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In recent years, a new population of nontraditional students has emerged in American higher education. That population is made up of foreign nationals and immigrants, refugees, and other aliens. Many of these students have other than traditional credentials. Some have unverifiable credentials, and still others have no credentials at all. Many lack adequate language proficiency, and many are inadequately prepared for success in the fields they have chosen, or been sent, to study. This article presents a glimpse of who these students are, where some are from, and how they are classified. It identifies some of their needs, and states briefly what steps institutions are being urged to take in order to help meet those needs.Professor Hansen is a recipient of the Amoco Foundation-Horace T. Morse Award for Outstanding contributions to Undergraduate Education.  相似文献   

Cluster analytic methods were used to create 4 theorized ethnic identity statuses (achieved, foreclosed, moratorium, and diffused) among 940 African American adolescents (13-17 years old), college students (18-23 years old), and adults (27-78 years old). Evidence for the existence of 4 identity statuses was found across the 3 age groups. The distribution of individuals differed by age group, with the older participants disproportionately occupying the more mature statuses. Identity status was related to identity content such that achieved individuals reported higher levels of racial centrality and private regard. Finally, there was a significant interaction between developmental age group and identity status for depressive symptoms such that diffused college students reported higher symptoms than achieved college students. No status differences were found for the other 2 age groups.  相似文献   

Utilizing a Critical Race Mixed Methodology framework, the purpose of this concurrent (QUANT +qual) mixed methods study was to investigate the relationships between the racial identity, science identity, science self-efficacy beliefs, and science achievement of 347 African American college students who attend historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). The quantitative data identified several statistically significant relationships between science identity, racial identity, science self-efficacy, and science achievement. The results of a path analysis suggested that college science achievement is significantly explained by science identity (indirect effect = 0.09, p < 0.01), and marginally by racial identity measures (centrality, nationalist, and public regard), with science self-efficacy serving as a mediator. In the qualitative strand, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 students from the quantitative strand in order to corroborate the findings between the two methods. The qualitative data revealed that HBCUs facilitate the development of the constructs of interest by establishing Black racial cohesion and Black science cohesion, as well as by building students’ science cultural capital. Overall the qualitative findings corroborated several key quantitative findings.  相似文献   

男护生特色护理教育一直是我国护理教育领域的重点问题,男护生的就业问题也受到教育部门和社会各界的关注。因此相关护理院校在新时期应该积极进行教育改革,以就业为导向强化男护生的就业竞争力,发挥男护生在护理方面的优势,进而对我国整体护理水平的提升产生积极影响。  相似文献   

In this essay, I explore how two groups of undergraduates — Americans and Australians — participate in the reformulation of the “global imagination” through their experiences of studying abroad. Specifically, I question the assumption that the global imagination constitutes one shared, common experience that is the same across nations. In contrast, I demonstrate that though American and Australian students are certainly among the elite in global terms, their shared economic position does not necessarily correspond to a common global imagination. Instead, they have markedly different notions of both national and global identities. American students’ strong national identity often prevents them from exploring the possibilities of global affiliation. Australian students’ relatively weak national identity allows for a robust global sense of place, but is sometimes constrained by a limited tolerance for racial and ethnic diversity. In conclusion, I argue that the global imagination has not one, but numerous manifestations, which have the potential to both enable and constrain the enhancement of justice and democracy in a global context.  相似文献   

This article emphasises two major themes that address the influence of the Asian American Movement: (1) encouraging students to broaden the discourse on race and ethnic relations by redefining categories and challenging prevalent assumptions; (2) an increased tolerance and frequency in course offerings that examine and centralise the histories, literature and political underpinnings of Asian Americans and ethnic (i.e. Japanese) specific communities, which has equipped students to engage in discourse and community action. Countering dominant narratives through unification and education is the means by which Asian American students fought for representation and fair treatment.  相似文献   

教育收益率不断上升、对城市就业和婚姻市场的青睐,以及就业歧视等造成的女大学生就业难是高校女研究生比例不断上升的主要原因.女研究生增多有积极的作用和效果,但也可能造成教育过度和人力资源的不充分利用,必须引起重视和采取相应的对策.  相似文献   

社会在发展,时代在进步,我国教育体系也随之发生了相应变化,在各高校纷纷扩招的时代背景下,高等教育逐渐由精英化向大众化转变,越来越多的人能够接受到高等教育,国民学历普遍上升,相比之下,当代大学生也不再像过去那样"吃香"了。根据最新劳动社会保障统计数据显示,近年来,我国就业形势空前严峻。本文结合当前大学生就业状况,对如何加强就业指导、突破就业难困境,促进大学生就业寻求出路作出思考研究,以供广大工作同仁借鉴参考。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the cultural transitioning process that immigrants undergo in order to attain educational, occupational, and social integration within Canadian society. Results of this phenomenological study examining 31 Jewish immigrants from Argentina, Israel, France and the Former Soviet Union, reveal that lack of educational equivalency and lack of recognition of foreign work experience, language barriers, discrimination, insider/outsider sentiments and the structure of the community were common impediments to cultural transitioning. However, findings suggest that despite a common religious identity, immigrants’ ethnic identities and expectations lead to divergent cultural transitioning experiences.  相似文献   

Many attempt to address the documented achievement gap between urban and suburban students by offering special programs to enrich urban students’ academic experiences and proficiencies. Such was the case in the study described by DeGennaro and Brown in which urban students participated in an after-school technology course intended to address the “digital divide” by giving these youth supported experiences as technology users. However, also like the initial situation described in this study, instructional design that does not capitalize on what we know about urban education or informal learning contexts can actually further damage urban youths’ identities as learners by positioning them as powerless and passive recipients instead of meaningful contributors to their own learning. The analysis presented in this forum is intended to further the conversation begun by DeGennaro and Brown by explicitly complexifying our consideration of context (activity structures and setting) so as to support the development of contexts that afford rich learning potential for both the urban students and their learning facilitators, positioned in the role of teachers. Carefully constructed contexts can afford participants as learners (urban students and teachers) opportunities to access rich identity resources (not typically available in traditional school contexts) including, but not limited to, the opportunity to exercise agency that allows participants to reorganize their learning context and enacted culture as needed.
April Lynn LuehmannEmail:



This paper examines the multiple, intersecting identities expressed by international taught-post graduate students who are studying in a culture and language that is not their own. The study presented includes the collection of data around and beyond a planned pedagogical intervention on a pre-sessional EAP programme. The data were thematically analysed. Conflicting and intersecting identities emerged around themes of: performative, representational and core identities; international, national and individual identity; troublesome and transformative knowledge; power, agency and choice. These interwove with key underlying pre-occupations: language development; disciplinary knowledge and societal structures. By focussing on identity studies alongside the language and culture of academic contexts, international students developed an understanding of, and reflexivity around, their position within UK HE contexts. I argue this focus eased transition into a new study environment and allowed students to both better access the taught and hidden curriculum, and to understand their resistance to it.  相似文献   

当前医疗环境与就业压力给医学生带来了较大的心理压力,而且这种压力在各年级学生中都普遍存在。据相关调查显示,医学生心理压力中最大的问题就是个人的前途与就业两方面因素,且压力伴随着年级的不断升高逐渐呈现上升趋势。面对这种情况,医学生的就业择业心态、自我能力培养至关重要。  相似文献   

The author's middle school has created a mediated set of electronic learning resources designed to more effectively meet students' research needs. These research strategies help students with a variety of reading skills and allow students, and their teachers, to focus on higher-level thinking activities because the resource collections provide time-saving shortcuts through open-ended Google searches.  相似文献   

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