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As non‐teacher training courses in UK higher education in Education Studies have grown and developed in recent years they have received enormous interest. All of these Education Studies degrees claim to integrate a number of disciplines using an interdisciplinary or a multidisciplinary paradigm. Traditionally the systematic integration of disciplines within courses has created a range of lenses for focusing upon issues such as in medical sociology and health. However, by their very nature, Education Studies courses are complex and influenced by a number of factors such as the socio‐economic climate, political factors, changing technologies and the contemporary views of childhood as well as the changing and evolving socio‐constructions of childhood. Currently, Education Studies courses integrate a number of disciplines to investigate the learning process in context. There is a trend for Education Studies degrees to shift between terms of disciplinarity such as multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity. This paper examines the nature of Education Studies degrees and tries to provoke the debate about the mono, inter, and multidisciplinarity nature of Education Studies. The paper promulgates that Education Studies by its nature and complexity cannot seek identity with any one of these approaches. It will suggest that, given the complexity of the context it serves to match, that instead Education Studies is embedded within transdisciplinarity.  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998 students entering primary and early childhood courses at a rural Australian university were surveyed about their attitudes towards the teaching of Asian Studies. This paper presents the results of this survey. It further considers the extent to which the students' prior study of Asian language, Asian Studies or their personal experience of travel in Asia influenced their views of the importance of teaching Asian Studies and their feelings of competence in teaching Asian Studies. Implications for teacher education institutions and education systems are explored.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the recent development of Education Studies as an undergraduate subject of study in England. The evolution of Education Studies is inextricably linked to the political context which it exists to critique. Changes within teacher education have spawned education studies in a number of guises. It is only latterly that policy changes have created the conditions for Education Studies to thrive as a subject in its own right. The genesis of the subject is traced through a brief historical analysis and its current various manifestations are outlined. The nature of Education Studies is discussed. Fundamentally, the authors contend that Education Studies provides a set of analytical discourses that facilitate critique of shifting knowledge bases, policy contexts and socio-economic developments as they impact upon education.  相似文献   

2004年,"世界中国学论坛"在上海国际会议中心召开.各国学者从"多元视野"观照中国的历史文化和现实,再次构筑文化交流与对话的平台.这里选登的主要是对传统汉学(Sinology)与"中国学"(China Studies)及其关系的不同见解,以及对中国文化学术传统的较新看法.中国学脱胎于、基础于汉学并且扩及现代社会政治经济的研究,实际上是跨学科和多层面的,这渐成共识;但是,如何继承汉学传统,如何对待资料及其考据和整合,则要进一步讨论.本文据速记整理,可以窥见一些正式论文集看不到的内容.  相似文献   

In Victoria, schools are adopting one common certificate, the VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) which encompasses two years of study (Years 11 and 12) and comprises 44 subject areas or Studies, each of one semester duration. Amongst the compulsory subjects is Australian Studies (Units 1 and 2) with its focus on Work in Australian society. This paper discusses concerns about the teaching of the compulsory subject Australian Studies in the new VCE. The purpose is to consider whether the science and technology component in the Australian Studies course can raise the students’ level of scientific and technological literacy. The discussion is based on one semester’s teaching experience of Year 11 Australian Studies and consequent reflections on practice. Specializations: science and technology teacher education, technology in the curriculum.  相似文献   

作为中央民族大学的长线特色专业,自1951年5月首次开设藏语文班到现在,藏学系不仅为国家和藏族地区培养了大批优秀人才,而且还培养了一批在国际藏学界享有盛誉的著名学者。但自20世纪90年代以来,中央民族大学的藏学专业遭遇到了前所未有的挑战:师资队伍的层次和结构有待进一步提高;本科专业的课程设置需进一步论证和改进;硕士研究生的研究方向需进一步明确;本科和研究生的英语、计算机教学需加大力度等。必须建立一套体现藏学学科真正内涵,符合藏学学科现实需求,顺应藏族地区未来发展需求的、成熟的藏学专业主干课程和人才培养体系,力求为中国藏学的繁荣发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

文章从徽学文献的特征出发,阐述了高校图书馆收藏徽学文献的重要性,并对徽学文献的有效开发利用提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

相对“曹学”的提出,“罗学”经由杜贵晨先生首倡,并得到学界认可,看似偶然,也是考量诸多因素之后深思熟虑的结果。罗贯中参与了两部大书的创作,“罗学”研究与“三国学”、“水浒学”自成体系,且也关系密切;盖因所涉地域,“罗学”离不开对地域文化的研究,只有将二者结合起来,才可称得上“接地气”的专学;“施学”也有足称专学的必要,罗贯中与施耐庵枝蔓交错,“罗学”与“施学”不无关联,将曹、罗、施三学鼎立与紧随其后的“金学”共同构成与四大名著、四大奇书内外结合、主副相应的学术关系将是中国古代小说研究的独特景观。  相似文献   

国学热经历了上世纪九十年代的讨论阶段,进入二十一世纪更是以多种形式进入公众视野。文章结合大学校园文化、大学生人文精神等现象,从国学对提升大学生人文素质,丰富校园文化等方面所具有的重大意义,并就如何在职业类院校中加强国学教育提出建议。  相似文献   

Critical theory and research has shown that subjects carry gendered meanings. Numbers opting for Religious Studies (RS) have remained skewed towards girls. Drawing from post-structuralism and masculinities theory, this article critically analyses data from interviews with a group of key stage four boys who had opted for Religious Studies in contrast to the majority of their male peers. Interview data demonstrate that these boys were able to use Religious Studies as a discursive resource, constituting themselves as emergent critical ethical subjects and developing their own relationship to existential questions of meaning and purpose. The boys demonstrated reflexive self awareness as they were also able to negotiate socially successful identities through their relationship to the dominant masculinising forces of sport, physicality and authority and engage with Religious Studies. This article concludes that subjects such as Religious Studies which create spaces for criticality also act to create masculine subjectivities outside of restrictive gendered norms.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the teaching of communication skills on Engineering Degree courses run by the School of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Leeds Polytechnic from the early 1970s to the mid 1980s. The development is seen as moving from the notion of Liberal Studies through Communication Studies to eventually the concept of Integrated Studies. The ideas behind Integrated Studies are described and the benefits and problems of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Derek Freeman has been a member of the Research School of Pacific Studies of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Australian National University since 1955. This essay is adapted from a public lecture given at the Australian National University on 23 October 1991; the entire lecture is to be published in pamphlet form by the Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2601.  相似文献   

翻译学归结论是基于对传统译论和翻译研究"文化派"(即描述翻译学)的批评和反思提出的一种翻译理论。它对"文化派"的批评和怀疑在我国译界很具代表性。《翻译学归结论》一书对"文化派"存在一些误解。本文认为,"文化派"的研究是描述研究而非规范研究,是翻译学不可或缺的一部分。  相似文献   

从生态翻译学视域的角度,对翻译实践中的隐喻翻译方法和技巧进行了系统性的梳理和分析。首先通过对常见的隐喻翻译方法和技巧进行统计和分析,以生态翻译学视域对翻译过程进行分析和评价,然后以生态翻译学的理论和研究成果作为隐喻翻译技巧的指导依据,探索在翻译实践中更加科学合理的隐喻翻译方法。  相似文献   

This essay looks at Ethnic Studies activism in Arizona through a rhetorical lens in order to highlight epistemological aspects of activities such as a high school Chicano Literature class, Roberto “Dr. Cintli” Rodriguez’s journalism, and student activism to defend the Mexican-American Studies Department. Taking rhetoric’s premise that language is at the center of knowledge construction (epistemology), this essay turns to Chicano activism as a language that produces knowledge differently. The participation of students, particularly in the indigenous spiritual runs, is an important example of the traditionally central role of students to the field of Chicano Studies. Runs also work inwardly to strengthen participants and build group cohesion. These practices, like Chicano and Ethnic Studies in general, constitute a critical dialectical way of thinking, a disruptive opposition to traditional rationalities that tend to gloss over colonialist histories and justify status quo racial inequalities. Thinking about these activities rhetorically allows readers to understand how the participants communicate with a wider audience and how they generate knowledge uniquely around Chicano Studies.  相似文献   

在过去二十年中,语料库方法给翻译研究带来了巨大影响,起到了很大的推动作用。本文分析了翻译研究中范式的转变,从应用翻译研究、描写翻译研究以及理论翻译研究三方面,对基于语料库的翻译研究现状加以探讨,以期为翻译教学与研究提供新的理论框架。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether Hong Kong teachers and students perceived Liberal Studies and its ongoing curriculum review as politically driven during and after the Umbrella Movement, a large-scale civil disobedience campaign that took place in September 2014. The findings presented herein show that both groups disagreed with the claim that Liberal Studies was used as a political instrument to instigate students’ participation in the protest movement. Moreover, they also reveal that teachers have maintained their neutrality towards controversial issues related to politics during Liberal Studies lessons. Whilst the participating teachers and students considered the government's proposed reform of Liberal Studies to be politically motivated, they held differing attitudes towards the addition of more China-related elements to the subject. On the basis of these results, this paper analyses the potential role of Liberal Studies in the democratisation of local society. It also provides an indication of the curriculum's dynamic nature, explanation of students’ resistance to the review policy and suggestions for the subject's future development.  相似文献   

泉州学的缘起与中国近代以来的社会转型及其促成的史学转型息息相关。中国20世纪初期史学观念的变迁,是孕育泉州学学科意识的学术背景,而1926年厦门大学国学研究院的成立及其对泉州历史文化的研究,则直接促使泉州学学科意识的产生。  相似文献   

This study highlights on describing the experiences of Saudi Arabian female Islamic Studies teachers by exploring what is means to be an Islamic Studies teacher teaching in the current unprecedented vibrant and complex tapestry of social, religious and political debates occurring in the larger context of the country. The study draws on phenomenology as a guiding theoretical framework. The seven teachers involved in the study used their identities, beliefs and values to make sense of their everyday lived experiences. Discussions about their lived experiences provided a counter-discourse that challenges the traditional image of Islamic Studies teachers as transmitters of sacred knowledge. The study points to the growing complexity of the Islamic Studies teachers' roles due to an array of challenges that surfaced both in society at large and within the classroom walls.  相似文献   

纪念莫高窟创建1650周年,对于敦煌学界具有重要的现实意义。作者对敦煌学研究现状进行了深刻的反思,认为目前的研究有平庸化、琐碎化的趋势,缺乏较有分量、理论性的成果。在顺应国内外学术思潮的大势下,作者积极倡导敦煌学研究的宏观化与理论化。  相似文献   

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