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K. K. Vinod 《Resonance》2011,16(6):540-550
One of the activities that geneticists pursue is the generation of genetic maps of organisms that chart the locations of the different genes on the chromosomes. Damodar Dharmanada Kosambi was not a geneticist by training and profession, but amathematician. Yet, in 1944, Kosambi wrote a classic paper about mapping function in genetics in the journal Annals of Eugenics. His lone paper in genetics was tilted ‘The estimation of map distance from recombination values’. The mapping function that Kosambi derived is still widely used by geneticists the world over for the mapping of genomes.  相似文献   

In 1943 Kosambi published a paper titled ‘Statistics in function space’ in the Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. This paper was the first to propose the technique of statistical analysis often called proper orthogonal decomposition today. This article describes the contents of that paper and Kosambi’s approach to the subject. It was only in 1967 that it began to be appreciated that the method that had gained wide currency in several fields under different names was first set out in Kosambi’s 1943 paper.  相似文献   

读博四年写成博士论文《人的生命价值研究》,再经两载修改成专著《生命价值论》在教育科学出版社出版,主持相关科研课题六项,撰写相关学术论文二十篇。数年来扭住生命价值这一议题不放,浮舟学海,立马书山,焚膏继晷,兀兀穷年,终得一孔之见。回眸时,又是庆幸,又是自豪,又是惭愧,来路一片苍茫,真不知从何说起。  相似文献   

在劳伦斯的作品中,对和谐完美的两性关系的探索是贯穿始终的主题。他以四部代表作品为纵线.揭示了作者笔下两性之间的爱情与其自我观、人性观、历史观及社会观的紧密联系,就劳伦斯式爱情观的本质和意义.讨论其作品中反映的深刻的社会批判意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the educational and spiritual legacy of Mordechai (Motti) Bar-Lev, one of the pillars of religious education research in Israel. We first analyse the ideological–theoretical foundations that underlay his thought and provided inspiration for his scientific writing. Next, we analyse the principal dilemmas on which he focused in his research, and finally we attempt to consider the special nature of his work and its contribution to religious education research. Bar-Lev’s quantitative and qualitative research dealt with the elite of religious Zionism who grappled with traditionalism and modernity, and principally with its habitat – state religious education. Bar-Lev will be remembered not only as having informed the field of religious education in Israel, but, most of all, as the researcher who shaped its future.  相似文献   

清代丽江儒学教育获得突飞猛进的发展,其大致可划分为三个阶段.地方官员致力于教、地方士人崛起及对本土士人的培养.丽土士人群体的崛起成为清朝丽江统治的中坚力量,促进了地方文化、风俗与社会变迁.  相似文献   


The feminist, esthetic, cooperative inquiry described in this article is the first longitudinal study to trace the development of scholarly identity in a group of mid-life women participants during their doctoral years. This 18-month project involved an experiential workshop and four reunions shaped around the metaphor of the hero's journey grounded in feminist pedagogy and expressive methods. Entering doctoral programs with voices made tenuous by life events characteristic of mid-life, participants' scholarly development was intimately linked with their recovery of personal voice and the development of an authentic sense of self. Expressive methods as well as group support were integral to participants developing a scholarly identity that manifested itself in passionate dissertation scholarship. This suggests that participants' scholarly identity development transcended the intellectual and involved psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Based on these findings, doctoral educators are encouraged to create experiences that offer mid-life women opportunities to reflect on their doctoral journeys within a community of scholarly caring through the creative mediums of metaphor; esthetic, expressive representation; and dialogue.  相似文献   

在明清战争中,很多朝鲜百姓被征发为士兵而卷入了这场战争,他们在乱世中或坚贞不屈或随波逐流,写下了独特的历史篇章。李士龙、任廷益、金英哲三人就是他们的典型代表。李士龙拒绝进攻明军被杀,而任廷益、金英哲二人则在中原长时间漂泊最后回到家乡。朝鲜士大夫控制的朝鲜政府对李士龙大加褒扬,而对任、金二人则不闻不问,这表明了朝鲜主流士大夫的儒教理学伦理的历史叙事态度,这种官方的历史叙事态度忽略了普通民众对乱世的痛苦体验。  相似文献   

士阶层的起源历来多认为在春秋战国时代,此固然不错,但此问题有待深入探析。进一步的研究会发现,士阶层起源远自西周时代已出现,春秋战国时代之社会转型,只不过成为包括士阶层在内的社会阶层转化过程之加速剂。此外由于孔子所创新型社会教育体制中的思想转换因素,把士由旧式的社会政治仆役,塑造成新型社会文化守护者的角色。  相似文献   

凡人对大师说:"我像你一样勤奋努力,也像你一样执著追求,然而我依然是个凡人,而你却成了大师,这是为什么?"大师没有正面回答,而是给他出了一个题目:"假如现在横亘在你我之间是一条河流,你怎样跨越?"  相似文献   

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