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This study examines localisation endeavours in contemporary Taiwan to explore the history of the Taiwanese localisation movement as a way of reimagining meanings of Taiwaneseness constructed under different historical circumstances. It focuses on the xiāngtǔ (nativist) literature movement in colonial Taiwan in the early 1930s that was initiated by Taiwanese intellectuals to create real Taiwanese literature on Taiwan and for the Taiwanese masses. Besides being a social education initiative to improve Taiwanese mass literacy, the xiāngtǔ literature movement was a localisation effort to reform Taiwanese language and preserve Taiwanese culture under Japanese occupation. The reform discourse made a turn towards specifically Taiwanese linguistic and cultural traditions, instead of pursuing modern Japanese and Chinese language and culture, which were the then available cultural impulses in colonial Taiwan. Local Taiwanese language and folk culture were essential curricular materials in the social education agenda that created particular meanings of Taiwaneseness for colonial Taiwan.  相似文献   

2010年台湾语文热点频出,从这些热点问题来看,民生性、差异性和弱势性话题容易成为语文热点。台湾语文热点常常与文化联系在一起,是台湾深耕本土意识、连接两岸关系和拓展国际空间的重要手段。  相似文献   

A reanalysis of colonial education is necessary in order to highlight its multifaceted and hybrid nature in specific colonial contexts. Although in general, colonial education served the socio-political needs of the colonial machinery, the colonial government's hegemonic authority over the school curriculum did not operate as a totalising project. It was fettered by issues of political and social expediency that required both assimilation and accommodation in dealing with the sensitivities that were part and parcel of colonial rule. Influenced by theories of colonialism, this study used primary and secondary sources, in order to provide a nuanced understanding of the colonial history curriculum in Botswana. The paper argues that colonial rule was not merely a result of a foreign administration, but operated subject to local (counter-veiling) conditions, which reflected the complexities of the colonial context, and inadvertently influenced colonial education policy and practice, as well. Moreover, in the quest to create room for the incorporation of indigenous histories, the colonial authorities unwittingly came to reinforce the cultural hegemony of the principal Tswana groups. This provided the basis for the framing of history curricula in ways that inadvertently rendered the histories of the ethnic minorities invisible.  相似文献   

港、台大学中国语言及文学专业的课程设置及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国语言及文学专业作为本土的文学专业,正像其他各语种的语言及文学专业一样,是现代大学国际化进程中的一个另类。随着全球化进程的加剧,本土的语言及文学专业的国际化问题是一个必须予以特别关注的话题。在大学国际化的大语境中,本土的语言及文学专业,需要打造学生的国际视野,加强学生的外语学习,更新课程设置理念,及时开出反映国外先进知识、先进文化并以外语主讲的课程,还要更新教学方式、作业方式及考核评价方式。  相似文献   

此研究探究台湾55年来(1956~2010)与教科书有关的博硕士论文1 263篇,整理其社会背景、研究概况与趋势,期藉此建立教科书研究发展史的基本资料,并寻找对教科书理论与实务有意义的启示。发现1990年代后期起的教科书研究蓬勃发展,与教育主管部门对教科书采取松绑政策有密切关联。这波教改的特征有四:(1)政治自由化在前,教育自由化在后,教科书编审选用的自由度大增;(2)改革推动力量来自教育界内外、学界与民间,包括许多与教科书研究相关的新设机构/学会/期刊/奖项;(3)课程改革是这波教育改革的核心,教科书编审选用受到关注;(4)教育主管部门负责人更换频繁,不利改革成效,教科书的许多争议点成为研究焦点。自1984年起台湾教科书研究可谓迈入专业化阶段,因与过去相较,这类论文所采方法更严谨、有系统──清晰说明分析架构与类目、信效度等,以达科学研究的要求。而1999年起教科书相关论文大量涌现,缘由有三:(1)教科书自由化政策;(2)研究法引介;(3)学界新力量共同推动。此外,此研究梳理了55年来的研究趋势,分由学习领域、学制阶段、研究主题、研究方法等面向说明1。  相似文献   

The present study investigates English language teaching (ELT) curriculum planning in Iran's Ministry of Education and its implementation by teachers. We studied programme evaluation; needs analysis; the ELT-specific documents; communication channels between planning and practice levels; teacher evaluation and student assessment; interpretation and re-examination of national policies within the Ministry; and the criteria set for ELT material development. Instrumentation included: curriculum documents; interviews with Ministry officials, material developers and headteachers; and teacher questionnaires. Results attested to the lack of any ELT-specific document for material development and absence of research-based needs assessment as the foundation of the programmes. Also, there are no pre-defined linguistic and professional criteria for evaluating teachers, and planning for students' assessment is limited to a set of general guidelines. Moreover, there is neither a programme evaluation nor an ELT evaluation model and national-level policies are not re-examined at planning level. Results also indicate that politico-ideological beliefs of material developers are as important as their expertise and communication channels between planning and practice levels are of a top-down nature. It is argued that the gap between planning and practice results from a highly centralised policymaking process in which local policymakers (i.e. teachers) are not involved.  相似文献   

Brian Murphy 《Literacy》2004,38(3):149-155
This article concerns the gap between government intention and classroom outcome. The author examines the treatment of spoken language in the Revised Irish Curriculum, which came into effect in 1999. He finds much to be commended in the recognition of its central role in learning. He then examines the implementation of this curriculum with children of 5 to 6 years, in fifteen Senior Infant classrooms. Extensive observations and interviews lead him to the view that pupil talk is still seen by most of the teachers observed as a distraction from the essential business of education, namely listening, reading and writing. The interviews revealed that these teachers did not seem to understand the important role of dialogue and discussion in developing learning or recognize the need to promote sustematically opportunities for oral interactions. He concludes that educational change cannot be achieved simply by producing new curriculum statements.  相似文献   

就台湾文学生态而言,无论是政治选情的一波三折,还是商业化、大众消费、资讯科技引来的声画网络,都使文学承受了巨大的压力,影响了文学与政治、社会、经济生态的相互关系,包括文学派别的形成及其地域分布、文学报刊的繁荣与衰亡、台湾选战间接给文学造成的污染、文学会议主题的演变、两岸文学的互动,等等。  相似文献   

至今所见,中原姓氏入闽迁台之相关研究,在海峡两岸先后出现三个研究视角。先是福建地方史研究中涉及的中原姓氏入闽问题,此类研究,最早可追溯到南宋著名史学家郑樵等闽籍学者对福建民间家族再造中关于"闽祖光州固始"的回应。再是20世纪二三十年代兴起的跨区域移民史研究,尤其是闽台学者对闽南、客家姓氏祖地及姓氏播迁的溯源研究。然后是20世纪80年代,随着两岸关系缓和及闽台同胞寻根活动之开展,由豫、闽、台三地学者共同推动的两岸关系视角下的中原姓氏入闽迁台研究。由福建地方史向跨区域移民史和两岸关系研究视角之转移,总体上呈现为历史向文化演进的趋势。  相似文献   

This paper argues for the re-integration of academic development (AD) and a academic language and learning (ALL) practitioners in Australian higher education. This argument is made as universities aim to develop internationally recognised, inter-disciplinary and standards-based curricula against the backdrop of international comparative education (e.g., Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), the Australian Qualifications Framework and a quality emphasis on English language standards (e.g., Tertiary Education Quality and Assessment Agency). Drawing on Rowland's argument that professional life in the academy has become fragmented across five fault lines ([2002]. Overcoming fragmentation in professional life: The challenge for academic development. Higher Education Quarterly, 56(1), 52–64), I propose a sixth: the pedagogical fault line between language and learning which I argue is institutionally manifest in the historical bifurcation of AD and ALL practitioners in the academy. This paper traces the historical separation of these two fields of practice in Australian higher education in order to disturb the present distinction and show how it is more an accident of history than the result of sound pedagogical decision-making. The paper argues that in the current educational context, it is timely to consider a re-integration of these two aspects of the academic field. It is suggested that such a move will create research and teaching connections that develop synergies in educational development that are able to work with language and learning simultaneously.  相似文献   

双语问题是白族教育研究中的一个重点和难点问题。本试从双语个体心理特征出发,探讨在不同的语境里,不同的交流对象前的语码转换现象,分析在多语言社会中双语因母语弱化而产生的语码选择和转换,从化学和语言学的角度探讨白族双语教育中的双语双化现象。  相似文献   

台港学是中华整体学图谱中的学,是中华化框架内的同质学,具有相同的血缘与遗传。但另一方面,无论是地理环境、语言风俗,还是性格特征和化心理,两岸三地的学都有自己不同的内在气质和外在特征。中华学的整体性,已经引起学术界的普遍关注。  相似文献   

文章通过问卷调查、座谈等方式,对福建7所高校港澳台生的形势与政策关注状况进行系统量化分析,并根据调查结果,初步探索高校港澳台生形势与政策教育的教育模式。  相似文献   

流行于闽南、粤东和台湾地区的嵌瓷是一种重要的文化建筑景观。目前学术界关于嵌瓷的研究主要集中在建筑美学和文化学的视角,也已经取得比较丰硕的成果。要拓展嵌瓷的研究,可以利用社会文化史的视角,把嵌瓷置于特定的时空中加以研究。  相似文献   

近些年学者对国内外远程开放教育发展史已有论述,但却较少涉及港澳台地区。港澳台地区的远程开放教育有其独特的发展路径,研究其远程开放教育发展始末具有重要的历史价值。英国首创开放大学后,引起世界各国和地区的普遍关注并产生巨大影响。1979年澳门东亚大学筹备期间提出远程开放大学思路,又在1980年代初引进英国开放大学的办学模式,成立了公开学院,英国开放大学高级职员康纳德·斯威夫特教授出任首任院长。1987年澳门政府通过澳门基金会收购东亚大学,转制为公立大学,1991年更名为澳门大学。1992年,经澳门政府批准,未被收购的东亚公开学院与葡萄牙公开大学联合组成亚洲(澳门)国际公开大学,2011年更名为澳门城市大学。澳门东亚大学远程开放教育的办学特点主要有:一是办学起步早。该院是港澳台地区远程开放教育的先行者;从严格意义上说,该院是中国远程开放教育的探路者。二是办学起点高。虽然该院的远程高等教育早期只是初级形式的远程开放教育,东亚大学办学伊始就具有国际化的定位和特征,其课程得到国外大学的认可。三是直接采用英国开放大学办学模式,该院创办之初得到英国开放大学的管理经验、师资力量和课程资源支持。  相似文献   

香港和台湾手语不同于中国大陆手语,香港手语受上海手语和广州手语影响较大,而台湾手语则主要受到日本手语的影响.港台手语的语言学研究虽然相对落后于欧美国家,但早于中国大陆手语的语言学研究.本文试图从手语语音、形态、句法等方面对港台手语的语言学研究作一个概括性的介绍,以促进中国两岸三地手语的语言学研究.  相似文献   

Conceptualisations and constructs of children and childhood are temporally and contextually grounded. Historical documents are rich sources of insight and understanding regarding how children were understood, valued and treated at various times by particular societies. This article explores the conceptualisation of children and childhood in the 26-county Irish Free State (South) and the 6-county Northern Ireland (North) in the 1920s following the partition of Ireland, through the lens of educational documentation, primarily national primary school curricula. The focus on both jurisdictions is interesting in the context of partition, exploring the sometimes divergent and often convergent ways in which children were conceptualised across borders and boundaries. This article reveals, using Sorin and Galloway’s framework as a conceptual and analytical tool, that conceptualisations of children were broadly similar in the North and South but differed in their focus and enactment in both fledgling states. These disparities are largely attributable to the very different political, social and religious orientations of both jurisdictions and the use of education as a vehicle for nation-building, as well as identity and gender formation. The article also explores alternative conceptualisations of children in education policy in the North and South by presenting case study ‘outliers’ of educational provision. A century since partition, conclusions and implications are noted that resonate with contemporary elements of convergence and divergence on educational policy and the conceptualisation of children across the island of Ireland.  相似文献   

20世纪20年代末30年代初,唯物史观在中国学术思想界风行一时。用唯物史观来解释中国历史成为其时中国学术思想界的一种新倾向。与此同时,国民革命的失败使得中国社会各界格外注意于对中国社会性质的探讨,并引发中国社会史大论战。在论战中,唯物史观大行其道,从而促使了中国经济史研究的兴起。但论战中大多数人的研究因政治上的干扰于中国经济史研究不但贡献殊少,且反使中国经济史研究一时偏离了学术研究的正轨。一些学者意识到问题所在,起而矫偏救弊,在一定程度上促使了这一因社会革命运动而起的学问的学术规范化。厘清这一段历史,有助于理解、认清近现代思想、政治与学术之间的纠葛关系。  相似文献   

20世纪八九十年代,崛起的日本和韩国在课程政策上一改对美国的简单模仿,进行了体现文化反思特点的课程改革。其间,日韩课程改革及政策有明显的课程内容差异化、管理分权化、评价多元化的特点。这些课程政策表现出纳入文化异质国家美英教育传统与经验的迹象,其文化假设与日韩的教育传统的文化假设明显不同,课程政策的文化抵制成为课程领域中的重要问题。  相似文献   

Since 1995 I have been engaged in consultancies and since 2001 in research dealing with the language of instruction policies in Africa. To what extent are the policies being implemented? What is the role of research and consultancy when it comes to language policy? What happens when researchers or consultants come up with recommendations which do not please donors or the people of power? My paper builds on a consultancy on the language policy of Namibia from 1995, the stock-taking exercise of ADEA/GTZ/UIL of 2006, as well as on research results and experiences gathered within the LOITASA (Language of Instruction in Tanzania and South Africa) project. In the first part of the article I give two examples where the policy recommendations by the consultants/researchers have not been followed up. I give an example of a consultancy that has had some impact on the policy formulation in some African countries. Recommendations from only one of the four studies/consultancies looked at have been thoroughly followed up. These recommendations were in line with what the donors wanted, but did not logically follow from the research done. In the second part of the article I deal with the challenge of making policy research relevant for those most greatly affected by the policy. This means working for a paradigm shift in the research and consultancy on language policies in Africa. It also means looking at the power of misconceptions held by lay people. Towards the end of the article I discuss changing a belief system which has become common knowledge. I show examples of how Tanzanian colleagues in the LOITASA project are trying to do this.  相似文献   

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