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有个老师刚刚结束一个教学单元:战争与和平。他问学生:“你们有多少人是反对战争的?”[第一段]  相似文献   

与爱情、死亡一起,战争成了文学又一个永恒的母题。在薛忆沩的"战争"系列小说中,既没有大笔抒写慷慨激昂的爱国情怀,也没有刻意展示保家卫国的英雄气概,而是专注于对个人内心世界的探索。不仅关怀个人在战争中的命运,而且把洒向牺牲者的笔墨,倾注到战争创伤者的心理开掘上,在表明历史荒诞和生命虚无的同时体现了作者人道主义的悲悯情怀。  相似文献   

大谷正是目前日本甲午战争研究的著名学者,该译文节选自日本有志舍2012年出版的《讲座明治维新〃5〃通往立宪制和帝国的道路》一书。该文对日本甲午战争研究的历史和现状进行了梳理,对不同时期史学家们涉及甲午战争的日本内政、外交、后勤、国际法、媒体等方面的研究进行了分析和总结,是一篇了解日本甲午战争研究史的专业文献。  相似文献   

抗日战争全面爆发后,国民政府先后举办了战时运输兵险和陆地兵险。战时兵险的举办,对沿海厂矿企业的内迁及内地工农业生产的正常进行提供了重要保障;同时因为它办法简易,条款明晰,费率合理等,从而赢得了社会各界好评,扩大了中国保险事业的影响。  相似文献   

抗战时期国民政府教育部成立了战区教育指导委员会,统筹沦陷区教育工作。战教人员在艰苦与危险环境下利用各种灵活方式反对奴化教育,与日伪争夺教育权,为持久抗战做出了贡献与牺牲。同时,基层战教人员配合各招致站将大批沦陷区失学失业的知识青年送赴后方学习、工作,国民政府为战区招致青年提供了较为良好的学业、就业保障。以教育部战区教育指导委员会为核心机构推行的战区教育工作,在避免民族文化弦歌断绝、坚持持久抗战和维系沦陷区青年的爱国热情与民族意识所做出的努力是值得记录与肯定的。  相似文献   

史里芬计划是建立在对战争发展的错误估计之上的.史里芬指导战争的理念,是想依靠以贵族为中心的精英集团来赢得一场现代化的总体战争,观念落后于现实.兴登堡和鲁登道夫对德国的经济和社会进行了重组,以适应总体战争的需要,取得了显著成功,对战争和社会都产生了重大的影响.但德国最终还是失败了.隐藏在这背后的更深刻的原因,是德国缺乏必要的物质手段来完成它过分野心勃勃的战争目标.  相似文献   

帝国主义时代的到来催生了战争恶德。极端民族主义、唯意志论思潮、社会达尔文主义成为战争恶德的思想基础。其主要思想包括:和平意味着毁灭,战争是崇高而道德的行为;领袖是首要的,军人要为之牺牲一切;在战争中为达目的可以不择手段。战争恶德为世界大战的爆发和持续提供了思想动力,并加剧了战争的野蛮与灾难。  相似文献   

直系在这次战前的电报战中把握了主动权,进而影响了战局。双方战前的这种舆论宣传实际上是为战后胜利者“合法性”的地位作了一定的铺垫。  相似文献   

This article focuses on Finnish children during the Second World War, looking at children from two different points of view. First, it provides information on around 70,000 children who were transferred to Sweden and Denmark; so‐called “war children”. Second, it discusses the results of a survey of Finns born between 1927 and 1938 who stayed in Finland during the war years.

The majority of “war children” lived in private homes and many of them forgot their Finnish roots; around 15,000 emigrated permanently. Many of these transferred children do not feel at home in either country. Their educational level is lower than the average Finn’s, but their health is better owing to good medical care and nutrition during the war. The Finns who spent their childhood in Finland during the war suffered from hunger. Those in the countryside had better lives than those in cities or evacuees from the war zone. The children’s nightmares faded away with time and only a minority still see tanks and bombings in their dreams.

Compared with those from other European countries, Finnish children lived well and avoided seeing the horrors of war. However, they had to work and assist non‐governmental organisations more than did English children.  相似文献   

World War I     
《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):100-105
"One of the important characteristics of imperialism is that several large nations want to seize hegemony."1 The consequences of this contest led ultimately to the outbreak of World War I.  相似文献   

40岁的时候,安东尼·伯吉斯知道自己患了脑瘤,会在一年内死去。他知道面临着一场战斗。那时,他穷困潦倒,没有任何东西可以留给他的妻子林恩,她很快就要成为寡妇了。  相似文献   

闫军 《海外英语》2012,(16):285-286
Most people hate the war and long for peace. Some even consider that there must be an order and tranquility after a truce comes to a war. But the writer do not agree. He has revealed his suspicions and shown his pessimism about the present day non-war society in the book They Won’t Demolish Me!.  相似文献   

World War II     
《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):184-202
In 1938, the black clouds of fascist war and invasion hung over Europe. In March, fascist Germany swallowed up Austria and then reached its claws of aggression toward Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia was a multinational state, having within its borders, as a minority nationality, more than three million Germans, most of whom lived on the northeast borders of the Sudetenland. In a long article on the question of the treatment of the German minority peoples, Hitler stirred up hostilities. First of all, Hitler incited his wing of the fascist party in Czechoslovakia to manufacture a so-called "self-rule" movement of the Sudetenland Germans; later, again with the acquiescence of the British and French imperialists, he went a step further to demand annexation of the Sudetenland, pretending that this would be his last territorial demand in Europe.  相似文献   

民族主义自18世纪末形成以来曾出现过三次高潮,无论哪一次高潮,民族主义都成为政府动员,民众参加战争最常用,也是最有效的意识形态,拿破仑战争,第一次世界大战,第二次世界大战都是如此。民族主义是一种最强烈的感情,在它面前,“国际主义”、“共产主义”都黯然失色,当民族主义成为政府发动战争,动员民众参与战争的工具以后,战争的深度和广度也随之发生变化。  相似文献   

谢华山 《中学生英语》2006,(1):74-75,95
Britain is to test thousands of veterans(退伍军人) of the 1991 Gulf War who have suffered a range of unexplained illness for the possible presence of depleted uranium(DU 贫轴) in their bodies, a report said.  相似文献   

这是一场长达十年的苦战,究其原因,竟是为了争夺一位美丽女子.在君主的号令下,希腊举国上下的英雄勇士向特洛伊进发,这其中有勇力无边的战将,也有足智多谋的谋士,大家各展其能,各施其法.而各类天神的推波助澜,让整场战争形势难辨、扣人心弦.这场战争在很多古希腊神话中频频出现,直到今天,依旧被人们津津乐道.  相似文献   

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