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民办教育又一次走到了挑战与机遇并存的十字路口。 近年来,上海民办中小学的数量逐年萎缩。随着政府对公办学校投入的持续加大,民办学校经费不足、师资不稳、生源减少的困境日益凸显,法人地位不明确、监管机制不健全、办学特色不显著等深层次问题开始浮出水面。  相似文献   

李一凡 《学前教育》2008,(12):14-15
改革开放三十年来,我国学前教育取得了长足的发展。各种社会力量举办的民办幼儿教育机构在全国各地纷纷涌现并快速成长,经历了从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强的发展历程。成为我国学前教育发展的一大亮点。  相似文献   

黄藤,男,汉族,1958年生,陕西西安人,教育学博士,教授,民进中央委员,第十届、十一届全国人大代表,陕西中华职业教育社第一、二、三届主任,陕西省政协常委,中国民办教育协会副会长,西安外事学院董事长。  相似文献   

民办学校在历史上源远流长,从我国可以上溯到2400多年前孔子所创立的私学,从其存在的范围看则古今中外、世界各国无有例外.可见民办学校(私学、私立学校)的产生和存在有其历史的必然性,民办学校特别是民办职业学校更有其产生和发展的特点.  相似文献   

"十六大"报告中还讲到:"坚持教育创新,深化教育改革,优化教育结构,合理配置教育资源,提高教育质量和管理水平,全面推进素质教育,造就数以亿计的高素质劳动者、以千万计的专门人才和一大批拔类创新人才".  相似文献   

“十六大”报告中还讲到:“坚持教育创新,深化教育改革,优化教育结构,合理配置教育资源,提高教育质量和管理水平,全面推进素质教育,造就数以亿计的高素质劳动者、以千万计的专门人才和一大批拔类创新人才”。民办高等教育作为社会主义高等教育事业的一个重要组成部分,应积极响应报告中提到了“加强职业教育和培训,发展继续教育,  相似文献   

题目“翅膀”显然有比喻义和象征义。“审题”还可调动平时的积累,如歌曲《隐形的翅膀》等,不难确定“翅膀”是能够帮助取得成功的那种比喻或象征。[立意]“翅膀”可以是自立、自理、自尊、自爱、自强,也可以是信念、坚韧、追求、挑战、超越……  相似文献   

改革开放以来,从1987年初我国科技界大力推广民办科技的概念至今,已整整十四年过去.“民办”说的是办企业的“四自原则”,即:自筹资金,自由组合,自主经营,自负盈亏.其实质是在传统体制外由民间自己开辟一条发展科技、繁荣经济之路.  相似文献   

现存的中国高等教育是在长期的计划经济体制下形成和发展的 ,由统一的办学要求、统一的管理方式、统一的人才培养规格和模式、统一的学校评价标准等因素形成的单一高等教育体制 ,使僵化的高等教育失去了健康运行所必需的自动调节、变革机制、竞争机制和发展活力 ,难以适应经济、科技和社会发展的要求。在社会经济体制发生了深刻的变化和人们对高等教育的需求日益增强的背景下 ,中国的高等教育要加快发展 ,提高人才培养的质量和数量 ,改变在教育思想、教育体制和结构、教育内容和方法等方面的不适应状况 ,高等教育多样化是一项必然的选择 ,其中发展民办高等教育可以说是高等教育多样化的重要途径和必由之路。  相似文献   

去年,备受关注的温州民办教育综合改革进入试水阶段,主要任务是在100首批推进学校中全面贯彻"1+9"文件,破解实施过程中的困难和障碍。身负为中国民办教育改革探路重任的温州从理想走到现实,业界最为关的是:一年多来,被寄予厚望的"1+9"政策是否有效落实?法人分类管、产权、合理回报、教师身份等阻碍民办教育发展的政策性障碍能否真正  相似文献   

童本作文教学,是以儿童的"生存、生活、生长、生命"为本位的作文教学。田园背景中的童本作文教学,必须着力让农村儿童学会用自己的眼睛观察、审视、聚焦自己"生"之环境,必须着意让农村儿童学会用自己的心灵触摸、体验、感悟自己"生"之态势,必须着重让农村儿童学会用自己的语言表述、描绘、记录自己"生"之色彩,进而更好地保护农村儿童天性、激发农村儿童灵性、生成农村儿童个性。  相似文献   

This small‐scale study explores a group of English parents' perceptions of their relationships with their child's nursery school and, after the transition to Reception class, their primary school. It references current research and literature on the issues of transition and the role of parents in their children's education. Findings from semi‐structured interviews with parents, and with the children's key workers, were analysed for emergent themes. Parents felt very positively about their relationship with their child's nursery, and that they were fully involved in, and informed about, their child's learning. However, the transition to school heralded a change in their relationships. Most parents felt that they had a more distant and less reciprocal relationship with their child's teacher than they had had with their key worker at nursery. The paper concludes with recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

Predictors of 5-year-old kindergartners' insights into their friends, and their accounts of liking and conflict with their friends were investigated, with a focus on both the children's and their friends' social understanding during the preschool period, and the quality of their preschool friendships. Seventy children initially studied at 4 years utilizing social cognition tasks and observations of dyadic play with their friends were followed over the transition to school; at school they were interviewed about their friendships and their social understanding was assessed. One group had remained close to their preschool friends, whereas a second group had formed new friendships. Social understanding, language abilities, and prosocial characteristics of both the children and preschool friends, their successful communication and shared pretend play experiences during the preschool period, and their mothers' educational level were related to their perspectives on their current school friends. Liking of current friends was linked to relationship history and maternal educational level for both those with old and with new friends, whereas insight was related to assessments of social cognition.  相似文献   

指小后缀是英语构词不可忽视的一部分。从指小后缀及其构词方法、词汇意义、修辞意义、语音变化、新词衍生等方面来分析指小后缀所构名词的特点 ,可以揭示英语指小后缀构词及其产生、发展的规律。  相似文献   

家庭关系是近代江南烈女现象依旧存在的重要原因。无论婚配与否,女性能通过某些特定的方式与丈夫产生深厚的感情,她们为救治丈夫不惜牺牲自己,丈夫的去世对她们的打击极为沉重,为了追随丈夫于地下,她们选择殉夫;某些亲属单薄且无子嗣的女子在丈夫去世后失去了生活的依靠和希望,殉夫便成了她们无奈的选择。然而,更多的女性是被逼迫而死,娘家或夫家令其改嫁违背了其"不适二夫"的志向;家庭成员的凌辱让其饱受失节的威胁和心灵的伤害,自杀反而成了她们守护贞节的武器和最后的解脱。  相似文献   

行业特色型高校是我国高等教育的一支重要力量,其科技创新工作面临着新挑战和发展困境。深厚的行业背景、独特的学科群优势、出色的行业影响力、共同的行业文化情怀,决定了行业特色型高校在推进协同创新过程中具有明显的比较优势。行业特色型高校的协同创新要加强与行业企业联动,在创新项目发现机制、组织管理机制、评价激励机制、利益共享机制和成果的转移转化机制等方面狠下工夫。  相似文献   

The Teachers of Promise study has followed the work histories of 57 primary and secondary teachers who had been identified at the beginning of their third year of teaching as having the potential to make a significant contribution to the profession. Using data from surveys and interviews, this paper reports on what sustained or inhibited their initial commitment to and enthusiasm for ‘making a difference’, six years later, both in the classroom and in broader school leadership roles. Satisfaction with their day-to-day experiences in their schools was a particularly strong driver of teachers’ career decisions over time. Thirty-four teachers responded to survey items that were used to identify three different groups of teachers: a group of 10 primary school teachers with the highest levels of job satisfaction who were ‘fulfilling their promise’; a group of 21 primary and secondary teachers who were ‘persevering and coping’; and three teachers who were ‘detached and disengaged’. The group with the highest levels of job satisfaction taught in primary schools where they felt respected and valued, and supported to develop their teaching and leadership expertise. School leadership practices and school cultures in the other two groups diminished teachers’ overall job satisfaction and contribution to collective knowledge building in their schools. Almost all of the teachers had retained their commitment to students, to their current schools and to teaching as a career, including those with lower levels of satisfaction. Although these teachers reported ‘collegial’ relationships with their peers, individualistic school cultures, most often in secondary schools, impacted on their opportunities to learn with and from their colleagues. Few secondary school teachers felt appreciated, and included in school decision-making or had found it possible to combine high standards of classroom teaching with management responsibilities. The study indicates that while most promising teachers were still satisfied with teaching after nine years, relatively few were in schools where they were able to make the impact that had been predicted for them early in their careers.  相似文献   

审美教育是通过文学艺术形式以及其他审美对象对人的情操进行陶冶,以唤起人的美感,提高人的审美能力的一种教育,是素质教育的重要组成部分。那么,在语文教学中如何进行审美教育呢?本文认为应该从三方面入手:首先,通过祖国大好河山的壮美和广阔的社会美来陶冶学生的情操;其次,通过教材的丰富多彩的语言美与教师的富有感染力的语言美,培养学生感受祖国语言的朴素美,激发学生的审美情趣;再次,通过异彩纷呈的人物形象美去美化学生的心灵,发展学生健康个性,形成学生健全人格。  相似文献   

This article provides an initial exploration of the impact of teachers’ involvement with classroom-based research projects on their professional learning. Interviews with classroom teachers are used to explore their experiences of working with Graham Nuthall and his research teams, who focused on finding out how students’ interactions with teaching events affected their learning. The aim was to investigate whether teacher involvement with research on and about their own classrooms contributed to their professional learning, changed their teaching practices, and made a difference to their professional career paths. This study draws on the literature around effective teacher learning and compares it with the impact of teacher involvement with the Nuthall classroom research projects.  相似文献   

随着社会环境的迅速变化,贫困大学生面临的压力越来越大,其心理困境和人际交往障碍也日益凸显。宿舍是大学生人际关系的直接参与场所,是一扇为我们探视学生如何与他人交往的窗户。本文通过研究贫困大学生心理障碍及其宿舍人际关系状况,提出帮助贫困大学生克服不良心理障碍的影响及改善宿舍人际关系的有效措施,促进贫困大学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

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