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As an exception to the usual regional character of the Bulletin we present an account of student enrolment and employment prospects for higher education graduates in Australia.  相似文献   

Canadian university teachers have long recognized the importance of establishing procedures for dealing with conflict of interest. More recently, they have recognized the importance of dealing with cases of academic fraud; however, compared to occurrences in universities in the United States, there seem to be few examples in Canada. Canadian academics have taken the lead in this area, securing procedures for dealing fairly with conflict of interest in the context of the needs of academic freedom through collective bargaining by faculty associations and unions under the leadership of their national organization, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT).  相似文献   

This paper offers some aims for education at the university level for middle‐age and older adults. A review of the scope of knowledge and practice in this field is presented along with a brief analysis of some factors leading to the growing interest in this area, in which a lack of empirical knowledge and clear philosophy is evident. Research findings from life‐span developmental studies on the cognitive, personality, and motivational characteristics of older people are discussed in terms of their implications for higher education. In the light of these considerations, suggestions for planning academic programs for older adults are presented. Academic programs must be rooted in curricula that concurrently foster age integration at the university while attending to the special needs of middle‐age and older adults. Academic programs require programs of action research and training for educators and students of adult development. This is seen as essential to promote future progress in this area.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent theoretical works in the field of language, identity, and culture with the aim of exploring their possible implications to the field of cultural ethnic education in general and more specifically in the area of Jewish education. The theories reviewed develop from within a social constructivist paradigm belonging to a high or postmodern perspective. The theories presented have the potential to encourage a serious and critical revision of the premises which support the work of those involved in cultural ethnic and Jewish education. More specifically, these theories could help educators interested in the creative and participatory development of Jewish and other ethnic religious groups to rethink the possible contents and processes of such an educational effort.  相似文献   

We present below the main results of the study “Insertion dans la vie professionnelle et emploi des diplômes universitaires” carried out under the direction of Dr. José van de Vijvere by the “Service de Programmation de la Politique scientifique” in Brussels.  相似文献   

This article presents a number of historical themes that are relevant to emerging efforts in the religious education of older adults. Drawing on themes in Jewish, Christian, Confucian, and other world religions the author indicates that religious bodies have shown respect for the elderly, especially for their abilities as teachers and counselors. Older adults have pursued learning either by living in close connection with religious communities or in separate institutions under the sponsorship of religious bodies. Religious traditions have urged study and contemplation as suitable activities for their older members. The increased numbers of older adults in religious bodies is a problem that can be turned into educational challenge and opportunity.  相似文献   

Involvement in a mentor-student relationship is an invaluable experience for new graduate students. These students frequently have opportunities and experiences provided to them by their mentor that may be otherwise unattainable. Mentoring can help new graduate students develop academically, personally, and professionally. This article describes mentoring in gerontology education from the perspectives and personal experiences of new graduate students in sociology and gerontology. Discussed in this article are types and phases of mentoring, the need for a mentor in gerontology education, selection a mentor, and issues related to mentoring and career advancement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  There is a need to disentangle various distinct kinds of claim. The body may be important in schooling, though not in education. Movement, sport, fitness and health need to be distinguished. Does sport improve character? Does education imply knowledge about matters of health? Is learning to dance analogous to either learning to play cricket or learning to play a musical instrument? The most challenging questions concern whether the body provides an alternative route to knowledge, if so of what. For example, is ballet a unique form of language with its own intrinsic value, an alternative way of arriving at valued propositional knowledge, or does it provide access to a unique kind of knowledge? The conclusion is drawn that none of these claims is sustainable in terms that make them of any great educational significance.  相似文献   

If we may attempt a summation of the “progressive” movement as regards character education, we would say that these educators are of the earnest group which is seeking a new discipline for the individual and society. The old control of command and threat of punishment is giving way.

“Europe, like America, is discarding the traditional idea of discipline through coercion or blind obedience, and is looking for a new technique through which children may be helped to become self‐directing personalities using freedom intelligently.” 14 14. Sidonie M. Gruenberg, Progressive Education, Vol. 4, p. 126.

It is not merely a question of interest and of project method. It is a problem of developing a new system of control in place of the old paternalistic and militaristic discipline that finds its last resort in the employment of force. In place of the domination by force, the newer “voice of conscience” says to give every individual a chance to develop an inner control. In place of punishment for those who do not abide by the norm of society, it seeks to substitute diagnosis. Seek first for an understanding of the individual, giving to the genius large leeway in working out! his original ideas, and, to the sub‐normal person, treatment such as the doctor gives to his patient.

“Progressive” educators are, of course, not the only ones contending for this new discipline, but they seemingly have taken the lead in working out a process of education to secure it. In this process the work of the teacher is not minimized but greatly exalted. In this undertaking to produce a more finely integrated person, the teacher must enter as a highly skillful guide and friend. What more “religious” conception of the function of the teacher can be found than this given by a “progressive” educator.

“It is the teacher's business to live with the child, as the refreshing shadow of a great rock in a weary land, as a spring of water for a thirsty soul, as an ever‐present help in time of trouble, as a lamp in the darkness, as a guide to little feet that stumble, and to little hearts that err; as a loving local Providence winning their affection and loyalty.”


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