programs and outcomes, for exploring challenges to and benefits of the support group effort, and finally for envisioning co-mentoring support groups more generally. The authors argue that more attention needs to be given to studying alternative pedagogical practices that enable mutualistic relationships to endure. This article accordingly offers an original holistic guide for viewing mentoring as interconnected cycles and phases of lifelong learning.  相似文献   

The power for the administration of elementary education belongs to local authorities. Except for major policies and principles and general plans that are to be determined by the central authorities, all other responsibilities and powers are to be delegated to local authorities for drawing up and implementing specific policies, rules and regulations, and plans, as well as for guiding, administering, and monitoring the work of the schools. The authorities of the provinces will define the functions and powers for administrative departments at the provincial, municipal (prefectural), county, and township levels. In addition to state appropriations, all local authorities are required to allocate a proper percentage of their respective funds for educational purposes so as to promote education in all places. Most of township revenues should be used for education. The local authorities may levy an extra tax for education, which shall be used exclusively to improve teaching facilities for elementary education. They should encourage state-owned enterprises, public organizations, and individuals to run schools and provide them with guidance. Also, they can encourage units, collective undertakings, and individuals to make financial donations to help develop education, but of their own accord, not by exaction. To ease the schools' economic burdens, fees charged to schools by various quarters must be strictly controlled.  相似文献   

当前,我国中央和省级政府掌握了主要的财力,但承担义务教育的财政责任很少;县、乡政府财力薄弱,却承担了举办义务教育的主要投资责任.各级政府财力与义务教育的投资责任极不相称.义务教育经费缺乏保障,义务教育发展举步维艰,困难重重.要改变这种状况,提高义务教育财政重心势在必行.分税制改革后,中央财政收入占全国财政收入的比重显著提高,为提高义务教育财政重心提供了有力的财力保障.义务教育法律体系日臻完善,为出台并实施提高义务教育财政重心的措施提供了有力的法律保障.正在进行的义务教育管理体制改革,为实施义务教育财政重心上移提供了机遇.  相似文献   

This classroom observation study explored how science teachers (N = 22) teach for creativity in grades 5–10 in Oman. We designed an observation form with 4 main categories that targeted the instructional practices related to teaching for creativity: questioning strategy, teacher’s responses to students’ ideas, classroom activities to support creativity, and whole-lesson methods that foster creativity. An open-ended survey was also designed to explore participants’ justifications for their instructional decisions and practices. The findings indicate that the overall level of teaching for creativity was low and that participants’ performance was the highest for teacher’s responses to students’ ideas category and the lowest for classroom activities to support creativity category. We observed that a teacher-centered approach with instructional practices geared toward preparing students for examinations was dominant and that these science teachers were bound to the textbook, following cookbook-style activities. Participants believed that they did not have enough time to cover the content and teach for creativity and that they were not prepared to teach for creativity. Based on these findings, we recommend that programs be developed to prepare science teachers to teach for creativity.  相似文献   

肖建昌 《商洛学院学报》2006,20(4):93-95,104
大学生就业难的问题引起了全社会的关注。大学生就业心理不健全是造成就业难的根本原因。大学生择业心理的特点主要表现在自主意识增强,求职能力较差;强调自我发展,忽视国家需要;向往发达地区,追求现实利益;择业热点分散,功利因素突出等。要教育学生更新职业价值观念,坚持正确的职业价值取向,树立正确的职业价值理想,正确认识和评价自我。  相似文献   

优势专业建设的内容主要包括专业地位、课程质量、毕业生综合素质、师资水平和社会服务能力等。会计优势专业建设的路径为:深化"三双"高素质技能型会计人才培养模式改革,构建以专业为基点的会计专业校企合作有机体,推进"三结合"的会计专业师资队伍建设,强化会计专业实践育人体系建设,开展会计专业共享型资源库建设。并且,在优势专业建设过程中需要注意专业选择、目标定位、绩效考核等问题。  相似文献   

在新的历史时期,高校需要引导广大教师将努力学习、树立社会主义荣辱观与师德建设密切结合起来,让广大教师更加忠诚党和人民的教育事业,热爱学校,珍爱岗位,关爱学生。  相似文献   


College for All approaches to secondary education have gained prominence over recent decades. This trend has resulted in scholarly criticism. College is inappropriate for many students, and insisting that all students attend ensures failure, frustration and debt. The College for All policy, intended to enhance democratic equality and undermine human vulnerability, may thus achieve neither of its goals. However, the alternative to College for All, which the authors label College for Some, is equally wrought with challenges. Approaches that emphasize tracking, for example, inevitably stratify students along capitalist hierarchies. Ultimately, the authors argue that neither College for All nor College for Some practices will enhance social equity as currently applied. Instead, the authors put forward a ‘Justice for All’ approach that borrows from critical pedagogy and suggests college preparatory practices elevate concerns of social justice to prepare students to advocate for democratic equity regardless of postsecondary pursuits.


Philosophy for Children as the Wind of Thinking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I want to analyse the meaning of education for democracy and thinking as this is generally understood by Philosophy for Children. Although we may be inclined to applaud Philosophy for Children's emphasis on children, critical thinking, autonomy and dialogue, there is reason for scepticism too. Since we are expected as a matter of course to subscribe to the basic assumptions of Philosophy for Children, we seem to become tied, as it were, to the whole package, without reservation. Following ideas of Hannah Arendt, I draw attention to the instrumentalised nature of Philosophy for Children and the loss of originality that this instrumentalisation means. This does not mean that I wish to abandon Philosophy for Children. The point is rather that I want to examine whether or not another kind of philosophy for children is possible.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence how child welfare workers attribute responsibility for child maltreatment and child safety in cases involving domestic violence. METHODS: The study used a factorial survey approach, combining elements of survey research with an experimental design. Case vignettes were constructed by randomly assigning characteristics to vignettes believed to be related to assessments about responsibility for child maltreatment. Public child welfare workers were systematically sampled and asked to rate vignettes on male and female caregivers' responsibility for child maltreatment and concerns for safety. RESULTS: The presence of domestic violence significantly affected workers' assessments of the attribution of responsibility and concern for child safety, more so than variables related to child maltreatment. Responsibility for exposing a child to domestic violence differed for males and females, with more factors explaining female responsibility. Substance use by either caregiver was significant in attributing responsibility for physical harm, not watching the child closely enough, and concern for child safety, but not for exposure to domestic violence. CONCLUSIONS: Domestic violence appeared to heighten workers' assessments of responsibility for child maltreatment and concerns about child safety, taking precedence over the characteristics of the child maltreatment itself. Battering tends to work against the domestic violence victim in terms of the attribution of responsibility. A greater number of factors affect female responsibility for exposing a child to domestic violence than male responsibility, even though in every case the male was the designated domestic violence batterer.  相似文献   

正确的入党动机是采取正确的争取入党行为的前提,是入党后能否经受各种考验的关键。而需要又是动机的激发器和力量源,正确的入党动机是由正确的入党需要产生的,因此把握大学生入党需要现状,科学引导大学生入党,是端正入党动机、保持党的先进性的一个重要环节和措施。  相似文献   

Websites as educational motivators for adults with learning disability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adults with learning disability pose an educational challenge for teachers and support workers. They frequently have limited skills in reading and writing, and may find it difficult to pay attention to topics of little interest to them. Nevertheless, they can be keen to use new technology, and often have hobbies and interests that are catered for on the Internet. This article describes a project aimed to highlight the advantages and weaknesses of web‐based learning for adults with learning disability, and to suggest improvements. Eight students with mild to moderate learning disability were helped to find websites related to their interests, and supported in creating multimedia work linked to those sites. Results showed the powerfully motivating effect of the websites for students, but highlighted the access difficulties posed by websites for such students. Further work in this area is needed, to develop strategies for exploiting the motivating effect of websites, and to improve the accessibility of sites for people with low literacy levels.  相似文献   


This classroom observation study explored how science teachers (N = 22) teach for creativity in grades 5–10 in Oman. We designed an observation form with 4 main categories that targeted the instructional practices related to teaching for creativity: questioning strategy, teacher’s responses to students’ ideas, classroom activities to support creativity, and whole-lesson methods that foster creativity. An open-ended survey was also designed to explore participants’ justifications for their instructional decisions and practices. The findings indicate that the overall level of teaching for creativity was low and that participants’ performance was the highest for teacher’s responses to students’ ideas category and the lowest for classroom activities to support creativity category. We observed that a teacher-centered approach with instructional practices geared toward preparing students for examinations was dominant and that these science teachers were bound to the textbook, following cookbook-style activities. Participants believed that they did not have enough time to cover the content and teach for creativity and that they were not prepared to teach for creativity. Based on these findings, we recommend that programs be developed to prepare science teachers to teach for creativity.


英国国家课程目标及价值取向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
英国新的国家课程首交提出了进行个性教育、社会教育和健康教育的全国性课程结构,目标在于为所有学生提供学习和发展的机会,为学生把握机会、承担责任和丰富生活阅历做好准备。  相似文献   

文章介绍了如何提升市县生产力促进中心服务能力的途径,从善于学习,建设知识型服务团队、深入企业、了解企业并服务企业、为企业开展专利及软件开发服务、为企业开展项目申报服务、为企业提供培训服务、为企业开展管理咨询服务、为企业与高校及科研院所牵线搭桥,推进产学研合作等七个方面入手,探索了如何切实为企业服务,提升市县生产力促进中心的服务能力。  相似文献   


This paper attempts to assess policy making for special educational needs in Northern Ireland (NI) from the reform in 1996 of procedures for the identification of pupils with disabilities to current proposals for the reform of procedures for the selection of pupils for secondary education. The reports of Dyson (DENI, 1998b) and Bums (DENI, 2001a), focussing respectively and exclusively upon provisions for disabilities and abilities, are proposed as defining events in a period during which significant advances towards a more inclusive education provision coincided with disparate and fragmented policies for special educational needs. Drawing upon policy documents, regional reports and statistical evidence, the paper attempts to assess progress towards the inclusion for pupils with special educational needs in NI and to gauge government intentions to encourage greater inclusion for such pupils.  相似文献   

教育的希望:科学人文主义教育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
现代人在获得了物质、思考的极大自由的同时 ,感到了与自然、社会和信仰的隔离 ,感到了价值、文化和意义的危机 ;他渴望着和平、安宁和真正的人道 ,要求加强与提升精神生活。唯理式与机械式的科技社会导致人的价值的沦落和生活内在意义的丧失 ,以及教育过度地服务于实用和功利是造成现代人困惑的两个主要原因。人类的理想追求和社会发展的要求都呼唤着新的教育 :变人为的教育为为人的教育。祈望真正人道的教育、重塑人的价值、重塑人的信心、谋求新的精神境界 ,已成为现代人越来越普遍的心态。从一定意义上讲 ,科学人文主义教育正是人们的希望所在 ,也是新教育的希望所在。  相似文献   

Fractions are an essential foundational skill for future mathematics success (NMAP, 2008). The purpose of this article was to review current instructional practices for teaching fractions to struggling learners and to examine the quality and effectiveness of contemporary research with a view to indicating directions for future research. A comprehensive search of literature published between 1990 and 2008 resulted in the identification of 10 empirical studies that targeted fraction skills for struggling learners. Results indicated that three interventions, found to be effective for improving outcomes in mathematics for struggling learners, were also effective for teaching fractions: graduated sequence, strategy instruction, and direct instruction. In addition, explicit instruction was identified as necessary for improving students’ performance in fractions. Overall, this review highlighted the paucity of research in this critical mathematical content area.  相似文献   

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