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By drawing on a theoretical framing based on the geography of encounters, this article examines how students give meaning to racialised encounters on campus. These encounters are mediated by long established notions of difference based on power inequalities where race remains a powerful source of difference. However, race is not simply enacted but produced as it weaves through student friendships, heterosexual partnering and through language. By focusing on the construction of race in student encounters on campus, the article uncovers the points at which students produce relations of inequalities, their contestations and the continuities in racialised power structures. The article concludes by pointing to the value in understanding the race-friendship-heterosexual-language tension, which might help work towards understanding and addressing inequalities based on locally relevant interventions on campus.  相似文献   

地球物理勘查工程技术人才培养改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国家级特色专业平台的支撑下,桂林理工大学对地球物理学和勘查工程技术专业人才培养进行了一系列的改革与建设。提出“基础性、实践性、能力性、创新性”的专业特色培养目标,充实和丰富了专业课程体系,出版多本专业特色教材。强化实践教学环节,把探索式、讨论式、参与式等教学方法运用到专业教学实践中,建立了科研促进教学的互动机制。实践证明,专业学生的动手能力、创新能力得到明显提高,就业能力持续增强,逐步形成金属矿产勘探和工程水文地质勘探方面的特色与优势。  相似文献   

The article develops a proposal for learning from the differences that can be present in the milieu of postgraduate programmes that are based on a participative design. Drawing on illustrations of students' and tutors' experience of difference, the idea of 'classroom as real world' is offered as the basis of understanding differences and responses to them which could be applied in the wider, and arguably more significant, social context. The authors also explore tensions which tutors are likely to have to engage with if incorporating a pedagogy of difference into their practice. These tensions are between tendencies to conformity or fragmentation, and between participative ideals and incipient hierarchy, not least as implicated in their role.  相似文献   

Whether we are lost to flagrant and groundless subjectivism or whether we can actually sustain and support our actions by appealing to discovered, transcendental truths is perhaps the chief angst of the modern and postmodern ages. In this paper it is argued that by seeking a middle ground through praxis, a ground neither lured by false foundationalism nor racked by relativism, we can sustain our social practices as educators only by critical encounters with the traditions and ideologies from which those practices emerge. To pursue this argument, it is suggested that because science does not well ground our practices we must therefore seek a sounder basis. To that end, a revitalized form of praxis is proposed, one that retrieves its central concerns with the moral dimensions of human action. Thus, in opposition to dominant interests in technical forms of educational practice based on empirically ‘discovered’ regularities, it is suggested that ‘practical’ reasoning provides a more useful understanding of how we conduct our practices as educators. In this respect we can understand our educational practice as requiring choice and deliberation in specific circumstances where courses of action are variable and debatable. Such a focus then allows us to consider the value‐laden and community bases of practice and encourages improvement of practice through encounters with its normative nature. It is in this context that our views of what we believe to be right and why become the reasons for our actions as educators. Consequently, praxis has to be focused on the ideology of our practice. It is here that the final discussion of the paper considers the ultimate project of praxis which is to distinguish bad practice based on false beliefs from that which is sustained by continuing critical dialogue.  相似文献   

This study examines learning in home care visits aimed at systematic facilitation of clients’ physical mobility. Building on the theory of expansive learning, we ask what kinds of learning cycles may be identified in home care encounters charged with implementing the new Mobility Agreement practice, what kinds of interplay may be detected between the parallel learning cycles of the home care client and the home care worker, and what the characteristics of defensive learning are. The data consist of 30 videotaped home care visits. The learning cycles of the encounters were found to be either predominantly defensive or expansive, which led to the identification of 4 basic types of combined learning cycles. Encounters in which the client’s and the worker’s cycles were aligned tended to contain fewer learning actions than encounters in which the cycles moved to opposite directions. The latter types of encounters were characterized by subtle orientational mismatches that left matters open and invoked further elaboration by the client and the worker. Defensive cycles were more reflective than expected and seemed to involve aspects of agency that are not commonly acknowledged.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study examined the definitions, values, and experiences of seven community college professors who have tried to promote student character development by sharing some of their power in the classroom. Power sharing is a participative gesture, and participative teachers can encourage students to become more engaged in their own learning processes. This participative style of teaching may develop into a partnership between students and teachers. This requires students to make decisions, be responsible for their learning, and work collaboratively with others. Through the practice and habit of making decisions, students may be able to promote their own character development. To facilitate this development, these faculty members focused on awareness, care, student engagement, group dynamics, academic integrity, a welcoming environment, and a sharing attitude. The essential theme of developing character emerged from my reflections of the data gathered from the face-to-face interviews. Five structural themes included diversity, self-identity, commitment, sacrifice, and becoming.  相似文献   

Lizzi Milligan 《Compare》2016,46(2):235-250
This article reflects on the use of participative techniques with final-year secondary school students in one rural community in Western Kenya as an enabling tool for an outsider to both gain insider perspectives and develop a more insider role in that community by privileging and legitimating participant-driven data. Conclusions put forward the concept of the ‘inbetweener’ researcher, neither entirely inside or outside, and consider how using such methods allowed the formulation of authentic participative knowledge (co-)construction and construction of meaningful relationships in the field.  相似文献   

论网络审计的结构及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着电子商务的兴起,网络经济作为一种全新的经济形态得到了迅速发展。传统审计遇到了挑战,经济审计走向网络化已成为必然。网络审计由“对网络经济的审计、对网络系统的审计、利用网络进行审计”三部分构成;网络审计有自身的优势,但在应用中也存在一些局限性。在促进网络审计发展中,应重点加强五项建设:1)网络审计软件;2)网络审计人才;3)审计网络建设;4)网络审计立法;5)网络审计准则。  相似文献   

朋辈心理辅导作为大学生心理健康教育的一种重要形式,在高校心理健康教育实践中起着重要作用。在朋辈心理辅导实践中,必然存在不少影响其效果发挥的因素,在理论研究与实践的过程中发现:朋辈心理辅导员的选拔、培训是基础,监督与指导是重要环节。大学生心理健康教育形式多样,不同的形式有不同的效果,要充分发挥大学生心理健康教育积极作用需要在实践基础上积极进行理论创新。  相似文献   

怎样在高等学校教育教学中结合具体专业特点,寻找并建立与学科专业相匹配,并能切实指导学生实践的产学研基地,最大限度发挥实践教学的效果,是现代高等教育实践教学中需要探讨的问题.本文就这一问题以测绘工程专业产学研基地的建设为例,对实践教学的目的、意义及基地建设中如何最大限度发挥实践教学成效进行归纳和总结.  相似文献   

城市居民健康档案信息化建设对于促进城市居民公共卫生服务,推进城市居民健康具有重要意义。由于意识、资金、人员素质等因素的制约,城市居民健康档案信息化存在着现实的困难和问题。提高认识,加强领导,加强宣传和队伍建设,加大投入,吸引社会资金,建立健全相关制度与方案,都是做好城市居民健康档案信息化建设的重要保障。  相似文献   

护理工作是我国医疗卫生事业的重要组成部分,与人民群众的健康利益和生命安全密切相关,但是目前,护理人员是我国紧缺的人才,为了满足护理行业的人才需求,近年来一些非医学职业院校开始发展护理专业.以北京京北职业技术学院为例,率先通过多项举措(如师资建设、人才培养方案、课程设置、实习实训基地、学生教育管理和专业群建设等六个方面)...  相似文献   

教育实习是高等师范院校教学计划的重要组成部分,是师范教育的必要环节,是提高高师院校教学质量的重要途径。目前教育实习面临一系列困境,为了摆脱这些困境,我们必须从以下方面努力:一要加强教育实习基地建设;二要注重教育实习理论更新;三要探索教育实习科学方式;四要注意教育实习时间安排;五要加强教育实习准备工作。  相似文献   

参与教学法分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育学心理学教学有理论脱离实际、过于依赖讲授法、师生关系不和谐、教学效果低下等误区;参与教学法是通过学生对教学过程的生动活泼的参与,达到掌握知识、运用知识的教学目的的教学方法;使用参与教学法实施教育学心理学教学理论联系实际,符合学生的需要,教学方法生动、多样,师生关系民主、平等、和谐,教学相长,达成教学目的,促进素质教育。  相似文献   


Referring to Haraway’s concept of tentacularity, this article embarks on a curious research practice-inspired speculative journey to think with material tentacular becomings in an Australian kindergarten. Some of the questions that guided our curious research practice asked: How does curious practice as a postqualitative methodology enable us, as researchers, to cultivate a presence that creates the conditions for these research encounters and events to be perceived? What becomes possible for generative relational diverse learning with matter-energies if we accept that there is no rational explanation at hand? What worlds come into being if we speculate instead of rationalize? How do children animate, and are animated relationally, in particular worlds and not in others? How do we, as researchers, become entangled within children’s ways of perceiving and naming encounters? We experimented with Haraway’s notion of tentacularity as our navigational tool to map four entangled territories in this article.  相似文献   

This article defines the ‘critical realist review’, a literature-based methodological approach to critical analysis of health care studies (or any discipline charged with social interventions) that is robust, insightful and essential for the complexities of twenty-first century evidence-based health and social care. We argue that this approach, underpinned by a critical realist philosophy and methodology, will facilitate students and researchers to employ relevant theoretical insights from a range of disciplines that have necessary contributions to make to our understanding of health and social care practice and provision. We explore the limitations of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and the systematic review for informing evidence-based health and social care. The article also offers some suggestions on method, although, as we argue, the approach deliberately eschews a ‘cookbook’ approach. A glossary of terms is provided in the Appendix.  相似文献   

The theory on the demand for health suggests that schooling causes health because schooling increases the efficiency of health production. Alternatively, the allocative efficiency hypothesis argues that schooling alters the input mix chosen to produce health. This suggests that the more educated have more knowledge about the health production function and they have more health knowledge. This paper uses data from the 1997 and 2002 waves of the NLSY97 to conduct an investigation of the allocative efficiency hypothesis by analyzing whether education improves health knowledge. The survey design allows us to observe the increase in health knowledge of young adults after their level of schooling is increased by differential and plausibly exogenous amounts. Using nine different questions measuring health knowledge, we find weak evidence that an increase in education generates an improvement in health knowledge for those who ultimately attend college. For those with high school as the terminal degree, no relationship is found between education and health knowledge. These results imply that the allocative efficiency hypothesis may not be the primary reason for why schooling impacts health outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the socially constructed ideas that have come to be given the status of taken‐for‐granted knowledge within not one, but two, fields of professional practice in Northern Irish schools; community relations and special needs education. Dominant discourses were viewed as constructing norms around which educational professionals approached issues to do with difference and social justice—differences of attainment and disability in the case of educational special needs, and, in the case of school‐based community relations work, ethno‐political and religious differences. Our analysis identified some very powerful common discourses that served to maintain the status quo and limit the space for creative and pluralistic struggle. We argue that this process of unravelling or deconstructing professional meaning‐making in relation to education for diversity is a crucial first step towards the development of a more inclusive participative practice. In the final section, we consider some of the implications of our work and speculate about the meaning of educational inclusion within a transforming society.  相似文献   

This article is an exploration of the value of research involving images in a school, and aims to provoke more general discussion of the purpose, value and risks of educational research using images. It reports on a participative research project in a secondary school which led to the construction of a web site based on images of that school. The value of the process and of the web site in promoting learning within the school community is discussed and assessed, along with the risks of abuse, misuse, and manipulation of those images. The authors consider the value of grouping and clustering the images generated in this project as a means of engaging meaningfully with the images themselves, their context and what they represent. Data are presented from discussions with students and staff involved in taking images, with further reflection on the process that they and we engaged in.  相似文献   

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