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张红燕 《海外英语》2022,(13):77-78
文章将从系统功能语言学的元功能理论即概念功能对陶渊明《归田园居》(其一)的两个英译本汪榕培译文和Cyril Birch译文进行对比研究。通过分析发现两个英译本从经验功能角度,两个译文各有千秋;从逻辑功能角度汪译比Birch译更贴合原诗,更能表达出诗人内心深处对自然、对田园生活的渴望之情。  相似文献   

运用系统功能语言学的理论,从经验功能的角度出发,阐释李白的《静夜思》及其两个英译本及物性中的物质过程、心理过程、关系过程、行为过程、言语过程和存在过程。通过表格形式对原诗及其二译本进行比较,分析英译本与原诗的表达差异,发现译文一从形式和及物性上,更忠实于原诗。  相似文献   

李鹏婷  王晨 《英语广场》2022,(28):31-35
本研究以系统功能语言学的及物性系统为研究视角,采用生态话语分析的方法,对比分析宋祁《玉楼春·春景》及其英译本中的生态意义和内涵。研究发现,《玉楼春·春景》及其英译本主要通过及物性过程中的物质过程、心理过程和关系过程来构建词人与自然和谐共处的自然生态观以及不慕名利、珍惜美好时光的精神生态观。本研究从及物性视角对宋词进行生态话语分析,不仅对当代中国生态文明建设具有实际意义,也有助于传播古代中国“天人合一”的和谐生态观。  相似文献   

夏春鸽  武娜 《海外英语》2013,(15):152-153
《庄子》作为中国经典名著的重要组成部分,被金圣叹赞誉为"天下第一奇书"。自19世纪末其英译本问世以来,现已有20多种译本。该文选取著名学者汪榕培教授的英译本进行分析;强调典籍英译应该重视:词汇增译法,阐释法,灵活多样法和风格神似法。  相似文献   

本文选取《牡丹亭》最为著名的白之和汪榕培的两英译本,对比其在两译本中的翻译方式,提出日后推介汉籍英译行之有效的翻译方法。  相似文献   

家园意识作为生态美学的核心范畴之一,凝聚了人类对当下的存在状态、居住环境及自我的独特思考。王维的山水田园诗清新秀丽,蕴含着深厚的生态家园意识。文章以系统功能语言学及物性系统为理论框架,通过对唐代诗人王维的《山居秋暝》一诗及其三个英译本进行生态话语分析,来探讨诗人所构建的自然家园、社会家园和精神家园。研究发现,《山居秋暝》及其英译本通过物质过程赋予非生命体参与者以生命特征构建出一个清新灵动的自然家园;通过生命体参与者的言语过程和物质过程构建出一个勤劳和睦的社会家园;通过赋有特殊意境的物理性场所参与者和非人类生命体参与者构建出一个闲静淡雅的精神家园。  相似文献   

《庄子》作为中国经典名著的重要组成部分,被金圣叹赞誉为“天下第一奇书”。自19世纪末其英译本问世以来,现已有20多种译本。该文选取著名学者汪榕培教授的英译本进行分析;强调典籍英译应该重视:词汇增译法,阐释法,灵活多样法和风格神似法。  相似文献   

以汪榕培教授的英译本《牡丹亭》为研究对象,从生态翻译学的角度,选取书中的典故翻译为例证进行研究分析。从三维转换的角度,分析汪榕培教授是如何做到语言维、文化维和交际维的适应性选择和转换的,并对汪教授使用的翻译方法及策略进行简要描述。  相似文献   

汪榕培教授于1994年提出"传神达意"的典籍英译观,并以此作为中国典籍英译总的指导原则。本文以汪教授《饮酒》(其五)英译本为例,探讨汪教授是如何将此标准运用于其诗歌翻译的。  相似文献   

吴启航 《英语广场》2023,(10):11-15
许渊冲的《唐诗三百首》英译本和徐忠杰的《唐诗二百首》英译本是唐诗在英语世界传播的重要载体。本文以这两个英译本为语料,借助语料库检索工具WordSmith 4.0,从词汇、句子、语篇三个维度进行比较分析。研究发现,许渊冲译本遵循“三美”原则,较忠实于原诗,而徐忠杰译本在译诗形式上更为自由,对原诗的阐释较多;但两个译本均采取了通俗易懂的翻译策略来降低阅读难度,其目的都是更好地推动唐诗对外传播。  相似文献   

Insecticidal effects of different doses of the dust and methanol extracts of Garcinia kolae on Collosobruchus maculatus and Sitophilus zeamais were tested. The dust had no significant effect on the two insects; none of them died even at 3 d after treatment. The methanol extracts, however, had rapid lethal effects on both C. maculatus and S. zeamais. The mortality of C. maculatus by the lowest concentration of methanol extracts ranged from 95%∼100% whereas in S. zeamais, the mortality ranged from 87.5%∼100% and 70%∼100% in concentrations of 1 g extract+3 ml methanol and 1 g extract+5 ml methanol, respectively, from 24 to 48 h. The least concentration of 1 g extract+15 ml methanol had no significant lethal effect on Sitophilus zeamais.   相似文献   

《实践论》和《矛盾论》是面向中国问题的哲学,是毛泽东哲学思想的两篇核心著作,开创了马克思主义中国化的先河,在实践基础上产生了马克思主义中国化的第一次飞跃——毛泽东思想,进而指导中国革命、建设和改革,取得了一次又一次的重大胜利。时至当今,《实践论》和《矛盾论》所蕴含的马克思主义哲学立场、观点和方法仍具有十分重要的价值。  相似文献   

《我的马克思主义观》是李大钊成为马克思主义者的标志,是五四新文化运动的重要转折点,也是马克思主义在中国开始广泛传播的重要标志。有关论著对它的研究和提及很多,《李大钊全集》的编注者对其注解也较多。进一步研究起来,该文中需要探究的问题仍有不少。总起来看,李大钊的《我的马克思主义观》以日本社会主义学者河上肇的《马克思的社会主义理论体系》为重要蓝本,其关于马克思主义三个组成部分与一条“金线”的核心论断也出于河上肇此文;写作和定稿时间,应为1919年7月底到8月上旬,而不可能在1919年5月之前。  相似文献   

《宝剑记》主要取材于我国古典小说《水浒传》中"林冲落草"这段故事。相较来看,《宝剑记》继承了《水浒传》的很多方面,包括主要人物设置,故事情节内容,"忠奸"主题思想。除此,《宝剑记》在人物形象、情节脉络、中心矛盾、起因结局等方面又有所创新。《宝剑记》对《水浒传》的改编凸显出明中叶反封建专制统治的社会思潮和人的自我意识的觉醒,也是作者李开先个人心灵世界的直接映现,具有明显的进步性与现实意义。  相似文献   

尖锐形式的恶是文学的表现。《洛丽塔》与《黑暗之地》这两部小说都用第一人称诚实地交流表达出对恶的严格道德上的认识,其中的主人公都涉及父女乱伦与强奸,在怪癖、丑陋的变态与病态空间里讨论人们尚不熟悉的恶的美学,表达了作者不同的创作主题。纳博科夫通过亨伯特与洛丽塔之间的畸形恋情描写探索了伦理道德世界的复杂人性;格伦维尔创造阿尔比恩的恶的形象充分说明了男权话语霸权对男女双方造成的身心伤害。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted under pot conditions to determine the comparative efficacy of carbofuran at 1 mg a.i./kg soil, bavistin at 1 mg a.i./kg soil, neem (Azadirachta indica) seed powder at 50 mg/kg soil, green mould (Trichoderma harzianum) at 50.0 ml/kg soil, rhizobacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens) at 50.0 ml/kg soil against root-knot nematode,Meloidogyne incognita-wilt fungus,Fusarium oxysporum disease complex on green gram,Vigna radiata cv ML-1108. All the treatments significantly improved the growth of the plants as compared to untreated inoculated plants. Analysis of data showed that carbofuran andA. indica seed powder increased plant growth and yield significantly more in comparison to bavistin andP. fluorescens. Carbofuran was highly effective against nematode, bavistin against fungus,A. indica seed powder against both the pathogens and both the bioagents were moderately effective against both the pathogens.  相似文献   

李希梦 《唐山学院学报》2024,37(2):79-84,93
乔治·伯纳德·萧是继莎士比亚之后最负盛名的英国剧作家,他继承和发扬了亨利克·易卜生开创的真实反映社会现实、揭露社会痼疾的优良传统,创作了大量批判现实的社会问题剧,《卖花女》便是其中的优秀作品之一。在法国哲学家米歇尔·福柯的权力理论视角下,资本主义社会中的底层女性被边缘化、他者化、异化。《卖花女》中的女主人公伊莉莎经历了权力压迫下的身体和话语的双重规训,被消解了行动和话语的自主支配权。然而,反抗与规训是共生的,伊莉莎最终顿悟觉醒,勇敢地反抗资产阶级的权力控制和压迫,实现了身体和精神的双重解放。  相似文献   

The British novelist Nicky Singer talks about becoming a writer, the role of editors and about who decides what can—and what can’t—be published either side of the Atlantic. Her three novels explore territory which can make publishers nervous: Feather Boy (initiation rites and domestic violence), Doll (self-harm) and The Innocent’s Story (terrorist suicide bombing). The sharply contrasting responses from publishers in the United Kingdom and the United States are described. Through Nicky Singer’s sometimes extraordinary experiences with publishers runs the implicit question, perhaps as important now as it has ever been: What constraints should there be on what is explored in books for young readers?  相似文献   

Cells and cell-free solutions of the culture filtrate of the bacterial symbiont, Xenorhabdus nematophila taken from the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae in aqueous broth suspensions were lethal to larvae of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella. Their application on leaves of Chinese cabbage indicated that the cells can penetrate into the insects in the absence of the nematode vector. Cell-free solutions containing metabolites were also proved as effective as bacterial cells suspension. The application of aqueous suspensions of cells of X. nematophila or solutions containing its toxic metabolites to the leaves represents a possible new strategy for controlling insect pests on foliage.  相似文献   

Embryogenic calli were induced from the seeds of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) cv. Regent and colonial bentgrass (Agrostis Tenuis Sibth. Fl. Oxen.) cv. Tiger. The embryogenic calli were precultured on fresh medium for 4–7 days and then co-cultivated withAgrobacterium tumefaciens, LBA4404. which contains plasmid vector-pSBGM harboring bar coding region, synthetic green fluorescent protein (sGFP) coding region and matrix attachment region (MAR). After 3 days of co-cultivation, the calli were washed thoroughly and transferred to MS medium containing 2 mg/L of 2, 4-D, 12–15 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT) and 250 mg/L of cefotaxime. After 2–3 months of selection, the actively growing calli of ‘Regent’ and ‘Tiger’ were transferred to MS medium with 12–15 mg/L PPT and 250 mg/L cefotazime for regeneration. The putative transformants were maintained on MS medium with 3 mg/L PPT for long period but control died within 1 month. After establishing in greenhouse, the transformants also showed strong resistance to 0.4% of herbicide Basta but control plants died within 2 weeks. Under confocal microscope, both young leaves and roots showed significant GFP expression. PCR analysis revealed the presence of a DNA fragment of GFP gene at the expected size (380 bp) in the transformants and its absence in a randomly selected control plant.  相似文献   

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