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Previous studies are summarized on the incidence and nature of alcohol-related defects, as such defects relate to health, motor and speech development, behaviour, intelligence and school achievement.In the present study, thirty-four children were located. Their caregivers and social workers provided background information on the children, who were assessed on the Wechsler Scales. Discussion centres on the need to provide long-term support services to these children, their caregivers and their schools. The role of counsellors in such support systems is central.Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta  相似文献   

Because of the advent and growth of technology, a new variation of bullying—cyberbullying—has transformed from the physical to the virtual. Cyberbullying is a form of psychological cruelty. Although cyberbullying usually occurs off school grounds, schools are experiencing its repercussions (Li, 2006). This article provides an overview of cyberbullying, defines the difference between bullying and cyberbullying, and provides a psychological explanation of cyberbullying behaviors and the psychological impact of cyberbullying. The review of literature suggests that there is a lapse in preventative intervention to create and maintain awareness and safety for young people. Implications and guidelines are provided for school personnel to address this problem and develop prevention strategies. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Positive behavior interventions and supports are increasingly utilized in school systems throughout the nation, particularly the school‐wide multi‐tiered support framework. Given such trends, and the basis of these practices in psychological principles and research, it is important to identify how school psychologists are trained to contribute to such efforts, their involvement in intervention activities, and their perceptions of this approach. We surveyed a national sample of 557 school psychologists regarding their training, involvement, and perceptions of positive behavior supports. The results indicate that although most respondents had a variety of training experiences in multiple behavior‐related areas, one quarter did not report receiving any training related to school‐wide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS). Although 35% of school psychologists reported employment in schools implementing SWPBIS, these schools varied in the SWPBIS elements in place. Implications for school psychology training and practice are addressed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Attachment status of children exposed in utero to cocaine, opiates, and other substances was examined at 18 months (n=860) and 36 months (n=732) corrected age. Children exposed to cocaine and opiates had slightly lower rates of attachment security (but not disorganization), and their insecurity was skewed toward ambivalent, rather than avoidant, strategies. Continued postnatal alcohol use was associated with higher rates of insecurity and disorganization at 18, but not 36, months of age. Stability of attachment across the 18-month period was barely above chance expectation. Attachment status at 18 months was associated with child temperament and caregiver-child interaction; at 36 months, attachment was associated with child temperament, child behavior problems, and caregivers' parenting self-esteem.  相似文献   

Although interpersonal violence in the school setting is not a new phenomenon, the problem has escalated considerably in this last decade. Both urban and rural school systems are being affected. This paper seeks to explore the extent of interpersonal violence and its impact on students and school personnel. The multiple factors that lead to school violence are examined. Select curricula used in school systems to reduce or prevent violence are highlighted. The article emphasizes that student violence is not a problem limited to the school environment, but one that should and must find a solution through cooperation of all the institutions present in the community, family included. Finally, suggestions are presented for developing preventive strategies.  相似文献   

A random sample of 197 practicing school psychologists who were members of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) completed a survey questionnaire on experiences and perceptions with regard to school crisis preparedness, prevention, and intervention. Respondents indicated having the most direct experience with student–student physical assaults, serious illness or injury of students, unexpected students deaths, suicide attempts, and guns or other weapons at school. School psychologists reported that their schools used a wide variety of prevention and intervention strategies, most of which have been advocated in the literature. Respondents reported being most involved in the implementation of crisis prevention and intervention strategies and less involved in development and evaluation. Results and implications are discussed within the context of empirically supported practices and school psychologists' readiness to assume larger roles in crisis prevention and intervention. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 777–788, 2004.  相似文献   

优化人才环境推进人才强校   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
良好的人才环境是人才强校的基础。人才环境建设是个系统工程,高校要通过关怀人文环境、改革体制环境、创新政策环境来推进“人才强校”的实施,使之在“人才强国”战略中发挥辐射作用。  相似文献   

A national survey of 335 school psychologists, asking them to record their activities on a specific school day, found that assessment activities comprised nearly 40% of the work time, and consultative activities another one-third of the day. Data were collected on a number of other work activities, as well as characteristics of the respondents: age, ethnic status, graduate degrees held, languages spoken, and characteristics of district served.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the distribution of mathematics achievement among class, school, municipality, and state in Argentina. Data from the Year 2000, 6th-grade Primary School Census from the Minister of Education are analyzed using multilevel methodology. The results indicate that all levels of the education system are relevant and must be considered. If all levels are included, the school “raw” effect is much less (18%) than if they are not (31%). Prior academic performance and socioeconomic level of the individual pupil, plus socioeconomic composition variables, accounted for most of the performance distribution among school, municipality, and state levels. These kinds of variables do not explain significant inter-class differences inside the school. As a consequence, the class became the superior level with the larger proportion of the total unexplained variance (15%), while the school variation represents just 8,6% of that variation. Finally, unexplained inter-school and inter-class variation is still significant making it necessary to further investigate relevant schooling and classroom factors.  相似文献   

A survey of 421 high school females was conducted to determine the prevalence of the binge/purge practice, bulimia, an eating disorder. Teenage vomiters in this study were found to have higher levels of somatic symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction, and depression than did nonvomiters. They were also found to have disturbed attitudes toward food, eating, and dieting. Of the vomiters, 58% scored above the threshold score that indicates the presence of psychological and behavioral symptoms characteristic of anorexia nervosa. The findings provide information useful to school personnel who work with the social, behavioral, and academic problems of adolescents.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research examining the experiences and perceptions of men employed as school psychology academicians. The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain male school psychology academicians' perceptions of their respective academic climates, levels of support, incidences of harassment, and levels of stress, and to compare these results with a previous survey conducted with women in similar positions. A total of 146 male school psychology academicians (41% response rate) completed the 48‐item survey entitled, “Men in School Psychology: Academia Questionnaire.'' The findings suggested that men were more likely than women to indicate that climate and opportunities within their department were equal, whereas women indicated that the climate and opportunities tend to favor men. When men indicated that inequalities exist, they reported believing that women were favored. Results are discussed in terms of implications for faculty in school psychology. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of Stress-Inoculation Training (SIT) with and without an exercise component and a Minimal exercise treatment (MIN) on trait anxiety, teacher stress, and coping strategies among 66 school personnel. The findings indicate that the 8-week SIT with an exercise component was more effective than MIN in reducing anxiety and teacher stress. Both groups significantly decreased emotionfocused coping and increased preventive coping; however, problem-focused coping did not change. SIT without an exercise component did not significantly affect anxiety, stress, or coping strategies; however, there is some evidence that this was due to the cyclical nature of stress in the schools. Changes in teacher stress and coping strategies occurred mainly for those who were below the median of the sample on physical fitness and anxiety prior to beginning the program. Implications of these findings for school-based stress management programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Gifted students are among the most underserved population in American schools and are some of the most underperforming in the world, ranking last in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Algebra, and Geometry among 13 other developed countries. To improve services for the gifted, possible gaps in training and service delivery must be identified. There is a lack of research addressing many of the practical aspects of the delivery of services to the gifted. There is also a lack of research examining how well school psychologists are prepared to provide services to gifted and talented students. We conducted a national survey of school psychologists to evaluate the amount of time school psychologists allocate for gifted assessment and consultation. We also collected information about graduate school and professional development on gifted topics, familiarity with prominent figures in the gifted field, and gifted assessment methods. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was designed to survey and compare attitudes and perceptions toward school counseling and student personnel programs as held by educators in the Caribbean. The subjects in the study comprised 275 teachers and administrators employed in public and private junior and senior high schools in Nassau, Bahamas. The statistical tests used to analyze the data were the Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance and the Friedman two-way analysis for repeated measures. The findings indicate that administrators at all levels expressed significantly more favorable attitudes and perceptions toward counseling and student personnel programs in the schools than teachers. Teachers in the study expressed the following: (a) serious concern regarding the competency of practicing counselors in their schools; (b) a need for clarification of their role and function in the guidance process and a clarification of the counselor's role; and (c) minimum acceptable standards should be established for school counseling positions.
Zusammenfassung Ziel dieses Berichts war es, die Haltungen und Wahrnehmungen von Erziehungswissenschaftlern in der Karibik gegenüber schulischer Beratung und Personalprogrammen für Schüler zu untersuchen und zu analysieren. Für den Bericht wurden 275 an öffentlichen und privaten Junior und Senior High School tätige Lehrern und Administratoren befragt. Um die Daten für die statistische Analyse zu gewinnen, wurden die Kruskal-Wallis Ein-Weg Varianzanalyse und die Friedman Zwei-Weg Analyse für wiederholte Maßnahmen angewandt. Die Befunde ergaben, daß Administratoren sämtlicher Stufen erheblich günstigere Haltungen und Wahrnehmungen gegenüber Beratungs- und Personalprogrammen für Schüler an den Schulen einnahmen als die Lehrer. In dem Bericht äußerten die Lehrer folgendes: (a) erhebliches Bedenken bezüglich der Kompetenz praktizierender Berater an ihren Schulen; (b) die Notwendigkeit sowohl ihre Rolle und Funktion in dem Beratungsprozeß als auch die Rolle des Beraters zu klären; (c) ein Minimum an annehmbaren Standards für Schulberatungspositionen sei festzustellen.

Résumé Cette étude a été conçue pour examiner et comparer les jugements et les opinions enregistrés sur les conseils d'école et les programmes du personnel étudiant tels qu'ils sont organisés par les spécialistes de l'éducation aux Bahamas. Les sujets de cette étude ont fait appel à 275 enseignants et administrateurs employés dans les écoles d'enseignement secondaire et supérieur de Nassau aux Bahamas. L'analyse unidirectionnelle de variance de Kruskal et Wallis ainsi que l'analyse bidirectionnelle de Friedman pour mesures répétées ont été utilisées en tant que tests statistiques pour traiter les données. Les résultats montrent que les administrateurs ont exprimé à tous les niveaux des jugements et des opinions bien plus favorables que celles des enseignants au sujet des conseils et des programmes du personnel étudiant des écoles. Les enseignants interviewés dans le cadre de cette étude ont exprimé les points suivants: (a) un grand intérêt pour ce qui est de la compétence des conseillers en exercice dans leur école; (b) la nécessité de préciser leur rôle et leur fonction dans le processus d'orientation ainsi que le rôle du conseiller; et (c) des normes minimums acceptables doivent être fixées pour les postes des conseils d'école.

A random sample of language arts, social studies, and science middle school teachers from the United States were surveyed about their preparation to teach writing, beliefs about responsibilities for teaching writing, use of evidence-based writing practices, assessment of writing, use of technology, and adaptations for struggling writers. The findings from this survey raised concerns about the quality of middle school writing instruction. Many teachers believed their preservice and inservice preparation to teach writing was inadequate. Middle school students spend little time writing or being taught how to write. While most teachers used a variety of evidenced-based writing practices and made adaptations for struggling writers, such methods were applied infrequently. Most teachers did not appear to use assessment data to shape how they taught writing, and computers played a relatively minor role in middle school writing instruction. Even though teachers generally agreed that writing was a collective responsibility, language arts teachers placed a greater emphasis on writing instruction than social studies and science teachers.  相似文献   

运用成就动机问卷,对575名中学生的成就动机进行调查。研究结果表明,中学生的成就动机在年级上有显著性差异,初二学生追求成功的动机明显强于高二年级的学生;城乡差异接近显著水平;但性别上无显著差异。追求成功的动机与避免失败的动机之间有显著的负相关。  相似文献   

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