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In the middle of a thunderstorm (暴风雨) , a traveling circus (马戏团) leaves behind a baby zebra (斑马) . A farmer, Nolan Walsh, finds it and brings it home to his daughter Channing. Channing likes the zebra very much. She names the zebra Stripes.  相似文献   

Many years ago a farmer had a farm along the Pacific seacoast. He often hired workers to help him. Most people didn't want to work on farms along the Pacific Ocean because they were afraid of the terrible storms(暴风雨).  相似文献   

<正>每个人都希望成功,每个人都想找到打开成功大门的钥匙,但成功的道路不是一帆风顺的,有很多时候需要有足够的耐心和意志力,不能浅尝辄止。Once there was a farmer with his wife and children living a happy life by earning from their own land in a village. The family planted the crops in spring, and harvested the crops in autumn. The only issue(问题)faced by the farmer was a lack of water for the fields. After discussing with his family, the farmer decided to dig a well near his land.  相似文献   

A Farmer     
A man is driving down a country road,when he sees a farmer stand-ing in the middle of a huge field of grass.He drives the car over to the side of the road and notices that the farmer is just standing there,doing nothing,looking at nothing.The man gets out of the car,walks all the way out to the farmer and asks him,“Ah,excuse me mister,but what are you doing?”The farmer replies,“I'm trying to win a Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖).”“How?”asks the man,puzzled(迷惑不解).“Well,I heard they give the…  相似文献   

<正>Airplane RideA farmer and his wife went to a fair. The farmer was fascinated by the airplanes and asked a pilot how much a ride would cost. "$10 for 3 minutes," replied the pilot. "That’s too much," said the farmer.  相似文献   

A man was looking for things of the old times. One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl. It looked veryold. The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. A farmer, the owner of the cat , was lying besidethe bowl. The man did not want the farmer to know that he was interested in bowl. So he said to him softly, “What anice cat you have? Will you sell it to me?”“How much will you give me for the cat?”the farmer opened his eyes and asked.“Twenty dollars. Would t…  相似文献   

A A poor farmer once had a friend who was famous for the wondertul apple trees which he grew.One day this friend gave the farmer a young tree and told him to take it home and plant it.The farmer was pleased with the gift,but when he got home he did not know where to plant it.He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road,strangers would steal the fruit.  相似文献   

Once a farmer was put in prison. Even though(即使)this farmer was in prison,he wasn't a bad man. He hadn't done anything wrong. At this time the king's men were collecting money. The king needed money so that he could fight wars and the people had to pay a lot of taxes(税). Now this farmer didn't have any money. He told this to the king's men. When they came to his house,he said,"I can't give you any money. I am such a poor man that I've hardly got enough to live."The king’s m en laughed. …  相似文献   

Our Hoe Is Gone     
Once upon a time,there lived a farmer.One day the farmer returnedhome from the fields.“I've come back for lunch!”he shouted to his wifeloudly.“Where is our hoe(锄头)?”his wife asked him,seeing there wasnothing in his hand.“I put it in the field.”he said still louder to his wife.  相似文献   

A Clever Fox     
1. A Farmer raised a horse, but the horse was too old to work. So the farmer wanted to put him away.  相似文献   

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A James Bender, in his How to Talk Well (New York McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1994) relates the story of a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won a blue ribbon. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it.  相似文献   

Years ago a farmer owned land along the sea.He wanted to hire some workers,but most people didn't want to work on farms along the sea.They were afraid of the storm.  相似文献   

阅读下列七篇短文,然后分别用约30个词概括各篇文章的内容要点。(1)One day,a farmer’s donkey fell down in to a well.The farmer thought that it wasn’t worth saving the donkey because he was too old,so he decided to bury him.  相似文献   

① A man had to go on a long travel. He hid his money in a pot and put butter over it. So nobody could see what was there under the butter in the pot. 一个人要去长途旅行了。他把积攒的钱藏在一个罐子里,在上面倒了奶油,这样就没有人能看到罐子里奶油下面有什么东西了。  相似文献   

Once there was a clever farmer. Though he was poor,he decided one day to take a roast goose(烧鹅) to the king as a present. He had not had much that day, and soon the smell of the roast goose became too much for him as he carried it to the king, so he ate one of its legs.  相似文献   

A penny-pinching farmer didn't want his hired hand to stop working. One morning,he told the farmhand,"It's such a nuisance to come in from the field, wash up for lunch and take time to eat.  相似文献   

下面是两种巧克力菜肴的制作方法,试着自己动手做做吧!1.French Chocolate Truffles法式巧克力软糖★Ingredients: ① 1 cup sweet (unsalted) butter ② 8 ounces semisweet chocolate, coarsely (粗 糙 地; 稍 微)chopped ③ 1/2 cup brandy ④ Unsweetened cocoa powder ★Manufacture method:In a heavy saucepan ( 平 底 深 锅 ), cut the butter into pieces and melt over medium-low heat. Turn heat to medium, and when butter bubbles ( 冒 泡 ), stir to mix well. When bubbling turns to foam ( 起 泡 沫 ), remove the b…  相似文献   

高考英语书面表达评分的主要依据是:内容要点的完整性、应用词汇和语法结构的数量与准确性及上下文的连贯性(即有效使用关联词)等。可见,关联词的有效使用是英语书面表达获取高分的一个重要标准。试以2005年广东一考生高考作文为例:Long long ago,there used to be a farmer whoworked very hard.One hot day,the farmer was workingwith a hoe in the farmland as usual.As he was wetthrough with sweat,he decided to have a break under atree.He was about to reach the tree when a rabbit rantowards it and bumped into the trunk…  相似文献   

Yang Zhong was an illiterate(文盲) farmer. He worked long hours on his small piece of land to grow vegetables and rice. His wife, Ya Tin would help him in the fields some times, bringing him his mid-day meals and water and then staying until she tired of the ploughing(犁), watering, weeding and all the other chores that a farmer must perform in order to reap(收割;收获) the rewards by way of a harvest, sometimes sparse and other times bountiful.  相似文献   

A Bad Farmer     
There was once a farmer.He lived nearthe road.It was not a busy road,but fromtime to time,ears passed his farm. Near the farm gate,there was a largehole in the road.This hole was always full of  相似文献   

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