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“Of the $10 billion sex industry, it's not ten perverts spending $1 billion a year” ‐‐ Nadine Strossen, former president of the American Civil Liberties Union and author of Defending Pornography.  相似文献   

该文提供了多个与教学资源密切相关的网站及搜寻资料的方法。在互联网飞速发展的今天,网上的资源还有待我们深度挖掘哦。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the use of a lesson‐planning template designed to support and scaffold pre‐service teachers’ lesson‐planning techniques for a wide range of learners in inclusive classrooms. This template is currently used across the final three semesters of a dual certification inclusive elementary and special education teacher preparation programme. This article reports on an empirical study using a mixed methodology that addresses the following question: How do pre‐service teachers, university faculty, supervising teachers and field supervisors perceive their experiences using this template? Addressing that question led to revising the original template. This article concludes with that revised lesson‐planning template.  相似文献   

This study serves as a pilot study for a longitudinal study that will be conducted a year later. The purpose of this research is to determine how a course in special education has impacted secondary general education pre‐service teachers’ attitudes towards individuals with disabilities, teaching students with mild disabilities and the degree of their preparedness (self‐reported) in working with students with disabilities. Forty‐two secondary pre‐service teachers’ reflection papers written at the beginning and end of a mandatory special education course (16 weeks) were analysed using qualitative methodology. The findings supported our research hypothesis that a course in special education with necessary components (i.e. introductory special education knowledge, activities designed to enhance students’ dispositions toward students with disabilities, and instructional strategies that will help general education teachers teach students with mild disabilities at the middle and secondary levels more effectively) can be effective in preparing secondary education pre‐service teachers to work in inclusive classrooms.  相似文献   

This study examined whether stimulation of immigrant and national pupils’ use of high‐quality helping behaviour (experimental condition) during cooperative learning (CL) in classrooms boosts their maths‐related talk more than in an educational situation in which such stimulation is largely absent (control condition). A total of 59 elementary‐age pupils enrolled in a CL maths curriculum of 11 lessons. They were video taped during two lessons while working together on maths assignments to assess their maths‐related talk. We found that the quality of maths‐related talk was higher in the experimental condition. Furthermore, immigrant pupils’ used less maths‐related talk than the national pupils. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This study takes the perspective of an equipment vendor that is providing training on its equipment. The study shows that the total cost of Remote Access Distance Learning (RADL), training provided over a voice and data network, is higher than the total cost of classroom‐based training (CBT). However, the profits from RADL are higher than the profits from CBT, since it is possible to charge students a higher price for RADL than for CBT.  相似文献   


Late in 1996, Kalgoorlie College and the Western Australian School of Mines in Western Australia were merged to form an expanded campus of Curtin University, based in the state capital city of Perth. This paper uses a frame analytical approach to examining how differing and competing interpretations and commitments affected how the merger was played out. Three important frames, each of which had a major influence on the merger for periods of time are identified: one that emphasised regional social and economic development, another centred on education for industry and a third based on economic rationalism. This analysis connects changes in the direction of the merger to shifts in the way the merger was framed.  相似文献   

In both the fields of educational practice and educational research the professional development of teachers was, is and is promising to remain an urgent and relevant topic. Practitioner research performed by teachers in professional learning communities and communities of practice is promising to serve their professional development. In addition, practitioner research and participation in these learning and working communities aim at explicating the locally existing tacit professional knowledge. Since practitioner research is also defined as a means to the aim of creating knowledge that is more relevant to the practice of education than the knowledge created by research institutes, we are concerned with the question of which mechanisms can be identified as enabling the production of public practice‐based knowledge. Therefore we review three current books on practitioner research and professional communities.  相似文献   

This paper explores the constructive links between cooperation, rivalry, and learning within the structure of team communities. Drawing upon social learning theory and qualitative data from case studies conducted in Danish team‐based firms, the main purpose is to argue that both cooperation and rivalry are important triggers for mobilizing learning processes within and between teams. However, social learning theory tends to disregard the positive aspects of rivalry. Instead, the paper suggests that rivalry is often critical for learning to take place, and identifies four recurrent stories of rivalry as a trigger of learning based on two case studies of teamwork dynamics in firms. Consequently, this paper argues for the need to extend social learning theory beyond its rather harmonious learning perspective.  相似文献   

This is a revised version of a paper first presented at the Curriculum Association's annual conference at the University of York in April 1990.  相似文献   

Advanced technology makes 21st century learning, communities and interactions unique and leads people to an era of ubiquitous computing. The purpose of this article is to contribute to the discussion of learning in the 21st century. The paper will review literature on learning community, community learning, interaction, 21st century learning and ubiquitous computing. It will also present work conducted by a teacher who used a hand‐held device, one of the 21st century tools, in a sixth grade classroom in the USA. The authors suggest that 21st century learning involves five types of interactions: (a) learner–content, (b) learner–teacher, (c) learner–learner, (d) learner–interface and (e) learner–community. They also recommend that professionals explore the potential of hand‐held devices in education and conduct research on its effectiveness in learning.

L’apprentissage au vingt et unième siècle: les communautés, l’interaction et l’ordinateur passe‐partout

La technologie avancée donne leur caractère unique à l’apprentissage, aux communautés et aux interactions et conduit les gens vers l’ère de l’ordinateur passe partout. Le but de cet article est d’apporter une contribution au débat sur l’apprentissage au 21e siècle. Cet article va passer en revue les publications sur les communautés d’apprentissage, l’apprentissage communautaire, l’interaction, l’apprentissage au 21e siècle et l’informatique passe partout. Il présente aussi les travaux menés par un enseignant qui a utilisé un ordinateur de poche, un de ces outils du 21e siècle, dans une classe de 6e aux Etats‐Unis. Les auteurs pensent que l’apprentissage du 21e siècle met en jeu cinq types d’interaction différents: a) apprenant/contenu, b)apprenant/enseignant, c)apprenant/apprenant, d)apprenant/interface, et e)apprenant/communauté. Ils recommandent aussi que les professionnels étudient les possibilités des ordinateurs de poche pour l’éducation et mènent des recherches sur leur efficacité en matière d’apprentissage.

Lernen des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts: Gemeinschaften, Interaktion und der allgegenwärtige Einsatz von Computern

Fortschrittliche Technologie macht das Lernen, Gemeinschaften und Interaktionen im 21. Jahrhundert einzigartig und führt die Menschen zu einer Ära allgegenwärtiger Computernutzung. Der Zweck dieses Artikels ist, zur Diskussion über das Lernen im 21. Jahrhundert beizutragen. Das Papier überprüft Literatur über Lernumgebungen, Lernen in Gemeinschaften, Interaktionen, Lernen im 21. Jahrhundert und allgegenwärtige Computerbenutzung. Es zeigt auch den von einem Lehrer durchgeführten Versuch, mit einem “handheld”‐ Gerät, einem der technischen Hilfsmittel des 21.Jahrhunderts, in einer “sixth grade class” in den USA zu arbeiten. Die Autoren behaupten, dass das Lernen in diesem 21. Jahrhundert fünf Arten von Interaktionen umfasst: (a) Lerner – Inhalt, (b) Lerner – Lehrer, (c) Lerner ‐ Lerner, (d) Lerner – Schnittstelle und (e) Lerner ‐ Gemeinschaft. Sie empfehlen auch, dass Fachleute das Potential von “handheld”‐ Geräten im Bildungsbereich untersuchen und eine Einschätzung ihrer Wirksamkeit für das Lernen abgeben.  相似文献   

The documented social‐subjects curricula for Scottish 5–16 year olds are analysed for representations of ‘self‐in‐society’. Such representations are important in Scotland because it is expected that the new Education‐for‐Citizenship framework will in part be delivered through the social subjects. However, citizenship education is also relevant throughout the UK and beyond and our analysis of the social subjects has wider relevance.

An ideal‐type analysis was used on documents including national guidelines, examination syllabuses, examination papers, and assessor instructions. Our analysis suggests that in these documents: the self is seen as an abstract; people are understood by category; society is the sum of discrete institutions; self‐in‐society is fully defined; and this representation of society is not contested. This representation becomes increasingly exclusive with age/ability and may be linked to assumed modes of curricular division, teaching and assessment. We discuss how this overall picture might affect students’ sense of ‘agency’ in the light of citizenship education. We conclude that the social‐subjects’ curricular representation of self‐in‐society may not fully support the Scottish Education‐for‐Citizenship framework.  相似文献   

With the shift of the concept of English teaching, learning beliefs and learning strategies are increasingly attracting researchers' attention. This study, based on a questionnaire, centered on the current situation of learning beliefs and learning strategies used by three-year college students. The result shows: (1) the students have the strongest form-focused beliefs and most disagree with using-mother tongue beliefs. (2) In the practical learning activities, using-mother tongue strategies are most frequently used by students and the frequency of meaning-focused strategies is the lowest. (3) There are significant correlations between belief variables and strategy variables.  相似文献   


This article addresses the often‐observed sensitive nature displayed by gifted children and the effects this sensitivity can have on the child, particularly during the pre‐adolescent and the adolescent periods. This issue is explored through an analysis of the works and life experiences of Geoffrey, aged 9, a prolific writer since the age of 5 years. His exceptional sensitivity is clearly evident through his writings, and the effects this awareness and emotionality have on his life are manifested in accounts of his home and school experiences. Implications for the education of individuals like Geoffrey are discussed, placing emphasis on support of the child's heightened sensitivity rather than on curricula learned or talents exhibited. Special consideration is given to the middle school years when pre‐adolescent and adolescent behavior can significantly affect gifted individuals.  相似文献   

In this study, the actual position of collaborative learning (CL) in teacher education is examined. One hundred and twenty teacher educators and 369 student teachers are surveyed on general educational beliefs, mental models and conceptions related to CL. The self‐efficacy and the implementation of CL are also taken under scrutiny. The results reveal that CL is highly valued as a teaching strategy for primary school children; however, student teachers do not prefer to collaborate themselves during their learning process. Student teachers’ self‐efficacy towards the use of CL is moderate. Collaborative learning is implemented once in a while in teacher education, and student teachers are not intensively trained in the pedagogical use of CL for their future classroom practice.  相似文献   

Working from a common data base and hypothesized model, this article demonstrates and compares the EQS and LISREL strategies in the analysis of a second‐order factor model. Program similarities and differences are noted with respect to (a) preliminary analyses of the data, (b) treatment of data that are not multivariately normal, (c) assessment of overall model fit, (d) identification of parameter misspecification, (e) post hoc model‐fitting, and (f) tests for multi‐group invariance. Data comprise scores on the Beck Depression Inventory for 658 (boys, n = 337; girls, n = 321) nonclinical adolescents. Issues addressed should be of substantial interest to those unfamiliar with the two programs and/or the methodological procedures presented.  相似文献   

Integrating e‐Learning in their educational delivery and support processes is one way of strategy formation higher education institutions can deploy to respond to their changing environment. In this article, the focus of such a strategy formation is on three strategic choices: traditional, face‐to‐face, campus‐based education (back‐to‐basics), flexible on‐campus delivery of education (stretching‐the‐mould) or anytime, anywhere education (worldcampus). Results of a quantitative study showed that higher education institutions with a worldcampus strategy differ from higher education institutions with a back‐to‐basics strategy because they have a stronger focus on ‘increasing access,’ ‘offering logistic flexibility,’ and ‘use of ICT for income generation.’ By doing so, these higher education institutions aim to respond to an environment that is becoming increasingly market‐oriented and competitive.  相似文献   

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