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根据《大学英语课程教学要求》,大学英语教学必须注重实践能力的培养,用新的教育理念来实现整个教学过程的改进和提升。重视教学模式的改革,强调教学成本的突出,并且需要特别注意的是,应该以学生为本位,加强学生在教学过程中的主体地位。不断吸取以前教学方法的不足,改进教学模式,就应该在大学英语教学中关注五个要点:关注激发学生的兴趣、关注学生自主学习能力的培养、关注学生的课外学习力度、关注学生的学习过程,其中最主要的是关注以学生为中心。本文讨论了关于"学生本位"的大学英语教学方式的优势,以及实现的方式,最后做出了总结和展望。  相似文献   

培养学生个性有助于学生的自我实现,有助于学生的全面发展,有助于学生创新能力的提高。本文主要从培养学生个性的重要意义以及思想品德课教学中对学生个性培养的方法这两个方面展开论述。  相似文献   

论学生评教及高校教学质量保障体系的改善   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
学生评教是高校教学质量保障的一项根本制度,它的建立使学生拥有了表达教学意愿的常规渠道,有助于高校树立服务学生的办学宗旨。我国高校开展学生评教工作的时间不长,在实际工作中还存在学生代人评教、形式意义大于实质意义、评教结果被误用、制度设计存在漏洞等问题。为此,应从树立正确的学生评教观、构建科学的学生评教制度、借鉴国外的先进经验等方面,改进我国高校的学生评教制度,完善我国高校教学质量保障体系。  相似文献   

Drawing on the work of Russian literary critic, Mikhail Bakhtin, this article explores how an inquiry-based social studies student teaching seminar helped three preservice teachers negotiate the pressures of standards-based reforms during student teaching. The author first examines how initial perceptions of standardization and high-stakes testing corroded images of powerful teaching and created an ex post facto relationship with teaching social studies. The author then explores how an inquiry-based seminar mitigated these initial impressions by (1) suspending the authority of accountability; (2) creating contact through collaborative inquiry; and (3) refracting practice.  相似文献   

英语教学与学生课堂参与   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
英语教学应以学生为中心,学生参与是实现“以学生为中心”教学模式的重要前提条件。本文根据对学生英语课堂参与心理的调查情况,分析了学生不能积极参与课堂活动的主观原因和客观原因,提出了提高学生课堂“参与度”和“参与有效性”的相关问题和策略。  相似文献   

Lecturing style teaching and student performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Teachers in the Netherlands tend to spend less time in front of the class, and often adopt a more personal approach. This allows them to better adjust their lecturing style to the needs of the individual student with the aim of increasing student performance. However, a more personal approach is also more time consuming and potentially reduces the complementary and scale effects of the more traditional lecture style teaching.This study examines whether the proportion of time that teachers lecture in front of the class influences the cognitive performance of students in the Netherlands. In this study we find no relationship between the proportion of time spent lecturing in front of the class and student performance.  相似文献   

Turkish student teachers' concerns about teaching   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Gathering student feedback on teaching practice is commonly used in educational settings as an improvement tool and performance measure. Typically this feedback is collected using rating style surveys when a subject concludes; however, whether this practice improves the quality of teaching requires further research. This study was designed using an action research methodology to investigate the impact of student feedback on teacher practices in a secondary setting. Specifically, the efficacy of an ongoing, collaborative feedback model in which teachers collected student feedback regularly, were guided in reflecting on the data, and were supported through professional development to improve their practices was explored. Results supported student feedback as a valuable improvement tool, and powerful stimulus for teacher reflection. Student feedback informed teachers on the effectiveness of their practice and identified areas for future professional learning. Additionally, it opened up a dialogue around teaching and learning in the classroom, and gave the teachers insights into the unique challenges experienced by their students.  相似文献   

Despite growing consensus in the public debate that self-discipline is key to succeeding in an online learning environment, the evidence available is very limited. We investigate the role of procrastination as a moderator of the impact of online teaching on student performance. We take advantage of the forced transition from traditional class-based to online teaching induced by the COVID-19 pandemic and adopt a difference-in-differences strategy using administrative data of four cohorts of students enrolled in an Italian University. We find that online teaching has reduced student performance by about 1.4 credits per semester on average (0.11 Standard Deviations). However, this aggregate effect masks great heterogeneity as the negative influence on performance varies significantly according to student tendency to procrastinate with online teaching being particularly detrimental for students affected by present-bias problems. The total negative effect for procrastinators amounts to more than 18% of the workload for a semester, so implying a potential delay of approximately two semesters in the expected date of graduation for students following an online as opposed to a face-to-face five-year Degree course.  相似文献   

未来的物理教师必须具备扎实的基本功,包括知识、实验、语言、教法、板书等方面.为了使实习教师尽快地掌握这些基本功,我们在指导实习教师实习的过程中采用了"微型教学法".  相似文献   

In recent years, much concern has been expressed about the quality of instruction provided by foreign teaching assistants (TAs) in higher education. Critiques of the use of foreign TAs generally argue that they often impede the learning process because of language barriers. The present study examines the effect that nonnative English-speaking TAs had on student performance over five semesters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Multiple ordinary least squares regression is used to analyze the relationship between student grades and nonnative English-speaking TAs. Subsamples based on a TA's geographic region of origin and instructional area are also analyzed. In addition, course drop rates and the impact of TA training programs are examined to determine possible influence on the results. The results of the analysis consistently indicate slightlybetter performance in sections conducted by nonnative English-speaking TAs.  相似文献   

This article explores the extent to which an overseas student teaching practicum avoids the problem of assimilation inherent in traditional programs of school practice for preservice teachers. Overseas programs of student teaching may be effective vehicles for cross-fertilization of pedagogical ideas and for fostering innovation and change.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual framework that relates empirical aspects of student teaching (facts about the experience) to considerations of value (what student teachers ought to learn). First, the authors explain what they mean by calling student teaching an “occasion for teacher learning.” Next based on their observational and interview data, the authors present two cases of student teaching to illustrate how the relative influence of program, setting, and participants interact to shape opportunities for teacher learning. One teaching episode that elicited considerable pride in each student teacher is presented to highlight how and what the students teachers learned. The conclusion appraises the lessons learned in student teaching in terms of the framework and suggests how teacher educators can increase the educative power of the student teaching experience.  相似文献   

This study dealt with university faculty attitudes toward the validity of and varying uses for student evaluations of teaching. It was hypothesized that faculty attitudes toward the potential uses of student evaluations would be systematically related to a professor's a priori frame of reference regarding the validity of these instruments. On the basis of responses to selected questionnaire items, faculty were divided into those whose frame of reference (1) opposed the idea that student evaluations could be made valid, (2) supported the idea that existing evaluation forms were valid, and (3) were uncommitted regarding this validity question. A fourth group, administrators at the university, were also surveyed. Large and consistent differences among these groups were found on policy matters such as the use of student evaluations in tenure and promotion decisions, in providing information to students to help them choose courses, and on a variety of other issues. In each case the results supported the hypothesis.Authors' names are ordered randomly.  相似文献   

A postgraduate training programme in the areas of student learning and supervision is presented. An experiential method of training is employed which involves laboratory and pilot plant supervisions in the Chemical Engineering Department of Imperial College. A series of workshops is used to facilitate discussion on teaching theory and practice, as well as on student counselling and communication issues. Log-book entries are used for the documentation of specific events arising from the supervision sessions, which provide a good basis for peer discussion, as well as an opportunity for self-reflection. A number of examples arising from the workshops are used to demonstrate the mutual benefits of the training programme to academic staff and students. In addition to training in teaching skills, the programme is shown to provide a mechanism for the quality control of demonstrators involved in undergraduate teaching, as well as a regular feedback mechanism to staff on the efficacy of the laboratory-based courses. Through teaching and a structured staff support scheme, the programme is believed to address some of the current concerns on the non-technical (soft) training, and on the further development of the broad science and engineering knowledge of UK postgraduate students.  相似文献   

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