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The authors compared practicum supervisors and counseling students in training in terms of dominant cognitive style and related cognitive style of counselors in training to supervision process and outcome measures. A sample of 18 supervisors and 46 students completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. After at least six supervision sessions, supervisors rated the counseling students on the Counselor Evaluation Rating Scale and the students rated the quality of the supervision relationship using the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory. Supervisors had a stronger Thinking orientation and less variability on the Sensing-Intuiting orientation than did counselors in training. In contrast to previous research, a strong relationship between the cognitive style of counselors in training and supervision process and outcome measures was not detected in this study.  相似文献   

The mental health of graduate counselor trainees was examined. Trainees demonstrated more psychopathy than did the normal population on 6 of the 10 scales used.  相似文献   

This article describes incorporation of the goals of personal growth, knowledge of group process, and application of process groups in professional settings into a course designed and taught by doctoral students under faculty supervision. Evaluation of the course was accomplished through measures of authoritarianism, self-perception and nature of interaction with others, and comparison with other graduate courses. It was concluded that the goals were appropriate and achievable. Evidence that students participating in the course tended to respond more freely and openly to each other, in addition to self-reports of personal and professional growth, justified the continuation of similar courses in the curriculum.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship of cognitive complexity, counselor anxiety, and client disability condition to accurate empathy on the part of students in training. A sample (n = 28) of students in a graduate counseling program observed a series of eight vignettes of counseling interviews (four clients with disabilities and four without disabilities) and reported a verbal counseling response to a client statement. A significant main effect was found for the cognitive complexity variable only (p < .05). A significant interaction among cognitive complexity, anxiety, and client disability condition (p < .01) indicated that all three factors interact to influence empathy. Implications for research and the training of counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the efficacy of an intensive model of HIV/AIDS counselor training. Positive changes in knowledge and attitudes were reported at the posttraining stage and were sustained over time.  相似文献   

对应用语言学硕士学位论文中出现的"显著性"、"相关系数"等概念不清,研究问题和研究假设两个概念混淆,以及应用统计软件中出现的问题进行了分析和讨论;提出在研究生教学中要加强研究方法方面的训练。  相似文献   

泰国研究生教育在入学方式、培养模式和研究生教育的支持体系等方面都有自己的特色,其重视国际合作办学及学术交流、重视英语和计算机学习、重视科学研究和与社会合作、"短、平、快"办学等策略对我国研究生教育发展具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

阐述了研究生科研能力的培养与道德教育融合的必要性,分析了研究生科研能力的培养与道德教育融合的可能性.从研究生科研本体、介体、环体三个维度,探讨了研究生科研能力培养与道德教育融合的实现途径.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of a narrative technique, StoryTech, in a career counseling class. Student evaluations, comments, and recommendations for the use of StoryTech in a career counseling class are included.  相似文献   

The author argues in a personalized statement that exercise science graduate degree programs ought to include attention to the questions of how people develop and maintain persistent exercise habits, and how health fitness professionals can help them do so. Recommendations are made for two-tiered graduate preparation in exercise science: master's degrees that focus on preparation of health fitness professionals trained in human interaction skills as well as exercise physiological bases for conducting fitness programs, and doctoral degrees that continue to focus on preparation of researchers and faculty members trained to expand the knowledge base in exercise physiology and to prepare both the new master's and doctoral candidates though graduate education programs.  相似文献   

综合性工科院校地质专业,通常教师数量较少,办学规模不大,实践平台等综合力量都难以与地质院校相媲美。如何扬长避短,充分发挥综合性工科大学的综合优势,将地质类研究生培养成既有坚实的理论基础和较强的实践能力,又具有学科渗透、方向交融、产学研结合这种社会亟须的复合型人才是更好的选择。本文就合肥工业大学地质专业研究生培养实践进行了总结,包括加强研究生的基础教育,进行学科交叉和方向融合,打破二级学科界限进行专业学位课程建设,建立研究生野外实践创新基地等。  相似文献   

Ethnographic fiction is a technique for educating counseling students about the relationship of social justice to counseling practice. Preliminary data indicate it is an effective tool, with counseling students (N= 48) reporting an increased understanding and appreciation of clients’ life experiences from a holistic perspective. Furthermore, students reported that they were more motivated to address social justice issues in counseling.  相似文献   

将研究生分为学术型和应用型两类进行分类培养具有现实的意义。当前分类培养存在着如下问题:培养类型的确定具有盲目性,培养目标界定不清,导师制度面临挑战,培养模式之间缺乏互通性,等等。针对问题,结合培养过程,本文提出了具体的改革策略。  相似文献   

Although university-level distance education often sets itself up in contradistinction to conventional educational provision, the thinking most distance educators is framed by a set of un-stated axioms that derive from the conventional system. This axiomatically framed approach to university education at a distance may well blunt the potential for distance education to achieve its true potential. This paper describes the axioms and attempts to explain their continuing power to constrain education thinking in the light abundant evidence that such thinking flies in the face of the facts. It uses Athabasca University, a free-standing distance education university located in Alberta Canada, as a case in point.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

随着研究生规模的扩大,如何有效地开展研究生教育和管理工作成为一项重要课题。研究生社团是一个日益庞大的研究生学生组织,它在研究生教育管理中发挥的作用越来越突出。针对研究生社团存在的问题,找到研究生社团发挥载体作用的途径,有利于高校研究生教育和管理工作顺利开展。  相似文献   

Graduate students compose an important segment of university and college populations. However, institutions of higher education often have not addressed adequately their status as adult students with different developmental and life issues and concerns. This article defines and describes the needs of graduate students, discusses implications, and makes recommendations for college counselors to more effectively address their range of needs.  相似文献   

文章以安徽农业大学研究生学院各级组织活动为背景,针对研究生入党培养的三大环境因素,分析研究生入党培养机制,对创新研究生入党培养工作中思想政治教育的实践路径进行深入探究,并藉此提出完善团组织思想政治教育工作的思路。  相似文献   

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