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This paper presents a probabilistic information retrieval framework in which the retrieval problem is formally treated as a statistical decision problem. In this framework, queries and documents are modeled using statistical language models, user preferences are modeled through loss functions, and retrieval is cast as a risk minimization problem. We discuss how this framework can unify existing retrieval models and accommodate systematic development of new retrieval models. As an example of using the framework to model non-traditional retrieval problems, we derive retrieval models for subtopic retrieval, which is concerned with retrieving documents to cover many different subtopics of a general query topic. These new models differ from traditional retrieval models in that they relax the traditional assumption of independent relevance of documents.  相似文献   

Whereas in language words of high frequency are generally associated with low content [Bookstein, A., & Swanson, D. (1974). Probabilistic models for automatic indexing. Journal of the American Society of Information Science, 25(5), 312–318; Damerau, F. J. (1965). An experiment in automatic indexing. American Documentation, 16, 283–289; Harter, S. P. (1974). A probabilistic approach to automatic keyword indexing. PhD thesis, University of Chicago; Sparck-Jones, K. (1972). A statistical interpretation of term specificity and its application in retrieval. Journal of Documentation, 28, 11–21; Yu, C., & Salton, G. (1976). Precision weighting – an effective automatic indexing method. Journal of the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM), 23(1), 76–88], shallow syntactic fragments of high frequency generally correspond to lexical fragments of high content [Lioma, C., & Ounis, I. (2006). Examining the content load of part of speech blocks for information retrieval. In Proceedings of the international committee on computational linguistics and the association for computational linguistics (COLING/ACL 2006), Sydney, Australia]. We implement this finding to Information Retrieval, as follows. We present a novel automatic query reformulation technique, which is based on shallow syntactic evidence induced from various language samples, and used to enhance the performance of an Information Retrieval system. Firstly, we draw shallow syntactic evidence from language samples of varying size, and compare the effect of language sample size upon retrieval performance, when using our syntactically-based query reformulation (SQR) technique. Secondly, we compare SQR to a state-of-the-art probabilistic pseudo-relevance feedback technique. Additionally, we combine both techniques and evaluate their compatibility. We evaluate our proposed technique across two standard Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) English test collections, and three statistically different weighting models. Experimental results suggest that SQR markedly enhances retrieval performance, and is at least comparable to pseudo-relevance feedback. Notably, the combination of SQR and pseudo-relevance feedback further enhances retrieval performance considerably. These collective experimental results confirm the tenet that high frequency shallow syntactic fragments correspond to content-bearing lexical fragments.  相似文献   

With the ever increasing size of the web, relevant information extraction on the Internet with a query formed by a few keywords has become a big challenge. Query Expansion (QE) plays a crucial role in improving searches on the Internet. Here, the user’s initial query is reformulated by adding additional meaningful terms with similar significance. QE – as part of information retrieval (IR) – has long attracted researchers’ attention. It has become very influential in the field of personalized social document, question answering, cross-language IR, information filtering and multimedia IR. Research in QE has gained further prominence because of IR dedicated conferences such as TREC (Text Information Retrieval Conference) and CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum). This paper surveys QE techniques in IR from 1960 to 2017 with respect to core techniques, data sources used, weighting and ranking methodologies, user participation and applications – bringing out similarities and differences.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new algorithm for relevance feedback (RF) in information retrieval. Unlike conventional RF algorithms which use the top ranked documents for feedback, our proposed algorithm is a kind of active feedback algorithm which actively chooses documents for the user to judge. The objectives are (a) to increase the number of judged relevant documents and (b) to increase the diversity of judged documents during the RF process. The algorithm uses document-contexts by splitting the retrieval list into sub-lists according to the query term patterns that exist in the top ranked documents. Query term patterns include a single query term, a pair of query terms that occur in a phrase and query terms that occur in proximity. The algorithm is an iterative algorithm which takes one document for feedback in each of the iterations. We experiment with the algorithm using the TREC-6, -7, -8, -2005 and GOV2 data collections and we simulate user feedback using the TREC relevance judgements. From the experimental results, we show that our proposed split-list algorithm is better than the conventional RF algorithm and that our algorithm is more reliable than a similar algorithm using maximal marginal relevance.  相似文献   

Ontologies are frequently used in information retrieval being their main applications the expansion of queries, semantic indexing of documents and the organization of search results. Ontologies provide lexical items, allow conceptual normalization and provide different types of relations. However, the optimization of an ontology to perform information retrieval tasks is still unclear. In this paper, we use an ontology query model to analyze the usefulness of ontologies in effectively performing document searches. Moreover, we propose an algorithm to refine ontologies for information retrieval tasks with preliminary positive results.  相似文献   

In the KL divergence framework, the extended language modeling approach has a critical problem of estimating a query model, which is the probabilistic model that encodes the user’s information need. For query expansion in initial retrieval, the translation model had been proposed to involve term co-occurrence statistics. However, the translation model was difficult to apply, because the term co-occurrence statistics must be constructed in the offline time. Especially in a large collection, constructing such a large matrix of term co-occurrences statistics prohibitively increases time and space complexity. In addition, reliable retrieval performance cannot be guaranteed because the translation model may comprise noisy non-topical terms in documents. To resolve these problems, this paper investigates an effective method to construct co-occurrence statistics and eliminate noisy terms by employing a parsimonious translation model. The parsimonious translation model is a compact version of a translation model that can reduce the number of terms containing non-zero probabilities by eliminating non-topical terms in documents. Through experimentation on seven different test collections, we show that the query model estimated from the parsimonious translation model significantly outperforms not only the baseline language modeling, but also the non-parsimonious models.  相似文献   

Many machine learning technologies such as support vector machines, boosting, and neural networks have been applied to the ranking problem in information retrieval. However, since originally the methods were not developed for this task, their loss functions do not directly link to the criteria used in the evaluation of ranking. Specifically, the loss functions are defined on the level of documents or document pairs, in contrast to the fact that the evaluation criteria are defined on the level of queries. Therefore, minimizing the loss functions does not necessarily imply enhancing ranking performances. To solve this problem, we propose using query-level loss functions in learning of ranking functions. We discuss the basic properties that a query-level loss function should have and propose a query-level loss function based on the cosine similarity between a ranking list and the corresponding ground truth. We further design a coordinate descent algorithm, referred to as RankCosine, which utilizes the proposed loss function to create a generalized additive ranking model. We also discuss whether the loss functions of existing ranking algorithms can be extended to query-level. Experimental results on the datasets of TREC web track, OHSUMED, and a commercial web search engine show that with the use of the proposed query-level loss function we can significantly improve ranking accuracies. Furthermore, we found that it is difficult to extend the document-level loss functions to query-level loss functions.  相似文献   

As the volume and breadth of online information is rapidly increasing, ad hoc search systems become less and less efficient to answer information needs of modern users. To support the growing complexity of search tasks, researchers in the field of information developed and explored a range of approaches that extend the traditional ad hoc retrieval paradigm. Among these approaches, personalized search systems and exploratory search systems attracted many followers. Personalized search explored the power of artificial intelligence techniques to provide tailored search results according to different user interests, contexts, and tasks. In contrast, exploratory search capitalized on the power of human intelligence by providing users with more powerful interfaces to support the search process. As these approaches are not contradictory, we believe that they can re-enforce each other. We argue that the effectiveness of personalized search systems may be increased by allowing users to interact with the system and learn/investigate the problem in order to reach the final goal. We also suggest that an interactive visualization approach could offer a good ground to combine the strong sides of personalized and exploratory search approaches. This paper proposes a specific way to integrate interactive visualization and personalized search and introduces an adaptive visualization based search system Adaptive VIBE that implements it. We tested the effectiveness of Adaptive VIBE and investigated its strengths and weaknesses by conducting a full-scale user study. The results show that Adaptive VIBE can improve the precision and the productivity of the personalized search system while helping users to discover more diverse sets of information.  相似文献   

Due to the large repository of documents available on the web, users are usually inundated by a large volume of information, most of which is found to be irrelevant. Since user perspectives vary, a client-side text filtering system that learns the user's perspective can reduce the problem of irrelevant retrieval. In this paper, we have provided the design of a customized text information filtering system which learns user preferences and modifies the initial query to fetch better documents. It uses a rough-fuzzy reasoning scheme. The rough-set based reasoning takes care of natural language nuances, like synonym handling, very elegantly. The fuzzy decider provides qualitative grading to the documents for the user's perusal. We have provided the detailed design of the various modules and some results related to the performance analysis of the system.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the design of a groupware framework, CIRLab, for experimenting with collaborative information retrieval (CIR) techniques in different search scenarios. This framework has been designed applying design patterns and an object-oriented middleware platform to maximize its reusability and adaptability in new contexts with a minimum of programming efforts. Our collaborative search application comprises three main modules: the Core, which supports various modern state-of-the-art CIR techniques that can be reused or extended in a distributed collaborative environment; the Facades Mediator, an event-driven notification service which allows easy integration between the Core and front-end applications; and finally, the Actions Tracker, which allows researchers to perform experiments on the different elements involved in the collaborative search sessions. The applying of this framework is illustrated through the analysis of the collaborative search-driven development case study.  相似文献   

There are a number of combinatorial optimisation problems in information retrieval in which the use of local search methods are worthwhile. The purpose of this paper is to show how local search can be used to solve some well known tasks in information retrieval (IR), how previous research in the field is piecemeal, bereft of a structure and methodologically flawed, and to suggest more rigorous ways of applying local search methods to solve IR problems. We provide a query based taxonomy for analysing the use of local search in IR tasks and an overview of issues such as fitness functions, statistical significance and test collections when conducting experiments on combinatorial optimisation problems. The paper gives a guide on the pitfalls and problems for IR practitioners who wish to use local search to solve their research issues, and gives practical advice on the use of such methods. The query based taxonomy is a novel structure which can be used by the IR practitioner in order to examine the use of local search in IR.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the state of the art in the field of information retrieval that is relevant for understanding how to design information retrieval systems for children. We describe basic theories of human development to explain the specifics of young users, i.e., their cognitive skills, fine motor skills, knowledge, memory and emotional states in so far as they differ from those of adults. We derive the implications these differences have on the design of information retrieval systems for children. Furthermore, we summarize the main findings about children’s search behavior from multiple user studies. These findings are important to understand children’s information needs, their search strategies and usage of information retrieval systems. We also identify several weaknesses of previous user studies about children’s information-seeking behavior. Guided by the findings of these user studies, we describe challenges for the design of information retrieval systems for young users. We give an overview of algorithms and user interface concepts. We also describe existing information retrieval systems for children, in specific web search engines and digital libraries. We conclude with a discussion of open issues and directions for further research. The survey provided in this paper is important both for designers of information retrieval systems for young users as well as for researchers who start working in this field.  相似文献   

This article describes a framework for cross-language information retrieval that efficiently leverages statistical estimation of translation probabilities. The framework provides a unified perspective into which some earlier work on techniques for cross-language information retrieval based on translation probabilities can be cast. Modeling synonymy and filtering translation probabilities using bidirectional evidence are shown to yield a balance between retrieval effectiveness and query-time (or indexing-time) efficiency that seems well suited large-scale applications. Evaluations with six test collections show consistent improvements over strong baselines.  相似文献   

Cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) systems allow users to find documents written in different languages from that of their query. Simple knowledge structures such as bilingual term lists have proven to be a remarkably useful basis for bridging that language gap. A broad array of dictionary-based techniques have demonstrated utility, but comparison across techniques has been difficult because evaluation results often span only a limited range of conditions. This article identifies the key issues in dictionary-based CLIR, develops unified frameworks for term selection and term translation that help to explain the relationships among existing techniques, and illustrates the effect of those techniques using four contrasting languages for systematic experiments with a uniform query translation architecture. Key results include identification of a previously unseen dependence of pre- and post-translation expansion on orthographic cognates and development of a query-specific measure for translation fanout that helps to explain the utility of structured query methods.  相似文献   

Mobile agent technology has been used in various applications including e-commerce, information processing, distributed network management, and database access. Information search and retrieval can be conducted by mobile agents in a decentralized system. As compared with the client/server model, the mobile agent approach has an advantage of saving network bandwidth and offering flexibility in information search and retrieval. In this paper, we present a model for mobile agents to select the most reputable information host to search and retrieve information. We use opinion-based belief structure to represent, aggregate and calculate the reputation of an information host. Since reputation is a multi-faced concept, our approach first allows the users to rank each information host's quality of service based on a set of evaluation categories. Then, a comprehensive, final reputation of the host is obtained by aggregating those specific category reputations. To recognize the subjective nature of a reputation, the transferable belief model is used to represent and rank the category reputation. Experiments are conducted using the Aglets technology to illustrate mobile agent migration.  相似文献   

Information Retrieval (IR) develops complex systems, constituted of several components, which aim at returning and optimally ranking the most relevant documents in response to user queries. In this context, experimental evaluation plays a central role, since it allows for measuring IR systems effectiveness, increasing the understanding of their functioning, and better directing the efforts for improving them. Current evaluation methodologies are limited by two major factors: (i) IR systems are evaluated as “black boxes”, since it is not possible to decompose the contributions of the different components, e.g., stop lists, stemmers, and IR models; (ii) given that it is not possible to predict the effectiveness of an IR system, both academia and industry need to explore huge numbers of systems, originated by large combinatorial compositions of their components, to understand how they perform and how these components interact together.We propose a Combinatorial visuaL Analytics system for Information Retrieval Evaluation (CLAIRE) which allows for exploring and making sense of the performances of a large amount of IR systems, in order to quickly and intuitively grasp which system configurations are preferred, what are the contributions of the different components and how these components interact together.The CLAIRE system is then validated against use cases based on several test collections using a wide set of systems, generated by a combinatorial composition of several off-the-shelf components, representing the most common denominator almost always present in English IR systems. In particular, we validate the findings enabled by CLAIRE with respect to consolidated deep statistical analyses and we show that the CLAIRE system allows the generation of new insights, which were not detectable with traditional approaches.  相似文献   

Recent results in artificial intelligence research are of prime interest in various fields of computer science; in particular we think information retrieval may benefit from significant advances in this approach. Expert systems seem to be valuable tools for components of information retrieval systems related to semantic inference. The query component is the one we consider in this paper. IOTA is the name of the resulting prototype presented here, which is our first step toward what we call an intelligent system for information retrieval.After explaining what we mean by this concept and presenting current studies in the field, the presentation of IOTA begins with the architecture problem, that is, how to put together a declarative component, such as an expert system, and a procedural component, such as an information retrieval system. Then we detail our proposed solution, which is based on a procedural expert system acting as the general scheduler of the entire query processing. The main steps of natural language query processing are then described according to the order in which they are processed, from the initial parsing of the query to the evaluation of the answer. The distinction between expert tasks and nonexpert tasks is emphasized. The paper ends with experimental results obtained from a technical corpus, and a conclusion about current and future developments.  相似文献   

A model of a user's scan of the output of an information storage and retrieval system in response to a query is presented. Rules for determining the user's optimal stopping point are discussed and compared. A dynamic model for determining the proper stopping point using decision theory under risk with changing utilities is used as the basis for a Bayesian model of user scanning behavior. An algorithm to implement the Bayesian model is introduced and examples of the model are given. The implications for retrieval systems design and evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

Nowadays we use information retrieval systems and services as part of our many day-to-day activities ranging from a web and database search to searching for various digital libraries, audio and video collections/services, and so on. However, IR systems and services make extensive use of ICT (information and communication technologies) and increasing use of ICT can significantly increase greenhouse gas (GHG, a term used to denote emission of harmful gases in the atmosphere) emissions. Sustainable development, and more importantly environmental sustainability, has become a major area of concern of various national and international bodies and as a result various initiatives and measures are being proposed for reducing the environmental impact of industries, businesses, governments and institutions. Research also shows that appropriate use of ICT can reduce the overall GHG emissions of a business, product or service. Green IT and cloud computing can play a key role in reducing the environmental impact of ICT. This paper proposes the concept of Green IR systems and services that can play a key role in reducing the overall environmental impact of various ICT-based services in education and research, business, government, etc., that are increasingly being reliant on access and use of digital information. However, to date there has not been any systematic research towards building Green IR systems and services. This paper points out the major challenges in building Green IR systems and services, and two different methods are proposed for estimating the energy consumption, and the corresponding GHG emissions, of an IR system or service. This paper also proposes the four key enablers of a Green IR viz. Standardize, Share, Reuse and Green behavior. Further research required to achieve these for building Green IR systems and services are also mentioned.  相似文献   

Traditional Cranfield test collections represent an abstraction of a retrieval task that Sparck Jones calls the “core competency” of retrieval: a task that is necessary, but not sufficient, for user retrieval tasks. The abstraction facilitates research by controlling for (some) sources of variability, thus increasing the power of experiments that compare system effectiveness while reducing their cost. However, even within the highly-abstracted case of the Cranfield paradigm, meta-analysis demonstrates that the user/topic effect is greater than the system effect, so experiments must include a relatively large number of topics to distinguish systems’ effectiveness. The evidence further suggests that changing the abstraction slightly to include just a bit more characterization of the user will result in a dramatic loss of power or increase in cost of retrieval experiments. Defining a new, feasible abstraction for supporting adaptive IR research will require winnowing the list of all possible factors that can affect retrieval behavior to a minimum number of essential factors.  相似文献   

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