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A review of the literature reveals that little research has been conducted on the role of the State Supervisor of Guidance Services. More specifically, the literature review did not yield any factor analysis studies on this role. A questionnaire sent to 280 state directors and supervisors of guidance services in the 50 states was the instrument used to gather the data that was subsequently analyzed on an IBM 360, Model 50 computer. The factor analysis yielded three major categories: Promotion, Service, and Noninvolvement. Since this is the only factor study conducted to date on the role of the State Supervisor of Guidances, it should serve as a foundation for similar future studies.  相似文献   

Despite persistent calls for school psychologists to provide comprehensive and integrated services, school psychologists may have difficulty providing these services because of critical shortages in the profession. This practical action research study involved surveying district supervisors of school psychologists and training program directors in the state to identify the current and projected shortages in Florida. This multimethod, multi‐informant case example also focused on facilitators of and barriers to addressing the critical shortage. How the data have been used to inform recruitment, retention, and advocacy efforts to identify school psychology as a critical shortage legislatively are provided as well as recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

我国监事会自设立以来监督失灵,引入的美国独立董事制度变形。我国公司治理面临制度上抉择,建立独立监事制度势在必行。要保证独立监事的独立性和专业化,其选任要不倚赖于大股东、董事会;应明确独立监事的职权,其在监事会中所占比例应在70%至80%以上;建立对独立监事的激励和约束机制,给予独立监事一定股票期权激励。  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a national survey of the counseling and guidance staff and its functions within state departments of education throughout the United States and four territories during the past decade. Counseling and guidance section directors in state departments of education in the U.S. received a letter describing the nature and purpose of the study and a request for cooperation by completing an enclosed questionnaire. Data collection resulted in an 83% return rate. The results of this study indicate specific trends and implications. These trends reflect economic changes and imply further diversification of services with fewer staff members. This article specifically addresses trends, implications, and the present impact on populations that counseling and guidance personnel serve.  相似文献   

The early stages of empathy in counseling—emotional reaction, role-taking, and cognitive suspension—have all been largely ignored in the counselor education/psychological literature. This article describes these stages from the perspective of the aesthetic/film literatures. Emotional reaction is an internal, unobservable state of being. Role-taking involves cognitive understanding and entering the perceptual world of another. Cognitive suspension means letting go of personal beliefs and values. The film literature describes how audience emotional states are created by directors, writers, actors, and editors. This article explains how counselor educators and supervisors can use this information to help counselors increase their empathic experiences.  相似文献   

Supervision to support the work of career practitioners is evident in many countries, but is not universal. This author presents a literature review, intending to emphasise the prime importance of developing supervision for guidance work. The author also considers the issues facing those training to develop the role of supervisors in southeast England. It is hoped the issues discussed will be pertinent for educational and vocational guidance services in other countries where supervision is a marginal or developing activity.  相似文献   

The authors present the results of a survey of district-level school counseling supervisors in Virginia. The results indicate that few school divisions employ individuals with the title of guidance supervisor. In divisions where such positions exist, they are staffed most often by individuals with guidance training and experience. The supervisors surveyed indicated that they spend a substantial portion of their time providing direct consultative support and assistance to counselors, engage in few research activities, and have few consultative contacts with counselor educators. Recommendations regarding school counselor supervision are offered based on survey data.  相似文献   

独立董事制度引入的意义在于:克服监事会的缺陷、适应入世的情势、发挥独立董事的优势。在实践中业已暴露出独立董事的三种不正常情态:花瓶董事、紧俏董事、受气董事。独立董事协会一经存在,应着力将其建成为:独立董事的资源库、充电器、铁靠山。  相似文献   

对于上市公司这类重要的市场主体,公司治理改进必须依靠良好的法律制度基础。近几年,法制的规范和指引作用主要体现在以下几个方面:推动上市公司股权分置改革,从根本上使上市公司大小股东利益趋同;规范上市公司治理结构,对上市公司股东大会的特别职权、独立董事、上市公司董事表决回避作出特别规定;降低代理成本,建立对董事、监事、高级管理人员的激励与约束制度,明确上市公司股权激励管理办法;推动上市公司直接融资,发挥资本市场对公司治理的影响;指引上市公司披露信息,促进上市公司改进治理。  相似文献   

In this study we explore the work and the cooperation of academic and industrial supervisors concerning single graduate students in so called industrial research schools, which are financially supported by a national research foundation and involve universities and industrial enterprises. Academic and industrial supervisors of totally eleven graduate students have been interviewed with focus on their cooperation. This cooperation entails negotiating the contract and monitoring the progress of the research project and the student. When students have problems this cooperation is particularly important. The places new demands on both the academic and industrial supervisors. In our study these demands were dealt with differently by different academic supervisors, depending whether their main orientation was towards industrial projects or traditional academic research. The way the industrial supervisors dealt with the new demands depended on their previous acquaintance with academic research, basically whether they had a doctoral degree or not. Another important finding was that academic knowledge had a strong position while the supervisors from the industry accepted a minor role. The main findings of the study are that industrial graduate students often require joint engagement in a way that differs from other forms of knowledge transfer between the academy and the industry. To explain the features of this type of knowledge transfer, we use the analytical concepts boundary subject and phronesis.  相似文献   


This study examined how partnerships between early care and education providers were developed and how they worked together to deliver comprehensive, high-quality services to infants and toddlers from low-income families. Survey data were collected from 220 Early Head Start (EHS) program directors and 386 child care center directors and family child care providers participating in EHS-child care partnerships. Research Findings: Nearly half of EHS programs chose partners with whom they had prior relationships, and most engaged them early (often before receiving the grant). Both EHS programs and child care providers described their relationships as mutually respectful and focused on similar goals. Through the partnerships, child care providers had access to professional development opportunities and offered children and families comprehensive services, such as health screenings. Practice or Policy: This study provided a nationally representative picture of EHS-child care partnerships. The findings suggest that strong relationships are foundational to the implementation of early care and education collaborations aimed at expanding access to high-quality care for infants and toddlers from low-income families. Collaborations are a potentially important policy lever that can help support the expansion of high-quality early care and education.  相似文献   

领导体制对于民办高校的良性发展和健康运行具有重要的作用。民办高校领导体制的形成是与党和国家对民办高校的宏观管理、学校的办学积淀和未来发展规划相一致的。改革开放以来的实践证明,董事会领导下的校长负责制是符合中国民办教育发展道路的领导体制和治理模式。但是在实际运行中,存在董事会制度不够健全、校长聘任使用不够规范、党组织作用发挥不够有力、监事会职能不够明晰、领导班子建设和管理不够到位等突出问题,一定程度上成为民办高校发展的阻力。伴随着民办教育的新法新政,民办高校领导体制进一步优化,在国家层面形成了"决策-执行-监督"的民办高校治理制度设计。要使这一制度设计真正释放活力,从"良制"走向"良治",需要民办高校立足于自身实际,从"办好社会主义的民办大学"这一总要求出发,加强和完善党组织的领导,在优化和完善董事会制度、赋予和保障校长行使管理权、建立和健全监事会制度、选好配强学校领导班子等方面做大量细致工作,转变观念,捋顺关系,使彼此各司其职又密切配合,真正推动民办高校现代大学制度的建立和内部治理体系的完善,实现民办高等教育的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

In the current context of doctoral education students are required to develop a range of complex academic literacy skills to accomplish optimal performance in their academic communities of practice. This has led to increase the interest in research on doctoral writing. However, research on how supervisors contribute to doctoral writing has not been extensive. The purpose of this study is to analyze the supervisors’ perspectives on doctoral writing by addressing three questions: a) What role do supervisors attribute to writing in doctoral training? b) What type of writing support do supervisors intend to provide to their students? and c) What are the relations between the role supervisors attribute to writing and the type of writing support supervisors offer to their students? Participants were 61 supervisors in the social sciences and humanities with diverse levels of expertise. Using a cross-sectional interpretative design, we collected qualitative data using an open-ended survey. Categories based on content analysis were established (Miles and Huberman 1994). The results demonstrated that supervisors attributed different roles to doctoral writing, ranging from process- to product-oriented and focusing on 1) producing appropriate academic texts, 2) generating epistemic activity, and 3) promoting communication and socialization. A significant number of supervisors did not attribute any role to writing but acknowledged writing as an important and neglected activity. Three categories of writing support were identified based on the type of activities supervisors reported and their involvement: 1) telling the students what to do, 2) reviewing and editing students’ texts, and 3) collaboratively discussing students’ texts. The results suggest that there are complex relations between the role that supervisors’ attribute to writing and the type of writing support supervisors are able to offer. The relations appear to be mediated by supervisors’ awareness and resources concerning doctoral writing.  相似文献   

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