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Efforts to meet the needs of children's learning in arithmetic has led to an increased emphasis on the teaching of mental calculation strategies in England. This has included the adoption of didactical tools such as the empty number line (ENL) that was developed as part of the realistic mathematics movement in the Netherlands. It has been claimed that the English use of the ENL differs from that of the Dutch. In this study curriculum guidance materials are examined to investigate these differences. Two examples of teaching sequences are provided to illustrate them further. It is proposed that the different uses stem from different pedagogical principles. The implications of the English use are discussed in relation to the presentation of mental calculation strategies in an algorithmic way.  相似文献   

工作学习化、学习工作化是党对学习型党组织的理论解读。如何理解“工作学习化、学习工作化”的丰富内涵这一问题值得我们去深刻思考,如果不能真正理解它,就无法树立科学的工作学习观,在工作中也很难真正做到“工作学习化、学习工作化”。学习工作化、工作学习化是时代的诉求.同时也是解决学用脱节问题的必然选择。  相似文献   


Action learning is a central part of many work-based learning programmes, and, to be effective, requires the learner to engage in reflective learning. This article looks at how the reflective learning cycle can be integrated with action learning processes to create the dynamic of enhanced business effectiveness and individual understanding. Through a case study of a university‐corporate partnership, the article explores how a virtual learning environment (web-based materials and interactive forum) can be integrated effectively into the action learning-reflection cycle. It is suggested that the combination of action learning and virtual technology has the potential for enhancing learning, providing data for interactive discussions, and a means of disseminating new knowledge and management best practice within organisations.  相似文献   

教育与生产劳动相结合(简称"教劳结合")理论由来已久,并广泛应用于许多发达国家职业教育实践中。对"教劳结合"理论的渊源及发展进行阐述,并对当前发达国家"教劳结合"人才培养模式进行比较分析,在借鉴发达国家有益经验的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出改革地方院校计算机应用型人才培养模式的一些有益的设想。  相似文献   

This paper describes the pilot stage of a work-based learning project. The partners were the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Shell Expro UK and seven Shell technicians who are also part-time students on the Robert Gordon University HND/BSc in Mechanical Engineering. The part-time course follows a day release format but the technicians are employed on a rota of 2 weeks offshore followed by 3 weeks onshore. It was recognized that their work was highly technical and that they had considerable responsibility. Shell have a formal competence assessment scheme and the project team compared this with the learning outcomes of the course. Areas of commonality in four subjects were identified as satisfying certain outcomes although in all cases some secondary evidence of understanding was required in addition to the competencies. A major problem is the inaccessibility of the workplace. Assessment was conducted by rig supervisors and two academics paid a quality assurance visit to a platform. All of the partners have found benefits from the programme although academics also reported an increased workload. It is planned to extend the scheme next year.  相似文献   

Though often of low status in universities, work-based learning is widespread and is popular with governments, students and industry. The challenge is to extend scholarly approaches to making it efficient and effective. Three ideal types of current practice in WBL are outlined, five challenges to the extension of scholarly practice in WBL are discussed, and some examples of emerging scholarly practice are given.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the knowledge culture of computer engineering – that is, the ways in which knowledge is produced, distributed, accumulated and collectively approached within this profession – serve to construct work-based learning in specific ways. Typically, the epistemic infrastructures take the form of information structures with a global outreach that both hinge on and generate standardization and codification. At the same time, computer engineering implies extensive engagements with technological objects that are open-ended and in constant transformation, such as systems, programs and codes. The professional domain is thus characterised by a richness of what may be termed ‘epistemic objects’, that is, objects marked by their unfolding and question-generating qualities. The paper reveals how these features involve engineers in multiple and coexisting dynamics of objectual practice that provide and constitute opportunities for learning. The paper concludes by discussing some implications of this knowledge culture for individuals and communities alike.
Monika NerlandEmail:

Monika Nerland   is currently Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo, Norway, working on the research project ‘Professional learning in a changing society’. Her research interests relate to institutional practices in professional education and work, with a particular interest in the relationship of knowledge to learning and identity formation. She can be contacted at monika.nerland@ped.uio.no.  相似文献   

STEM, an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, is widely used in science education. There is confusion, however, as to its provenance and meaning which is potentially problematic. This study examines the purpose of STEM practice in education in England and asks if there are differences in perceptions of STEM between science and mathematics educator stakeholders. The study’s contribution to the literature is its unusual focus on those who were responsible for making and enacting national STEM policy. A two-phase qualitative approach was followed comprising an analysis of government documentation together with semi-structured interviews with key contributors to the science and mathematics education discourse. Findings suggest that there is a disconnect between the interpretations of the science and mathematics educators with a danger-advantage dichotomy to participation in STEM being perceived by the mathematics educators. Early aims of the STEM agenda, including increasing diversity, gave way to a focus on numbers of post-16 physics and mathematics students. We conclude that if the term STEM is to continue to be used then there is a need for greater clarity about what it represents in educational terms and a wider debate about its compatibility with the aims of science education for all.  相似文献   

Evangelical Christian Schools in England and The Netherlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Netherlands is well known for its great diversity of state-funded schools (including faith-based schools) and it is widely believed that starting a new school is a relatively easy process. This paper reflects on the process of policy-borrowing that occurred when British Evangelical Christian pressure groups looked to The Netherlands for inspiration. It shows that the reality of the Dutch situation is some distance from the rhetoric and that, until recently, it has actually been very difficult to start an Evangelical school. It describes the process by which two Evangelical Christian schools were established, and outlines the nature of the nine-year legal battle that one of them fought to obtain funding. The paper then discusses some of the ironies of this particular piece of policy-borrowing.  相似文献   


This paper evaluates a case-study work-based learning (WBL) programme for final year health studies undergraduates, analysing key characteristics, and reporting benefits and tensions that result. It triangulates evidence from learners, community agencies and teachers. Cross-fertilisation of ideas between the academy and community agencies, and the viability of a very short term WBL programme were highlighted as positive features of the scheme, aided by clear student learning agreements. However, student confidence issues, struggles with self-directed learning and assessment of practical skills represented tensions, especially for ethnic minority and part-time learners. For community agencies, some lack of supervisor engagement, limited contribution to the taught-course curriculum and frequent structural reorganisation presented difficulties. Tensions for teachers related to reconciling academic and community enterprise goals, embracing resource pressures, fitting WBL within wider curriculum development and scaling up from small scale WBL programmes.  相似文献   

Recent policy statements reveal that the future work-based route to vocational qualifications in the UK will include 'taught knowledge and understanding' as well as competence acquired in the workplace. The intention is to bring National/Scottish Vocational Qualifications into line with the German dual system of apprenticeship, which involves much more academic study. This article seeks to clarify the UK policy by exploring recent developments in the German dual system, and considering two key questions: how to define knowledge and understanding in this context, and how to distribute control of the curriculum between the stakeholders.  相似文献   

工作本位学习是职业教育实现培养目标的重要途径之一,通过结合国外工作本位学习的质量管理,分析相关影响因素,提出建构管理机构、制定管理细则、全员参与的全程质量管理操作策略。  相似文献   

The article reports on some key findings of a major research project which examines the relationship between national educational values as these are mediated by the school context, teacher beliefs and classroom processes, and eventually translated into pupil perspectives on learning and schooling. These findings are drawn from questionnaires to 1,800 secondary school pupils in England, France and Denmark, and from individual and group interviews with a smaller sample of pupils in each country. Through an examination of pupil perspectives on the purposes of schooling and on themselves as learners, the article explores the significance of the cultural context in which learning occurs. It considers the extent to which there are significant differences related to the national context, or whether pupils' experience of schooling is becoming more similar as they try to construct their identities as learners and as adolescents and to negotiate pathways which lead to success on the dimensions of academic achievement, peer status and social conformity. 'Constants' and 'contexts' of pupil experience in the three countries are identified, together with some of the factors which influence the development of a learner identity.  相似文献   

Lifelong Learning within HE in The Netherlands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本期点评名师 姜经志男,中学英语高级教师,省级骨干教师,淮北市优秀教师,中国外语学习研究会会员,《学英语》、《英语周报》特约编辑、《中学生英语》兼职编委。多年来,在省级以上报刊发表文章800余篇,并有多篇论文获奖。曾主编《初中生英语满分作文大全》、《英语奥林匹克》、《新目标英语八年级暑假作业》,参编《高中英语知识点反馈与阅读》、《初中英语题典大全》、《21世纪英语学习指南》、《初中英语新作文》等,辅导学生30余人次在国家和省级英语竞赛中获奖。  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a comparative study of teaching in Denmark and England. Its broader aim is to help develop an approach for comparing pedagogy. Lesson observations and interviews identified the range of goals towards which teachers in each country worked and the actions these prompted. These were clustered using the lens of Bernstein’s pedagogic discourse to construct teacher roles, which provided a view of pedagogy. Through this approach we have begun to identify variations in pedagogy across two countries. All teachers in this study adopted a variety of roles. Of significance was the ease with which competent English teachers moved between roles. The English teachers observed adopted roles consistent with a wider techno-rationalist discourse. There was a greater subject emphasis by Danish teachers, whose work was set predominantly within a democratic humanist discourse, whilst the English teachers placed a greater emphasis on applied skills.  相似文献   

This article considers a conundrum in research methodology; the fact that, in the main, you have to use a social science-based research methodology if you want to look at what goes on in a classroom. This article proposes an alternative arts-based research method instead based on the work of Eisner, and before him Dewey, where one can use the more traditional critical, close reading techniques that are usually associated with a degree in English. We look at a case study English lesson to illustrate and explore how this may be done.  相似文献   

<正>【栏目要求】1.将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩;2.在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;3.根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由;4.给学生习作点评<优点与不足>;5.请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。来稿请寄:430079华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语》杂志社初中部收  相似文献   

张振 《教育发展研究》2021,41(13):48-54
我国职业教育师资发展存在"双师型"教师发展理念不完善、职业生涯不连贯、合作机制不健全等问题.工作本位学习强调场域对接、时间链接、机制衔接,能够有效引导我国职业教育师资发展.工作本位学习视域下欧盟职业教育师资发展具有场域对接和时间链接的特点,德国与荷兰在机制衔接方面也进行了诸多有益探索,提供了良好的参考范本.借鉴欧盟经验,我国高素质"双师型"教师队伍建设可采取优化"双师型"教师发展制度设计、完善"双师型"教师职涯发展模式、打造"双师型"教师发展共同体等策略.  相似文献   

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