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Handling the relationship between theory and practice is seemingly an endless challenge in Norwegian teacher education, and bridging theory and practice is highlighted whenever discussions about improvement of teacher education are raised. This article contributes to this discussion by shedding new light on the relationship through an analysis of empirical findings recorded in a subject-oriented action research project. The project was conducted as part of the subject Religion, Philosophies of life and Ethics integrated into teacher education at the University of Stavanger in 2008/09, and its name was ‘Teaching about Religious Diversity in School – Applying and Developing an Interpretive Cultural Approach to Religious Education’. As the name indicates, the project has tried out a particular approach to religious education. The tryout has been done by a community of practice. In this article I am asking whether findings from the project are pointing towards pedagogical approaches possible to categorize on a meta-level, and in which way these detected approaches shed new light upon the relationship between theory and practice in teacher education.  相似文献   

This study investigated an international, inter-university and multidisciplinary online course with the aim of helping higher education students develop competencies for solving complex problems in collaboration with their peers and stakeholders. The course design was informed by the knowledge creation framework and ideas about cross-boundary collaboration. We attempted to enrich perspectives on knowledge creation by investigating how higher education students (N = 42) from different fields of study and from 17 different nationalities perceived, built and regulated cross-boundary collaboration in the pursuit of real-life problems presented by companies or non-governmental organisations. Drawing on data from 11 in-depth group interviews and team reports of students who had completed this course, we showed the kinds of activities the students considered relevant for cross-boundary collaboration and knowledge creation online. Given this extended context for knowledge creation, the study contributes to the pedagogical development of online learning in higher education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report on the nature of collaboration in a multi-year, large-scale collaborative action research project in which a teachers’ federation (in Ontario, Canada), university researchers and teachers partnered to investigate teacher-selected topics for inquiry. Over two years, 14 case studies were generated involving six university researchers and 61 teacher researchers. As teacher researchers collected their topic-specific data, university researchers worked in parallel on case studies at the 14 sites in an attempt to gain insights into the types and value of collaboration in collaborative action research. University researchers gathered 20–30 points of data for each case-study site (including teacher researcher final reports as well as journal entries, focus group interviews, field notes, video footage and questionnaires). Through comprehensive cross-case analysis, researchers were able to examine common traits as well as relationships between the nature of the teams, the nature of the projects and their relative success, to highlight conditions that led to robust collaborations. Through pattern matching, hypothesised events were compared with observations to test the claim that a triad of relationships between the team, the team lead and the researchers functioned as a positive collaborative force that propelled teacher team success in a generative ethos, even when faced with substantial challenges.  相似文献   

Collaboration between practitioners and researchers can increasingly be observed in research and development (R&D) projects in secondary schools. This article presents an analysis of cross-professional collaboration between teachers, school leaders and educational researchers and/or advisers as part of R&D projects in terms of three dimensions: reasons for collaboration, the division of roles and tasks, and the communication structure. Data were collected in interviews with participants from 12 Dutch projects, from documents and from meetings with participants. The results show that the parties involved can have the same reasons for cross-professional collaboration but that the external educational experts may also have additional objectives. Roles and tasks were divided in different ways, depending on who directs and guides the research and development, and whether teachers were involved as teacher researchers in the project. The communication structure appeared to be linked to the division of roles and tasks, but also to the number of participants in the project. The three dimensions proved to be valuable viewpoints to study cross-professional collaboration in R&D projects in Dutch secondary education. Furthermore, we distinguished four types of cross-professional collaboration in R&D projects. These types differ in the extent to which the school or the external party direct and guide the project: (a) School-directed collaboration; (b) School- and researcher-directed collaboration; (c) School- and adviser-directed collaboration; (d) Researcher-directed collaboration. Our findings can support participants to consciously choose a particular type of cross-professional collaboration that fits their purposes and specific situation.  相似文献   

应用行动研究方法,探讨提高中国成年学生英语口头交际水平的途径。研究通过诊断性测试(笔试和面谈),找出中国成年学生英语口头交流困难的原因,即口语语法能力偏差。在英语功能语法和结构语法的理论指导下,使用行动研究法,为受试“量身订做”一套改善和提高其英语口语语法能力的方案,对被试的弱项和问题进行针对性的训练和提高。实验结果证实了研究假设:英语口语语法能力的提高,可以促进英语口头交际水平的提高。  相似文献   

推进职业学校教学工作诊断与改进制度建设是国家教育行政部门的制度安排,诊改是服务新时代职业教育高质量发展和遵循国际职业教育质量保障普遍做法的需要。实现高质量发展需要职业教育实现跨越和转向,例如实现教育管理向教育治理的重大转向,实现外部推动向内部生成的重大转向,实现局部变革向系统建构的重大转向,实现从阶段性推动到常态化保障的重大转向。上海结合自身实际形成了“五结合”的诊改实践范式。在未来的诊改制度建设上需要从三个层面延伸到五个层面,从平台建设升级到数字转型,从经验总结到固化诊改框架。  相似文献   

教育改革是以一系列行动改变教育制度的"结构"、过程和行为习惯的过程.香港中文大学的成员利用教改的机会,在香港的学校内进行改进工作,让一系列学校改进计划成功地开展.本文试图总结大学与学校协作的经验,并分析大学成员如何面对学校教育庞大而牢固的"结构"而试图改变之.文章以"结构化"理论为探讨脉络,展现大学成员如何与政府和学校教师结为伙伴,让学校改进的协作模式得以更新.  相似文献   

企业和高校之间存在人才需求端和人才供应端的联系,但两者性质、职能、价值目标、对社会变化反应速度等方面差别阻碍了产教融合进程。企业转型升级、高校人才培养急需产教携手,产教融合成为高等教育界和企业界的共同呼声。产教融合的实现基础是互信机制,即价值取向的互信认同、校企资源的互信共享、人才培养的互信联动,校企须遵循的价值取向应注重经济效益与社会效益的统一性、长期性、双向性和兼顾性,摒弃价值取向的短视性、单向性和片面性;充分认识校企拥有的物质资源和科技资源的互补性,构建资源的产教共享机制;积极挖掘双方人才培养中的合作潜能,企业认可及信任高校人才培养理念、方向、质量、规格,高校认同及信任企业人才培养不可替代的能力及作用,校企双方在人才培养方案修订与实施、理论教学与实践教学、工程能力培养与特殊技能培训三方面联动。  相似文献   

In the field of participatory health research (PHR) and related action research paradigms, limitations of standard ethical codes and institutional review processes have been identified. PHR is highly situational and relational, part of a hierarchical health care context and therefore ethics of care has been suggested as a helpful theoretical approach that emphasises responsibilities and relationships. The purpose of this article is to explore the value of Tronto’s second-generation ethics of care for reflection on ethical challenges experienced by academic researchers. Using the design of a collaborative auto-ethnography, this article starts from a story of a researcher who deals with dilemmas in responsibility to care for co-researchers with lived experiences during a PHR study in the field of acute psychiatric care. By analysing the challenges together with all co-researchers, using a framework of ethics of care, we discovered the importance of self-care and existential safety for an ethical PHR practice. The reflexive meta-narrative shows that the ethics of care lens is useful to untangle moral dilemmas in all participatory research-related paradigms for all engaged.  相似文献   

One important feature of vocational education is to provide students with solid conceptual knowledge along with substantial practical experience, acquired in school and workplace contexts, respectively. However, the research provided evidence that students do not spontaneously articulate the knowledge acquired in different contexts, and that specific instructional activities have to be designed and introduced. The present study deals with this type of activity conducted in a vocational school for health and social care assistants, which involved the use of collaborative writing about workplace critical incidents. The goal was to identify the patterns of interactions, and specifically the type of peer-feedback that engage students in productive collaboration. Qualitative analyses show that the writing productions could be categorized in four collaboration patterns differing in the level in which students would elaborate on their peers’ experience and profit from the peers’ suggestions in order to improve their understanding. On this basis, we propose a series of recommendations for implementing effective and instructionally relevant collaborative writing activities in vocational education.  相似文献   

高职院校中转化差生工作是一项重要工作,教师要用爱心去感化差生,用真诚去关爱差生,对他们理解尊重,与他们平等交流,就一定能促使他们向好的方向转化。  相似文献   

合作是21世纪公民的必备素养,关注合作素养具有重要的现实意义。合作素养是一系列合作技能与态度的集合,涵盖愿景认同、责任分担与协商共进三个要素。愿景认同是基础,责任分担是关键,协商共进是保障。三要素相辅相成,有机融合。合作素养可以培养,如何结合中国语境,深入推进合作素养培养与评价是当前和今后的重要研究任务。  相似文献   

Like many areas of curricula internationally, technology education has encountered difficulties in achieving continuity between the rhetoric of prevailing policy and the reality of enacted practices. In technology education, the conceptually oriented nature of curricular goals is theorised to play a significant part in influencing this relationship. One way in which investigations of this relationship have been approached is considering the application of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) frameworks as a mechanism to understand the interaction of teachers’ knowledge and enacted practices. However, understanding from the philosophy of technology, and the technology education literature, suggests that technology education treats knowledge differently to many other disciplines. As a result of this, the interactions between teachers’ beliefs and knowledge are theorised to play a more significant role in influencing enacted practice in technology education. Building on this perspective, this article considers the need to investigate the roles of teachers’ knowledge and beliefs, and the interactions between these, in the investigation of enacted practice. Further to this, the article problematises the potential for a dominance of exploratory research, though acknowledging the need for research within different paradigms; a common frame of reference is advocated. In advocating a more holistic approach to investigating enacted practice, and the factors which may influence teachers’ enactment of teaching practice, it is envisioned that this article takes a step towards methodological coherence regarding the study of enacted practice in technology education.  相似文献   

李佺宁 《安康学院学报》2010,22(6):116-117,128
免监考是指考场不安排教师监考,由学生自我约束、相互监督完成的考试。这种考试具有积极意义,它体现了信任和尊重学生的人本思想,注重学生诚信品质的践履躬行,有利于培养学生的集体荣誉感和促进社会诚信意识的回归。  相似文献   

课程衔接是中高职教育衔接的核心问题,是实现中高职教育可持续发展和协调发展的关键所在。基于此,本文对目前我国中高职课程衔接存在的问题进行分析,对职教集团在中高职教育中的优势及中高职课程衔接的设计进行了探讨,以期推动中高职教育实现协调和可持续发展。  相似文献   

International collaborations in the vocational and training (VET) sector have grown significantly in the past three decades in China as well as in other parts of the world. Despite its growing prominence, it remains a largely under-researched field compared to the large volume of research on universities’ internationalization. In particular, it is unclear how internationalization practices improve vocational students’ academic and social competencies and readiness for employment. This case study was intended to fill this current gap in the literature by investigating a selected joint venture VET college in China. This study employed a wealth of data as evidence that international programmes could benefit vocational students in their English skills, professional knowledge, intercultural competence, and personal and career development. In additional to the opportunities created for vocational students, international programmes are expected to offer workplace experience and design a curriculum that suits students with different future plans. The findings of this study indicate that international collaborations in the VET sector have the potential not only to better prepare vocational students for life and employment, but also to address the challenges facing the VET system in developing economies.  相似文献   

A substantive and differentiating element of the Jesuits’ university paradigm is the promotion of social justice. The results of a telephone poll conducted amongst professors and researchers convey the initiatives to further social justice that Jesuit universities in Spain have been carrying out primarily since the 1990s. Although still a limited presence, respondents largely favour continuing said initiatives.  相似文献   


Since the new millennium, the issue of financial inclusion of young people has increasingly gained recognition, especially in relation to those living in deprived circumstances. Financial inclusion can be promoted through education that specifically aims for the strengthening of young persons’ financial capabilities. In 2013, a participatory action research project was started in a rural region of Colombia to improve the research capacity of a local university through the development and implementation of a demonstration project on the financial inclusion of young people. University teachers, students and employees of a financial cooperative were trained in conducting qualitative methods with a specific aim of being responsive to the life stories of their interviewees. This paper shares the experiences from an international team of educational scholars who aim for the democratisation of research capacity and the dissemination of localised knowledge. This is done by working closely together with stakeholders and ultimately giving a voice to youth employed in the informal economy as they are usually the ones being most deprived from access to financial services.  相似文献   

高职思政课不仅是一门学科,更是一种教育形式,高职院校应充分发挥思政课在学生思想政治教育中的主导教育作用。应从“课程整合”、“教学方法”、“教学评价”等方面改革思政课教学。与此同时,还需围绕思政课教育教学,改革管理体制,形成大思政。  相似文献   

汉代尊老养老教育与社会和谐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汉代尊老养老教育在继承先秦的基础上有了很大的发展。汉代皇帝扮演了重要角色,将“以孝治天下”定为基本国策,朝廷将《孝经》列为儒家经典,命天下诵读,因而《孝经》起到了指导尊老养老的重要作用。除了学校教育,政府还重视社会教育,通过多种途径向社会全体成员灌输尊老养老思想。举孝廉从选官的角度为全社会制定了敬老尊贤的行为准则,成为鼓励人们尊老养老的强大精神武器。把尊老教育与法律尊老相结合,运用礼法对不养老、侮老、弃老者予以严惩。尊老养老教育对于家庭和睦与家庭保障、培养“尊老”风尚、保障社会和谐安定等等,都有着巨大的积极作用,但将道德教育置于绝对支配地位的弊端也不应忽视。  相似文献   

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