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本文介绍了发现数学问题的三种主要途径和开展数学研究的十二种基本方法.  相似文献   

This study is purposed to measure the efficacy of implementing College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) math standards into math methods courses for early childhood and elementary education teacher candidates at an urban university located in the Dallas and Fort Worth metroplex area. A total of 161 college seniors (teacher candidates) enrolled in the mathematics methods courses for early childhood and elementary education participated in this study. The results showed that incorporating CCRS into the math methods courses was successful as shown by the significant findings between pre- and post-assessments in both skills- and knowledge-associated items. Although only two items were found to be significant between pre- and post-assessments on disposition, teacher candidates showed higher scores in pre-assessments on disposition compared to skills- and knowledge-associated items.  相似文献   

本文分析了听力教师在课堂教学中作用的理论依据 ,阐述了听力教师在课堂教学中的作用就是帮助和促进学生提高听力  相似文献   


本文总结作者在电动力学教学中的经验,探讨提高学生听课兴趣的方法。  相似文献   

ProbIemsTherearevari0usprob1emsinEng1ishteachinginhighschoolsinShanxi,andtheprob1emsaremoreseriousinareasthatarenotwe1ldeveloped.H0wever,afterresearchin25juniorhighscho01sinWutaiCounty,ShanxiProvince,manypr0blemsarefoundtolieinpeople's,especia1lytheteachers',attitudesandideastowardsEnglishteachingandthestudents,ratherthaninthep0oreconomicsituation.Infact,fr0mtheteachingexperienceofnearly20OEng1ishmajorsofXinzh0uTeacher'sCo11egepractisingteachinginWutai,itisevidentthatifthestudentsaregive…  相似文献   

My math teacher is used to taking off his overcoat as soon as he comes into the classroom. After that, he would tell us some news, or ask someone to answer a question or recite a formula. Instead of giving the answer, he always let us to solve the problem on our own. He always explains the method clearly, and introduces many workable approaches to work out the problem, which benefit us a lot. At first,  相似文献   

In this essay, Leonard Waks examines John Dewey's account of listening, drawing on Dewey's writings to establish a direct connection in his work between listening and democracy. Waks devotes the first part of the essay to explaining Dewey's distinction between one‐way or straight‐line listening and transactional listening‐in‐conversation, and to demonstrating the close connection between transactional listening and what Dewey called “cooperative friendship.” In the second part of the essay, Waks establishes the further link between Dewey's notions of cooperative friendship and democratic society with particular reference to machine‐age technologies of mass communication. He maintains that while these technologies provide the means for extending communications throughout modern industrial nations, they simultaneously undermine the conditions fostering face‐to‐face listening‐in‐conversation. It remains an open question, Waks concludes, whether new educational arrangements incorporating interactive digital communication technologies will embody and promote transactional listening‐in‐conversation and revitalized democratic community.  相似文献   


This study analyzes six seventh grade Israeli mathematics textbooks, examining (1) the extent to which students are required to justify and explain their mathematical work, and (2) whether students are asked to justify a mathematical claim that is stated by the textbook or a mathematical claim that they themselves generated when solving a problem. Two different units of analysis were used to analyze two central topics in the seventh grade curriculum as follows: (1) equation solving in algebra and (2) triangle properties in geometry. The findings indicate that all six textbooks had considerably larger percentages of geometric tasks than algebraic tasks, which required students to justify or explain their mathematical work. Moreover, considerable differences were found among the six textbooks regarding the percentages of tasks that required students to justify and explain in both topics, but more so with the algebraic topic. Analysis of whether the textbook tasks required students to justify a mathematical claim that is stated by the textbook or a mathematical claim that the students themselves generated also revealed substantial differences among the textbooks. These findings are discussed, as well as the research methods used, in light of relevant literature.


当前教育研究主要有两种范式 :自然科学范式与人文范式。它们在研究对象、真理及知识观上均有着不同的理解 ,在哲学上则是基于“注视”与“倾听”的不同取向。同时 ,在这两种教育研究范式中 ,研究者有着不同的成长内涵 ,自然科学范式关注研究者的理性、严谨客观态度的形成 ,而人文范式则促进研究者的精神性参与及对被研究者的理解与宽容态度  相似文献   

This article introduces a relationship between neuroscience and creativity for the sake of religious education. Citing creativity as a process that involves both originality and value, the writing articulates Howard Gardner's interplay between the talent of the person, the internal demands of a discipline, and the quality judgment of the field. The article explores creativity expressed both within the field of neuroscience, with the beginning of the neurocentric era, and continuing with contemporary use of technology. It then surveys neuroscience's own exploration of the fields of creativity and religious experience, with ensuing limitations. The article establishes a dialogue between religious education and neuroscience, demonstrating how religious education provides neuroscience theory with grounded practice while also supplying ethical frameworks for neuroscience practice. It closes asserting that while currently neuroscience primarily endorses sound educational practice, future neuroscientific research should yield fresh horizons demanding ongoing creativity by religious educators.  相似文献   

In the article, Sophie Haroutunian‐Gordon asks, Did Plato have a philosophy of listening, and if so, what was it? Listening is the counterpart of speaking in a dialogue, and it is no less important. Indeed, learning from the dialogue is less likely to occur as people participate unless listening as well as speaking takes place. Haroutunian‐Gordon defines a philosophy of listening as a set of beliefs that fall into four categories: (1) the aim of listening; (2) the nature of listening; (3) the role of the listener; and (4) the relation between the listener and the speaker. The beliefs, as they fall into these four categories, have implications for one another, and, because they are logically related, constitute a philosophy of listening. In the article, Haroutunian‐Gordon argues that Plato had a philosophy of listening and describes its components.  相似文献   

By adopting the research method of case study in listening comprehension. It is found that the learner can level. After a twelve-week training in learning strategies, the this article studies the learning strategies of a poor learner of English use some learning strategies occasionally but only at very elementary learner made noticeable progress in CET-4 listening comprehension, which proves that learning strategies can be trained and contribute positively to language proficiency.  相似文献   

听、说、读、写这个顺序是人们学习第一语言的基本顺序。读、说、听、写则是人们学习第二语言的顺序。第二语言的学习是在母语的符号思维系统已经建立起来并相当牢固之后开始的;第二语言的学习是在一种自觉状态中进行的,是一种有意识的学习。母语在第二语言的学习过程中起着极其重要的作用。双语共存的教学本质上是一种比较型教学。  相似文献   

用共价键的均裂和异裂法计算有机物各原子的氧化数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用Lewis的结构式,采用共价键的均裂和异裂方法,计算有机物分子中各原子的氧化数,方法简单,容易计算.  相似文献   

高校文科学报人文性缺失之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校文科学报在充分体现学术性、具有独特性的同时,还必须注重体现人文性,这不仅是其自身生存与可持续发展应有之意。也是构建和谐社会的需要。高校文科学报要努力做到:发挥传承老一代学人的优良学术传统和注意奖掖新人的作用;拆除学术壁垒,大力弘扬主流文化,同时包容无害于社会发展的非主流文化;跨越校际与地域的界限。努力去承载学科研究的最高成果;在编辑、排版、设计等方面折射出编辑的人文主义理念。  相似文献   

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