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黄晶  俞超  汪飞 《物理教学》2020,(1):72-73,76
在理论上给出质点系角动量"类柯尼希定理"的证明,并结合具体新颖的物理情境加以应用,以体现其解决问题的优势。  相似文献   

道德价值实现:假设、悖论与智慧   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
人类迄今文本伦理思想的对象都是人的“利己心”,具有假设价值论的特征。经验主义在肯定和高扬人的“利己心”的同时,运用假设的方式将道德价值实现引向尊重社会道德规则;德性主义贬斥人的“利己心”,力图以假设的道德本体权威将道德价值实现诉诸于人们的“自警”和“自觉”,由此而构成一种整体性的假设体系,在其指导下,社会道德规则具有虚拟的形式主义倾向,道德价值实现的结果必然出现道德悖论。中国传统儒学本质上是德性主义的义务论,克服其引起普遍化道德悖论的弊端,需要在道德权利与道德义务、价值判断与逻辑判断相统一的意义上倡导道德智慧。  相似文献   

Parametric down-conversion is a useful method to obtain non-classical state in quantum optics. (1) An analytical solution to the Fokker-Planck equation of non-degenerate optical parametric amplification (NOPA) for generation of squeezed light is presented. The maximum intra-cavity compression of squeezed light derived from the analytical solution is 1/16 (vacuum fluctuations 1/4). To compare it with the previous 1/8 of degenerate optical parametric amplification (DOPA), it seems that squeezing for NOPA is superior to DOPA.  相似文献   

Adult education in South Korea has been faced with rapid change under globalization since the 1990s. This article tries to describe the current situation of South Korean adult education and to point out emerging problems. Many problems experienced in South Korea are appearing in other countries, as some of them have been caused by globalization. Therefore, international co-operation is required to resolve those problems and deal with the future of adult education.  相似文献   

亚里士多德的戏剧理论在西方乃至世界戏剧领域称雄千年,不同历史时期的戏剧家大都视其为艺术规范,并成就了一大批戏剧杰作。现代剧作家曹禺在继承亚氏传统的同时,又融合了契诃夫等剧作家们的理论元素,并充分发挥个人的独创性,从而实现了对经典理论的突破,向人们展示了另一片全新的戏剧天地。  相似文献   

"张力"论源自新批评对诗歌美学特征的分析。该论自提出之后迅速发展为现代文艺美学的重要理论。但在发展过程中其自身的文本实体特征却没有得到足够的研究。"张力美学"作为中国古诗词重要审美特征,主要包括主题张力,意象组合张力,意义空白张力,互文张力等张力结构。该特征决定了译者在翻译古诗词中应该采取"张力优先"和"语境顺应"策略,在译文中再现或重构原文的"张力美学"结构。  相似文献   

The paper explores the issue of teachers’ professional vulnerability using a range of messages from an online teachers’ community on the Chinese mainland. The study reveals how macro changes at policy level impact on teachers’ professional relationships and in turn their professional identities in teacher discussants’ perceptions. Furthermore, the paper argues that the Chinese cultural tradition somehow adds to teachers’ professional vulnerability. While the tradition used to give teachers authority, it imposes burdens on teachers and subjects them to close scrutiny, which consequently make them feel more vulnerable. The paper concludes with critical reflections on its methodology and findings, calling for further research into the issue.  相似文献   

《古文观止》是一部流传广泛的古代散文选本,有着深厚的文化意蕴。编者吴乘权其人,也值得探究。  相似文献   

饶宗颐在其艺术史论中,对汉代画像、史传、赞等艺术门类之间的互动关系作了精辟的阐发;饶宗颐的创见与其运用文化还原研究方法密切相关。  相似文献   

“中国古诗不可译”是很多中国古典文学爱好者所坚持的观点。从翻译实践出发,坚信中诗英译是中国古诗在外语世界乃至整个世界文学中继续存活的方法。中诗英译无论是由外国译者还是中国译者来进行,都有各自的长处和无可避免的天然弱点,而在世界文学语境下,“合作翻译”是中诗英译的捷径。  相似文献   

《夜宴》与其说回到了古代政治,不如说借助电影视像重构了后现代的政治图景。它把权力还原为欲望,颠覆了政治合法性;慢镜头的血戏展现了暴力自行其是的美学特征;面具的运用反映了身体与权力的矛盾。  相似文献   

我国经济发展中最为困难的问题是“三农”问题,解决“三农”问题的治本之策是实现二元经济向现代城市的一元经济转化。这一转化的实现需要理论指导,扬弃和评析西方古典与新古典学派的二元经济理论是建立适合我国国情的二元经济转化理论的前提。文章对西方古典学派的二元经济转化模式——刘易斯模式、刘易斯——费景汉——拉尼斯模式、托达罗模式和新古典学派的乔根森二元经济结构转化模式做一评析,为建立适合我国国情的二元经济理论提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper describes the method used by the author to teach a class of Year 8 students about light and its properties so that the students’ own ideas were considered and their misconceptions addressed. To achieve this a series of teaching modules were designed using a model of conceptual change suggested by Posner and his colleagues at Cornell University. Students’ prior misconceptions about light were identified using a pretest developed by the author. After teaching a posttest was used to determine if the teaching method resulted in a lower level of misconceptions. Interviews from seven students selected at random and the observations gathered by a participant observor were used to verify results. It was found that the teaching method resulted in a lower level of misconceptions in the sample and this was confirmed by the results of the interviews and participant observation. This paper concentrates on the design and content of one of the teaching modules. Specializations: students’ misconceptions in science.  相似文献   

轻声是一种复杂的音变现象,它在交流思想,表达思想,准确表义,增强汉语的音乐性等方面有着重要作用。普通话表达中若无轻声,言语将生硬而缺乏灵动,阳刚有余而阴柔不足,甚至失去汉语口语的文化灵性和独特的韵味,因此,必须熟练地把握与运用,我们的普通话方能标准,韵味纯正,情真意切。  相似文献   

书院的教学特色及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
书院是我国古代的一种高等教育机构,它起源于唐代,兴盛于宋代,延续发展于元代,于明清时期达到普及,在历经千年的发展过程中积累了丰富的经验和宝贵的财富。它的教学特色,如学规、讲会制度、自学制度,对当代大学的发展都具有很大借鉴意义。  相似文献   

古代汉语中“主-动-宾”结构具有多义性,它是否表示使动意义必须由三个结构成分之间的语义关系来确定。通过比较和转换分析,认为古代汉语用“主-动-宾”结构表示使动意义时,在主谓之间隐含了表示使令意义的动词,使动意义是由主谓语义关系所决定的。  相似文献   

食指是朦胧诗的先驱者,由他开创并启示后来者的不仅是他诗歌强烈的现代性特征(个体意识觉醒与现代艺术手法),还有与之水乳交融的古典情怀。食指自幼深受古典诗词浸染,兼以时代政治抒情体式的调和,造就他诗歌中弥足珍贵的诗美品质:古典情怀。抒情传统、意境阐发、古典体式(听觉艺术)是食指诗歌具有古典情怀的三个层面,其对古典诗学传统的继承与发扬值得重视,给当下众声喧哗却秩序混乱的诗界以警醒。  相似文献   

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