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2002年10月16日下午,在北京前门著名的老舍茶馆三楼,一个以“交流十年 沟通无限”为题的大型茶话会在热烈而喜庆的气氛中召开了。出席茶话会的有文化部副部长潘震宙、中国对外文化交流协会常务副会长刘德有和副会长吕志先;埃及驻华使馆大使阿里·侯赛姆丁·希夫尼先生、塞拉利昂驻华大使阿尔胡辛·迪恩先生,以及巴基斯坦、波兰、乌拉圭、匈牙利、南斯拉夫、拉脱维亚、新加坡、塔吉克斯坦、捷克、伊朗、俄罗斯、、老挝、科威特……等国家驻华外交官;出席茶话会的还有文化部有关司、局的官员、直属文化机构、首都新闻媒体等各界朋友200…  相似文献   

沈琨 《寻根》2002,(4):33-42
中国历史,也是一部卷帙浩繁的移民史。地处中原的山西,是历史上人口流动最为频繁的地区之一。太久远的不讲,600多年前明代山西洪洞大槐树移民,其规模之大、次数之多、范围之广,在历史上也是不多见的。至今每年仍有一批批海内外游子,不远万里,来洪洞县寻根问祖。  相似文献   

浮克,一个最早将world music.new age植入中国流行音乐的先行,一位中国名的词曲作家,一个杰出的音乐制作人。始自1995年,他为歌手陈明创作的《远空的呼唤》、《为你》、《快乐老家》……为中国流行乐坛带来了一缕清新的空气。2000年北上京城后.他又以独特的音乐理念首开新民歌先河,广为传唱的《幸福万年长》、《月亮女儿》、《中国红》、《家乡美》……均源自于这位音乐人。  相似文献   

Art Information     
African Culture to Be Promoted in China A series of events will be held around China this year to promote African culture.Performances,exhibitions and symposiums will be held from May to the end of this year in  相似文献   

In conjunction with the Year of Russia, a largest-scale exchange event that Russia has ever organized in China, the Chinese edition of "Beijing: My Childhood Hometown" will be released soon in China by Oriental Press. The author N. A. Speshnev is a renowned sinologist, translator and professor with the Department of Oriental Studies in St. Petersburg State University in Russia.  相似文献   

China International Fashion Week, an annual event for fashion people from across the globe, has wrapped up recently in Beijing.22 brand names, 25 celebrated designers as well as more than 100 young design talents have staged some 50 catwalk show of their new attires,demonstrating update trends of 2006 spring & summer collections.  相似文献   

2003年的日历刚刚翻过一页,享誉世界的白俄罗斯国家芭蕾大剧院便在北京人民大会堂为北京观众奉上了那部走遍天下、盛演不衰的世界芭蕾经典《天鹅湖》。来自白俄罗斯的《天鹅湖》此前此后相继在广东、上海、湖北、北京和山东等地巡演共12场。  相似文献   

Perhaps Love     
Sun Na, a girl fond of singing, goes to Beijing dreaming of becoming a star. In order to become a star, she says goodbye to Lin Jiand-ong, her true love from Hong Kong who is also poor but cherishes the dream of art. Sun Na makes her way to success step by step by becoming the mistress of a director and finally becomes the fixed companion of famous director NieWen.  相似文献   

“2009中国收藏界10大事件、10大人物”近日在京揭晓。本次评选由文化部中外文化交流中心和中国名家收藏专业委员会联合主办,CCTV、网易、《收藏界》《新周刊》《艺术中国》《中国新闻出版报》等20家媒体联合推选。著名书画大师范曾高票当选“2009中国收藏界10大人物”之首。电视主持人赵忠祥、  相似文献   

在郑和航海图前,来访的澳大利亚移民部部长范斯顿议员指着印度尼西亚以下的海域问:如果有人把印度尼西亚比作小爪哇,你是否同意大爪哇就是澳大利亚?看到负责讲解的善本部苏品红副主任摇头表示异议,议员似乎有些失望。2005年是明朝航海家郑和下西洋600周年。一位美国作家在他的《1412年,中国发现了世界》一书中,认为郑和的一支船队“也许”是世界上最早发现澳大利亚的人。如果这一观点被证实,那么中澳两国的交往将会追溯到更早的时期。由于这个原因,范斯顿议员对郑和下西洋的航海活动抱有极大兴趣,并在她今年4月底访华时专程前往国家图书馆观…  相似文献   

由《三国演义》研究专家、四川省社会科学院研究员沈伯俊与成都武侯祠博物馆研究员谭良啸编著的《三国演义辞典》 ,经韩国《三国演义》研究专家郑元基等译成韩文 ,最近已由韩国著名出版社氵凡友社出版( 2 0 0 0年 2月第 1版 )。全书印制精美 ,全部辞条按韩文音序排列 ,共 791页。这是继日文版《三国志演义大事典》 (立间祥介教授等翻译 ,日本潮出版社 1996年 7月第 1版 )之后 ,《三国演义辞典》的第二种外文译本。《三国演义辞典》是迄今国内外唯一的以《三国演义》为中心的综合性辞典 ,自1989年出版以来 ,受到海内外学术界同行和广大读者的…  相似文献   

China Culture Week coincided with the 55 anniversary of the establishment of China- Vietnam diplomatic relations and took place as a follow-up action to further enhance all-round friendly cooperation and strengthen bilateral cultural exchange after President Hu Jintao's visit to Vietnam. The one-week event consisted of diverse programs, including an official visit by a Chinese government delegation, a large-scale photo exhibition entitled "A Dancing Beijing", touring performances by the Ch…  相似文献   

一位伟人,是一个永不终结的话题;一个天才,是一串无法破解的问号;一段华彩的历史,是一种愈久远愈强烈的诱惑。 带着这样的感受,我面对莫扎特时,心中却生出更多的话题与问题。[编按]  相似文献   

Editor's note: During the Festival of China taking place in Washington D.C. in October, 2005, Chinese Minister of Culture Sun Jiazheng made a keynote speech in National Press Club, addressing political, cultural and media celebrities on China's policies and strategies for cultural development. The following Is the whole text of his speech.  相似文献   

The Chinese folk music band “Feel Fine” is composed of three accomplished young female instrumentalists. These young musicians, since their debut, have brought to audiences fresh music experiences with their splendid costumes, extraordinary skills and pop-style music.  相似文献   

历时8天的"2007中国(常州)国际动漫艺术周"于10月5日落幕。这个由中外文化交流中心、江苏省委宣传部、江苏省文化厅、江苏省广播电视局和常州市人民政府共同主办的国际动漫艺术周已届第4年。本届艺术周内容囊括动漫博览会、动漫作品比赛、动漫产业和艺术论坛、动漫产品产权交易会、重点动漫项目扶  相似文献   

今年3月中下旬,应中国文化部邀请,上海合作组织成员国文化考察团一行7人,在京、沪两地和苏州进行了为期9天的访问、参观和考察。中外文化交流中心承办了此次接待任务。  相似文献   

While English still remains the most widely used language for international communication in most countries around the Pacific Rim, Chinese is being taught in more and more schools in those countries. Chinese is playing an increasingly important role in daily lives and work of Asia-Pacific people. China’s dramatic rise to the world’s economic powerhouse and its rapidly growing international influence are driving the interest to learn its language. Chinese is becoming a new global language …  相似文献   

A Sino-French painting exhibition featuring impressionist and modern art opened at the National .Art Museum of China in the early spring of 2006. The exhibition, named "Ici, La-bas" (Here, There) features masterpieces of Chinese painter Ding Tianque and French painters, France Mitrofanoff and Francis de Lenclos.  相似文献   

Li: Could you please give a brief introduction on history and present situation of cultural exchanges between Greece and China? Voulgarakis: Our cultural relations are based on the Agreement on Cultural Cooperation between the Greek and the Chinese governments that was signed on the 22nd of September, 1978. This agreement is still being implemented through the Executive Program on Cooperation in the field of culture, over the last three years.  相似文献   

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