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In this study, engineers and educators worked together to adapt and apply the ecological footprint (EF) methodology to an early learning centre in Brisbane, Australia. Results were analysed to determine how environmental impact can be reduced at the study site and more generally across early childhood settings. It was found that food, transport and energy consumption had the largest impact on the centre’s overall footprint. In transport and energy, early childhood centres can reduce their impact through infrastructure and cultural change, in association with changed curriculum strategies. Building design, the type of energy purchased and appliance usage can all be modified to reduce the energy footprint. The transport footprint can be reduced through more families using active and public transport, which can be encouraged by providing information, support and facilities and appropriate siting of new centres. Introducing the concept of ecological footprint in early childhood education may be an effective way to educate children, staff and parents on the links between the food they eat, land usage and environmental impact. This study responds directly to the call in this journal for research focused on early childhood education and for more to be made of interdisciplinary research opportunities.  相似文献   

To prevent future burnout and turnover among early childhood education students, mindfulness training may hold promise as a measure. A lab-based pilot and classroom-based feasibility study was designed to investigate an effective way to introduce mindfulness meditation. Results suggested that two types of audio-guided mindfulness meditation, a sitting meditation and a compassion meditation reduced stress level, and that the compassion meditation was perceived as more comfortable than the sitting meditation. As a tentative conclusion, the compassion meditation may be introduced first before the sitting meditation. Additional studies should examine the effects of longer-term meditation practice on teaching career development.  相似文献   

Female teachers predominate in primary schools, and tend both to have more negative perceptions of their teaching skills in the physical sciences than males, and to expect girls to perform less well in these areas than boys, with likely serious consequences for girls. In this context the WASTE (Women and Science Teacher Education) Project sought to identify characteristics for teacher education programs which, in the opinion of their conveners, were productive in changing the attitude toward the teaching of science, or in changing the actual mode of teaching science, of women preservice and practising teachers. This paper reports the findings of the WASTE Project which surveyed the conveners of pre- and inservice programs and outlined the three models of exemplary practice used to classify responses:subject-centred, learner-centred andknowledge and person-centred. These models were based largely on differing explanations given for attitude change and on implicit concepts of knowledge, persons, and teaching and learning, and on the importance attributed to gender as a variable. Secondly, it shows how the Primary and Early Childhood Science and Technology Education Project, a gender-sensitive action-research project, was built on these findings. Finally, using these models, it offers a critique of the gender perspective of the Discipline Review of Teacher Education (DEET, 1989). Specializations: gender and science/science teacher education, feminist theory, curriculum theory.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed an unprecedented growth in curriculum and instructional advances for severely handicapped learners. For many teachers and service providers the literature tends to be confusing, contradictory and disorganized; to complement the growth in curriculum and instructional variables, a model is needed for organizing this expanding body of information. This paper presents one such model by categorizing educational advances into: a) what‐to‐teach variables (goal selection); b) instructional variables; and c) curriculum modification.  相似文献   

The Finnish social pedagogical curriculum for early childhood education directs early childhood teachers to use documentation to assess and develop pedagogy and practise. This empirical study examines the challenges and benefits a group of Finnish preschool teachers experienced when they learned to document their work. Although the idea of documenting appears fine in theory, and international experiences of constructing child-centered pedagogy through documents are promoted in the literature, accomplishing this task successfully is challenging in practise. In this study, as the features of documentation in early childhood education and care practise were considered critically, ideological discord was found within the national and local policy-making process, including problems with pedagogical leadership, which reduced the power of documentation in practise. However, the study also revealed that using documentation empowered the teachers as professionals, helped them communicate with parents and children, and guided them to focus on the children’s views.  相似文献   

An experimental study showed that a video feedback intervention improved the interaction skills of early childhood education and care teachers. The teachers who had received the Video Interaction Guidance training appeared more stimulating in their behavior, were more sensitive and more verbally stimulating than teachers from the control group. The training results were still apparent three months after the training. An analysis of the behavior of teachers at micro-level also revealed positive outcomes. These findings show that video feedback training for early childhood educators is a promising method to increase their socio-emotional support and verbal stimulation in childcare practice.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between exposure to classroom noise and the psychological well-being of full-time teaching staff in 14 preschool settings located across Western Sydney. The participants comprised 25 teachers, each of whom was administered a range of instruments. The results indicated that 40% of teachers were subjected to daily or peak noise exposures beyond the maximum permissible levels according to the Australian Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) standard. Further, the unique contribution of daily noise dose received by the staff to the prediction of their vocational strain, interpersonal strain, and defensive functioning was evident through multiple regression analyses. It was concluded that vocational strain amongst preschool teachers may be related, in part, to a combination of elevated daily doses of noise, and years of teaching experience.  相似文献   

Much attention has been given to the impact of cooperative teachers on the pedagogical behaviour of student teachers. In many cases, however, cooperating teachers gain as much from the student teacher as the student teacher acquires from them. This study was designed to elicit answers to the following two questions: (1) What are the perspectives of early childhood cooperating teachers regarding early reading instruction in the Jordanian context? and (2) Does the perspectives of early childhood cooperating teachers engaging in early reading instruction change as a result of working with student teachers? The study targeted a sample of 25 cooperating teachers and 28 student teachers who participated in the study by completing a questionnaire, and follow-up interviews were also conducted with 13 cooperating teachers. Results of this study indicate that cooperating teachers endorse the phonics method more than the whole language (WL) approach. Unlike past research, the results of this study revealed that (1) the student teaching experience had no effect on the perspective of cooperating teachers regarding early reading instruction and (b) the perspectives of cooperating teachers do not become similar to those of their student teachers who were WL-oriented. The results have implications for early childhood teacher education programmes and professional development for kindergarten teachers.  相似文献   

构建全新的职教师资培养培训模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年,河南职业技术师范学院被首批确定为全国重点建设职教师资培训基地,在总结十几年职教师资培养培训工作经验的基础上,按照高等教育办学规律,把握市场需求,深化改革,勇于创新,认真探索,创立了一套职教师资职前培养和职后培训相结合的办学模式,走出了一条具有自身特色的"基地"建设路子.  相似文献   

Population ageing signals the need for a responsive community aged care workforce respectful of older people’s diverse healthcare needs. Person-centered care premises individual needs and preferences to enhance participation in health care. Training for diversity does not yet exist for this workforce, but is necessary to ensure appropriate care for diverse community-dwelling older people. This article aims to review the range of research traditions for conceptualizing diversity training, theoretical approaches, and empirical findings to understand the relevance for the community aged care sector. Using a meta-narrative approach, research from health, education, psychology, sociology, and business literature was reviewed for meaningful contribution to supporting training for community aged care workers. Meta-narrative review principles included: planning, searching, mapping, appraisal/synthesis, and recommendations. Six meta-narratives were identified, consolidated into three areas: person-centered and culturally competent health care; human rights approach; and psychological approaches to diversity training. The meta-narratives highlighted diversity within diversity and a move toward intersectionality. Meta-narratives were linked through concepts of inclusion, reduction in bias, and access and equity healthcare policy and practice. Training for community aged care workers is challenging, with this synthesis providing new understandings of diversity training, paramount for provision of responsive and equitable health care for older people.  相似文献   


This qualitative study examined how the perceptions of preservice teachers influenced their developing teaching role, and how the perceptions of preservice teachers can be influenced by teacher preparation programs. The influences of perceptions are mostly unrecognized, but are significant to the teacher preparation process. Without identifying their perceptions about the teaching role, and explicitly enhancing or changing perceptions, preservice teachers may return unknowingly to their implicit perceptions when they begin teaching. Thus, their practices may or may not reflect what they have been taught about appropriate practices for young children. Suggestions are made to facilitate the learning of prospective teachers about the influence of their perceptions, and how they can begin the process of changing/enhancing their perceptions regarding the role of the practitioner. © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

General socialization theory is applied to the preparation of teachers in an effort to assess present structural defects in teacher education arrangements and to develop a scientifically supportable model of such field work during a period of massive social change. The model proposed postulates several novel practices for consideration and testing.
Résumé Les théories générales de la socialisation sont appliquées à la formation des maîtres en vue de déterminer les défauts structurels existant actuellement dans les arrangements relatifs à la formation des maîtres et d'élaborer un modèle de ces derniers qui soit scientifiquement défendable durant une période de changements sociaux importants. Le modèle proposé postule l'emploi de plusieurs pratiques nouvelles pour fin d'étude et d'expérimentation.

In Australia and internationally, government policies aim to increase the supply of early childhood teachers and thus improve the quality of early childhood education and care services. In this paper, we suggest that such a policy-quality trajectory in Australia is not as straightforward as policy discourses suggest. From industrial relations and broader policy contexts, we argue that the early childhood profession is a profession on the margins and that this marginalisation complicates efforts to enhance numbers of early childhood teachers. Mindful of this marginalisation, we draw upon preliminary findings from a study exploring the motivations, beliefs and expectations of mature age postgraduate students to highlight practical issues pertaining to students and early childhood teacher education programs that further complicate policy drives to increase the supply of early childhood teachers. We propose that the success of such policy drives is dependent on a comprehensive addressing of the complexities raised in this paper.  相似文献   

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