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How individual characteristics affect the acquisition of knowledge in teacher education has been widely unexplored thus far. The “Teacher Education and Development Study—Learning to Teach Mathematics (TEDS-M)” provides a database for examining this research question across countries. Based on the Taiwanese and German sample of TEDS-M, the relationship between future lower secondary mathematics teachers’ knowledge and their affective, cognitive and socio-demographic characteristics was examined using multilevel modelling whilst controlling for the teachers’ opportunities to learn. The results reveal that in Germany, teacher knowledge is more strongly affected by future teachers’ individual characteristics than teacher knowledge in Taiwan. These results are interpreted against the background of cultural differences between “the West” and “the East” or “individualism” and “collectivism”, respectively.  相似文献   

In this essay, Doris Santoro examines the discourse of “fidelity of instruction” to show how it is doublespeak for teacher compliance that is incompatible with democracy and education. Analyzing the distorted use of the term “fidelity” by market‐based reformers, Santoro illustrates how it can be used as a weapon against teacher intelligence and moral response. She argues that John Dewey's philosophy provides conceptual resources to reframe some teacher infidelity as intelligent response, the moral agency required for pedagogical responsibility.  相似文献   

构建"双元结构教师小组"教师模式,得到国家职业教育政策的强有力支持。《国家职业教育改革实施方案》提出多措并举打造"双师型"教师队伍,给出重要的政策信号:探索组建高水平、结构化教师教学创新团队,教师分工协作进行模块化教学。教育部印发《全国职业院校教师教学创新团队建设方案》,评选认定了首批国家级职业教育教师教学创新团队。教育部等4部门印发的《深化新时代职业教育"双师型"教师队伍建设改革实施方案》提出了"‘双师型’教学团队"的概念和建设的具体举措。这些政策的出台,为职业院校"双元结构教师小组"构建的理论研究与实践探索提供了重要的政策支持。  相似文献   

Teacher education systems worldwide are confronted with the essential question of how to foster both future teachers’ theoretical and practical knowledge and to adequately enable future teachers to connect their theoretical and practical knowledge for teaching. This article investigates how future teachers acquire general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) as a central component of teacher knowledge during initial teacher education, exemplified by pre-service teachers in Germany, where initial teacher education is divided into a first phase with a heavy focus on theoretical, academic study, and a second phase where future teachers learn how to apply their theoretical knowledge in the classroom. Data from teacher knowledge studies Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics and Längsschnittliche Erhebung pädagogischer Kompetenzen von Lehramtsstudierenden/Longitudinal Survey of Student Teachers’ Pedagogical Competencies are used to compare future teachers’ GPK at different teacher education stages (the beginning, after 2 years, and end of training). Findings show the more advanced future teachers are in the course of their initial teacher education, the better they perform in the test measuring GPK. When analyzing subscales of the test measuring cognitive dimensions of GPK, as would be expected declarative-conceptual knowledge (measured by cognitive dimensions “recall” and “understand/analyze”) was gained predominantly during the theoretical study (first phase), whereas future teachers who had additionally passed through the practical second phase performed much better on the practical knowledge test subscale (measured by the cognitive dimension “generate”). Research findings are discussed with regard to the development of teacher expertise during initial teacher education, and recommendations for future policy directions with respect to teacher education are given.  相似文献   


The study concentrated on an area in Greece with a multiplicity of sites for outdoor education. Informal networks of teachers were detected through a snowball technique and data were collected by means of a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. A typology was first enriched to account for teacher interaction. This typology was then operationalized to assess teacher leadership in outdoor education. Participants were classified in three clusters, namely, “strugglers,” “domesticators,” and “succeeders”. Leadership covariated with ability to overcome obstacles, master “affordances” of destinations, and focus on on-site instruction. Peer interaction offered opportunities for reflection. Leadership categories revealed a transient character, which implied that peer interaction might facilitate empowerment. However, there were indications of protecting existing practice against innovation. Implications for leadership development are discussed.  相似文献   

百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。高校思想品德课是高校德育的主渠道和基本环节之一,加强思想品德课教学,首先要加强教师自身素质的培养。为此,作者分析了当前思想品德课教师素质方面存在的问题,提出了应具备的四个方面的基本素质:崇高的政治思想素质、厚实的专业理论素质、扎实的师范素质、较强的教育教学科研素质。  相似文献   

分析了新时期德育工作实效性不强问题出现的原因,提出了“做为人师表的表率,起好示范带头作用”、“走进学生的心灵世界,进行师生间精神对话”、“加强班级文化建设,铸造班级灵魂”等三个方面的做法,以提高德育工作的实效性。  相似文献   

特殊教育师资的有效培养是促进我国特殊教育事业发展的先决条件和重要途径。在“大特殊教育”理念的指导下,全纳教育的发展趋势带给特殊教育的师资培养和发展新的要求和挑战。在全面理解全纳教育内涵的基础上,寻找我国特殊教育师资培养的问题及出路,并提出教育理念的接纳与转变、教师队伍的专业化、开放的培养体系及资源整合等建议,为我国在全纳教育背景下特殊教育师培养和发展途径提供理论参考。  相似文献   

“课程思政”明确要求“课程门门有思政,教师人人讲育人”,每个专业建设好课程思政势在必行。专业课教师是影响大学生思想言行和道德发展的最大因素。工程管理教育与课程思政改革在育人目标、价值引领、教育理念方面存在内在契合的一致性,有利于教学双方的政治素养提升和道德人格养成。工程管理专业课程思政体系创新需做好五个方面的工作:设定专业思政目标、搭建课程思政平台、优化思政课堂教学、提高教师思政素养、提升思政教学管理。课程思政的终极追求,是勉励每名学生拒绝做“才胜德”的精致利己主义者,并终生做社会主义核心价值观的“燃灯者”。  相似文献   

Implicit in the goal of recent reforms is the question: What does it mean to prepare teachers to teach “science for all”? Through a teacher research study, I have encountered characteristics that may assist prospective elementary teachers in developing effective, inclusive science instruction. I describe these strengths, link them to requirements for teaching, and suggest how science teacher educators might draw on the strengths of their own students to support teaching practices aimed at universal scientific literacy. My conceptual framework is constructed from scholarship concerning best practice in elementary science education, as well as that which describes the dispositions of successful teachers of diverse learners. This study is based on a model of teacher research framed by the concept of “research as praxis” and phenomenological research methodology. The findings describe the research participants' strengths thematically as propensity for inquiry, attention to children, and awareness of school/society relationships. I view these as potentially productive aspects of knowledge and dispositions about science and about children that I could draw on to further students' development as elementary science teachers. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 39: 845–869, 2002  相似文献   

全球教育变革的意义、动力与实践模式正在发生新的范式转变。面对全球以新自由主义为主导的教育改革运动,国际知名教育变革与教师教育学者丹尼斯·舍利教授与同事提出了旨在促进可持续发展、创新和包容的全球教育变革的"第四条道路"。目前,"第四条道路"变革模式已经在芬兰、加拿大、新加坡和韩国等国家开展。针对教育变革所面临的一系列新紧迫性,丹尼斯·舍利教授分析了他提出的以"中间引领"与"社区组织"为突破口的教育改革模式。鉴于教师教育在全球教育变革的重要性,丹尼斯·舍利提出了正念型教师的概念,探讨了教师教育中需要发展的5种类型的专业资本,即人力资本、社会资本、决策资本、道德资本和符号资本。同时,丹尼斯·舍利还关注教育变革背景下教师的幸福感与不同样态的教师文化。针对人类面对的全球性问题,如新型冠状病毒和气候变化,丹尼斯·舍利呼吁通过跨文化对话和交流,同时加强人文课程来应对这些挑战。就上述问题,本次对话从理论进路与实践样态两方面开展了深入的学术对话,以昭示"第四条道路"关照下的教育领导变革与教师专业发展。  相似文献   

This is the second of two self-studies of my efforts to prepare preservice teachers for the practical realities of the classroom while being respectful of their personal practical knowledge. I coined the term “relational teacher education” to convey my approach, which is informed by Rogers' “helping relationships” and Hollingsworth, Dybdahl, and Minarik's “relational knowing.” In this paper, I share “A Letter to Preservice Teachers” before exploring the final four characteristics of relational teacher education: respect and empathy, conveying respect and empathy, helping preservice teachers face problems, and receptivity to growing in relationship.  相似文献   

In initial teacher training and when providing in‐service training for teachers we hope to make a contribution to science education by preparing people to become very good teachers of pupils. Recent Circulars produced by the Department for Education prescribing the content of teacher training courses in England include an explicit assumption that ensuring strong subject knowledge in teachers is the major contributor to good teaching and hence high standards in pupil achievement. This article reports on a small‐scale research project designed to look at the characteristics of good primary science teachers. The question is raised as to how these teachers came to be good teachers of science in the primary school. The findings call into question the efficacy of an approach to initial teacher education that focuses so much on the development of subject knowledge.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is twofold: (a) to describe a unique teacher licensure program for grades 7–12 that integrates mathematics, science, and technology education and (b) to explore the attitudes and perceptions related to the integration of mathematics, science, and technology education of three cohorts of preservice teachers enrolled in the first 3 years of the program. Eighty-one preservice teachers responded to a semantic differential to measure attitudes and perceptions related to “mathematics, science, and technology education integration.” Principal components and internal consistency reliability analyses were computed to provide validity and reliability evidence. Preservice teachers also responded to one open-ended, free-response written question, “What does the integration of mathematics, science, and technology education mean to you?” Multivariate and univariate analyses of variance with repeated measures and Pearson cross-tabulation chi-square analyses were computed to identify pretest–posttest differences for the value and difficulty scales, identified by the principal components analysis. Analytic inductive methods were used to identify emergent themes in student written responses to the open-ended question. Results indicated no change in preservice teacher attitudes and perceptions related to the value of integration—they clearly valued integration at the onset and completion of the program, often citing student benefits. However, a significant change in preservice teacher attitudes and perceptions related to difficulty was noted. Upon completion of the program, preservice teachers perceived integration to be more difficult and identified barriers and challenges—demonstrating a more realistic, practical, and cautious approach to the integration of mathematics, science, and technology education.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that in the professional education of teachers the moral goals are currently a neglected topic in favor of the subject matter and knowledge. The constructivist instructional approach VaKE (Values and Knowledge Education) addresses this problem by combining the moral and epistemic goals through the discussion of moral dilemmas. The main research question of this practice-based study was whether teacher educators can improve their instructional practice by using VaKE. We describe an empirical study of a teacher educator who used VaKE in order to (i) facilitate pre-service teachers to solve moral conflicts which they are faced with in their workplace learning and to (ii) increase the moral climate in his course. 58 pre-service teachers who formed two classes participated in the study. The study consisted of three research phases: In the first research phase the types of the pre-service teachers’ moral conflicts were examined. In the second research phase the most frequent types of moral conflicts were used as a basis for an explorative quasi-experimental pre-posttest study. This study investigated the effects of VaKE compared to a traditional case-analysis approach with regard to the pre-service teachers’ application of discourse-oriented actions for conflict resolution. In the third phase, a case study method was used comprising a random sample of seven pre-service teachers chosen from each class to investigate the perceived learning climate during the intervention. The results indicate that VaKE provides the possibility to combine the moral and epistemic goals of the professional education of teachers.  相似文献   

You are a newly appointed teacher to 30 newly‐arrived Chinese fourth grade students and you speak no Chinese. You are to teach in English and you are to forbid the children to speak Chinese. This scenario was common in the mid‐60s. It raised many questions from parents and educators alike. If you can't communicate, can you educate? Are the children being treated fairly? How long before boredom sets in for children? How long before frustration overcomes the teacher?

The scene would be somewhat different if you spoke Chinese or if the children knew some English. Perhaps you could team up with a Chinese‐speaking co‐teacher: the co‐teacher could teach the standard fourth grade curriculum and its transferable concepts in Chinese while you worked with some of or all of the class, laying a foundation for English instruction. But obviously all‐day “English only” instruction is not enough to comply with the legal mandates and the students’ inalienable opportunity to be taught by teachers who are communicating intelligibly to them.

Kinney Kinmon Lau, his classmates, and their parents and guardians realized something was wrong with this education. They sued the San Francisco schools, relying on the 1964 civil rights equal education amendments. In 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with them: “English is not enough” (Lau v. Nichols). The issues related to this decision continue to engage educators across the nation. Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) has become a compromise for Maintenance Bilingual Education, which is what parents in the 60s were pursuing. Today, some have forgotten that the 1974 landmark decision had been preceded by a dozen years of activism across the country by Latino parents with similar concerns to those of the San Francisco Chinese parents.  相似文献   

All changes of the character of education and improvement of its quality depend, in our view, particularly on the teacher. To be able to do their work efficiently, teachers have to be equipped with professional skills and dispositions, with “teachers’ competence”. For their professional growth, we consider indispensable competence in reflection, which is aimed at the teacher’s activities with regard to aspects of pedagogy and/or subject-didactics. From the point of view of the goals and content of their teaching and the methods of work (and their realisation), the development of teachers’ conscious self-reflection on their own teaching and systematic pursuance of joint reflection with other teachers and/or researchers can promote the teacher’s professional growth. In this paper, we show how a selected group of elementary school teachers reflected on their competence in the course of preparing, carrying out and analysing several instruction experiments. The paper is based on samples of teachers’ reflections and their gradual development from mere simple conversations based on intuitive perceptions, through searching for effective teaching approaches, to the deep assessment of mathematics teaching from the point of view of topics and their didactic elaboration and to suggestions for the teachers’ own experiments.  相似文献   

Teacher education programs have a critical role in helping incoming teachers develop a deeper understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues and their moral and legal obligations to counter homophobic bullying. In this self-study, two educators – a university professor and a classroom teacher, who facilitated a workshop titled “Sexual Diversity in Secondary Schools” in a faculty of education in a mid-sized Canadian city – reflect on the feedback provided by teacher candidates on workshop evaluation forms in relation to their experiences as teacher educators delivering the workshops. In particular, they consider (1) their commitment to this work; (2) why they taught the way they did; (3) the impact their approach had on teacher candidates in the workshops; and (4) what the study revealed about their teacher education practices.  相似文献   

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