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Teachers' evaluation of pupil learning should be consistent with identified learning outcomes at the intended level of performance. To the extent that curriculum and assessment are aligned, the validity of inferences about pupil knowledge is strengthened. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the assessment practices of preservice teachers who have successfully completed coursework in educational measurement. Three hundred and nine lesson plans from 65 preservice (student) teachers were reviewed. The authors found that, during student teaching, preservice teachers do not follow many of the assessment practices recommended in their coursework. Perhaps implementations of recommended classroom assessment practices seem to depend on more than possessing the requisite knowledge.  相似文献   

运用视频标注法不仅能促进新手教师的教学反思,也是微格教学深入发展的新思路。为贯彻这一思路,文章自主开发了微格教学视频标注系统。该系统把标注内容泛化,形成了问题、提示、学生提问、教学事件的多元化标注,在三个方面获得了融合与创新:以多粒度视频为基础,促进师范生从"微反思"到"宏反思"的跃进;以交互式视频为桥梁,推动师范生从"浅"到"深"层次反思的转变;以资源可视化为支点,为师范生提供多维度课堂观察的视角和多层次的个体反思经验。  相似文献   

Recent reforms in mathematics education have encouraged teachers to engage their students in various forms of communication. Scholars have begun to consider questions such as: In what ways do teachers facilitate and guide classroom discourse? How does the quality of students' reflections impact the development of rich mathematical understanding? In order to address these and similar questions, the authors provide a framework of four constructs that can be used to analyze various forms of classroom communication: uni-directional communication, contributive communication, reflective communication, and instructive communication. Throughout the article,the authors both develop and use these constructs as they consider two preservice teachers concepts of communication and their corresponding classroom practices.  相似文献   

Despite the body of literature around practicing teachers and policy (Knapp, Ferguson, Bamberg, &; Hill, 1998; Kumar &; Scuderi, 2000; Lortie, 1975/2002), little is known about the involvement of their preservice counterparts. Preservice teachers have limited exposure to policy-related coursework in their professional training (Floden &; Meniketti, 2005) and scholarship is relatively silent regarding preservice teachers' experiences with educational policies and their sense-making process (Spillane, 2004; Weick, 1995; see Heineke, Ryan, &; Tocci, 2015, for a notable exception).

This paper examines preservice teachers negotiating and making sense of a particular policy, the Massachusetts' Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL). It addresses the following questions: First, what do preservice teachers know about policy in general and the RETELL language policy in particular? Second, how do preservice teachers make sense of the implementation of the RETELL policy in the various settings of their professional training? Third, in what ways do preservice teachers' experiences with the policy influence their orientations toward teaching emergent bilingual students? This analysis demonstrates that preservice teachers have limited general knowledge of educational policy process, and limited specific knowledge around the RETELL language policy. Yet, they learn important lessons about how to “do” policy from their field supervisors and play an important role in policy implementation. The impact of the RETELL policy on preservice teachers' beliefs about teaching emergent bilingual students is mediated by the lack of policy information they receive and by their experiences in the field. This paper adds to the limited literature around preservice teachers involvement in policy and offers recommendations for highlighting the importance of policy education in teacher training.  相似文献   

目前,课堂教学中普遍存在着"假民主"、"不自然"、"无创新"等问题,生态课堂的建构为解决这些问题提供了有益的思路。生态课堂是以生态学的视野关注课堂中的每一生态因子,重构教育理念、师生关系、实践范式,并以此为基点建构出的新型课堂。构建生态课堂主要有以下策略:创建"生态式"教学环境,打好生态课堂基础;优化"生态式"教学内容,促进生态课堂的有效;创新"生态式"教学过程,建构生态课堂框架;强化生本化教学评价,促进生态课堂高效。  相似文献   

Preservice teachers were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 observation conditions: technology-supported practice in observation (TSPO) plus standard classroom placement observation, n = 31, and classroom placement observation (control), n = 31. Over a 10-week term, TSPO students augmented their classroom placement observations of their mentor teachers by engaging in technology-supported construction and video analysis of those mentors' teaching, while control students engaged in only the classroom placement observations. The authors used an online, computer-supported instrument that elicited written responses during observation of 3 different teaching videos to assess the participants' ability to identify, interpret, and analyze evidence of exemplary teaching. TSPO students significantly outperformed controls on all 3 video tests. Implications of these findings for teacher training in both traditional and online education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of preservice teachers often lack information about specific strategies they use when guiding children's behavior. This study investigated how preservice teachers used verbal and non-verbal behavior modification techniques within structured and transition classroom contexts. Using an on-the-mark 20-second observe and 10-second record method, eleven preservice teachers were observed in classrooms for two morning hours. A repeated measures MANOVA revealed two significant two-way interactions, which included types of modification techniques and types of contexts (Wilks's λ = .38, F(2, 9) = 7.37, p .05, Cohen's f = .88) and types of communication skills and types of contexts (Wilks's λ = .64, F(1, 10) = 5.53, p .05, Cohen's f = .74). Implications for future research and practice include more focused observations of preservice teachers and children's responses to various verbal and non-verbal strategies along with more education about how to use positive guidance strategies in real-life classroom situations.  相似文献   

Current reform in science education calls for teachers to understand student thinking within a lesson to effectively address students’ needs (NRC in A framework for K-12 science education: practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2012; NRC in Guide to implementing the Next Generation Science Standards. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2015). This study investigates how to scaffold preservice teachers with learning to attend to students’ thinking for the purpose of guiding curricular decisions. The study focuses on one team teaching a science unit during their early field experience. We sought to understand how participants’ thoughts and abilities changed through participation in a moderated community of practice using video of their own teaching as a reflective tool. We examined how these changes affected both their classroom practice and their decision-making for future lessons. Evidence shows growth in participants’ ability to identify opportunities to elicit, assess, and use students’ thinking to guide instructional decisions. Implications for use of the approach used in this study to begin developing novice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for teaching science are discussed.  相似文献   

教师的教育实践始终与人的存在状态相关,与人的活动方式及其发展有关。人文实践是教育实践的基础,教育实践要求教师的人文实践关注个体的成长与发展。但工具理性下的教育实践与人的成长与发展是分离的。因此,教师的人文实践是教育实践的内在要求与应然选择。教师的人文实践更为本质的是保持一种人文情感上的敏锐与丰富。由此,我们必须从教育实践出发,站在人文实践的立场,从人文实践的视角审视教师的人文实践,在教育视野下给予人文实践以重新审视与必要的人文关怀,解读人文实践缺失的成因,反思人文实践的应然变革。  相似文献   

"教师课堂教学行为有效性研究"强调课题研究的过程管理,提出以"五个推进"为抓手,进一步提升教师课堂教学行为的有效性,建设健康课堂。  相似文献   

"五环三步"教学研模式是基于校本实践的一种行之有效的教育科研模式。"五环",即备课、演课、上课、评课、反思;"三步",即课前预习——课内探究——课后实践。该模式遵循一切为了学生发展的核心理念,强调"五环"与"三步"的有机融合,旨在构建高效课堂,引领教师的专业成长。  相似文献   

"五环三步"教学研模式是基于校本实践的一种行之有效的教育科研模式。"五环",即备课、演课、上课、评课、反思;"三步",即课前预习——课内探究——课后实践。该模式遵循一切为了学生发展的核心理念,强调"五环"与"三步"的有机融合,旨在构建高效课堂,引领教师的专业成长。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice teachers' efficacy beliefs across domains in a reading-specific methods course. Participants were preservice teachers in a state required reading methods course. During this course, preservice teachers were required to work with an elementary student in reading and write a case study linking theory to practice. At the beginning and end of the course, participants completed a battery of adapted, domain-specific versions of the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale. Results showed that preservice teachers reported a significant increase in their sense of efficacy within each domain. However, efficacy beliefs differed with regard to domain.  相似文献   

师范生教师身份认同危机的本质是一个以价值认同为核心的循环向上的发展过程。这种危机主要表现在归属感的消解、方向感的模糊和无力感的侵袭。究其原因,它主要是由于教师角色的不确定性、师范生与教学实践的疏离、功利主义评价、师范生个体消极被动的学习态度等造成的。基于上述分析,本文提出了加强师范生职业伦理教育,强化课程的实践性、改进评价方式和促进师范生自我反思四方面的建议。  相似文献   

教师的课堂管理反思性实践能力的提高,有利于增强教师的课堂管理能力,促进教师专业发展,深化教育改革。培育和生成教师课堂管理反思性实践能力的的可能途径包括:撰写课堂管理日志;记录课堂管理案例并进行研究;对课堂管理事件进行调查分析;专题论文或相关论著的编撰;教师集体协作的反思性实践等基于反思的新的课堂管理实践活动。  相似文献   

针对高校课程以培养学生学习主动性和积极性的教学目的,结合目前翻转课堂的教学模式在我国高校实施的可行性,作者对非电类《电工学》课程进行了翻转课堂的实践。总结了翻转课堂实施过程出现的问题并反思,提出相应的建议,为今后实施翻转课堂积累经验,为进一步深化该课程的教学改革奠定基础。  相似文献   

This study examines the effectiveness of an educational methods course for changing early childhood preservice teachers' instructional beliefs. The teaching methods course emphasized constructivist teaching principles. Seventy-eight of the early childhood education preservice teachers who were enrolled in this course filled out the Teacher Belief Survey at the beginning and end of the 15-week course. The results of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis indicated that participation in the teaching methods course had significantly changed preservice teachers' beliefs. As a result of the course, preservice teachers' constructivist beliefs increased, and these beliefs became more concrete and coherent. Results are discussed in relation to the literature, and the implications of examining early childhood education programs are explored.  相似文献   

Increasing Preservice Teachers' Diversity Beliefs and Commitment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research on teacher expectations and student success suggests that teachers' beliefs about students lead to differential expectations and treatment of students. Few qualitative studies aimed at understanding teacher beliefs about diversity and multicultural commitment have been done. This study utilized combined quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the attitudes, beliefs, and commitments of a predominantly Anglo-American population of preservice teachers enrolled in a diversity course. The results describe beginning attitudes, beliefs, and commitments to diversity; changes (or lack of change) in attitudes, beliefs, and commitments after participation in a diversity course; some theoretical underpinnings for understanding changes (or lack of change); and a framework for facilitating positive multicultural experiences.  相似文献   

This report describes four preservice secondary teachers' fictional accounts about mathematics classrooms. The narrative structures and meanings of the preservice teachers' stories, written while the preservice teachers were enrolled in a secondary methods course, were examined with the goal of gaining insight into the preservice teachers' emerging identities as mathematics teachers. Although past research has examined experienced teachers' stories, little research, if any, has focused on stories written by preservice mathematics teachers or on intentionally fictional stories about mathematics classrooms. This report uses methods of narrative analysis to develop understandings about preservice teachers' storied identities and specifies areas for further investigation into the role of narrative in mathematics teacher education.  相似文献   

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