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面向对象编程通常是大学新生的必修课,是重要的计算机专业基础课。针对近几年教学过程中暴露出的种种问题,通过分析大学新生的思维特点以及该课程特点,提出相应的对策,即从转变思维模式入手,训练编程能力,再加强课程实训环节,三位一体从根本上提高新生的编程能力。通过对比,几届新生的编程能力有明显提升。  相似文献   

The present study investigated gender differences in scholastic achievement (school grades in sciences and languages) as mediated by reasoning ability in a large sample with a clustered data structure from an educational context. Whereas girls outperformed boys in languages, boys excelled in sciences and reasoning. Multilevel analyses indicated a small indirect effect of gender on school grades mediated by reasoning ability. Gender differences in sciences, but not in languages were largely explained by reasoning ability, but not by factors such as gender ratio in the classroom or mental speed. The predictive power of reasoning ability for languages, but not sciences was larger in classrooms with higher mean reasoning ability. Further, gender differences in languages, but not sciences varied significantly across classrooms. Reasoning ability appears to be important for predicting scholastic achievement in sciences, whereas languages are more affected by gender-related attributes.  相似文献   

学业困难学生的帮扶工作,已成为当今高校教育管理中难点任务之一。大学初始,是学生出现分化的重要时期,如何防微杜渐,避免出现学业困难现象显得尤为重要。要辅导员要帮助这部分学生顺利完成学业、树立正确的理想信念、培养积极的心态和良好学习习惯,就必须分析这部分学生学业困难的原因,并提出切实有效的对策。  相似文献   

Providing information about how 1st-year students learn may help colleges plan actions aimed at increasing students' persistence in higher education programs. This research aims to assess 1st-year students' academic performance, using a path analysis to establish inter-correlations among students' personality traits, learning patterns, high school achievement, and objectively measured outcomes. Participants included 509 freshmen from different academic disciplines. Results show a causality relations model in which Conscientiousness positively influences Sequential and Precise learning patterns as well as academic performance. The path model also confirms Extraversion as a negative antecedent of the Technical learning pattern. It is argued that knowing students is a primary step to putting them in a position to become an active part of the learning process.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to gain further insight into the determinants of scholastic judgments. On the basis of a previous study (Dompnier, Pansu, & Bressoux, 2006), we propose a model of the processes underlying teachers’ judgments. In addition to taking into account some of these determinants, the proposed model grants to pupils’ social utility, as perceived by their teacher, the status of central mediator between scholastic judgments and their determinants (pupils’ actual academic achievement, pupils’ scholastic history, classroom context, and internality perceived by teachers). The initial model was tested on a first sample of 250 pupils (3rd grade) and their teachers, and then improved. Next, the modified model was validated on a second sample of 249 pupils (3rd grade) and their teachers. The results obtained on this sample indicated that the modified model fit the data to a satisfactory extent, and that it is more parsimonious that alternative nonhierachical models.  相似文献   

In the year-and-a-half since the College Board released detailed tables on SAT scores by race, much of the heated reaction has now abated. This study explores the data behind those tables and seeks a fuller explanation of the observed differences in SAT scores among racial and ethnic segments of college-bound test takers. It highlights a social psychological correlate that mediates between environmental factors and SAT performance, beginning with the finding that blacks at the same level of test performance exhibit greater self-esteem than whites on a series of self-rated abilities. Implications of the analysis are discussed and directions for further research suggested.Presented at the 24th Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Fort Worth, Texas, May 1984.  相似文献   

Verbal short-term memory deficits are a common characteristic of children with reading problems and may markedly increase the difficulty of learning to read. Previous work suggests that the basis of the short-term memory deficit may involve limitations in phonetic coding. In the present paper, a series of experiments are reviewed which examined the role of phonological processes in short-term memory. First, a developmental study is described in which a significant relationship was found between phonetic processes and verbal memory span, but not between phonetic processes and nonverbal memory. Second, additional studies are reviewed which collectively found that children with reading problems are less accurate at phonetic encoding than are good readers, and that performance on phonetic processing corresponds with verbal memory span. No reading group differences were obtained on nonverbal perception or memory tasks. These findings suggest that both developmental and individual differences in verbal memory span are related to the efficiency of phonological processes. Practical implications of current cognitive research are discussed. The research was supported by NIH Grant HD-01994 to Haskins Laboratories.  相似文献   

Cultural capital, originally a general sociological concept, has been transformed into a construct that is often applied in predicting scholastic attainment. Intellectual ability (IQ) has also been proven to be a strong, although basically psychological, predictor of educational attainment. However, these strands of research have hardly been contrasted in terms of their predictive power and in terms of their potential interaction. In the current study of Slovenian secondary school students, the results indicated that both constructs had statistically significant predictive power, both as to attainment and as to transition into type of secondary education. Results also indicated that: both constructs were fairly robust, as their predictive power remained statistically significant even after control variables were entered into the model; and they operated independently as results indicated no interaction between these constructs. The ‘return’ on cultural capital was greater for students whose parents had lower educational status.  相似文献   

本文分析了第二课堂活动的现状,开展英语课外活动的意义,提出了第二课堂活动的四种形式,具体介绍了我院第二课堂活动的开展情况,通过参加项目体验,培养学生的学术研究能力。  相似文献   

学术鉴别力、专业理解力、专业洞察力及专业素养等学术能力对于学报编辑具有重要性,高校学报编辑应该与时俱进地提高学术能力。编辑要借助高校优良的学术环境,通过继续教育、辅助教学与教学科研同步,进一步增强学术能力。  相似文献   

Previous research has established the returns to academic ability in the general labor market, and this paper investigates such returns in the teacher labor market. Using a nationally representative sample of public school teachers, I find that teachers who graduate from the most selective undergraduate institutions have salaries that are between 7% and 14% higher than those who graduate from the least selective colleges. An empirical investigation of the source of these returns reveals that the majority of this difference is due to high-ability teachers sorting into higher paying districts, though a non-trivial amount arises from within-district deviations from the salary schedule.  相似文献   

Students' beliefs, attitudes, experiences and responses towards assessment reflect the ecology of their specific context. The study examines Hong Kong tertiary students' conceptions of assessment using focus group interviews and the content analysis technique. Using six focus groups, 26 Hong Kong university students were interviewed. Hong Kong tertiary students associated assessment with lifelong high-stake examinations. The assessment determined an individual's personal value or worth and achievement was an obligation one had towards one's family. As a legitimate tool for selecting the best candidates for educational and career opportunities, assessment provided upward social mobility, but also served the function of monitoring and surveillance to shape people's behaviour according to societal expectations. Resilience was reflected in both self-regulative agentic responses of effort, persistence and gaming strategy and passive escaping from the oppressive assessment system. The general emotional reaction towards assessment was negative; and participants cast doubts on the assessment validity, accuracy and the limited utility confined by academic-only content. In addition to the portrayal of the Chinese student as an effective, persistent learner, this study shows that Chinese students are very aware of the negative, controlling impact of assessment on their lives.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand whether the reading comprehension process is better explained by a single or by multiple factors. 184 students (9 to 13 years old) were presented with a recently devised battery of tests, that measure ten aspects of reading comprehension. Structural equation modelling showed that a two factors model better accounts for the data compared to a one or a three factors model. Results confirmed the hypothesis which distinguishes between ‘basic’ and ‘complex’ aspects of reading comprehension. The second goal of the study was to analyze the relationship between the two-components model and scholastic achievement. Our results highlighted that the more ‘complex’ aspects of reading comprehension, reflecting some metacognitive knowledge and control processes, are the better predictors of scholastic achievement.  相似文献   

This research explicates the construct of social ability and describes the relationship between students' academic motivation and social ability in online learning environments. Findings reveal perceived peers social presence, perceived written communication skills, perceived instructor social presence, comfort with sharing personal information, and social navigation as the five factors that define social ability. In addition, the multivariate multiple regression analyses indicate that different motivational constructs vary in their relationships with the multiple social ability factors. Intrinsic goal orientation is related to perceived peers social presence. Self-efficacy explains the variance of perceived instructor social presence and comfort with sharing personal information. Task value is associated with social navigation and both perceived peers and instructor social presence. Additional studies are needed to replicate the current findings and further explicate social ability in online learning, to continue to improve the social ability instrument, and to examine the value of other academic motivation beliefs in predicting social ability as well as that of social ability in predicting learning outcomes.  相似文献   

为了探讨近几年大学新生的适应性水平,采用<中国大学生适应量表>对2005-2008年14 866名山西大学入学新生的适应性进行调查,并探讨近几年来大学新生适应性的变化趋势以及专业和生源地对大学新生适应性的影响,以期为高校心理健康教育工作的进一步开展提供理论依据和支持.  相似文献   

This study, using a longitudinal design with a Swedish cohort of young readers, investigates if children’s early word decoding ability in second grade can predict later academic performance. In an effort to estimate the unique effect of early word decoding (grade 2) with academic performance (grade 9), gender and non-verbal cognitive ability were controlled for in hierarchical regression models. Results show that even after accounting for these factors, word decoding successfully predicted subject marks as well as attendance in advanced courses and language classes. The authors conclude that children’s early ability to decode words could be an important factor for predicting performance in school and, thus, stress the importance for schools to investigate children’s early word decoding ability.  相似文献   

薛福成的出使日记内容丰富 ,颇具学人特色。其日记学人特色的第一个体现是有选择地收集、记录资料 ,第二个体现是记事的完整性和准确性 ,第三个体现是将感想发为议论 ,另外还有一个重要体现就是文辞的优美洗练。薛福成的日记之所以有鲜明的学人特色 ,在于其所受的教育和早期经历使其具有浓重的学人气质 ,而其日记内容的进步性则是他强烈的爱国心的体现  相似文献   

Generic problem-solving skills have been identified as one of the key competencies valued by professional programmes, university students and their future employers. A lack of widely available and simple testing tools prevents assessment of the development of student problem-solving skills. As part of a research study, a generic problem-solving test was administered to 130 third-year science students during three consecutive years. A comparison between the scores students achieved in this test with their six academic marks obtained in this course showed no significant correlation. Lack of correlation between the problem-solving skill test scores and academic marks of students was confirmed in a larger population of students participating in a campus-wide study of generic problem-solving skills (n = 830). Problem solving and academic performance may represent two independent skill sets of students; testing problem-solving skills of students could be introduced to achieve a more comprehensive evaluation of undergraduate student progress and achievement.  相似文献   

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