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20世纪末,随着计算机技术的迅速发展以及应用领域的扩大,数字技术被迅速吸纳到电影的制作中,使电影艺术的表现手法与艺术语言日益丰富、不断创新。同时,也给电影艺术的长足发展带来了负面影响。中国电影要在数字技术语境下寻求健康发展之路,必须处理好科技与艺术、学习他人长处与保持自身特色、电影艺术的娱乐功能与教育功能的关系。  相似文献   

在强调结构实验技术对于土木工程学科发展重要性的前提下,结合作者在土木类实验室管理、振动台试验技术研究和虚拟实验中心建设中的若干经验,结合结构试验领域的科技发展动态,总结在远程混合试验、实时动力试验、虚拟仿真试验、智能化技术应用等结构试验领域的热点问题,对国内实验室建设和管理中设备选型、队伍建设和实验收费等问题进行了分析并给出解决方案,提出实用性建议。  相似文献   

In this study, 140 Swedish preschoolers and their parents were first contacted, observed, and interviewed when the children averaged 16 months of age. Subsequently, 53 children entered day-care centers, and 33 were enrolled in family day-care facilities. Further assessments of the children, their families, and their care facilities took place 3, 12, and 24 months after the initial assessment. As predicted, type of child care had no apparent impact on the children's sociability or personality maturity, as measured 24 months after the study began. However, the quality of care received both at home and in the out-of-home care facilities, reported family social support, and child gender helped predict personality maturity (as reported by the mothers using the Block CCQ) and observed social skills with familiar peers and unfamiliar adults.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of digital competence and technology expectancy and how they interact with cultural differences on digital informal learning (DIL) of university students have different cultural backgrounds. Empirical data collected from a survey conducted both in China and Belgium, the total sample consists of 335 Chinese and 197 Belgians. Partial least square with formative assessment was employed to test the proposed model and multi-groups comparison analysis was conducted to examine the moderation effects of cultural difference on influential factors related to students’ DIL behaviors. The results highlighted the essential role of digital competence and technology expectancy in DIL. Cultural difference revealed a strong influence on the motive pattern of DIL behaviors. This study raised some major implications for educational researchers and practitioners alike. Specifically, the paper introduced and stressed the role of digital competence in informal learning context which was rarely considered in prior studies in terms of learning ecology. The study expanded current theoretical understanding of technology adoption in informal learning environments across different cultural contexts. The finding has shown both a homogeneous informal learning behavior and motive variance between different two cultural backgrounds. The study also provided a set of practical implications, including the need for digital competence training in today’s digital era, and the need for a satisfactory user interface design globally.  相似文献   

关于可持续发展的理性思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
可持续发展在70年代提出,包含持续性、公平性、共同性等原则,要求把生态可持续发展、经济可持续发展和社会可持续发展三统一起来,达到和谐发展。可持续发展、和谐发展的概念、原则、历史及价值取向,是人类善于人与自然关系思想发展的全新阶段。实行可持续发展战略作为我国的一项基本国策,在生态价值取向、未来价值取向和全球价值取向上都具有革命意义。  相似文献   

Teachers cannot presume that their learners have the competence to use the technology brought to the classroom. Therefore, the learners’ abilities to use technology may be a concern for teachers. This paper reports on digital competence through an analysis of designs for learning in design patterns, written by upper secondary teachers. Learning activities found in the design patterns were analysed with the aim to understand how teachers perceive the learners’ digital competence when using technology. A framework that compromises digital competence was utilised for inferring the digital competencies. The qualitative analysis of these learning activities reveals that competences of information and data literacy, and of communication and collaboration predominate. By analysing the characteristics of learning activities and hence the teachers’ ideas of technology use in teaching, it is concluded that design patterns can be used to identify the competences teachers believe are relevant for the learners to acquire. The result therefore involves aspects of how teachers perceive learners’ digital competence when using technology in teaching.  相似文献   

Research in teacher-training counsels that reflection should be fostered in order to prepare capable professionals for educational practice. For this reason, a teaching-learning process for training mathematics student-teachers in Spanish university classrooms incorporating an assessment system that included keeping a learning portfolio was analysed. The objective was to assess each student's learning in reflection about his/her vision of the learning process developed in the university training classrooms, in knowledge of mathematical and methodological contents (knowledge) and in creativity. Rubrics were built for each case, with common criteria, to study the relationship between the outcomes obtained and to compare them with those of a final written exam. The results showed the difference between the assessment of student-teachers in reflection and the other aspects, and thus the need to use specific assessment instruments for the different capabilities being developed in the training process.  相似文献   


Over the years, a variety of frameworks, models and literacies have been developed to guide teacher educators in their efforts to build digital capabilities in their students, that will support them to use new and emerging technologies in their future classrooms. Generally, these focus on advancing students’ skills in using ‘educational’ applications and digitally-sourced information, or understanding effective blends of pedagogical, content and technological knowledge seen as supporting the integration of digital resources into teaching, to enhance subject learning outcomes. Within teacher education institutions courses developing these capabilities are commonly delivered as standalone entities, or there is an assumption that they will be generated by technology’s integration in other disciplines or through mandated assessment. However, significant research exists suggesting the current narrow focus on subject-related technical and information skills does not prepare students adequately with the breadth of knowledge and capabilities needed in today’s classrooms, and beyond. This article presents a conceptual framework introducing an expanded view of teacher digital competence (TDC). It moves beyond prevailing technical and literacies conceptualisations, arguing for more holistic and broader-based understandings that recognise the increasingly complex knowledge and skills young people need to function ethically, safely and productively in diverse, digitally-mediated environments. The implications of the framework are discussed, with specific reference to its interdisciplinary nature and the requirement of all faculty to engage purposefully and deliberately in delivering its objectives. Practical suggestions on how the framework might be used by faculty, are presented.


Rapid change in higher education (HE) has lead to a reappraisal and debate about the role and ‘mission’ of the university and the university teacher. In the diversification of the HE sector, it is possible to see a shift away from the ‘advancement of knowledge’ as the primary purpose of the HE sector as a whole. This article focuses on a particular dimension of this change referred to as the ‘vocationalisation’ of HE and evident in the growing role of work-based learning (WBL) in the academy. In particular, foundation degrees provide a context for examining the role of WBL and the university in professional development. Analysis of interviews with 19 students on, or progressing from a foundation degree for teaching assistants reveals how they construct their learning and the relationship between work-based and academic learning. The author concludes that notions of ‘equivalence’ between work-based and academic learning are flawed and fail to recognise HE's distinctive contribution to professional learning, and argues for recognition of the distinctive contributions that both WBL and ‘academic’ learning make to professional development.  相似文献   

Teaching Portfolios are now common in higher education. They are used both developmentally and summatively in spite of the fact that many academics find them generically quite unfamiliar. This paper explores, primarily conceptually, the experience of one institution as to the ways in which portfolios have functioned in its processes and its practice. The paper introduces a small empirical sample of portfolios in an attempt to give concrete meaning to some of the points made. Ultimately, it questions whether portfolios can have a mixed developmental/summative mode of existence and still meet the purposes the institution intends. This raises the issue of the extent to which a summative mechanism can become an end in itself and can actively limit progressive potential.

Les dossiers d'enseignement (teaching portfolios) font maintenant partie de la vie courante en enseignement supérieur. Ils sont utilisés dans une double optique de développement et d'évaluation sommative en dépit du fait que de nombreux universitaires les jugent généralement assez étranges. Cet article explore, d'un point de vue conceptuel, l'expérience d'une institution en ce qui a trait à l'utilisation des dossiers d'enseignement dans le cadre de ses processus et de sa pratique. L'article présente un échantillon empirique limité de dossiers d'enseignement dans le but d'illustrer, de façon concrète, l'argument présenté. Ultimement, l'article remet en question l'idée que les dossiers d'enseignement peuvent à la fois avoir une existence mixte de développement/d'évaluation sommative et atteindre les objectifs visés par une institution. Ceci soulève la question de savoir dans quelle mesure un mécanisme sommatif peut devenir une fin en soi et ainsi limiter activement le potentiel progressif.  相似文献   

The article stresses the significance of anti-poverty oriented rural development for developing countries and the need to identify the educational implications of such a strategy. Some of the assumptions derived from contemporary experience in development, and in particular rural development, which are vital for understanding and formulating the role of education, are presented and analysed. The indicators used in the measurement of anti-poverty rural development bring clarity to the concept of interlinking development and education in concrete terms. Some features of education for rural development are discussed and the significance of four areas of educational activities underscored, namely, primary education, functional literacy, human resources development and education related to the world of work. The article is concluded by stressing the need for establishing firm linkages between educational and developmental infrastructures with special emphasis on nonformal education and its flexibility of approach.
Zusammenfassung Der Nachdruck in diesem Artikel liegt auf der Bedeutung, die der armutsbekämpfenden Orientierung ländlicher Entwicklungsprogramme beizumessen ist, sowie auf der Notwendigkeit festzustellen, welche Implikationen sich aus einer solchen Strategie für das Erziehungswesen ergeben. Einige für das Verständnis und die Formulierung seiner Rolle entscheidende Voraussetzungen, abgeleitet aus neueren Erfahrungen mit Entwicklungsprogrammen, insbesondere ländlichen, werden vorgestellt und analysiert. Die für die Bemessung armutsbekämpfender ländlicher Entwicklung benutzten Indikatoren bringen auch Klarheit in das Konzept einer konkreten Verbindung von Entwicklung und Erziehung. Dann bespricht der Autor einige Besonderheiten der Erziehung für ländliche Entwicklung und unterstreicht dabei die Wichtigkeit von vier Gebieten der Erziehungsarbeit: Primarerziehung, funktionelle Alphabetisierung, Entwicklung von Arbeitskräften und auf die Arbeitswelt bezogene Erziehung. Zum Schluß hebt der Verfasser die Notwendigkeit hervor, die Infrastrukturen für Erziehung und Entwicklung fest miteinander zu verbinden, mit besonderer Betonung der nicht-formalen Erziehung und ihrer Flexibilität.

Résumé L'auteur de cet article met en évidence la signification du développement rurale envisagé comme une lutte contre la pauvreté dans les pays en développement et il souligne la nécessité de découvrir les implications de l'éducation dans une telle stratégie. Il présente et analyse quelques-unes des inductions tirées de l'expérience contemporaine du développement, en particulier du développement rurale, indispensables à la compréhension et à la formulation du rôle de l'éducation. Les indicateurs utilisés pour mesurer le développement rural anti-pauvreté apportent aussi une clarté au principe de conjugaison de l'éducation et du développement en termes concrets. Ensuite l'auteur examine quelques traits de l'éducation pour le développement rural, mettant l'accent sur l'importance de quatre zones d'activités éducatives, à voir, l'enseignement primaire, l'alphabétisation fonctionnelle, le développement des ressources humaines et l'éducation reliée au monde du travail. Enfin il souligne la nécessité d'établir des liens solides entre les infrastructures de l'éducation et celles du développement, en accentuant particulièrement l'éducation non-formelle et la flexibilité de ces moyens.

梁林 《许昌学院学报》2010,29(1):116-118
全球化是人类活动的重要组成部分,"全球化"是"人的全球化",人是具有"全球性的"人。全球化有力地推动着人类个性的丰富发展和人的鲜明个性的彰显。全球普遍交往要求个人成为开放的个人,使得人类个性的发展摆脱了民族文化的局限。人们不仅通过民族文化来塑造自己的个性,实现自我认同,也借用其他民族文化的精华来丰富和发展自己的个性,逐步使自己的个性具有集聚各民族智慧和能力的多样性文化特征;全球化使人的个性独立凸显,进取和竞争意识增强,每个人只有充分发挥以主动性、自主性和创造性为特征的主体性精神,充分发挥自己的个性,才能在全球化的竞争中把握机遇,争取生存和发展的权利。  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Digital gaming has become a regular part of life for today’s pre-schoolers. Hence, there is a need to look at the integration of digital technology...  相似文献   

Rowe ML 《Child development》2012,83(5):1762-1774
Quantity and quality of caregiver input was examined longitudinally in a sample of 50 parent–child dyads to determine which aspects of input contribute most to children’s vocabulary skill across early development. Measures of input gleaned from parent–child interactions at child ages 18, 30, and 42 months were examined in relation to children’s vocabulary skill on a standardized measure 1 year later (e.g., 30, 42, and 54 months). Results show that controlling for socioeconomic status, input quantity, and children’s previous vocabulary skill; using a diverse and sophisticated vocabulary with toddlers; and using decontextualized language (e.g., narrative) with preschoolers explains additional variation in later vocabulary ability. The differential effects of various aspects of the communicative environment at several points in early vocabulary development are discussed.  相似文献   

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