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小时候,梦想很大,随着年龄增长,梦想变得越来越小,到现在有的人都说不清自己的梦想是什么了。以前的梦想虽说大,但可能很天真,现在的梦想才是比较实际的。既然是梦想就需要去努力去付出才行,所以不要怕有障碍,因为那是实现理想的必经之路,加油,奋斗!  相似文献   

理解化学概念,特别是比较抽象的概念,在化学学习中至关重要。事实证明,如果学生建立了正确、清晰、完整的化学概念,就有助于其掌握基础知识,解决化学问题乃至提高创造能力。那么,教学中怎样能让学生更好地理解概念呢?著名认知心理学家安德森认为:“理解知识如何应用的前提是理解它如何在人脑中表征的。”也就是说,化学概念教学不能停留在对概念定义进行机械的灌输,而要让学生对概念建立恰当的表征。  相似文献   

最是读书滋味长。那悠长的回味,萦绕于眉间唇边,更倾注于字里行间。"《我们仨》问世四年后,九十六岁高龄的杨绛先生推出《走到人生边上》。年近百岁的老人居然还有如此真挚的思考与坦然的心态。乍看书名,自然会使人联想到钱钟书先生的《写在人生边上》。钱钟书先生也曾这样说:"人生是一本大书。"他要把自己的灵魂嵌在人生边上的文字中。斯人已去,而他生命的文学又从他夫人杨绛的生命中延续。从《写在人生边上》到《走到人生边上》  相似文献   

佳文 《大学生》2016,(Z2):128-129
在广西大学土木工程专业大四毕业生叶果看来,只要手握求职的两块敲门砖,找一份好工作只是时间问题。究竟这两块敲门砖是什么呢?叶果认为第一块敲门砖是过硬的专业知识及相关的专业实习经验,第二块则是提高个人素养和社会交际能力的社会实践。读土木工程专业的叶果一上大学就跟学长了解到他们这个专业的主要就业领域:施工方、设计院要不就是房地产公司。到底哪一个更适合自己呢?只有试了才知道。  相似文献   

正造就"有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律"的社会主义事业建设者是新时期的社会要求,同时也是基础教育的使命所在。在初中思想政治课教学中要不失时机地对学生进行思想品德教育是政治课教学的首要任务,政治课教师在日常的教学活动中要始终贯穿这一主线,把培养品学兼优的学生放在第一位。一、帮助学生树立正确的世界观世界观通常是指人们对整个世界的根本  相似文献   

正《第56号教室的奇迹2——点燃孩子的热情》,从书名看延续了第一本书"让孩子变成爱学习的天使"这一主题,不过从"让"到"点燃"的改变,又进一步强化了雷夫老师"不强迫学生,只提供建议"的教育准则。这本书采取戏剧式结构,将教孩子"珍视时间""专心致志""远离电视""勇敢选择""追求卓越""懂得感恩""寻求谦逊""不断超越"  相似文献   

当前,数学开展探究学习的定位在培养学生的探究能力、创新能力以及实践能力,很有商榷价值。因为,这些能力都是不够具体的较宏观概念,或者说,他们都是建立在基础学力基础上的负荷型能力。这就导致选择探究课题  相似文献   

<正>There was once upon a time a child who had Good Luck for his godfather.从前有个孩子,他有一位教父名叫好运。I am not Fortune,said Good Luck to the parents,I have no gifts to him, but whenever he needs help I will be at hand.我不是‘财富’,教父对这对父母说,我没有礼物赐予他,但任何时候他需要帮助,我都会在。  相似文献   

Is Victor Better than Victoria at Maths?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to examine whether there are gender differences in actual maths achievement, in attitudes towards maths, and in relevant achievement attributions among early adolescents. The participants were 255 eighth grade students (mean age 14.2) from 10 randomly selected public junior high schools in Cyprus. They completed a questionnaire that measured their attributions of their own maths achievement and their attitudes towards the subject (how attractive and useful it is). Then they took a maths achievement test and immediately afterwards they reported their affective reactions towards the test (how challenging or threatening they thought it was). No significant differences were found between boys and girls in actual maths achievement. Significant differences were found, however, in the way the two genders explain their performance. Boys tend to believe more than girls do that their intellectual abilities are causing their high marks in maths. Also, it was found that high achievement could predict a positive attitude towards mathematics, but not vice versa. These findings contradict the widespread beliefs that (a) girls are not as good at maths as boys are; and (b) better attitudes towards maths lead to better performance.  相似文献   

正Changshu is a county-level city under the administration of Jiangsu provincial government.It is located in the southeast of Jiangsu with a close distance to Suzhou and Shanghai.It is the richest county-level city in mainland China as its GDP per capita in 2010 exceeded 20 thousand U.S.dollars,higher than Portugal.The strong economy of Changshu is attributed to its unparalleled location.Its  相似文献   

中国古典园林受中国传统化的长期影响,形成了以“有假为真,苑自天开”的美学思想,从而在具体形式上体现出本乎自然、超越自然的“天然图画”形式。本通过时中国古典园林体系中美学思想的分析,以实际建造手法为基础,得出中国古典园林在具体形式上的三种基本特征,并对同为风景式园林的英国园林作了一定的对比分析。  相似文献   

2006年夏天,世界杯足球赛在德国举行。一位中国记者在采访的途中捡到了一个钱包,里面装有1000欧元和几张银行卡。记者将钱包交给了一位巡警。他把钱包交给巡警后,想立即走开,继续自己的采访。而那名巡警却拉住他,不让他离开。"请你和我一起到我们的市政厅去领取奖励。"巡警告诉这位中国记者。"不!我不要什么奖励,拾金不昧是我们中国人的传统美德。"记者此刻为自己做了一件为国争光的事  相似文献   

B在街上遇到以前一个好朋友。他说:“我故意掉头走了,不让他看到我。何必要大家碰头,然后虚伪地演一场戏?我不会原谅他从前出卖我。”  相似文献   

对"自然选择选择了什么"这个问题的理解偏差成为了进化心理学解释"心理"意义的理论障碍。现代遗传学认为,自然选择通过保存和积累各种变异塑造了生物的基因型。基因型并不等同于生物体的物质形态,而是生物与环境的互动模式。通过分析有机体与环境的互动过程,可以发现:(一)有机体的功能在逻辑上先于其生理结构;(二)有机体是通过功能而不是结构来适应环境。因此可以说:自然选择塑造了功能。  相似文献   

福多的心灵哲学是一种关于心灵本质及其结构、带有“机械论”色彩的哲学,更是一种崭新的人学。他根据物理主义、自然主义重新诠释“民间心理学”,提出了“心灵就是大脑内的计算机”的新论断。文章在考察福多对这一论断的论证的基础上,指出:应谨慎而科学地对待福多的思想,在批判借鉴有关观点和方法的基础上,对我们过去赞成或否定的有关观点作出冷静的反思。  相似文献   

Conclusion Given the small number who either rose above their previous station or fell into disrepute, it seems that the girls took an indirect route to the place one might have expected them to be in their adulthood. A large majority remained in the class into which they had been born. They were employed in predictable positions and lived in predictable ways with the sorts of husbands one might have expected them to marry had they not been sent to Lancaster. The school thus seemed to provide a waystation for the adolescent daughters of the poor. Would they have fared the same regardless of their stay at Lancaster? We cannot tell. However, Lancaster may have acted as an employment agency for many of the 16-year-olds whose families found it difficult to place them in service. It seemed to have provided a pleasant place where poor girls were given adequate shelter and supervision: a home where their families and society could be assured that they were not exposed to vice and corruption. And, indeed, most of the girls remained poor, but respectable.In sum, Lancaster Industrial School for Girls seemed to have some of the effects the policy-makers had hoped for—it separated the girls from the influences considered to encourage promiscuity. It was able to do so without being harsh. Nevertheless, the focus of the founders to save the daughters of the poor, rather than to fundamentally change social ills, indicates the limits of mid-19th-century social reform.I would like to thank the following people for their help, time, patience, and insightuful comments: Mary Jo Bane, Joseph Featherstone, Michael Katz, Paulette Meleen, Michael Olneck, Steven Schlossman, and Stephan Thernstrom. Claire Donovan, present Superintendent of Lancaster Industrial School for Girls, was exceptionally generous in helping me to understand the school, and telling me about the available data; without her I couldn't have written this paper. The Schlessinger Library staff, and especially Eva Moseley, were also of tremendous help. The statistical data given in this paper are derived by coding the pertinent information given on each girl; they include 80 variables such as place of birth, family background, age, religion, crime, complainant, behaviour at the school, experience during indenture years, and several follow-throughs. This coded material was then analysed with the SPSS programming language to give relevant marginals, statistical proofs, and cross tabulations.  相似文献   

赵丽春 《海外英语》2012,(10):171-172
This article uses insights from the principles of textuality, through comparison and contrast of three translation versions on the same classical Chinese literature, intents to explain the functional dimension and pragmatic value achieved in the target text. It argues that informativity, intentionality, situationality and acceptability are crucial premeters for information transfer of the original text.  相似文献   

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