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Jangira  N. K. 《Prospects》1995,25(2):261-272

以实践为主导的教师教育探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
河北师范大学自2006年推出"顶岗实习支教"工程,五年多来的实践,使得工程内容更加充实.更有活力、更富有成效.在这种以实践为主导的教师教育探索中,主要在这样几个方面取得了突破:一是创新了校内教师教育课程体系;二是强化和规范了为时半年的实习的课日,三是推出了农村教育硕士项目;四是完善了实践型教师培养机制.  相似文献   

Conclusion Responsible educators find the need for continual renewal. The rapid advance of technology requires teachers learn new strategies and techniques for the productive use of these tools. The projects described above provided preservice faculty, students, and inservice educators with opportunities to learn about new technologies and to explore innovative uses of the technology. Opportunities to utilize distance education systems, such as the Iowa Communications Network, are numerous throughout the entire teacher preparation process. Iowa teacher educators have the opportunity to prepare their students to be capable classroom teachers who have the knowledge and skills to facilitate learning in an array of educational environments.  相似文献   

教学计划是学校教育教学过程中的指导性文件,如何制定和实施教学计划直接影响人才培养的质量。针对高师院校教师教育存在的问题,应通过改革师范生的教学计划来解决。  相似文献   

教师教育的变革给地方师范大学发展带来了前所未有的挑战;《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》颁布及全国教育工作会议的召开,对教师教育提出了新的要求;我国研究生教育结构性调整,为地方师范大学发展提供了新的视角。笔者认为,地方师范大学将挑战与要求转化为发展动力,抓住难得发展机遇,提升教师教育人才培养层次,扩大教育硕士规模,坚持培养原则,创新培养保障措施,确保培养质量,是其充分发挥自身优势与突出办学特色,在激烈市场竞争中谋求长远发展的较佳选择。  相似文献   

The time has come to re-assess the role that Philosophy has to play in the education of teachers, both at the beginning of and during their careers. The currently fashionable craft conception of teaching is inadequate as a preparation for a career in teaching. Philosophy of Education has an important role to play in preparing for a career in teaching. First, it enables teachers to acquire a grasp of the conceptual field of education and an ability to find their way around the often contested views within that field, which in turn impinge upon the normative structure of particular education systems. Second, it enables them to understand better the conceptual debates that involve the subjects that they are teaching. Third it enables teachers to understand the scope and limits of empirical research in education and the relationships between that research and conceptual issues in education. These claims are discussed with examples, and recent government statements about standards and competences in teaching are looked at through the perspective of a conceptually informed, career-oriented profession of teaching. Reasons for the past decline of philosophy of education in teacher education and how they might be avoided in the future are also reviewed.  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO,社会的各个方面都将会面临一些新的问题,同样,新的形势给教师继续教育也带来了新的机遇和挑战,所以继续教育工作本身要更新观念,重新思考应对措施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to re-conceptualize Schön’s call for a phenomenology of practice – moving away from reflection and towards post-reflexion – by explicitly drawing on philosophical and methodological tenets of phenomenology, specifically some of Vagle’s theorizing of a post-intentional phenomenology. Finally, we use this conception of post-reflexion to articulate a set of three concrete post-reflexive pedagogies of teacher education – An Affective Pedagogy; A Post-Reflexive Entangled Pedagogy; and An Interrogated “Assumptions of Normality” Pedagogy.  相似文献   

The Wenhsing Street Primary School starts to liven up at 7 a.m., though classes don't begin until 8. The pupils on duty for the day come to clean up the classrooms, groups of colorfully dressed girls assemble in the schoolyard to play their favorite game, skipping a rope of rubber bands. A group of boys, their foreheads beaded with sweat, pursue a small football across the playing field. The morning sun illuminates eight large characters painted in white on the red brick wall of the four-story school building - Chairman Mao's admonition to the children of new China: "Study well and make progress every day."  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which initial teacher education (ITE) programmes contribute to the development of inclusive attitudes, values and practices. Inclusive education is the entitlement of all children and young people to quality education, irrespective of their differences or dispositions. It is about embracing educational values of equity, diversity and social justice. The data which underpins this paper was obtained through research commissioned by the Department of Education (DE) Northern Ireland (NI) which sought to identify existing practices that increased the motivation, participation and achievement of all pupils of school age with special educational needs (Moran & Abbott, 2006 Moran, A. and Abbott, L. 2006. The development of inclusive schools in Northern Ireland: a model of best practice Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Research Report 42 [Google Scholar]). Head teachers and Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) views were sought on the effectiveness of ITE programmes in preparing student teachers to work in inclusive school settings.

Cet article considère jusqu'à quel point les programmes de formation pédagogique initiale (ITE) contribuent au développement d'attitudes, de valeurs et de pratiques inclusives. Tous les enfants et les jeunes ont le droit à un enseignement de bonne qualite sans tenir compte de leurs différences, de leurs tendances ou de leurs infirmités. Il s'agit d'embrasser les valeurs éducatives de l'équité, de la diversité et de la justice sociale. Les données qui sont à la base de cet article ont été obtenues à partir de recherche commandée par le ministre de l'Education (DE) pour l'Irlande du Nord (NI) qui cherchait à identifier les pratiques actuelles qui ont augmenté la motivation, la participation et la performance de tous ceux qui ont des difficultés d'apprentissage scolaire (Moran & Abbott, 2006 Moran, A. and Abbott, L. 2006. The development of inclusive schools in Northern Ireland: a model of best practice Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Research Report 42 [Google Scholar]). On a demandé les opinions de Directeurs et de Coordinateurs pour l'enseignement spécialisé sur l'efficacité des programmes de formation pédagogique initiale (ITE) à préparer les enseignants stagiaires à travailler dans des établissements d'enseignement inclusif.

Este documento examina el punto hasta el que los programas iniciales de formación pedagógica contribuyan al desarrollo de actitudes, valores y prácticas inclusives. Todos los niños y los jóvenes tienen derecho a la enseñanza inclusive, o sea, de buena calidad, sin distinción de diferencia, temperamento ni discapacidad. Se trata de dedicarse a valores educativos de equidad, diversidad y justicia social. Los datos que respaldan este documento fueron obtenidos por medio de investigaciones encargadas por el Ministerio de Educación de Irlanda del Norte. Este pensó identificar prácticas actuales que aumentaran la motivación, la participación y el rendimiento de todos los alumnos de edad escolar que requirieran una educación especial (Moran & Abbott, 2006 Moran, A. and Abbott, L. 2006. The development of inclusive schools in Northern Ireland: a model of best practice Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Research Report 42 [Google Scholar]). Solicitaron las opiniones de los directores y de coordinadores de la educación especial respecto a la eficacia de los programas iniciales de formación pedagógica en lo que se refiere a preparar a los estudiantes de magisterio para trabajar en colegios con ambiente inclusive.

Dieses referat untersucht, inwieweit die ersten Lehrerausbildungsprogramme (ITE) zur Entwicklung von inklusiven Einstellungen, Werten und Praktiken beitragen. Inklusive Ausbildung bedeutet die Berechtigung aller Kinder und Jugendlicher zu einer erstklassigen Ausbildung, ungeachtet ihrer Unterschiede, Veranlagungen oder Behinderungen. Es geht um die Wahrnehmung der erzieherischen Werte von Fairness, Vielfalt und sozialer Gerechtigkeit. Die Daten in diesem Referat wurden anhand von Forschung im Auftrag des Kulturministeriums Nordirland (DENI) erworben, die versuchte, die bestehenden Verfahrensweisen zu identifizieren, welche die Motivation, Teilnahme und Leistungen aller schulpflichtigen Kinder mit besonderen schulischen Bedürfnissen förderten (Moran & Abbott, 2006 Moran, A. and Abbott, L. 2006. The development of inclusive schools in Northern Ireland: a model of best practice Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Research Report 42 [Google Scholar]). Schulleiter und Koordinatoren von Besonderen Schulischen Bedürfnissen (SENCOS) wurden befragt im Hinblick auf die Wirksamkeit von ITE‐Programmen, Referendare auf die Arbeit in inklusiven Schulumgebungen vorzubereiten.  相似文献   

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