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名人师承老师终成大器者数不胜数,中学语文教材里选录的文章就有十多篇.我听的入迷,恍如身临其境,田老师戛然而止,我却仍在发呆,直到三年极大学兄捅了我一下,我才惊醒……我在田老师门下受业四年,听到上千个万古长青中,犹如春雨点点入土.从事文学创作,需要发达的形象思维,丰富的想象力;在速方面田老师培育了我,给我开了窍.……谈起往事,我深深感念他在我幼小心田上,播下文学的种子.  相似文献   

南海波 《辅导员》2012,(6):30-31
名人师承老师终成大器者数不胜数,中学语文教材里选录的文章就有十多篇。我听的入迷,恍如身临其境,田老师戛然而止,我却仍在发呆,直到三年级大学兄捅了我一下,我才惊醒……我在田老师门下受业四年,听到上千个万古长青中,犹如春雨点点入土。从事文学创作,需要发达的形象思维,丰富的想象力;在这方面田老师培育了我,给我开了窍。……谈起往事,我深深感念他在我幼小心田上,播下文学的种子。  相似文献   

文章以产业价值链理论为基础,对目前我国数字音乐产业价值链的结构及构成要素进行了较为系统的分析,并对我国数字音乐产业未来的发展提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

一、中日语言中的文化差异现象1.由于词汇的文化伴随意义不同而导致的文化差异。“伴随意义”这一提法最早始于廖东平同志于 1982年的“模糊限制词和语意限制”一文 ,指意义相同的词语在不同的文化领域中具有不同的感情评价意义和文化历史联想。从实际情况上来看 ,指代意义相同 ,但文化伴随意义不同的词例在中日语言中有许多。比如 :“你”作为第二人称代词 ,在汉语中的使用频率很高 ;而在日语中 ,相当“你”的“贵方”,只能用于妻子对丈夫的称呼、或恋爱中的少男少女的相互称呼。在语言运用中 ,尤其在口语中 ,日本人一般很少用它来指代第二…  相似文献   

从隐喻角度看英语词汇学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,更是人类思维和认知世界的方式,人类的思维从根本上是隐喻的。而语言作为人类思维和认知世界的载体,与隐喻有着密不可分的关系。本文从隐喻角度来探讨英语词汇学习行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

从自我调节学习的角度看家庭作业   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
家庭作业是一项与学生的学业成就、自我效能感甚至心理健康都有着密切关系,涉及教师、学生和家长之间复杂互动的教育活动。与家庭作业有关的争论(如“减负”)是当前中小学教育中的一个热点问题。长期以来,关于“减负”问题的讨论把重点完全放在作业量上,类似于钟摆现象:一段时期认为家庭作业的量太多,学生学业负担太重,要“减负”;另一段时期又认为家庭作业的量不足,影响学生成绩。实际上,家庭作业过多或过少都只是问题的一个方面而已。问题的另一个方面是从质的方面——即从自我调节学习角度来探讨家庭作业与学生学业发展的关系,并将自我调节学习的基本原理作为家庭作业的策略和指导性原则。  相似文献   

大众化时期的高校竞争中,人们越来越关注办学成本问题。其实,高校在其发展的战略决策阶段就已基本决定了其成本的结构。因此,高校的战略决策要注重从成本角度去把握,高校的成本管理要围绕学校的发展与经营决策而展开。当前,在高等教育大众化时期,就要从成本的角度把握好高校的差异化发展问题、立足优势发展问题、抢抓机遇发展问题。  相似文献   

实验学习管理是对学生实验学习过程的监控。现代实验教育的立足点是关注学生的学。由于诸多原因,实验教学中缺乏对学生学习过程的有效监控及适时的学法指导,结果导致学生学习效率低下和差生群体扩大。本文介绍了建构主义学习观,并分析了其对实验学习管理的指导意义。  相似文献   

英语学习管理是对学生学习英语过程的监控。现代英语教育的立足点是关注学生的学。现实中由于种种原因,许多学生不会很好地学英语,英语教师对学生的英语学习又不够重视,从而导致学生学习效率低下和差生群体扩大。建构主义是一种学习哲学,它对英语学习管理有非常有价值的指导意义。  相似文献   

数学学习管理是对学生数学学习过程的监控.现代数学教育的立足点是关注学生的学.现实中由于种种原因,许多学生不会很好的学数学,数学教师对学生的数学学习又不够重视,从而导致学生学习效率低下和差生群体扩大.建构主义是一种学习哲学,它对数学学习管理有非常有价值的指导意义.  相似文献   

基于价值链分析的战略成本管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略成本管理理论主要研究企业该如何应对经济全球一体化下日趋激烈的市场竞争局面,以及如何提高其可持续发展的竞争力,本文论述了战略成本管理体系的重要工具--价值链的内涵和分析框架,及在价值链分析的基础上全面加强企业战略成本管理.  相似文献   


The literature on qualitative research offers the novice two strategies for learning analysis: (1) “trust” that you will “somehow” make sense out of qualitative material, or (2) follow a predetermined set of analytic steps and stages. A problem with the first approach is that it does not take into account the wide variety of qualitative analysis projects researchers undertake or differences in how individuals approach the interpretation of qualitative material. A problem with the second approach is that it does not maximize the learning potential possible from making explicit and sharpening the learner's own interpretive framework. In this paper we describe a third alternative: a collaborative-comparative approach to analyzing qualitative materials. This approach uses a group-based model of learning and explicitly capitalizes upon differences in group member interpretive styles to enhance learning qualitative methods of research.  相似文献   

Reforms currently taking place in organisations and their implications for education, training and learning in these organisations requires new and different ways of understanding. The recent focus on workplace learning and notions of "the learning organisation" raise challenges to understanding their significance as "technologies of training" applied within organisations. In social services organisations struggling with decades of reforms pushing them to be more "competitive and business-like", these reforms are even more complex. This paper, based on a study of child protection agencies in the state of New South Wales, Australia, indicates the ways in which the notion of the "learning organisation" is used to "govern" child protection services and workers. Rather than being a technique for encouraging team-work and increased participation by workers as part of post-Fordist forms of work organisation, as described by many commentators, this research indicates the ways in which it has been adopted as a technique in making neoliberal reforms practicable in organisations. It opens new questions in how we understand new "technologies of training", the way they are made practicable in work organisations and the changes demanded in the identity and character of the worker.  相似文献   

Whether out of financial concerns for student retention or altruistic goals involving facilitating successful learning, efforts are being made to ensure college student success beyond chance independent study skills. Students often lack effective self-regulatory skills and study strategies necessary for success in college. With guidance through specific task-related learner activities, these skills may be enhanced. The current study investigated how student performance in an introductory psychology course at a midwestern community college might be impacted by a structured, content-learning approach engaging students in specific academic study skills activities. Results indicated that the intervention group performed significantly better across all three exam events and achieved higher semester course grades. Performance on the learning packet itself was positively correlated with exam performance.  相似文献   

网络教学平台是一种受欢迎的辅助高校教师课堂教学、提高学生自主学习的支持平台,教育信息化与教育现代化的全面推进,对高校网络教学平台的功能要求逐渐增多,近年来高校网络教学平台的功能扩展引起了广泛的关注,提出了一种添加动态链接的动态功能扩展方法,达到优化资源配置、动态功能扩展、集成多个独立系统的目的。  相似文献   

在线英语学习动机与在线英语学习成绩之间相关性分析,对于改进在线英语学习方法、提高在线英语学习效率起着至关重要的作用。问卷调查中284名学生的在线英语学习成绩的皮尔逊(Pearson)相关系数、斯皮尔曼(Spearman)及肯德尔(Kendall)等级相关系数都充分证明了在线英语学习动机与在线英语学习成绩存在显著的相关性,在线英语学习动机的强弱直接影响在线英语学习成绩的优劣。  相似文献   

随着物联网、可穿戴传感设备、人工智能的快速发展,多种模态数据的连续抓取与融合分析成为可能,促成了多模态学习分析研究的诞生,并成为学习分析领域的一个重要新兴分支.多模态学习分析关注真实的学习情境与本真的学习交流方式,"返璞归真"地聚焦更普遍的物理学习情境,克服了主流学习分析过度关注数字化学习环境的局限.研究主要采用文献归纳法,阐述了多模态学习分析的发展动因、概念理解,重点从身体、生理视角概述了多模态的数据类型,并对多模态学习分析的过程模型进行了详细描述.研究认为,未来要充分借助人工智能处理多模态数据,借鉴认知带理论融合不同模态数据的意义,借力学习理论来理解真实的多模态学习交互过程,以进一步完善基于多模态数据的学习评价方法.  相似文献   

In response to the intensifying vocationalisation and instrumentalisation of education, scholars have invoked the ideal of leisure and its educational embodiment in the tradition of liberal learning. Drawing on the work of Josef Pieper, this article seeks to bring to the fore an overlooked yet fundamental aspect of leisure, that of existential rest, a state of being and a mode of engagement with the world in which the basic outlook is one of affirmation of the goodness of the world, which is experienced as being in harmony with oneself and the world. The article also suggests three different approaches to cultivating existential rest in education derived from the educational visions of Pieper, Michael Oakeshott and John Dewey.  相似文献   

The development of a student's ability to make data-driven decisions has become a focus in higher education (Schield 1999 Schield, M. 1999. “Statistical Literacy: Thinking Critically about Statistics.” Of Significance: A Topical Journal of the Association of Public Data Users 1 (1): 1521. [Google Scholar]; Stephenson and Caravello 2007 Stephenson, E., and P. Caravello. 2007. “Incorporating Data Literacy into Undergraduate Information Literacy Programs in the Social Sciences; a Pilot Project.” Reference Services Review 35 (4):52540. doi:10.1108/00907320710838354.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Data literacy, the ability tounderstand and use data to effectively inform decisions, is a fundamental component of information competence (Mandinach and Gummer 2013 Mandinach, E. B., and E. S. Gummer. 2013. “A systemic view of implementing data literacy in educator preparation.” Educational Researcher 42 (1): 3037. doi:10.3102/0013189X12459803.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Stephenson and Caravello, 2007 Stephenson, E., and P. Caravello. 2007. “Incorporating Data Literacy into Undergraduate Information Literacy Programs in the Social Sciences; a Pilot Project.” Reference Services Review 35 (4):52540. doi:10.1108/00907320710838354.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). This commentary highlights the structure of a data literacy course that aims to simultaneously teach problem-solving skills and Microsoft Excel skills through real-world examples and problem based learning. This commentary aims to provide insight to other educators teaching similar courses regarding using technology as a tool for developing a student's problem solving ability.  相似文献   

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