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教师的四重奏——教学·学教·教问·问教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学、学教、教问与问教是教师生活中美妙的四重奏。教学在很大程度上是教问,没有教问就可以说算不上教学。这样,教师的一个前提性任务就是学教和问教,否则便难以承担有效的教学和教问的使命。  相似文献   

本文从"半路接手"的班主任工作中,探索到了一些行之有效的工作方法:真诚相待,以情感人;善待"心腹",广交朋友;心胸开阔,尊重前任;以身作则,严格要求.并在实际工作中取得了较为显著的育人效果.  相似文献   

在中药实验教学环节中对学生创新意识的培养,首先需要实验教师树立"培养"和"长期培养"学生创新意识的思想;然后选择和利用合适的时机,启发学生创新意识的产生;而且要在实验教学中形成反复培养和强化学生的创新意识的方法。并简述了学生创新意识的培养不能急于求成,而需循序渐进;将其列入实验教学计划,作为一项重要的实验目的来完成,是对学生创新意识培养的促进和"法律"意义的保障。  相似文献   

Teaching is an interaction. It is a relationship between my students and myself. For successful interactions to take place there needs to be trust. In order for my students to be successful I have to be successful as well. My students and I have to have a variety of interactions. These interactions build trust, which leads to bonding. I believe these are the core components to success for myself and therefore my students. The environment that I work in also has to be about trust. I have to feel trusted to do my job in order to be successful. My experiences hopefully will lead to more research and the understanding of trust in the cognitive process of learning.  相似文献   

加强女生工作既必要 ,又可行。具体措施是 :注意教育 ,因势利导 ,因人施教 ,对症下药 ,参与实践 ,提升素质 ,以培养适应时代发展的新女性  相似文献   

论大学新生环境适应能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境发生改变,相应地就要求个体作出相应的回应,以适应环境的变化。环境的变化需要大学新生要积极主动回应,提高环境适应能力,以适应变化的要求。培养和提高大学新生的环境适应能力,需要高校思想政治教育工作者能够准确了解和把握大学新生在环境适应过程中的问题,有针对性地:帮助大学新生树立独立自主的意识和锻炼和提高独立生活的能力,使大学新生能够尽快地适应大学的学习与生活。  相似文献   

加强培养学生的数学建模能力具有十分重要的意义.在高职数学教学中溶入数学建模思想,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效果,促进教学方式的创新.数学建模思想在高职数学教学中的应用:用“数学的抽象性”特征,启发学生对数学公式、定义的理解与认识;用“数学的普遍性”特征,启发学生思考所遇到的实际问题;运用高等数学中的“变换观点”,培养学生联想能力.  相似文献   

为培养学生的创新意识和创新思维能力,数学教师在教学中应引导学生勤于思考、质疑,以孕育创新;大胆猜测、联想,勇于创新:一题多法,以培育创新;引进开放题型,拓展创新。  相似文献   

面对元军咄咄逼人的气势和朝廷的荒淫腐朽、卑躬屈膝,宋元之交的士大夫陷入了仕与隐、忠与孝、理想与现实、生死与名节、道德责任与顺乎天命等重重矛盾之中,传统意识受到冲击而趋于淡化。文天祥以其与金石同坚的忠肝义胆为当时及后人树立了榜样。  相似文献   

Language is the tool of communication. English is a compulsory course for every student. English listening, as an essential part of English learning, is an effective way to obtain new information. But for many students, the most difficult part for them is listening. The paper aims to give some suggestions to the college English learners and to help them to improve their listening comprehension abilities. Such as: to strengthen language knowledge, to build up self-confidence, to use listening strategies, to learn western culture, and to listen extensively.  相似文献   

34 children were observed in infant play groups. 2 sets of infant behaviors were coded: assertive acts and attempts to communicate with adults. No sex differences were observed at 13 to 14 months in any of these behaviors. However, adults attended to girls' assertive behaviors far less of the time than to boys' assertive behaviors. They attended more to girls' less intense communication attempts and to boys' more intense attempts. When 29 of the same children were observed in toddler play groups no more than 11 months later, there were sex differences in behavior. Boys were more assertive; girls talked to teachers more. Teachers no longer differentiated their responses to boys and girls. Peers reacted more to boys' assertive behavior than to girls.' We hypothesized that caregivers may use stereotypes to guide their reactions to infants because infant behavior is ambiguous. For the toddlers, behavior had become more defined, and caregivers reacted to the behaviors. By using the sex stereotype to guide their reactions to younger children, the caregivers may have perpetuated the stereotype.  相似文献   

雁翼在其著作中对于开始分行写日记、开始练习写作、开始学习文学创作、开始文学创作等说法区分不严格,对于读者容易产生误导,现作者雁翼已去世,这些问题或硬伤已死无对证,这些问题都必须要搞清楚。这些问题不搞清楚,雁翼研究根本无法展开。关于雁翼文学创作活动开始的时间问题是最重要的问题之一,雁翼开始分行写日记、练习写作、学习文学创作都不是雁翼文学创作活动开始的时间。  相似文献   

我国现阶段有30%的家庭有暴力侵害的问题。由于针对妇女的家庭暴力产生的原因是复杂多样的,因而消除针对妇女的家庭暴力必然是一个系统工程,需要做大量的和多方面的工作,其中最基本的主要有反对家庭暴力、制裁家庭暴力、帮助受害和建设家庭明等。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The first objective of this study was to determine if children exposed to domestic violence were significantly more likely to be cruel to animals than children not exposed to violence. The second was to determine if there were significant age and gender differences between children who were and were not cruel to animals. METHOD: A community sample of 47 mothers with two children and a history of domestic violence were compared to a matched sample of 45 mothers with two children who did not have such a history. RESULTS: Children exposed to domestic violence were significantly more likely to have been cruel to animals than children not exposed to violence. The age and gender of children who were cruel to animals did not differ from children who were not cruel to animals. However, exposed children cruel to animals were significantly older than non-exposed children cruel to animals. CONCLUSION: Animal cruelty by children is correlated with exposure to domestic violence.  相似文献   

论合同解除权的行使及其法律后果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合同解除权是法律赋予合同当事人在其自身利益遭受违约方的行为严重损害时可以采取的一种违约救济权利。或者合同双方当事人在合同签订时约定一方解除合同的条件,解除合同的条件成就时,解除权人享有的解除合同的权利。作为保障合同当事人双方民事权利、义务实现的一种方式,合同解除权的行使将导致一系列的法律后果,因此,其在合同法中居于十分重要的地位。从理论界及实务界看,对合同解除权行使的方式及其法律后果认识颇有差距。笔者以为,研究合同解除制度中解除权的行使及其法律后果,发挥理论对实务的指导作用,对维护市场经济秩序。确保交易安全与稳定,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在新的形势下 ,如何冲破传统的教学模式 ,使“两课”教育更显活力 ,更具时代性、科学性、针对性和实效性 ,一直是高校“两课”教育从教人员所研究和探索的重点课题。本文从六个方面分析了当前社会转型期高校“两课”教育所面临的挑战 ,即说服力不够 ;导向力不够 ;制约力不够 ;影响力不够 ;渗透力不够 ;创造力不够。同时提出了加强高校“两课”教育的六大对策 :加强理论建设 ;深化方法论研究 ;重视学生的行为规范 ;拓宽教育引导的时空 ;引导学生追求高雅情趣 ;建立健全工作网络  相似文献   

高校体育院系学生健美操的教学能力需要培养 ,其内容包括制订编写教学文件能力、示范讲解能力、口令指挥能力、运动技能教学能力、教学组织能力、掌握理论及讲授能力、课外活动及训练能力、竞赛组织与裁判能力等八个方面  相似文献   

在当今知识经济时代,出现了一种对系统知识依赖程度极高的"知识型实践"。与这种实践形态对应的实践能力的形成过程,主要是一种灵活运用知识解决实际问题的过程。其基本环节包括:发现并确认问题、生成问题解决方案、实施方案、监控并调整方案以最终解决问题。为促进学生能灵活运用知识解决问题,知识学习过程应同实际生活情境密切沟通,以达到知识学习与知识运用能力的双向建构。知识运用与实践的能力培养,要求教学目标的定位、教学内容的呈现方式、教学过程与方法的组织等,均要做出相应的变革和调整。  相似文献   

Ownership of smartphones and tablets among the student population is growing. Students are using their devices to support their learning. Employers and employees are increasingly bringing their own smart devices into private and public organisations to support their business. This is leading to employees driving the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) agenda in organisations. It is not clear the extent to which academics are embracing smart technology to manage their workload or to enhance the student experience of learning. This paper presents a qualitative study of how engineering academics are using their own BYOD or institutionally provided smart devices. A 6Cs (connect, communicate, collaborate, curate, create and coordinate) framework has been used to analyse the results. The findings indicate that academics are primarily using devices to create materials, second to coordinate their work and third to communicate with students about their learning. However, there are a number of inhibiting and enabling factors that need to be addressed by academic institutions to develop the effective adoption of smart technologies for academic practice. Infrastructure, including developing widespread access to WiFi, and the prioritisation of opportunities to support staff to learn how to apply the technology to enhance student learning and experience are key areas of necessary development.  相似文献   

带虚构性的作文训练,有利于培养创造、创新素质的人才,有利于引发写作兴趣,有利于智力培养与发展,有利于培养学生主动学习的风气。途径主要有联结、逆反、类比、破除、移植等。  相似文献   

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