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This article explains several reasons why multicultural preservice teacher education is important and suggests some ways it can be better accomplished. The authors make a strong case for teacher education programs to be more deliberate about preparing European Americans to teach ethnically diverse students of color. They argue that this explicit professional preparation is needed because of the increasing racial, cultural, and linguistic divide between teachers (predominately European American) and K–12 students (increasingly from ethnic groups of color). Two other factors underscore the need for more multicultural teacher education: the fear of diversity and the resistance to dealing with race and racism frequently expressed by students enrolled in teacher education programs. To overcome these problems and better prepare preservice teachers to work effectively with ethnically diverse students the authors suggest a two‐part program of professional development.  相似文献   

教育是以育人为本,高校不仅仅要培养出适应社会经济建设需要的人才,更要培养出全面发展的人才,也就是说能够让学生成为人格健全的一个完整的人。本文从分析生命教育的内涵入手,根据现实中的现象分析了生命教育在高校思想政治教育中的现状及必要性,讨论了生命教育在高校思想政治教育中的途径。即教育目标"成人"化,教育理念人本化;改变传统观念,引导大学生正确认识死亡,理性审视生命;引导大学生珍惜生命,充分挖掘生命的潜能,实现生命价值的最大化;运用多种方式和渗透式教育进行生命教育;借鉴国外的一些经验,设置独立的生命教育课程。  相似文献   

培养培训相分离的弊端阻碍了我国教师教育的发展。遵照国务院的要求,通过教育科研、教育实习等活动。建立起高师与中小学英语教学的紧密联系,使其相互促进。这既能充分发挥师范院校在教师教育中的主体作用。解决中小学英语教师的继续教育问题。又能促进高师院校英语教育专业自身的改革与发展,并在此基础上完善国务院提出的“培养培训相衔接的开放的教师教育体系”。  相似文献   

There has been an attempt to insert market forces into sectors of state spending which has been accompanied by a concern with managerialism. In the educational arena this has resulted in moves towards greater accountability set against the need to monitor quality. This is needed because schools have failed the nation and partly this is the fault of inadequate teaching. One remedy is to subject teachers to regular appraisal, another is to reform teacher education courses. In relation to teacher education CATE clearly spells out how teacher education courses are to be developed and all teacher education institutions have to comply with these criteria; a form of quality control has been inserted. Through a necessarily limited account of work in one institution of Higher Education it is argued that any attemts to measure and debate a construct as complex as ‘quality’ is complicated when the subject of all this attention is an aspect of human endeavour. Quality cannot be considered in isolation from real social contexts. Finally exhortation and crude attempts to enhance teaching through some simple versions of ‘quality control might not be the most successful of strategies; praise, support and proper resourcing all have a part to play.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of standardized tests (ACT, Preprofessional Skills Test) as predictors of student success in early childhood studies. Success was measured as grade point average at the time of graduation. The sample consisted of students enrolled at a four‐year public institution in the United States (N = 129). Data analysis indicated the standardized measures, including ACT and the Preprofessional Skills Test, were significantly related to success in early childhood studies. In addition, both tests, along with high school rank and student age, were useful in the prediction of grade point average at graduation, but did little to predict success during the student teaching experience.  相似文献   

This paper sets out the rationale underpinning the setting up, delivery and evaluation of a major initiative in initial teacher education. The purpose of Enterprise Awareness in Teacher Education (EATE) is to incorporate enterprise, economic and industrial issues into all initial courses for trainee teachers. This is facilitated through an extensive programme of staff development. The article then goes on to record the processes and thinking behind one level of the evaluation of the initiative which has been incorporated into individual developments in institutions from the outset  相似文献   

本文系统考察我国基础教育中的思想道德课程演变的过程,并把它放在中国历史特点与“思想道德课程”国际比较的背景上考察,既证明我国现行“思想道德课程”的必要性,同时也揭示其局限性。  相似文献   

This article reflects on the changing definitions of quality as they have been applied to teacher education in the 1980s and looks forward to the decade ahead.  相似文献   

Spain was 1 of the 17 countries that participated in the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement’s Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M 2008). In this paper, we explore and describe the structure of Spanish primary mathematics teacher education programs. We analyzed the documents collected from the 48 sampled Spanish institutions that participated in TEDS-M. Our approach to the syllabus analysis focused on the established content dimension of curriculum in educators’ syllabi. These contents are structured into 4 knowledge domains—school mathematics, advanced mathematics, general pedagogy, and mathematics pedagogy—and categorized into subjects and topics. The results show that Spanish teacher education programs are diverse across institutions, but follow a basic structure that emphasizes the teaching of general pedagogy subjects.  相似文献   

This research examines the purposes of education perceived by teacher education students preparing for a career in Israeli public religious schools. Participants were 164 men and 364 women in their first or final year of teacher education. They responded to questionnaires that explored educational purposes in four ways. Twenty-four students also were interviewed. Major results indicate that: 1) universal and religious purposes of education are considered highly important; 2) men attribute greater importance than women to religious- Torah purposes; 3) academic-intellectual growth is not considered an important educational purpose. Implications of these and other findings are considered for educational policy and practice in public religious schools.  相似文献   

<正>一、为进一步提高学术水平和编辑质量,本刊对来稿特提出如下要求:1.论文要求观点明确、新颖,论述充分,论证严密,材料翔实,语言精炼。2.来稿以800012000字为宜。文末注明与作者联系的方式(电话和电子信箱)。3.本刊执行《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》(修订版),作者应对稿件作规范处理,来稿应包括题名、作者署名及通讯地址、作者简介、中文摘要、关键词、中图分类号、正文、注释、参考文献以及英文篇名、英文摘要和英文关键词。基金资助产出的论文亦应对有关项目  相似文献   

<正>《当代教师教育》是中华人民共和国教育部主管,陕西师范大学主办的教师教育理论刊物,以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、三个代表重要思想、科学发展观、四个全面和五大理念为指导,坚持四项基本原则,坚持社会主义办刊方向,努力为教师教育与基础教育的改革与发展服务,为中  相似文献   

<正>一、为进一步提高学术水平和编辑质量,本刊对来稿特提出如下要求:1.论文要求观点明确、新颖,论述充分,论证严密,材料翔实,语言精炼。2.来稿以8000~12000字为宜。文末注明与作者联系的方式(电话和电子信箱)。3.本刊执行《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》(修订版),作者应对稿件作规范处理,来稿应包括题名、作者署名及通讯地址、作者简介、中文摘要、关键词、中图分类号、正文、注释、参考文献以及英文篇名、英文摘要和英文关键词。基金资助产出的论文亦应对有关项目名称及批号加以注明。  相似文献   

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